30 resultados para Subclinical Hypothyroidism
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Leprosy in children is correlated with community-level factors, including the recent presence of disease and active foci of transmission in the community. We performed clinical and serological examinations of 1,592 randomly selected school children (SC) in a cross-sectional study of eight hyperendemic municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon Region. Sixty-three (4%) SC, with a mean age of 13.3 years (standard deviation = 2.6), were diagnosed with leprosy and 777 (48.8%) were seropositive for anti-phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I). Additionally, we evaluated 256 household contacts (HHCs) of the students diagnosed with leprosy; 24 (9.4%) HHC were also diagnosed with leprosy and 107 (41.8%) were seropositive. The seroprevalence of anti-PGL-I was significantly higher amongst girls, students from urban areas and students from public schools (p < 0.0001). Forty-five (71.4%) new cases detected amongst SC were classified as paucibacillary and 59 (93.6%) patients did not demonstrate any degree of physical disability at diagnosis. The results of this study suggest that there is a high rate of undiagnosed leprosy and subclinical infection amongst children in the Amazon Region. The advantages of school surveys in hyperendemic areas include identifying leprosy patients at an early stage when they show no physical disabilities, preventing the spread of the infection in the community and breaking the chain of transmission.
Gestational hypothyroidism is a prevalent disorder in pregnant women. We aimed to investigate the impact of experimental gestational hypothyroidism (EGH) on cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems (ANS) in the offspring of rats. EGH was induced with methimazole (MMI) 0.02% in drinking water from day 9 of gestation until birth. Sixty day old offspring from MMI-treated dams (OMTD, n = 13) or water-treated dams (OWTD, n = 13) had femoral arteries surgically assessed for the measurements of heart rate (HR), mean (MAP), systolic (SAP) and diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). To investigate the balance of ANS, we established the high (HF) and low frequency (LF) bands of pulse interval (PI) and LF band of SAP spectrum. OMTD had increased MAP (130.2 +/- 2.0 vs 108.8 +/- 3.0 mm Hg, p<0.001), SAP (157.3 +/- 2.9 vs 135.7 +/- 4.5 mm Hg, p<0.001) and DAP (109.7 +/- 1.9 vs 88.4 +/- 2.6 mm Hg, p<0.001) when compared to OWED, and had lower HR (355.1 +/- 8.9 vs 386.8 +/- 9.2 bpm, p<0.05). After spectral analysis of PI and SAP, only LF band of SAP spectrum was higher (7.2 +/- 0.8 vs 4.0 +/- 0.6 mm Hg-2, p<0.01) in OMTD under spontaneous condition. Despite bradycardia, EGH promotes spontaneous hypertension in 60 day old offspring, probably due to increased sympathetic modulation of vessels, which is suggested by the higher LF of SAP. These findings suggest a critical role of maternal THs in the development of fetal cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective To perform systematic assessment of ovarian reserve markers using a combination of tests in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients without amenorrhoea. Methods Twenty-seven consecutive JSLE female patients and 13 healthy controls without amenorrhoea were evaluated for 6 months. Ovarian reserve was assessed during early follicular phase by serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH), estradiol, inhibin A, inhibin B and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). Ovarian size was measured by abdominal ultrasonography. Demographic data, disease activity, damage and treatment were also analysed. Results The median of current age was similar in ISLE patients and controls (16.5 vs. 15years, p=0.31) with a significantly higher age at menarche (13 vs. 12years, p=0.03). A trend of lower median total antral follicle count was observed in JSLE compared to controls (9 vs. 14.5, p=0.062) with similar median of other ovarian reserve parameters (p>0.05). Further evaluation of patients treated with cyclophosphamide and those without this treatment revealed a higher median FSH levels (6.4 vs. 4.6 IU/L, p=0.023). Inhibin B, AMH levels and ovarian volume were also lower but did not reach statistical significance (10.8 vs. 27.6 pg/mL, p=0.175; 0.6 vs. 1.5 ng/mL, p=0.276; 3.4 vs. 5 cm(3), p=0.133; respectively). LH (2.7 vs. 2.9 IU/L, p=0.43), estradiol (50 vs. 38 pg/mL, p=0.337) and inhibin A (1.1 vs. 0 pg/mL, p=0.489) levels were comparable in both groups. Conclusions Our study suggests that ovarian reserve after cyclophosphamide treatment may be hampered in spite of the presence of menstrual cycles emphasising the relevance of gonadal protection during the use of this alkylating agent.
BACKGROUND: Studies in men are not consistent regarding the effects of thyroid hormone on the production of gonadotropins. In hypothyroidism consequent to diverse causes, an increase or no change in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) have been reported. The attempt to explain the mechanisms involved in this pathology using rats as an experimental model also seems to repeat this divergence, since hypothyroidism has been shown to induce hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, a hypergonadotropic state, or not to affect the basal levels of LH. Notably, the promoter region of the gene encoding the Lh beta subunit and GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing factor) does not contain a thyroid responsive element. Therefore, we investigated the hypothesis that, in male rats, posttranscriptional mechanisms of LH synthesis are altered in hypothyroidism. We also attempted to determine if hypothyroidism directly affects testicular function in male rats. METHODS: Male Wistar rats, 60 days old, were thyroidectomized or sham-operated. After 20 days, they were decapitated, and the pituitaries were collected and analyzed for Lh mRNA, LH content, poly(A) tail length, and polysome profile. The testes were collected and analyzed for Lh receptor mRNA, LH receptor content, and histology using morphometric analyses. The testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle, and ventral prostate were weighed, and serum concentrations of LH, testosterone, thyrotropin (TSH), and triiodothyronine (T3) were measured. RESULTS: Hypothyroidism was associated, in the pituitary, with an increase in Lh mRNA expression, a reduction in Lh mRNA poly(A) tail length, a reduction in the number of LH transcripts associated with polysomes. Pituitary LH was decreased but serum LH was increased from 102 to 543 pg/mL. Despite this, serum testosterone concentrations were decreased from 1.8 to 0.25 ng/mL. A decreased germinative epithelium height of the testes and a reduced weight of androgen-responsive tissues were observed (ventral prostrate: 74 vs. 23 mg/100 g body weight [BW]; seminal vesicle undrained: 280 vs. 70 mg/100 g BW; and seminal vesicle drained: 190 vs. 60 mg/100 g BW). CONCLUSIONS: Hypothyroidism in adult male rats has dual effects on the pituitary testicular axis. It alters posttranscriptional mechanisms of LH synthesis and probably has a direct effect on testicular function. However, these data suggest the possibility that reduced LH bioactivity may account in part for impaired testicular function.
Color vision impairment emerges at early stages of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and may precede diabetic retinopathy or the appearance of vascular alterations in the retina. The aim of the present study was to compare the evaluation of the color vision with two different tests - the Lanthony desaturated D-15d test (a traditional color arrangement test), and the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT) (a computerized color discrimination test) - in patients diagnosed with DM2 without clinical signs of diabetic retinopathy (DR), and in sex- and age-matched control groups. Both color tests revealed statistically significant differences between the controls and the worst eyes of the DM2 patients. In addition, the degree of color vision impairment diagnosed by both tests correlated with the disease duration. The D-15d outcomes indicated solely tritan losses. In comparison, CCT outcomes revealed diffuse losses in color discrimination: 13.3% for best eyes and 29% for worst eyes. In addition, elevation of tritan thresholds in the DM2 patients, as detected by the Trivector subtest of the CCT, was found to correlate with the level of glycated hemoglobin. Outcomes of both tests confirm that subclinical losses of color vision are present in DM2 patients at an early stage of the disease, prior to signs of retinopathy. Considering the advantages of the CCT test compared to the D-15d test, further studies should attempt to verify and/or improve the efficiency of the CCT test.
Thyroid hormone action is required for normal cone opsin expression during mouse retinal development
PURPOSE. The expression of S- and M-opsins in the murine retina is altered in different transgenic mouse models with mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor (TR)-beta gene, demonstrating an important role of thyroid hormone (TH) in retinal development. METHODS. The spatial expression of S- and M-opsin was compared in congenital hypothyroidism and in two different TR mutant mouse models. One mouse model contains a ligand-binding mutation that abolishes TH binding and results in constitutive binding to nuclear corepressors. The second model contains a mutation that blocks binding of coactivators to the AF-2 domain without affecting TH binding. RESULTS. Hypothyroid newborn mice showed an increase in S- opsin expression that was completely independent of the genotype. Concerning M-opsin expression, hypothyroidism caused a significant decrease (P < 0.01) only in wild-type animals. When TR beta 1 and -beta 2 were T3-binding defective, the pattern of opsin expression was similar to TR beta ablation, showing increased S- opsin expression in the dorsal retina and no expression of M-opsin in the entire retina. In an unexpected finding, immunostaining for both opsins was detected when both subtypes of TR beta were mutated in the helix 12 AF-2 domain. CONCLUSIONS. The results show, for the first time, that the expression of S- and M-opsin is dependent on normal thyroid hormone levels during development.
Although low- and middle-income countries still bear the burden of major infectious diseases, chronic noncommunicable diseases are becoming increasingly common due to rapid demographic, epidemiologic, and nutritional transitions. However, information is generally scant in these countries regarding chronic disease incidence, social determinants, and risk factors. The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) aims to contribute relevant information with respect to the development and progression of clinical and subclinical chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. In this report, the authors delineate the study's objectives, principal methodological features, and timeline. At baseline, ELSA-Brasil enrolled 15,105 civil servants from 5 universities and 1 research institute. The baseline examination (2008-2010) included detailed interviews, clinical and anthropometric examinations, an oral glucose tolerance test, overnight urine collection, a 12-lead resting electrocardiogram, measurement of carotid intima-media thickness, echocardiography, measurement of pulse wave velocity, hepatic ultrasonography, retinal fundus photography, and an analysis of heart rate variability. Long-term biologic sample storage will allow investigation of biomarkers that may predict cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Annual telephone surveillance, initiated in 2009, will continue for the duration of the study. A follow-up examination is scheduled for 2012-2013.
O hipotireoidismo primário adquirido é uma endocrinopatia frequentemente diagnosticada na espécie canina. A terapia consiste na suplementação oral com levotiroxina sódica (L-tiroxina), no entanto vários protocolos terapêuticos têm sido propostos pela literatura, com doses variando 11 a 44µg/kg uma a duas vezes ao dia, visto à grande variabilidade de absorção e meia-vida plasmática do fármaco. Foram estudados 30 cães com hipotiroidismo primário adquirido (13 machos e 17 fêmeas, idade média de 7,9±1,9 anos e peso médio de 19,1±12,6 kg) atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Guarulhos (UnG) e no Serviço de Endocrinologia de duas clínicas particulares da cidade de São Paulo (2009-2011), com o objetivo de avaliar a posologia e a frequência de administração da L-tiroxina, mais frequentemente utilizada, capaz de garantir um controle terapêutico satisfatório, avaliado através dos sinais clínicos e do teste pós-tiroxina, além de correlacionar a dose de tiroxina empregada com o peso dos animais. A dose média de tiroxina utilizada em nossa casuística foi de 16,9±3,1µg/kg, sendo a frequência de administração a cada 12 horas em 50% dos casos. Para se investigar uma possível correlação entre o peso e a dosagem de tiroxina utilizada, uma vez que cães de pequeno porte apresentam maior taxa metabólica que cães de grande porte, os animais foram agrupados em grupo A, cães com peso <10 Kg (n=12/30; 7,7±2,1 kg) e grupo B, cães com peso >10 kg (n=18/30, 26,8±10,7 kg). A dose média de tiroxina empregada nos grupos A e B não apresentaram diferença estatística e foram, respectivamente, 16±3µg/kg e 17±3µg/kg. A frequência de administração foi 50% a cada 24 horas e 50% a cada 12 horas para ambos os grupos. Dessa forma, a dose de tiroxina não parece se correlacionar com o peso do animal, sendo imprevisível quem deverá receber dose e frequência máxima da medicação. O protocolo deve ser individualizado e o paciente devidamente monitorado.
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) apoptosis is central to the successful resolution of inflammation. Since Somatic Cell Count (SCC) is an indicator of the mammary gland's immune status, this study sought to clarify the influence that these factors have on each other and on the evolution of the inflammatory process. Milk samples were stained with annexin-V, propidium iodide (PI), primary antibody anti-CH138A. Negative correlation between SCC and PMNL apoptosis was found, and a statistical difference between high SCC group and low SCC group was observed concerning the rate of viable PMNL, apoptotic PMNL, necrotic PMNL and necrotic and/or apoptotic PMNL. Overall, the high cellularity group presented lower proportions of CH138+ cells undergoing apoptosis and higher proportions of viable and necrotic CH138+ cells. Thus, it can be concluded that PMNL apoptosis and SCC are related factors, and that in high SCC, milk apoptosis is delayed. Although there is a greater amount of active phagocytes in this situation, apoptosis' anti-inflammatory effects are decreased, while necrosis' pro-inflammatory effects are increased, which can contribute to chronic inflammation.
Aims: To investigate the role of TH (thyroid hormones) in 5'-nucleotidase activity and expression in cardiac soluble fraction (SF). Main methods: Male Wistar rats received daily injections of 14 (10, 25 or 50 mu g T4/100 g body weight) for 14 days to develop a hyperthyroidism condition. Thyroidectomy was performed in other animals to mimic hypothyroidism, and 14 days after surgery they were submitted to TH replacement therapy. Key findings: T4 reduced the 5'-nucleotidase activity (T4-25. P<0.05 and 14-50, P<0.01) in the SF. Conversely, hypothyroidism significantly increased the 5'-nucleotidase activity in this fraction (P<0.001) and TH replacement therapy reversed the latter result (P<0.001 compared to hypothyroid group). The analysis of protein expression in the SF showed that 5'-nucleotidase was more expressed in hypothyroid than in the control group and that the phosphorylated state of PKC observed in this condition may contribute to a possible mechanism of 5'-nucleotidase modulation by thyroid status. Significance: Taken together, these data reveal that TH can influence adenosine production by modulating 5'-nucleotidase activity and expression, which may contribute to the cardioprotective effect and the maintenance of cardiac function under TH privation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To precisely classify the various forms of TD, and then to screen for mutations in transcription factor genes active in thyroid development. Subjects and methods: Patients underwent ultrasound, thyroid scan, and serum thyroglobulin measurement to accurately diagnose the form of TD. DNA was extracted from peripheral leukocytes. The PAX8, and NKX2.5 genes were evaluated in all patients, and TSH receptor ( TSHR) gene in those with hypoplasia. Results: In 27 nonconsanguineous patients with TD, 13 were diagnosed with ectopia, 11 with hypoplasia, and 3 with athyreosis. No mutations were detected in any of the genes studied. Conclusion: Sporadic cases of TD are likely to be caused by epigenetic factors, rather than mutations in thyroid transcription factors or genes involved in thyroid development. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(3):173-7
Five percent of the general population has olfactory or gustatory disorders, although most do not complain about it. However, in some cases, these symptoms can be disabling and may affect quality of life. Anosmia was reported as a possible complication following head injury and neurosurgical procedures, particularly after the resection of tumors located in the anterior fossa and the treatment of aneurysms in the anterior circulation. Nonetheless, in all of these situations, olfactory dysfunction could be explained by damage to the peripheral olfactory system. Here, the authors report a case of complete anosmia associated with ageusia following awake resection of a low-grade glioma involving the left temporoinsular region, with no recovery during a follow-up of 3 years. The frontal lobe was not retracted, and the olfactory tract was not visualized during surgery; therefore, postoperative anosmia and ageusia are likely explained by damage to the cortex and central pathways responsible for these senses. The authors suggest that the patient might have had a subclinical right hemianosmia before surgery, which is a common condition. After resection of the central structures critical for smell and taste processing in the left hemisphere, the patient could have finally had bilateral and complete olfactory and gustatory loss. This is the first known report of permanent anosmia and ageusia following glioma surgery. Because these symptoms might have been underestimated, more attention should be devoted to olfaction and taste, especially with regard to possible subclinical preoperative deficit. (http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2012.2.JNS111982)
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine thyroid hormone (TH) profile in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer (BC). Subjects and methods: 12 CaM patients stages I or II, without interventions that could interfere with tumor progression were selected, as well as and a control group with 18 postmenopausal women without CaM. We measured serum anti-thyroperoxidase antibody (TPOAB), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (T4L), estradiol (E2), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH), before and after surgery, besides immunohistochemistry for estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors. Results: Four patients with CaM showed changes in thyroid hormone profile: two had hyperthyroidism, one hypothyroidism, and one was positive for TPO-AB. All of them positive for ER and PR.TSH levels in breast cancer patients were not different from levels found in the control group (1.89 +/- 1.56 vs. 2.86 +/- 3.12 mIU/mL), but the levels of T4L in patients with CaM were statistically higher than those of the control group (1.83 +/- 0.57 vs. 1.10 +/- 0.20 ng/dL). Conclusion: These results reinforce the need for assessment of thyroid status in CaM patients, since in the absence of E2, changes in clinical HTs can act in E2-controlled processes. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(4):238-43
Background: Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) plays a major role in lipid metabolism, but studies on the association of CETP polymorphisms with risks of cardiovascular disease are inconsistent. This study investigated whether the CETP gene I405V and Taq1B polymorphisms modified subclinical atherosclerosis in an asymptomatic Brazilian population sample. Methods: The polymorphisms were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction in 207 adult volunteers. Serum lipid profiles, oxLDL Ab titers, C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-a concentrations and CETP and phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) activities were determined, and common carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT) was measured using ultrasonography. Results: No differences in cIMT were observed between the presence or absence of the minor B2 and V alleles in either polymorphism. However, inverse correlations between mean cIMT and CETP activity in the presence of these polymorphisms were observed, and positive correlations of these polymorphisms with PLTP activity and oxLDL Ab titers were identified. Moreover, logistic multivariate analysis revealed that the presence of the B2 allele was associated with a 5.1-fold (CI 95%, OR: 1.26 - 21.06) increased risk for cIMT, which was equal and above the 66th percentile and positively interacted with age. However, no associations with the V allele or CETP and PLTP activities were observed. Conclusions: None of the studied parameters, including CETP activity, explained the different relationships between these polymorphisms and cIMT, suggesting that other non-determined factors were affected by the genotypes and related to carotid atherosclerotic disease.
Background: The objective of this study was to improve the feasibility of applying topic 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in photodiagnosis (PD) and treatment of condyloma caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) using two homemade handheld devices and to discuss the photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a suitable alternative for each of the cases studied. Both, protoporphyrin IX production and photodegradation were analyzed, and the pain experienced during the illumination was correlated with the light intensities. Methods: A total of 40 women with different grades of lesions caused by HPV were chosen from patients of the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto (University of Sao Paulo) and of the Unit of Public Health of Araraquara, Sao Paulo. Results: We did not encounter any unexpected difficulties using our devices during the treatment. The existence of an easily observable reddish fluorescence with large intensity concentrated on the Lesions is the clinical indication of the penetration and the selective concentration of protoporphyrin IX in the clinical and subclinical lesions rather than in the healthy tissue. The aesthetic results were much better than those obtained by conventional techniques as surgery or cryogenics, with no recurrence reported after two years of treatment. Conclusions: Our results are proof for the various advantages using ALA cream for the PD and PDT in many different cases of condyloma by HPV. This study will be continued to investigate the PpIX photobleaching and the irradiance and fluence rate to optimize conducting the clinical trials, to improve the devices and therefore increase the treatment response. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.