16 resultados para Solvation

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Information on the solvation in mixtures of water, W, and the ionic liquids, ILs, 1-allyl-3-R-imidazolium chlorides; R = methyl, 1-butyl, and 1-hexyl, has been obtained from the responses of the following solvatochromic probes: 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-R-pyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, R = methyl, MePMBr2; 1-octyl, OcPMBr(2), and the corresponding quinolinium derivative, MeQMBr(2). A model developed for solvation in binary mixtures of W and molecular solvents has been extended to the present mixtures. Our objective is to assess the relevance to solvation of hydrogen-bonding and the hydrophobic character of the IL and the solvatochromic probe. Plots of the medium empirical polarity, E-T(probe) versus its composition revealed non-ideal behavior, attributed to preferential solvation by the IL and, more efficiently, by the IL-W hydrogen-bonded complex. The deviation from linearity increases as a function of increasing number of carbon atoms in the alkyl group of the IL, and is larger than that observed for solvation by W plus molecular solvents (1-propanol and 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol) that are more hydrophobic than the ILs investigated. This enhanced deviation is attributed to the more organized structure of the ILs proper, which persists in their aqueous solutions. MeQMBr(2) is more susceptible to solvent lipophilicity than OcPMBr(2), although the former probe is less lipophilic. This enhanced susceptibility agrees with the important effect of annelation on the contributions of the quinonoid and zwitterionic limiting structures to the ground and excited states of the probe, hence on its response to both medium composition and lipophilicity of the IL.


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We address the investigation of the solvation properties of the minimal orientational model for water originally proposed by [Bell and Lavis, J. Phys. A 3, 568 (1970)]. The model presents two liquid phases separated by a critical line. The difference between the two phases is the presence of structure in the liquid of lower density, described through the orientational order of particles. We have considered the effect of a small concentration of inert solute on the solvent thermodynamic phases. Solute stabilizes the structure of solvent by the organization of solvent particles around solute particles at low temperatures. Thus, even at very high densities, the solution presents clusters of structured water particles surrounding solute inert particles, in a region in which pure solvent would be free of structure. Solute intercalates with solvent, a feature which has been suggested by experimental and atomistic simulation data. Examination of solute solubility has yielded a minimum in that property, which may be associated with the minimum found for noble gases. We have obtained a line of minimum solubility (TmS) across the phase diagram, accompanying the line of maximum density. This coincidence is easily explained for noninteracting solute and it is in agreement with earlier results in the literature. We give a simple argument which suggests that interacting solute would dislocate TmS to higher temperatures.


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The properties of films of carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC, of different degree of substitution, DS, have been examined by the use of perichromic indicators (probes). The film properties that have been determined are: empirical polarity, E-T(33); "acidity", alpha; "basicity", beta; and dipolarity/polarizability, pi*. This has been achieved by employing the following perichromic probes: 4-nitroaniline, 4-nitroanisole, 4-nitro-N,N-dimethylaniline, and 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl)phenolate, WB. The correlations between both E-T(33)- or pi* and DS were found to be linear; that between beta and DS is a second order polynomial; no obvious correlation was found between alpha and DS. The polarities of CMC films are in the range of those of butyl alcohols. As models for CMC, we have employed cellulose plus CMC of high DS; oxidized cellulose with degree of oxidation = 0.5; sodium glucuronate. The former model behaved akin to CMC, but the plots of the perichromic properties versus DS showed different slopes/intercepts. FTIR data and molecular dynamics simulations on the solvation of WB have shown that this difference can be traced to more efficient hydrogen bonding between the film of the model and the probe. This affects the intra-molecular charge-transfer energy of the latter, leading to different responses to the variation of DS. Based on the excellent linear correlation between E-T(33) and DS, for CMC from different origins, we suggest that perichromism is a simple, accurate, and expedient alternative for the determination of DS of the biopolymer derivative.


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Crown ethers have the ability of solubilizing inorganic salts in apolar solvents and to promote chemical reactions by phase-transfer catalysis. However, details on how crown ethers catalyze ionic S(N)2 reactions and control selectivity are not well understood. In this work, we have used high level theoretical calculations to shed light on the details of phase-transfer catalysis mechanism of KF reaction with alkyl halides promoted by 18-crown-6. A complete analysis of the of the model reaction between KF(18-crown-6) and ethyl bromide reveals that the calculations can accurately predict the product ratio and the overall kinetics. Our results point out the importance of the K* ion and of the crown ether ring in determining product selectivity. While the K* ion favors the S(N)2 over the E2 anti pathway, the crown ether ring favors the S(N)2 over E2 syn route. The combination effects lead to a predicted 94% for the S(N)2 pathway in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 92%. A detailed analysis of the overall mechanism of the reaction under phase-transfer conditions also reveals that the KBr product generated in the nucleophilic fluorination acts as an inhibitor of the 18-crown-6 catalyst and it is responsible for the observed slow reaction rate. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work investigates pure ionic liquids (ILs) derived from an imidazolium ring with different carbonic chains and halides or bis(trifluoromethanesulfonilimide) (TFSI-) as anions, using X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) at different energies (N, S, O, F, and Cl edges) to probe the interionic interactions. XANES data show that the interaction with the anion is weaker when the cation is an imidazolium than when the salt is formed by smaller cations, as lithium, independently of the length of the carbonic chain attached to the imidazolium cation. The results also show that, for all studied as, it is not observed any influence of the anion on the XANES spectra of the cation, nor the opposite. 1-Methylimidazolium with Cl-, a small and strongly coordinating anion, presents in the N K XANES spectrum a splitting of the band corresponding to nitrogen in the imidazolic ring, indicating two different chemical environments. For this cation with TFSI-, on the contrary, this splitting was not observed, showing that the anion has a weaker interaction with the imidazolic ring, even without a lateral carbonic chain.


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The interaction of formamide and the two transition states of its amide group rotation with one, two, or three water molecules was studied in vacuum. Great differences between the electronic structure of formamide in its most stable form and the electronic structure of the transition states were noticed. Intermolecular interactions were intense, especially in the cases where the solvent interacted with the amide and the carbonyl groups simultaneously. In the transition states, the interaction between the lone pair of nitrogen and the water molecule becomes important. With the aid of the natural bond orbitals, natural resonance theory, and electron localization function (ELF) analyses an increase in the resonance of planar formamide with the addition of successive water molecules was observed. Such observation suggests that the hydrogen bonds in the formamidewater complexes may have some covalent character. These results are also supported by the quantitative ELF analyses. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2012


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Porphyrin derivatives have applications as photoactive drugs in photodynamic therapy. However, little is known about their interactions with phospholipid membranes at the molecular level. We employed molecular dynamics simulations to model the binding between a series of cationic meso-(N-methyl-4-pyridinium)phenylporphyrins and anionic phosphatidylglycerol lipid bilayers. This was done in the presence of molecular oxygen within the membrane. The ability of various porphyrins to cause photodamage was quantified in terms of their immersion depth and degree of exposition to a higher oxygen concentration inside the membrane. Simulations showed that the photodynamic efficiency could be improved as the number of hydrophobic phenyl substituents attached to the porphyrinic ring increased. In the specific case of porphyrins containing two hydrophobic and two charged substituents, the cis isomer was significantly more efficient than the trans. These results correlate well with previous experimental observations. They highlight the importance of both the total charge and amphiphilicity of the photosensitizer for its performance in photodynamic therapy.


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The concept of Education for Sustainable Development, ESD, has been introduced in a period where chemistry education is undergoing a major change, both in emphasis and methods of teaching. Studying an everyday problem, with an important socio-economic impact in the laboratory is a part of this approach. Presently, the students in many countries go to school in vehicles that run, at least partially, on biofuels; it is high time to let them test these fuels. The use of renewable fuels is not new: since 1931 the gasoline sold in Brazil contains 20 to 25 vol-% of bioethanol; this composition is being continually monitored. With ESD in mind, we have employed a constructivist approach in an undergraduate course, where UV-vis spectroscopy has been employed for the determination of the composition of two fuel blends, namely, bioethanol/water, and bioethanol/gasoline. The activities started by giving a three-part quiz. The first and second ones introduced the students to historical and practical aspects of the theme (biofuels). In the third part, we asked them to develop a UV-vis experiment for the determination of the composition of fuel blends. They have tested two approaches: (i) use of a solvatochromic dye, followed by determination of fuel composition from plots of the empirical fuel polarity versus its composition; (ii) use of an ethanol-soluble dye, followed by determination of the blend composition from a Beer's law plot; the former proved to be much more convenient. Their evaluation of the experiment was highly positive, because of the relevance of the problem; the (constructivist) approach employed, and the bright colors that the solvatochromic dye acquire in these fuel blends. Thus ESD can be fruitfully employed in order to motivate the students; make the laboratory "fun", and teach them theory (solvation). The experiments reported here can also be given to undergraduate students whose major is not chemistry (engineering, pharmacy, biology, etc.). They are low-cost and safe to be introduced at high-school level.


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Molecular modeling is growing as a research tool in Chemical Engineering studies, as can be seen by a simple research on the latest publications in the field. Molecular investigations retrieve information on properties often accessible only by expensive and time-consuming experimental techniques, such as those involved in the study of radical-based chain reactions. In this work, different quantum chemical techniques were used to study phenol oxidation by hydroxyl radicals in Advanced Oxidation Processes used for wastewater treatment. The results obtained by applying a DFT-based model showed good agreement with experimental values available, as well as qualitative insights into the mechanism of the overall reaction chain. Solvation models were also tried, but were found to be limited for this reaction system within the considered theoretical level without further parameterization.


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This work evaluates the efficiency of economic levels of theory for the prediction of (3)J(HH) spin-spin coupling constants, to be used when robust electronic structure methods are prohibitive. To that purpose, DFT methods like mPW1PW91. B3LYP and PBEPBE were used to obtain coupling constants for a test set whose coupling constants are well known. Satisfactory results were obtained in most of cases, with the mPW1PW91/6-31G(d,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) leading the set. In a second step. B3LYP was replaced by the semiempirical methods PM6 and RM1 in the geometry optimizations. Coupling constants calculated with these latter structures were at least as good as the ones obtained by pure DFT methods. This is a promising result, because some of the main objectives of computational chemistry - low computational cost and time, allied to high performance and precision - were attained together. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The hydration of mesityl oxide (MOx) was investigated through a sequential quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics approach. Emphasis was placed on the analysis of the role played by water in the MOx syn-anti equilibrium and the electronic absorption spectrum. Results for the structure of the MOx-water solution, free energy of solvation and polarization effects are also reported. Our main conclusion was that in gas-phase and in low-polarity solvents, the MOx exists dominantly in syn-form and in aqueous solution in anti-form. This conclusion was supported by Gibbs free energy calculations in gas phase and in-water by quantum mechanical calculations with polarizable continuum model and thermodynamic perturbation theory in Monte Carlo simulations using a polarized MOx model. The consideration of the in-water polarization of the MOx is very important to correctly describe the solute-solvent electrostatic interaction. Our best estimate for the shift of the pi-pi* transition energy of MOx, when it changes from gas-phase to water solvent, shows a red-shift of -2,520 +/- 90 cm(-1), which is only 110 cm(-1) (0.014 eV) below the experimental extrapolation of -2,410 +/- 90 cm(-1). This red-shift of around -2,500 cm(-1) can be divided in two distinct and opposite contributions. One contribution is related to the syn -> anti conformational change leading to a blue-shift of similar to 1,700 cm(-1). Other contribution is the solvent effect on the electronic structure of the MOx leading to a red-shift of around -4,200 cm(-1). Additionally, this red-shift caused by the solvent effect on the electronic structure can by composed by approximately 60 % due to the electrostatic bulk effect, 10 % due to the explicit inclusion of the hydrogen-bonded water molecules and 30 % due to the explicit inclusion of the nearest water molecules.


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Solvent effects on the one- and two-photon absorption (IPA and 2PA) of disperse orange 3 (DO3) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are studied using a discrete polarizable embedding (PE) response theory. The scheme comprises a quantum region containing the chromophore and an atomically granulated classical region for the solvent accounting for full interactions within and between the two regions. Either classical molecular dynamics (MD) or hybrid Car-Parrinello (CP) quantum/classical (QM/MM) molecular dynamics simulations are employed to describe the solvation of DO3 in DMSO, allowing for an analysis of the effect of the intermolecular short-range repulsion, long-range attraction, and electrostatic interactions on the conformational changes of the chromophore and also the effect of the solute-solvent polarization. PE linear response calculations are performed to verify the character, solvatochromic shift, and overlap of the two lowest energy transitions responsible for the linear absorption spectrum of DO3 in DMSO in the visible spectral region. Results of the PE linear and quadratic response calculations, performed using uncorrelated solute-solvent configurations sampled from either the classical or hybrid CP QM/MM MD simulations, are used to estimate the width of the line shape function of the two electronic lowest energy excited states, which allow a prediction of the 2PA cross-sections without the use of empirical parameters. Appropriate exchange-correlation functionals have been employed in order to describe the charge-transfer process following the electronic transitions of the chromophore in solution.


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Supercritical carbon dioxide is a promising green-chemistry solvent for many enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions, yet the striking stability of some enzymes in such unconventional environments is not well understood. Here, we investigate the stabilization of the Candida antarctica Lipase B (CALB) in supercritical carbon dioxide-water biphasic systems using molecular dynamics simulations. The preservation of the enzyme structure and optimal activity depend on the presence of small amounts of water in the supercritical dispersing medium. When the protein is at least partially hydrated, water molecules bind to specific sites on the enzyme surface and prevent carbon dioxide from penetrating its catalytic core. Strikingly, water and supercritical carbon dioxide cover the protein surface quite heterogeneously. In the first solvation layer, the hydrophilic residues at the surface of the protein are able to pin down patches of water, whereas carbon dioxide solvates preferentially hydrophobic surface residues. In the outer solvation shells, water molecules tend to cluster predominantly on top of the larger water patches of the first solvation layer instead of spreading evenly around the remainder of the protein surface. For CALB, this exposes the substrate-binding region of the enzyme to carbon dioxide, possibly facilitating diffusion of nonpolar substrates into the catalytic funnel. Therefore, by means of microheterogeneous solvation, enhanced accessibility of hydrophobic substrates to the active site can be achieved, while preserving the functional structure of the enzyme. Our results provide a molecular picture on the nature of the stability of proteins in nonaqueous media.


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Molecular dynamics computer simulations have been performed to identify preferred positions of the fluorescent probe PRODAN in a fully hydrated DLPC bilayer in the fluid phase. In addition to the intramolecular charge-transfer first vertical excited state, we considered different charge distributions for the electronic ground state of the PRODAN molecule by distinct atomic charge models corresponding to the probe molecule in vacuum as well as polarized in a weak and a strong dielectric solvent (cyclohexane and water). Independent on the charge distribution model of PRODAN, we observed a preferential orientation of this molecule in the bilayer with the dimethylamino group pointing toward the membrane's center and the carbonyl oxygen toward the membrane's interface. However, changing the charge distribution model of PRODAN, independent of its initial position in the equilibrated DLPC membrane, we observed different preferential positions. For the ground state representation without polarization and the in-cyclohexane polarization, the probe maintains its position close to the membrane's center. Considering the in-water polarization model, the probe approaches more of the polar headgroup region of the bilayer, with a strong structural correlation with the choline group, exposing its oxygen atom to water molecules. PRODAN's representation of the first vertical excited state with the in-water polarization also approaches the polar region of the membrane with the oxygen atom exposed to the bilayer's hydration shell. However, this model presents a stronger structural correlation with the phosphate groups than the ground state. Therefore, we conclude that the orientation of the PRODAN molecule inside the DLPC membrane is well-defined, but its position is very sensitive to the effect of the medium polarization included here by different models for the atomic charge distribution of the probe.


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Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for ionic liquids based on a ternary mixture of lithium and ammonium cations and a common anion, bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [Tf2N](-). We address structural changes resulting from adding Li+ in ionic liquids with increasing length of an ether-functionalized chain in the ammonium cation. The calculation of static structure factors reveals the lithium effect on charge ordering and intermediate range order in comparison with the neat ionic liquids. The charge ordering is modified in the lithium solution because the coordination of [Tf2N](-) toward Li+ is much stronger than ammonium cations. Intermediate range order is observed in neat ionic liquids based on ammonium cations with a long chain, but in the lithium solutions, there is also a nonhomogenous distribution of Li+ cations. The presence of Li+ enhances interactions between the ammonium cations due to correlations between the oxygen atom of the ether chain and the nitrogen atom of another ammonium cation.