13 resultados para State Cds Particles
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
The exact expressions for the characteristics of synchrotron radiation of charged particles in the first excited state are obtained in analytical form using quantum theory methods. We performed a detailed analysis of the angular distribution structure of radiation power and its polarization for particles with spin 0 and 1/2. It is shown that the exact quantum calculations lead to results that differ substantially from the predictions of classical theory.
First Micromorphological Studies Of Brazilian Sambaquis, Jabuticabeira II Site, Santa Catarina State
First Micromorphological Studies of Brazilian Sambaquis, Jabuticabeira II Site, Santa Catarina State. In this note, preliminary results from the micromorphological study of the fish mound that covers the Jabuticabeira II sambaqui site, developed within the interdisciplinary research project Sambaquis e paisagem, are presented. Microstratigraphic analyses enabled the identification of anthropic pre-depositional processes that participated in the formation of this large structure, related to the burning and transport of mineral and organic material (terrigenous sand and charcoal) and inorganic residues of biological origin (bones, phytoliths, diatoms and siliceous aggregates). The effects of post-depositional alterations over these particles can be observed through dissolution traces in bone and the formation of a fine mineral material of phosphatic composition. The articulation of the evidence confirms the complex combination of activities and alteration processes involved in the formation of sambaqui sites, which transcends traditional functional dichotomies.
Using the QCD sum rule approach we study the Y(4260) state assuming that it can be described by a mixed charmonium-tetraquark current with J(PC) = 1(--) quantum numbers. For the mixing angle around theta approximate to (53.0 +/- 0.5)degrees, we obtain a value for the mass which is in good agreement with the experimental mass of the Y(4260). For the decay width into the channel Y -> J/psi pi pi we find the value Gamma(Y -> J/psi pi pi) approximate to (4.1 +/- 0.6) MeV, which is much smaller than the total experimental width Gamma approximate to (95 +/- 14) MeV. However, considering the experimental upper limits for the decay of the Y(4260) into open charm, we conclude that we cannot rule out the possibility of describing this state as a mixed charmonium-tetraquark state. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.116012
On the basis of the full analytical solution of the overall unitary dynamics, the time evolution of entanglement is studied in a simple bipartite model system evolving unitarily from a pure initial state. The system consists of two particles in one spatial dimension bound by harmonic forces and having its free center of mass initially localized in space in a minimum uncertainty wavepacket. The existence of such initial states in which the bound particles are not entangled is discussed. Galilean invariance of the system ensures that the dynamics of entanglement between the two particles is independent of the wavepacket mean momentum. In fact, as shown, it is driven by the dispersive center of mass free dynamics, and evolves in a time scale that depends on the interparticle interaction in an essential way.
In this work, we present an implementation of quantum logic gates and algorithms in a three effective qubits system, represented by a (I = 7/2) NMR quadrupolar nuclei. To implement these protocols we have used the strong modulating pulses (SMP) and the various stages of each implementation were verified by quantum state tomography (QST). The results for the computational base states, Toffolli logic gates, and Deutsch-Jozsa and Grover algorithms are presented here. Also, we discuss the difficulties and advantages of implementing such protocols using the SMP technique in quadrupolar systems.
In the present work we revisit the size data of CdS microcrystals previously collected in the glassy matrix of Germanium oxide. The CdS clusters analyzed using electron microscopy images have shown a wurtzite structure. The mean average radius, dispersion and volume evaluated from the histograms showed good agreement for t(1/3), t(2/3) and t laws, respectively. We observed that the amount of microcrystals remains constant throughout the heat treatment process, as well as that the radii distribution has a lower limit and increases with heat treatment. The distribution of radii follows a distribution similar to the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner distribution limited in the origin. Discussions led to the conclusion that the growth of CdS is a process that occurs after the fluctuating nucleation and coalescence phases. We then analyze the growth process, assuming that the evaporation is overcome by the precipitation rate, stabilizing all clusters with respect to dissolution back into the matrix. The problem was simplified neglecting anisotropy and the assuming a spherical shape for clusters and particles. The low interface tension was described in terms of an empirical potential barrier in the surface of the cluster. The growth dynamics developed considering that the number of clusters remains constant, and that the minimum size of these clusters grow with time, as the first order approximation showed a good agreement with the flaw. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zin WA, Silva AG, Magalhaes CB, Carvalho GM, Riva DR, Lima CC, Leal-Cardoso JH, Takiya CM, Valen a SS, Saldiva PH, Faffe DS. Eugenol attenuates pulmonary damage induced by diesel exhaust particles. J Appl Physiol 112: 911-917, 2012. First published December 22, 2011; doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00764.2011.-Environmentally relevant doses of inhaled diesel particles elicit pulmonary inflammation and impair lung mechanics. Eugenol, a methoxyphenol component of clove oil, presents in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Our aim was to examine a possible protective role of eugenol against lung injuries induced by diesel particles. Male BALB/c mice were divided into four groups. Mice received saline (10 mu l in; CTRL group) or 15 mu g of diesel particles DEP (15 mu g in; DIE and DEUG groups). After 1 h, mice received saline (10 mu l; CTRL and DIE groups) or eugenol (164 mg/kg; EUG and DEUG group) by gavage. Twenty-four hours after gavage, pulmonary resistive (Delta P1), viscoelastic (Delta P2) and total (Delta Ptot) pressures, static elastance (Est), and viscoelastic component of elastance (Delta E) were measured. We also determined the fraction areas of normal and collapsed alveoli, amounts of polymorpho- (PMN) and mononuclear cells in lung parenchyma, apoptosis, and oxidative stress. Est, Delta P2, Delta Ptot, and Delta E were significantly higher in the DIE than in the other groups. DIE also showed significantly more PMN, airspace collapse, and apoptosis than the other groups. However, no beneficial effect on lipid peroxidation was observed in DEUG group. In conclusion, eugenol avoided changes in lung mechanics, pulmonary inflammation, and alveolar collapse elicited by diesel particles. It attenuated the activation signal of caspase-3 by DEP, but apoptosis evaluated by TUNEL was avoided. Finally, it could not avoid oxidative stress as indicated by malondialdehyde.
The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have recently shown data suggesting the presence of a Higgs boson in the vicinity of 125 GeV. We show that a two-Higgs-doublet model spectrum, with the pseudoscalar state being the lightest, could be responsible for the diphoton signal events. In this model, the other scalars are considerably heavier and are not excluded by the current LHC data. If this assumption is correct, future LHC data should show a strengthening of the gamma gamma signal, while the signals in the ZZ(()*()) -> 4l and WW(*()) -> 2l2 nu channels should diminish and eventually disappear, due to the absence of diboson tree-level couplings of the CP-odd state. The heavier CP-even neutral scalars can now decay into channels involving the CP-odd light scalar which, together with their larger masses, allow them to avoid the existing bounds on Higgs searches. We suggest additional signals to confirm this scenario at the LHC, in the decay channels of the heavier scalars into AA and AZ. Finally, this inverted two-Higgs-doublet spectrum is characteristic in models where fermion condensation leads to electroweak symmetry breaking. We show that in these theories it is possible to obtain the observed diphoton signal at or somewhat above the prediction for the standard model Higgs for the typical values of the parameters predicted.
We report on charmonium measurements [J/psi (1S), psi' (2S), and chi(c) (1P)] in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV. We find that the fraction of J/psi coming from the feed-down decay of psi' and chi(c) in the midrapidity region (vertical bar y vertical bar < 0: 35) is 9.6 +/- 2.4% and 32 +/- 9%, respectively. We also present the p(T) and rapidity dependencies of the J/psi yield measured via dielectron decay at midrapidity (vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.35) and via dimuon decay at forward rapidity (1.2 < vertical bar y vertical bar < 2.2). The statistical precision greatly exceeds that reported in our previous publication [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 232002 (2007)]. The new results are compared with other experiments and discussed in the context of current charmonium production models.
Estuarine systems play an important role in the retention of toxic trace elements owing to the affinity of these elements with particles dissolved in water. This work presents the use of a voltammetric sensor to monitor heavy metal (Zn (II), Cd(II) and Pb (II)) concentrations in the Cananeia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon region (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Lower concentrations were found in the Southern estuarine system (Cananeia City) and increased concentrations observed in the Northern sector (Iguape City) were promoted by anthropogenic activities, with particular influence from the historical introduction of mining wastes and inputs from agricultural, industrial and domestic effluents. The proposed method is reliable, inexpensive and fast, can simultaneously provide information on the concentration of these metallic ions and can be easily used for field measurements aboard oceanographic ships.
Measurements of the sphericity of primary charged particles in minimum bias proton-proton collisions at root s = 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC are presented. The observable is measured in the plane perpendicular to the beam direction using primary charged tracks with p(T) > 0.5 GeV/c in vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.8. The mean sphericity as a function of the charged particle multiplicity at mid-rapidity (N-ch) is reported for events with different p(T) scales ("soft" and "hard") defined by the transverse momentum of the leading particle. In addition, the mean charged particle transverse momentum versus multiplicity is presented for the different event classes, and the sphericity distributions in bins of multiplicity are presented. The data are compared with calculations of standard Monte Carlo event generators. The transverse sphericity is found to grow with multiplicity at all collision energies, with a steeper rise at low N-ch, whereas the event generators show an opposite tendency. The combined study of the sphericity and the mean p(T) with multiplicity indicates that most of the tested event generators produce events with higher multiplicity by generating more back-to-back jets resulting in decreased sphericity (and isotropy). The PYTHIA6 generator with tune PERUGIA-2011 exhibits a noticeable improvement in describing the data, compared to the other tested generators.
Estuarine systems play an important role in the retention of toxic trace elements owing to the affinity of these elements with particles dissolved in water. This work presents the use of a voltammetric sensor to monitor heavy metal (Zn (II), Cd(II) and Pb (II)) concentrations in the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon region (São Paulo State, Brazil). Lower concentrations were found in the Southern estuarine system (Cananéia City) and increased concentrations observed in the Northern sector (Iguape City) were promoted by anthropogenic activities, with particular influence from the historical introduction of mining wastes and inputs from agricultural, industrial and domestic effluents. The proposed method is reliable, inexpensive and fast, can simultaneously provide information on the concentration of these metallic ions and can be easily used for field measurements aboard oceanographic ships.
The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a long term (20 years) research effort aimed at the understanding of the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem. In particular, the strong biosphere-atmosphere interaction is a key component looking at the exchange processes between vegetation and the atmosphere, focusing on aerosol particles. Two aerosol components are the most visible: The natural biogenic emissions of aerosols and VOCs, and the biomass burning emissions. A large effort was done to characterize natural biogenic aerosols that showed detailed organic characterization and optical properties. The biomass burning component in Amazonia is important in term of aerosol and trace gases emissions, with deforestation rates decreasing, from 27,000 Km2 in 2004 to about 5,000 Km2 in 2011. Biomass burning emissions in Amazonia increases concentrations of aerosol particles, CO, ozone and other species, and also change the surface radiation balance in a significant way. Long term monitoring of aerosols and trace gases were performed in two sites: a background site in Central Amazonia, 55 Km North of Manaus (called ZF2 ecological reservation) and a monitoring station in Porto Velho, Rondonia state, a site heavily impacted by biomass burning smoke. Several instruments were operated to measured aerosol size distribution, optical properties (absorption and scattering at several wavelengths), composition of organic (OC/EC) and inorganic components among other measurements. AERONET and MODIS measurements from 5 long term sites show a large year-to year variability due to climatic and socio-economic issues. Aerosol optical depths of more than 4 at 550nm was observed frequently over biomass burning areas. In the pristine Amazonian atmosphere, aerosol scattering coefficients ranged between 1 and 200 Mm-1 at 450 nm, while absorption ranged between 1 and 20 Mm-1 at 637 nm. A strong seasonal behavior was observed, with greater aerosol loadings during the dry season (Jul-Nov) as compared to the wet season (Dec-Jun). During the wet season in Manaus, aerosol scattering (450 nm) and absorption (637 nm) coefficients averaged, respectively, 14 and 0.9 Mm-1. Angstrom exponents for scattering were lower during the wet season (1.6) in comparison to the dry season (1.9), which is consistent with the shift from biomass burning aerosols, predominant in the fine mode, to biogenic aerosols, predominant in the coarse mode. Single scattering albedo, calculated at 637 nm, did not show a significant seasonal variation, averaging 0.86. In Porto Velho, even in the wet season it was possible to observe an impact from anthropogenic aerosol. Black Carbon was measured at a high 20 ug/m³ in the dry season, showing strong aerosol absorption. This work presents a general description of the aerosol optical properties in Amazonia, both during the Amazonian wet and dry seasons.