15 resultados para Southern water vole

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The use of cover crops affects the support capacity of soil and least limiting water range to crop growth. The objective of this study was to quantify preconsolidation pressure (sigma(p)), compression index (CI) and least limiting water range (LLWR) of a reclaimed coal mining soil under different cover crops, in Candiota, RS, Brazil. In the experiment, with randomized blocks design and four replicates, the following cover crops (treatments) were evaluated: Hemarthria altissima (Poir.) Stapf & C.E. Hubbard, treatment 1 (T1), Paspalum notatum Flugge, treatment 4 (T4), Cynodon dactilon (L) Pers., treatment 5 (T5), control Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst.) Stapf, treatment 7 (T7) and without cover crop treatment 8 (reference treatment, T8). Soil compression and least limiting water range were evaluated with undisturbed samples at a depth of 0.00-0.05 m. In order to evaluate parameters of soil compressibility, the soil samples were saturated with water and subjected to -10 kPa matric potential and then submitted to a uniaxial compression test under the following pressures: 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 kPa. Cover crops decreased the preconsolidation pressure of constructed soils after coal mining and the greatest soil reclamation was obtained with the H. altissima cover crop, where the lowest degree of soil compactness and soil load capacity were observed. Soils cultivated under H. altissima or B. brizantha presented the highest least limiting water range and these two cover crops generated similar soil critical bulk density obtained by least limiting water range and soil load support capacity. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Florianopolis, a city located in the Santa Catarina State in southern Brazil, is the national leading producer of bivalve mollusks. The quality of bivalve mollusks is closely related to the sanitary conditions of surrounding waters where they are cultivated. Presently, cultivation areas receive large amounts of effluents derived mainly from treated and non-treated domestic, rural, and urban sewage. This contributes to the contamination of mollusks with trace metals, pesticides, other organic compounds, and human pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and protozoan. The aim of this study was to perform a thorough diagnosis of the shellfish growing areas in Florianopolis, on the coast of Santa Catarina. The contamination levels of seawater, sediments, and oysters were evaluated for their microbiological, biochemical, and chemical parameters at five sea sites in Florianopolis, namely three regular oyster cultivation areas (Sites 1, 2, and oyster supplier), a polluted site (Site 3), and a heavily polluted site (Site 4). Samples were evaluated at day zero and after 14 days. Seawater and sediment samples were collected just once, at the end of the experiment. Antioxidant defenses, which may occur in contaminated environments in response to the increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by organisms, were analyzed in oysters, as well as organic compounds (in oysters and sediment samples) and microbiological contamination (in oysters and seawater samples). The results showed the presence of the following contaminants: fecal coliforms in seawater samples (four sites), human adenovirus (all sites), human noroviruses GI and GII (two sites), Hepatitis A viruses (one site), JC Polyomavirus in an oyster sample from the oyster supplier, Giardia duodenalis cysts, and Cryptosporidium sp oocysts (one site). Among organochlorine pesticides, only DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane) were detected in some sediment and oysters samples in very low levels; site 4 had the highest concentrations of total aliphatic hydrocarbons. PAHs, and linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) found either in oysters or in sediment samples. The major concentration of fecal sterol coprostanol was found at site 4, followed by site 3. After 14 days of allocation in the four selected sites, there was a significant difference in the enzymes analyzed at the monitored spots. The detection of different contaminants in oysters, seawater, and sediment samples in the present study shows the impact untreated or inadequately treated effluents have on coastal areas. These results highlight the need for public investment in adequate wastewater treatment and adequate treatment of oysters, ensuring safe areas for shellfish production as well as healthier bivalve mollusks for consumption.


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A high-resolution, multi-proxy record has been used to determine the environmental changes during the Holocene on the southern Brazilian shelf Present oceanographic conditions reveal wind and freshwater input as the determinants of short-term productivity changes in the study area. Magnetic susceptibility and grain-size variations, together with proxies of productivity (organic carbon, carbon accumulation rate, Ba, Sr, and Ca content, Ba/Al, Ba/Ti, and Al/Ti ratios) were analyzed and compared with proxies of redox condition (V/Ti ratio), terrigenous input (Fe/Ca and Ti/Ca ratios), as well as other Element/Ti ratios, to evaluate the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes over the period. The core covers a time interval of about 7650 years, with sedimentation rates varying from 0.025 to 0.250 cm a(-1), which represent time intervals of between 8 and 80 a per sample. There is a clear change in the sedimentation rate at about 2800 B.P. All grain-size and elemental results indicate the occurrence of conspicuous changes between 5200 and 5000 cal. B.P., as well as between 3000 and 2800 cal. B.P. A comparison of the results with the palynological information available from the adjacent continental areas suggests that the sedimentary changes in this last interval may be correlated with the onset of modern climatic conditions in South America, and especially, with the onset of the Plata Plume Water, a water mass that carries cold, less saline waters towards the north. However, minor changes are observed at ca. 1500 B.P. and are correlated with an increase in the atmospheric humidity. Furthermore, a time-series analysis undertaken using several proxies indicated the occurrence of Sub-Milankovitch cycles, which may be compared with those reported worldwide. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.


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We examine Weddell Sea deep water mass distributions with respect to the results from three different model runs using the oceanic component of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate System Model (NCAR-CCSM). One run is inter-annually forced by corrected NCAR/NCEP fluxes, while the other two are forced with the annual cycle obtained from the same climatology. One of the latter runs includes an interactive sea-ice model. Optimum Multiparameter analysis is applied to separate the deep water masses in the Greenwich Meridian section (into the Weddell Sea only) to measure the degree of realism obtained in the simulations. First, we describe the distribution of the simulated deep water masses using observed water type indices. Since the observed indices do not provide an acceptable representation of the Weddell Sea deep water masses as expected, they are specifically adjusted for each simulation. Differences among the water masses` representations in the three simulations are quantified through their root-mean-square differences. Results point out the need for better representation (and inclusion) of ice-related processes in order to improve the oceanic characteristics and variability of dense Southern Ocean water masses in the outputs of the NCAR-CCSM model, and probably in other ocean and climate models.


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For the first time, organotin compounds were determined in surface sediment samples collected from Sao Francisco do Sul, Itajai-Navegantes and Imbituba Harbors, located in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Butyltins (BTs) were determined by gas chromatography with a pulsed flame photometric detector (GC-PFPD) after being modified using the Grignard derivatization method. The concentrations of BTs derivatives ranged from n.d. to 1136.6 ng (Sn) g(-1) of dry weight (dw) sediment for tributyltin (TOT), n.d. to 394.4 ng (Sn)g(-1) dw for dibutyltin (DOT) and n.d. to 312.2 ng (Sn)g(-1) dw for monobutyltin (MBT). The highest concentration of total BTs was found at the Itajai-Acu River dockyard, indicating intense inputs of antifouling paints to the environment. The relative difference in the BTs levels is a particular characteristic of sediments from harbors and may be related to the shipyards and the boat traffic which still use TBT-based antifouling paints.


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Sediment quality from Paranagua Estuarine System (PES), a highly important port and ecological zone, was evaluated by assessing three lines of evidence: (1) sediment physical-chemical characteristics; (2) sediment toxicity (elutriates, sediment-water interface, and whole sediment); and (3) benthic community structure. Results revealed a gradient of increasing degradation of sediments (i.e. higher concentrations of trace metals, higher toxicity, and impoverishment of benthic community structure) towards inner PES. Data integration by principal component analysis (PCA) showed positive correlation between some contaminants (mainly As, Cr, Ni, and Pb) and toxicity in samples collected from stations located in upper estuary and one station placed away from contamination sources. Benthic community structure seems to be affected by both pollution and natural fine characteristics of the sediments, which reinforces the importance of a weight-of-evidence approach to evaluate sediments of PES. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Octopus vulgaris is a cephalopod species in several oceans and commonly caught by artisanal and industrial fisheries. In Brazil, O. vulgaris populations are mainly distributed along the southern coast and have been subjected to intensive fishing during recent years. Despite the importance of this marine resource, no genetic study has been carried out to examine genetic differences among populations along the coast of Brazil. In this study, 343 individuals collected by commercial vessels were genotyped at six microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic differences in O. vulgaris populations along the southern coast of Brazil. Genetic structure and levels of differentiation among sampling sites were estimated via a genotype assignment test and F-statistics. Our results indicate that the O. vulgaris stock consists of four genetic populations with an overall significant analogous F(ST). (phi(CT) = 0.10710, P<0.05) value. The genetic diversity was high with an observed heterozygosity of Ho = 0.987. The negative values of F(IS) found for most of the loci examined suggested a possible bottleneck process. These findings are important for further steps toward more sustainable octopus fisheries, so that this marine resource can be preserved for long-term utilization. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paleoclimate version of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate System Model version 3 (NCAR-CCSM3) is used to analyze changes in the water formation rates in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), mid-Holocene (MH) and pre-industrial (PI) control climate. During the MH, CCSM3 exhibits a north-south asymmetric response of intermediate water subduction changes in the Atlantic Ocean, with a reduction of 2 Sv in the North Atlantic and an increase of 2 Sv in the South Atlantic relative to PI. During the LGM, there is increased formation of intermediate water and a more stagnant deep ocean in the North Pacific. The production of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is significantly weakened. The NADW is replaced in large extent by enhanced Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW), and also by an intensified of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), with the latter being a response to the enhanced salinity and ice formation around Antarctica. Most of the LGM intermediate/mode water is formed at 27.4 < sigma(theta) < 29.0 kg/m(3), while for the MH and PI most of the subduction transport occurs at 26.5 < sigma(theta) < 27.4 kg/m(3). The simulated LGM Southern Hemisphere winds are more intense by 0.2-0.4 dyne/cm(2). Consequently, increased Ekman transport drives the production of intermediate water (low salinity) at a larger rate and at higher densities when compared to the other climatic periods.


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In order to investigate the climate variability in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region, this paper focuses on the relationship between stable isotope content of precipitation and firn, and main meteorological variables (air temperature, relative humidity, sea surface temperature, and sea ice extent). Between 2008 and 2010, we collected precipitation samples and retrieved firn cores from several key sites in this region. We conclude that the deuterium excess oscillation represents a robust indicator of the meteorological variability on a seasonal to sub-seasonal scale. Low absolute deuterium excess values and the synchronous variation of both deuterium excess and air temperature imply that the evaporation of moisture occurs in the adjacent Southern Ocean. The delta O-18-air temperature relationship is complicated and significant only at a (multi)seasonal scale. Backward trajectory calculations show that air-parcels arriving at the region during precipitation events predominantly originate at the South Pacific Ocean and Bellingshausen Sea. These investigations will be used as a calibration for ongoing and future research in the area, suggesting that appropriate locations for future ice core research are located above 600 m a.s.l. We selected the Plateau Laclavere, Antarctic Peninsula as the most promising site for a deeper drilling campaign.


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More than 30% of Buccella peruviana (D'Orbigny), Globocassidulina crassa porrecta (Earland & Heron-Allen), Cibicides mackannai (Galloway & Wissler) and C. refulgens (Montfort) indicate the presence of cold Sub Antarctic Shelf Water in winter, from 33.5 to 38.3 degrees S, deeper than 100 m, in the southern part of the study area. In summer, the abundance of this association decreases to less than 15% around 37.5-38.9 degrees S where two species (Globocassidulina subglobosa (Brady), Uvigerina peregrina (Cushman) take over. G. subglobosa, U. peregrina, and Hanzawaia boueana (D'Orbigny) are found at 27-33 degrees S in both seasons in less than 55 m deep in the northern part, and are linked with warm Subtropical Shelf Water and Tropical Water. Freshwater influence was signalized by high silicate concentration and by the presence of Pseudononion atlanticum (Cushman), Bolivina striatula (Cushman), Buliminella elegantissima (D'Orbigny), Bulimina elongata (D'Orbigny), Elphidium excavatum (Terquem), E. poeyanum (D'Orbigny), Ammobaculites exiguus (Cushman & Bronnimann), Arenoparrella mexicana (Kornfeld), Gaudryina exillis (Cushman & Bronnimann), Textularia earlandi (Parker) and thecamoebians in four sectors of the shelf. The presence of Bulimina marginata (D'Orbigny) between 34.1-32.8 degrees S in the winter and 34.2-32.7 degrees S in the summer indicates that the influence of the Subtropical Shelf Front on the sediment does not change seasonally, otherwise, the presence of Angulogerina angulosa (Williamson) in the winter, only in Mar del Plata (38.9 degrees S), show that Malvinas currents are not influencing the sediment in the summer.


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The new Community Climate System Model, version 4 (CCSM4), provides a powerful tool to understand and predict the earth's climate system. Several aspects of the Southern Ocean in the CCSM4 are explored, including the surface climatology and interannual variability, simulation of key climate water masses (Antarctic Bottom Water, Subantarctic Mode Water, and Antarctic Intermediate Water), the transport and structure of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and interbasin exchange via the Agulhas and Tasman leakages and at the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence. It is found that the CCSM4 has varying degrees of accuracy in the simulation of the climate of the Southern Ocean when compared with observations. This study has identified aspects of the model that warrant further analysis that will result in a more comprehensive understanding of ocean-atmosphere-ice dynamics and interactions that control the earth's climate and its variability.


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Estuarine systems play an important role in the retention of toxic trace elements owing to the affinity of these elements with particles dissolved in water. This work presents the use of a voltammetric sensor to monitor heavy metal (Zn (II), Cd(II) and Pb (II)) concentrations in the Cananeia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon region (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Lower concentrations were found in the Southern estuarine system (Cananeia City) and increased concentrations observed in the Northern sector (Iguape City) were promoted by anthropogenic activities, with particular influence from the historical introduction of mining wastes and inputs from agricultural, industrial and domestic effluents. The proposed method is reliable, inexpensive and fast, can simultaneously provide information on the concentration of these metallic ions and can be easily used for field measurements aboard oceanographic ships.


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The expansion of soybean cultivation into the Amazon in Brazil has potential hydrological effects at local to regional scales. To determine the impacts of soybean agriculture on hydrology, a comparison of net precipitation (throughfall, stemflow) in undisturbed tropical forest and soybean fields on the southern edge of the Amazon Basin in the state of Mato Grosso is needed. This study measured throughfall with troughs and stemflow with collar collectors during two rainy seasons. The results showed that in forest 91.6% of rainfall was collected as throughfall and 0.3% as stemflow, while in soybean fields with two-month old plants, 46.2% of rainfall was collected as throughfall and 9.0% as stemflow. Hence, interception of precipitation in soybean fields was far greater than in intact forests. Differences in throughfall, stemflow and net precipitation were found to be mainly associated with differences in plant structure and stem density in transitional forest and soybean cropland. Because rainfall interception in soybean fields is higher than previously believed and because both the area of cropland and the frequency of crop cycles (double cropping) are increasing rapidly, interception needs to be reconsidered in regional water balance models when consequences of land cover changes are analyzed in the Amazon soybean frontier region. Based on the continued expansion of soybean fields across the landscape and the finding that net precipitation is lower in soy agriculture, a reduction in water availability in the long term can be assumed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Estuarine systems play an important role in the retention of toxic trace elements owing to the affinity of these elements with particles dissolved in water. This work presents the use of a voltammetric sensor to monitor heavy metal (Zn (II), Cd(II) and Pb (II)) concentrations in the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon region (São Paulo State, Brazil). Lower concentrations were found in the Southern estuarine system (Cananéia City) and increased concentrations observed in the Northern sector (Iguape City) were promoted by anthropogenic activities, with particular influence from the historical introduction of mining wastes and inputs from agricultural, industrial and domestic effluents. The proposed method is reliable, inexpensive and fast, can simultaneously provide information on the concentration of these metallic ions and can be easily used for field measurements aboard oceanographic ships.


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More than 30% of Buccella peruviana (D'Orbigny), Globocassidulina crassa porrecta (Earland & Heron-Allen), Cibicides mackannai (Galloway & Wissler) and C. refulgens (Montfort) indicate the presence of cold Sub Antarctic Shelf Water in winter, from 33.5 to 38.3º S, deeper than 100 m, in the southern part of the study area. In summer, the abundance of this association decreases to less than 15% around 37.5-38.9º S where two species (Globocassidulina subglobosa (Brady), Uvigerina peregrina (Cushman) take over. G. subglobosa, U. peregrina, and Hanzawaia boueana (D'Orbigny) are found at 27-33º S in both seasons in less than 55 m deep in the northern part, and are linked with warm Subtropical Shelf Water and Tropical Water. Freshwater influence was signalized by high silicate concentration and by the presence of Pseudononion atlanticum (Cushman), Bolivina striatula (Cushman), Buliminella elegantissima (D'Orbigny), Bulimina elongata (D'Orbigny), Elphidium excavatum (Terquem), E. poeyanum (D'Orbigny), Ammobaculites exiguus (Cushman & Brönnimann), Arenoparrella mexicana (Kornfeld), Gaudryina exillis (Cushman & Brönnimann), Textularia earlandi (Parker) and thecamoebians in four sectors of the shelf. The presence of Bulimina marginata (D'Orbigny) between 34.1-32.8º S in the winter and 34.2-32.7º S in the summer indicates that the influence of the Subtropical Shelf Front on the sediment does not change seasonally, otherwise, the presence of Angulogerina angulosa (Williamson) in the winter, only in Mar del Plata (38.9º S), show that Malvinas currents are not influencing the sediment in the summer.