12 resultados para Structured and unstructured orchestration components

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Ethyl carbamate is an impurity present in distilled beverages. Given the risk of it being a carcinogenic substance, Brazilian legislation has determined that its presence in distilled beverages, such as 'aguardente' and 'cachaca' (two types of sugarcane spirits), should be limited to a maximum of 150 mu g/L. Ordinary spirits usually contain variable amounts of ethyl carbamate, although in lower concentrations than the maximum determined by law. The finding that commercial spirits had a much lower concentration of this impurity (around 50 mu g/L) led the authors to research the reasons for the differences, and these are explored in this paper, with a focus on the speed of the distillation process and its influence on the spirit's composition. The team conducted research in a sugarcane distillery producing 'aguardente' using a simple pot still and measured the influence of fast and slow distillation on the presence of ethyl carbamate and non-alcohol components in the process. The results demonstrated that the speed of distillation was proportionally related to the concentration of ethyl carbamate and secondary components in the beverage's composition. Copyright (c) 2012 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling


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PURPOSE. To better understand the relative contributions of rod, cone, and melanopsin to the human pupillary light reflex (PLR) and to determine the optimal conditions for assessing the health of the rod, cone, and melanopsin pathways with a relatively brief clinical protocol. METHODS. PLR was measured with an eye tracker, and stimuli were controlled with a Ganzfeld system. In experiment 1, 2.5 log cd/m(2) red (640 +/- 10 nm) and blue (467 +/- 17 nm) stimuli of various durations were presented after dark adaptation. In experiments 2 and 3, 1-second red and blue stimuli were presented at different intensity levels in the dark (experiment 2) or on a 0.78 log cd/m(2) blue background (experiment 3). Based on the results of experiments 1 to 3, a clinical protocol was designed and tested on healthy control subjects and patients with retinitis pigmentosa and Leber`s congenital amaurosis. RESULTS. The duration for producing the optimal melanopsin-driven sustained pupil response after termination of an intense blue stimulus was 1 second. PLR rod-and melanopsin-driven components are best studied with low-and high-intensity flashes, respectively, presented in the dark (experiment 2). A blue background suppressed rod and melanopsin responses, making it easy to assess the cone contribution with a red flash (experiment 3). With the clinical protocol, robust melanopsin responses could be seen in patients with few or no contributions from the rods and cones. CONCLUSIONS. It is possible to assess the rod, cone, and melanopsin contributions to the PLR with blue flashes at two or three intensity levels in the dark and one red flash on a blue background. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011; 52: 6624-6635) DOI: 10.1167/iovs.11-7586


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Nestmate recognition is fundamental for the maintenance of social organization in insect nests. It is becoming well recognized that cuticle hydrocarbons mediate the recognition process, although the origin of recognition cues in stingless bees remains poorly explored. The present study investigates the effects of endogenously-produced and environmentally-acquired components in cuticular hydrocarbons in stingless bees. The tests are conducted using colonies of Plebeia droryana Friese and Plebeia remota Holmberg. Recognition tests are performed with four different groups: conspecific nestmates, conspecific non-nestmates, heterospecifics and conspecific, genetically-related individuals that emerge in a heterospecific nest. This last group is produced by introducing brood cells of P. droryana into a P. remota colony, and the resulting adult bees are tested for acceptance 10 days after emergence. For all groups, 15 individuals are sampled for chemical analysis. The results show the acceptance of all conspecific nestmates, and the rejection of almost every conspecific non-nestmate and every heterospecific bee. Genetically-related individuals emerging from heterospecific nests present intermediate rejection (66.7% rejection). Chemical analysis shows that P. droryana individuals emerging in a P. remota nest have small amounts of alkene and diene isomers found in P. remota cuticle that are not found in workers from the natal nest. The data clearly show that the majority of the compounds present in P. droryana cuticle are endogenously produced, although a few unsaturated compounds are acquired from the environment, increasing the chemical differences and, consequently, the rejection percentages.


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This study evaluated the expression of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and activation factors associated with salivary and blood neutrophils from different aged patients diagnosed with Candida-related denture stomatitis (DS). Expression of neutrophil PRRs was determined by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence, and the levels of selected cytokines that influence immune activation were determined by ELISA. The salivary (but not the serum derived) neutrophils of individuals with DS were found to have an increased expression of CD69 regardless of the age of the patient compared to patients without DS. However, these salivary neutrophils had a lower expression of CD66b and CD64. Expression of TLR2 was lower on the salivary-and serum-derived neutrophils from elderly individuals compared to the neutrophils of younger subjects, regardless of whether the individual had DS. Salivary interleukin (IL)-4 was elevated in both of the elderly subject groups (with or without DS). Only elderly DS patients were observed to have increased serum IL-4 levels and reduced salivary IL-12 levels. Younger DS patients showed an increase in salivary IL-10 levels, and both the saliva and the serum levels of IFN-gamma were increased in all of the younger subjects. Our data demonstrated that changes in both the oral immune cells and the protein components could be associated with DS. Furthermore, changes in the blood-derived factors were more associated with age than DS status. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Endoglucanases are enzymes that hydrolyze cellulose and are important components of the cellulolytic complex. In contrast to other members of the complex, they cleave internal beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds in the cellulose polymer, allowing cellulose to be used as an energy source. Since biomass is an important renewable source of energy, the structural and functional characterization of these enzymes is of interest. In this study, endoglucanase III from Trichoderma harzianum was produced in Pichia pastoris and purified. Crystals belonging to the orthorhombic space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 47.54, b = 55.57, c = 157.3 angstrom, were obtained by the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method and an X-ray diffraction data set was collected to 2.07 angstrom resolution.


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BACKGROUND: The characteristics of blood recipients including diagnoses associated with transfusion and posttransfusion survival are unreported in Brazil. The goals of this analysis were: 1) to describe blood utilization according to clinical diagnoses and patient characteristics and 2) to determine the factors associated with survival of blood recipients. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional analysis was conducted on all inpatients in 2004. Data came from three sources: The first two files consist of data about patient characteristics, clinical diagnosis, and transfusion. Analyses comparing transfused and nontransfused patients were conducted. The third file was used to determine survival recipients up to 3 years after transfusion. Logistic regression was conducted among transfused patients to examine characteristics associated with survival. RESULTS: In 2004, a total of 30,779 patients were admitted, with 3835 (12.4%) transfused. These patients had 10,479 transfusions episodes, consisting of 39,561 transfused components: 16,748 (42%) red blood cells, 15,828 (40%) platelets (PLTs), and 6190 (16%) plasma. The median number of components transfused was three (range, 1-656) per patient admission. Mortality during hospitalization was different for patients whose admissions included transfusion or not (24% vs. 4%). After 1 year, 56% of transfusion recipients were alive. The multivariable model of factors associated with mortality after transfusion showed that the most significant factors in descending order were hospital ward, increasing age, increasing number of components transfused, and type of components received. CONCLUSION: Ward and transfusion are markers of underlying medical conditions and are associated with the probability of survival. PLT transfusions are common and likely reflect the types of patients treated. This comprehensive blood utilization study, the first of its kind in Brazil, can help in developing transfusion policy analyses in South America.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic influences on the initiation of cigarette smoking, the persistence, quantity and age-at-onset of regular cigarette use in Brazilian families. Methods: The data set consisted of 1,694 individuals enrolled in the Baependi Heart Study. The heritability and the heterogeneity in genetic and environmental variance components by gender were estimated from variance components approaches, using the SOLAR (Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines) computer package. The mixed-effects Cox model was used for the genetic analysis of the age-at onset of regular cigarette use. Results: The heritability estimates were high (> 50%) for smoking initiation and were intermediate, ranging from 23.4 to 31.9%, for smoking persistence and quantity. Significant evidence for heterogeneity in variance components by gender was observed for smoking initiation and age-at-onset of regular cigarette use. Genetic factors play an important role in the interindividual variation of these phenotypes in females, while in males there is a predominant environmental component, which could be explained by greater social influences in the initiation of tobacco use. Conclusions: Significant heritabilities were observed in smoking phenotypes for both males and females from the Brazilian population. These data add to the literature and are concordant with the notion of significant biological determination in smoking behavior. Samples from the Baependi Heart Study may be valuable for the mapping of genetic loci that modulate this complex biological trait.


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Renner AC, da Silva AAM, Rodriguez JDM, Simoes VMF, Barbieri MA, Bettiol H, Thomaz EBAF, Saraiva MC. Are mental health problems and depression associated with bruxism in children? Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2011. (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract Objectives: Previous studies have found an association between bruxism and emotional and behavioral problems in children, but reported data are inconsistent. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of bruxism, and of its components clenching and grinding, and its associations with mental problems and depression. Methods: Data from two Brazilian birth cohorts were analyzed: one from 869 children in Ribeirao Preto RP (Sao Paulo), a more developed city, and the other from 805 children in Sao Luis SL (Maranhao). Current bruxism evaluated by means of a questionnaire applied to the parents/persons responsible for the children was defined when the habit of tooth clenching during daytime and/or tooth grinding at night still persisted until the time of the assessment. Additionally, the lifetime prevalence of clenching during daytime only and grinding at night only was also evaluated. Mental health problems were investigated using the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and depression using the Childrens Depression Inventory (CDI). Analyses were carried out for each city: with the SDQ subscales (emotional symptoms, conduct problems, peer problems, attention/hyperactivity disorder), with the total score (sum of the subscales), and with the CDI. These analyses were performed considering different response variables: bruxism, clenching only, and grinding only. The risks were estimated using a Poisson regression model. Statistical inferences were based on 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Results: There was a high prevalence of current bruxism: 28.7% in RP and 30.0% in SL. The prevalence of clenching was 20.3% in RP and 18.8% in SL, and grinding was found in 35.7% of the children in RP and 39.1% in SL. Multivariable analysis showed a significant association of bruxism with emotional symptoms and total SDQ score in both cities. When analyzed separately, teeth clenching was associated with emotional symptoms, peer problems, and total SDQ score; grinding was significantly associated with emotional symptoms and total SDQ score in RP and SL. Female sex appeared as a protective factor for bruxism, and for clenching and grinding in RP. Furthermore, maternal employment outside the home and white skin color of children were associated with increased prevalence of teeth clenching in SL. Conclusions: Mental health problems were associated with bruxism, with teeth clenching only and grinding at night only. No association was detected between depression and bruxism, neither clenching nor grinding. But it is necessary to be cautious regarding the inferences from some of our results.


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The regional monsoons of the world have long been viewed as seasonal atmospheric circulation reversal-analogous to a thermally-driven land-sea breeze on a continental scale. This conventional view of monsoons is now being integrated at a global scale and accordingly, a new paradigm has emerged which considers regional monsoons to be manifestations of global-scale seasonal changes in response to overturning of atmospheric circulation in the tropics and subtropics, and henceforth, interactive components of a singular Global Monsoon (GM) system. The paleoclimate community, however, tends to view 'paleomonsoon' (PM), largely in terms of regional circulation phenomena. In the past decade, many high-quality speleothem oxygen isotope (delta O-18) records have been established from the Asian Monsoon and the South American Monsoon regions that primarily reflect changes in the integrated intensities of monsoons on orbital-to-decadal timescales. With the emergence of these high-resolution and absolute-dated records from both sides of the Equator, it is now possible to test a concept of the 'Global-Paleo-Monsoon' (GPM) on a wide-range of timescales. Here we present a comprehensive synthesis of globally-distributed speleothem delta O-18 records and highlight three aspects of the GPM that are comparable to the modern GM: (1) the GPM intensity swings on different timescales; (2) their global extent; and (3) an anti-phased inter-hemispheric relationship between the Asian and South American monsoon systems on a wide range of timescales.


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Abstract Background Using univariate and multivariate variance components linkage analysis methods, we studied possible genotype × age interaction in cardiovascular phenotypes related to the aging process from the Framingham Heart Study. Results We found evidence for genotype × age interaction for fasting glucose and systolic blood pressure. Conclusions There is polygenic genotype × age interaction for fasting glucose and systolic blood pressure and quantitative trait locus × age interaction for a linkage signal for systolic blood pressure phenotypes located on chromosome 17 at 67 cM.


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Abstract Background Facilitating the provision of appropriate health care for immigrant and Aboriginal populations in Canada is critical for maximizing health potential and well-being. Numerous reports describe heightened risks of poor maternal and birth outcomes for immigrant and Aboriginal women. Many of these outcomes may relate to food consumption/practices and thus may be obviated through provision of resources which suit the women's ethnocultural preferences. This project aims to understand ethnocultural food and health practices of Aboriginal and immigrant women, and how these intersect with respect to the legacy of Aboriginal colonialism and to the social contexts of cultural adaptation and adjustment of immigrants. The findings will inform the development of visual tools for health promotion by practitioners. Methods/Design This four-phase study employs a case study design allowing for multiple means of data collection and different units of analysis. Phase 1 consists of a scoping review of the literature. Phases 2 and 3 incorporate pictorial representations of food choices (photovoice in Phase 2) with semi-structured photo-elicited interviews (in Phase 3). The findings from Phases 1-3 and consultations with key stakeholders will generate key understandings for Phase 4, the production of culturally appropriate visual tools. For the scoping review, an emerging methodological framework will be utilized in addition to systematic review guidelines. A research librarian will assist with the search strategy and retrieval of literature. For Phases 2 and 3, recruitment of 20-24 women will be facilitated by team member affiliations at perinatal clinics in one of the city's most diverse neighbourhoods. The interviews will reveal culturally normative practices surrounding maternal food choices and consumption, including how women negotiate these practices within their own worldview and experiences. A structured and comprehensive integrated knowledge translation plan has been formulated. Discussion The findings of this study will provide practitioners with an understanding of the cultural differences that affect women's dietary choices during maternity. We expect that the developed resources will be of immediate use within the women's units and will enhance counseling efforts. Wide dissemination of outputs may have a greater long term impact in the primary and secondary prevention of these high risk conditions.


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We developed a stochastic lattice model to describe the vector-borne disease (like yellow fever or dengue). The model is spatially structured and its dynamical rules take into account the diffusion of vectors. We consider a bipartite lattice, forming a sub-lattice of human and another occupied by mosquitoes. At each site of lattice we associate a stochastic variable that describes the occupation and the health state of a single individual (mosquito or human). The process of disease transmission in the human population follows a similar dynamic of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model (SIR), while the disease transmission in the mosquito population has an analogous dynamic of the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible model (SIS) with mosquitos diffusion. The occurrence of an epidemic is directly related to the conditional probability of occurrence of infected mosquitoes (human) in the presence of susceptible human (mosquitoes) on neighborhood. The probability of diffusion of mosquitoes can facilitate the formation of pairs Susceptible-Infected enabling an increase in the size of the epidemic. Using an asynchronous dynamic update, we study the disease transmission in a population initially formed by susceptible individuals due to the introduction of a single mosquito (human) infected. We find that this model exhibits a continuous phase transition related to the existence or non-existence of an epidemic. By means of mean field approximations and Monte Carlo simulations we investigate the epidemic threshold and the phase diagram in terms of the diffusion probability and the infection probability.