15 resultados para Smith, Sarah Lanman (Huntington), 1802-1836

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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A mixed-valence complex, [Fe(III)Fe(II)L1(mu-OAc)(2)]BF4 center dot H2O, where the ligand H(2)L1 = 2-{[[3-[((bis-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino)methyl)-2-hydroxy-5-methylbenzyl](pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino]methyl]phenol}, has been studied with a range of techniques, and, where possible, its properties have been compared to those of the corresponding enzyme system purple acid phosphatase. The (FeFeII)-Fe-III and Fe-2(III) oxidized species were studied spectroelectrochemically. The temperature-dependent population of the S = 3/2 spin states of the heterovalent system, observed using magnetic circular dichroism, confirmed that the dinuclear center is weakly antiferromagnetically coupled (H = -2JS(1).S-2, where J = -5.6 cm(-1)) in a frozen solution. The ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions are correlated with density functional theory calculations. The (FeFeII)-Fe-III complex is electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-silent, except at very low temperatures (<2 K), because of the broadening caused by the exchange coupling and zero-field-splitting parameters being of comparable magnitude and rapid spin-lattice relaxation. However, a phosphate-bound Fe-2(III) complex showed an EPR spectrum due to population of the S-tot = 3 state (J= -3.5 cm(-1)). The phosphatase activity of the (FeFeII)-Fe-III complex in hydrolysis of bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl)phosphate (k(cat.) = 1.88 x 10(-3) s(-1); K-m = 4.63 x 10(-3) mol L-1) is similar to that of other bimetallic heterovalent complexes with the same ligand. Analysis of the kinetic data supports a mechanism where the initiating nucleophile in the phosphatase reaction is a hydroxide, terminally bound to Fe-III. It is interesting to note that aqueous solutions of [Fe(III)Fe(II)L1(mu-OAc)(2)](+) are also capable of protein cleavage, at mild temperature and pH conditions, thus further expanding the scope of this complex's catalytic promiscuity.


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To assess the impact and fate of the summer phytoplankton bloom on Antarctic benthos, we evaluated temporal and spatial patterns in macrofaunal abundance and taxonomic composition along a transect crossing the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) continental shelf As part of the FOODBANCS project, we sampled three sites at 550-625 m depths during five cruises occurring in November 1999, February-March 2000, June 2000, October 2000 and March 2001. We used a combination of megacore and box-core samplers to take 81 samples, and collected over 30,000 macrofaunal individuals, one of the largest sampling efforts on the Antarctic shelf to date. Comparison of the two sampling methodologies (box core and megacore) indicates similar macrofaunal densities, but with significant differences in taxonomic composition, a reflection of the different spatial scales of sampling. Macrorfaunal abundances on the WAP shelf were relatively high compared to other Antarctic shelf settings. At two of the three sampling sites, macrofaunal abundance remained constant throughout the year, which is consistent with the presence of a sediment `food bank`. Differences were observed in taxonomic composition at the site closest to the coast (Station A), driven by higher abundances of subsurface-deposit feeders. A significant temporal response was observed in the ampharetid polychaetes at Station A, with an abundance peak in the late fall post-bloom period; this may have resulted from juvenile recruitment during the summer bloom. Familial composition of macrofaunal polychaetes on the WAP shelf is more closely related to deep-sea abyssal fauna than to other shelf regions, and we hypothesize that this is a result of both local ecological conditions (low temperatures) and a reflection of historical processes such as extinctions on the Antarctic shelf during previous glacial maxima followed by recolonization from the deep sea. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Summer bloom-derived phytodetritus settles rapidly to the seafloor on the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) continental shelf, where it appears to degrade relatively slowly, forming a sediment ""food bank"" for benthic detritivores. We used stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes to examine sources and sinks of particulate organic material (POM) reaching the WAP shelf benthos (550-625 m depths), and to explore trophic linkages among the most abundant benthic megafauna. We measured delta(13)C and delta(15)N values in major megafaunal taxa (n = 26) and potential food sources, including suspended and sinking POM, ice algae, sediment organic carbon, phytodetritus, and macrofaunal polychaetes. The range in delta(13)C values (> 14 parts per thousand) of suspended POM was considerably broader than in sedimentary POC, where little temporal variability in stable isotope signatures was observed. While benthic megafauna also exhibited a broad range of VC values, organic carbon entering the benthic food web appeared to be derived primarily from phytoplankton production, with little input from ice algae. One group of organisms, primarily deposit-feeders, appeared to rely on fresh phytodetritus recovered from the sediments, and sediment organic material that had been reworked by sediment microbes. A second group of animals, including many mobile invertebrate and fish predators, appeared to utilize epibenthic or pelagic food resources such as zooplankton. One surface-deposit-feeding holothurian (Protelpidia murrayi) exhibited seasonal variability in stable isotope values of body tissue, while other surface- and subsurface-deposit-feeders showed no evidence of seasonal variability in food source or trophic position. Detritus from phytoplankton blooms appears to be the primary source of organic material for the detritivorous benthos; however, seasonal variability in the supply of this material is not mirrored in the sediments, and only to a minor degree in the benthic fauna. This pattern suggests substantial inertia in benthic-pelagic coupling, whereby the sediment ecosystem integrates long-term variability in production processes in the water column above. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper characterizes the developmental stages of the testes and vasa deferentia of the Panulirus echinatus Smith, 1869 through comparisons between microscopic findings, macroscopic aspects, and gonadosomatic index (GSR). The lobsters were sampled monthly (November 1999 to October 2000) using seine nets and a total of 1716 males were obtained at Tamandare Bay. Each carapace was cut to allow evaluation of the reproductive organs; the testes and vasa deferentia were dissected, weighed, fixed in Bouin`s solution up to 12 hours and submitted for histological analysis to determine the presence and/or absence of spermatozoa. These measures, along with change in color, size, diameter, development of the spermatophores and the GSR allowed the caracterization of three development stages: immature, intermediate and ripe. In conclusion, the maturity of the testes precedes the maturity of the vasa deferentia. To evaluate if gonadosomatic relation was a good quantitative indicator of the maturity stage, t tests (alpha = 0,05) were used and verified significant difference in the averages of GSR. The statistics corroborated that GSR can be used as indicative of the developmental stages for P. echinatus.


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The taxonomic status of the species Clibanarius sclopetarius (Herbst, 1796) and Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), which have sympatric biogeographical distributions restricted to the western Atlantic Ocean, is based only on differences in the colour pattern of the walking legs of adults. Their morphological similarity led to the suggestion that they be synonymised. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we included species of Clibanarius Dana, 1892 in a molecular phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene and the COI barcode region. In addition, we combined the molecular results with morphological observations obtained from several samples of these two species. The genetic divergences of the 16S rDNA and COI sequences between C. sclopetarius and C. vittatus ranged from 4.5 to 5.9% and 9.4 to 11.9%, which did not justify their synonymisation. Differences in the telson morphology, chela ornamentation, and coloration of the eyestalks and antennal peduncle provided support for the separation of the two species. Another interesting result was a considerable genetic difference found between populations of C. vittatus from Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico, which may indicate the existence of two homonymous species.


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The cranial anatomy of Dinilysia patagonica, a terrestrial snake from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina, is redescribed and illustrated, based on high-resolution X-ray computed tomography and better preparations made on previously known specimens, including the holotype. Previously unreported characters reinforce the intriguing mosaic nature of the skull of Dinilysia, with a suite of plesiomorphic and apomorphic characters with respect to extant snakes. Newly recognized plesiomorphies are the absence of the medial vertical flange of the nasal, lateral position of the prefrontal, lizard-like contact between vomer and palatine, floor of the recessus scalae tympani formed by the basioccipital, posterolateral corners of the basisphenoid strongly ventrolaterally projected, and absence of a medial parietal pillar separating the telencephalon and mesencephalon, amongst others. We also reinterpreted the structures forming the otic region of Dinilysia, confirming the presence of a crista circumfenestralis, which represents an important derived ophidian synapomorphy. Both plesiomorphic and apomorphic traits of Dinilysia are treated in detail and illustrated accordingly. Results of a phylogenetic analysis support a basal position of Dinilysia, as the sister-taxon to all extant snakes. The fossil taxa Yurlunggur, Haasiophis, Eupodophis, Pachyrhachis, and Wonambi appear as derived snakes nested within the extant clade Alethinophidia, as stem-taxa to the crown-clade Macrostomata. The hypothesis of a sister-group relationship between Dinilysia and Najash rionegrina, as suggested by some authors, is rejected by the results of our analysis.


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Lia Goncalves, Claudia Ines da Silva, and Maria Luisa Tunes Buschini (2012) Collection of pollen grains by Centris (Hemisiella) tarsata Smith (Apidae: Centridini): Is C. tarsata an oligolectic or polylectic species? Zoological Studies 51(2): 195-203. Among pollinator species, bees play a prominent role in maintaining biodiversity because they are responsible, on average, for 80% of angiosperm pollination in tropical regions. The species richness of the bee genus Centris is high in South America. In Brazil, these bees occur in many types of ecosystems. Centris tarsata is an endemic species occurring only in Brazil. No previous studies considered interactions between plants and this bee species in southern Brazil, where it is the most abundant trap-nesting bee. Accordingly, the goals of this study were to investigate plants used by this species for its larval food supply and determine if this bee is polylectic or oligolectic in this region. This work was conducted in the Parque Municipal das Araucarias, Guarapuava (PR), southern Brazil, from Mar. 2002 to Dec. 2003. Samples of pollen were collected from nests of these bees and from flowering plants in grassland and swamp areas where the nests were built. All of the samples were treated with acetolysis to obtain permanent slides. The family Solanaceae was visited most often (71%). Solanum americanum Mill. (28.6%) and Sol. variabile Mart. (42.4%) were the primary pollen sources for C. tarsata in the study area. We found that although C. tarsata visited 20 species of plants, it preferred Solanum species with poricidal anthers and pollen grains with high protein levels. This selective behavior by females of C. tarsata indicates that these bees are oligolectic in their larval provisioning in this region of southern Brazil. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/51.2/195.pdf


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Medulloblastoma, the most common malignant paediatric brain tumour, is currently treated with nonspecific cytotoxic therapies including surgery, whole-brain radiation, and aggressive chemotherapy. As medulloblastoma exhibits marked intertumoural heterogeneity, with at least four distinct molecular variants, previous attempts to identify targets for therapy have been underpowered because of small samples sizes. Here we report somatic copy number aberrations (SCNAs) in 1,087 unique medulloblastomas. SCNAs are common in medulloblastoma, and are predominantly subgroup-enriched. The most common region of focal copy number gain is a tandem duplication of SNCAIP, a gene associated with Parkinson's disease, which is exquisitely restricted to Group 4 alpha. Recurrent translocations of PVT1, including PVT1-MYC and PVT1-NDRG1, that arise through chromothripsis are restricted to Group 3. Numerous targetable SCNAs, including recurrent events targeting TGF-beta signalling in Group 3, and NF-kappa B signalling in Group 4, suggest future avenues for rational, targeted therapy.


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In response to herbivore attack, plants release herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) that represent important chemical cues for herbivore natural enemies. Additionally, HIPVs have been shown to mediate other ecological interactions with herbivores. Differently from natural enemies that are generally attracted to HIPVs, herbivores can be either attracted or repelled depending on several biological and ecological parameters. Our study aimed to assess the olfactory response of fall armyworm-mated female moths toward odors released by mechanically and herbivore-induced corn at different time intervals. Results showed that female moths strongly respond to corn volatiles, although fresh damaged corn odors (0-1 h) are not recognized by moths. Moreover, females preferred volatiles released by undamaged plant over herbivore-induced plants at 5-6 h. This preference for undamaged plants may reflect an adaptive strategy of moths to avoid competitors and natural enemies for their offspring. We discussed our results based on knowledge about corn volatile release pattern and raise possible explanations for fall armyworm moth behavior.


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Plant extracts represent a great source of molecules, with insecticidal activity, which are used for pest control in several crop production systems. This work aimed to evaluate the toxicity of an aqueous extract of leaves of castor bean against larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in search for different classes of molecules with insecticidal activities by using in vitro assays. The effects of the castor bean leaf extract on the food utilization, development, and survival of S. frugiperda larvae was evaluated by feeding the larvae an artificial diet supplemented with different concentrations of the extract (0%, 1%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10% w/v). The effects observed were dose-dependent, and the highest concentration evaluated (10% w/v) was the one the most affected food utilization by altering the nutritional indices, as well as larval weight gain, development time, and survivorship. In vitro assays to detect saponins, lectins, and trypsin inhibitors in the castor bean leaf extract were performed, but only trypsin inhibitors were detected. No preference for the diet source was detected in S. frugiperda by feeding the larvae in choice experiments with diets containing different concentrations of the castor bean extract tested. The data obtained indicate the existence of a potential molecule in the tested extract of castor bean to be used as an alternative insecticide to be integrated in the management of S. frugiperda.


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The possible trade-off between the roles of glucocorticoids as facilitators of energy substrate mobilization and neural inhibitors of sexual behavior during breeding season is under debate. We studied the relationship between calling and territorial behavior with plasma levels of corticosterone (CORT) and plasma levels of testosterone (T) across the breeding season of Hypsiboas faber, a large and territorial Neotropical treefrog. We investigated these relationships through focal observations of males calling naturally, followed by blood sampling for hormonal radioimmunoassay. We additionally used an experimental approach, which consisted of broadcasting recorded advertisement calls for 10 min to simulate an invasion in the territory of the focal subjects, followed by behavioral observation and blood sampling for hormonal radioimmunoassay. Results showed a pattern of co-variation between CORT and T across the breeding season. Furthermore, individual variation in CORT and T was related to different aspects of behavior: individuals with higher CORT showed higher calling rates, and individuals with higher steroid levels, mainly T, showed higher responsivity to social stimulation by other males in the chorus. Experimental simulation of territorial intrusion by using playback of advertisement calls of this species did not elicit consistent changes in agonistic behavior and CORT, but decreased T in focal males. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Language alterations in Huntington's disease (HD) are reported, but their nature and correlation with other cognitive impairments are still under investigation. This study aimed to characterize the language disturbances in HD and to correlate them to motor and cognitive aspects of the disease. We studied 23 HD patients and 23 controls, matched for age and schooling, using the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, Boston Naming Test, the Token Test, Animal fluency, Action fluency, FAS-COWA, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, the Stroop Test and the Hooper Visual Organization Test (HVOT). HD patients performed poorer in verbal fluency (p<0.0001), oral comprehension (p<0.0001), repetition (p<0.0001), oral agility (p<0.0001), reading comprehension (p=0.034) and narrative writing (p<0.0001). There was a moderate correlation between the Expressive Component and Language Competency Indexes and the HVOT (r=0.519, p=0.011 and r=0.450, p=0.031, respectively). Language alterations in HD seem to reflect a derangement in both frontostriatal and frontotemporal regions.


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Estratégias passivas de projeto reduzem significativamente o uso de ar condicionado e melhoram o conforto térmico dos usuários. Isto pode ser ilustrado através dos hospitais da Rede Sarah Kubitschek projetados pelo arquiteto João Filgueiras Lima, Lelé, cujas soluções além de propiciarem ambientes mais agradáveis e salubres, evitam o uso de sistemas mecânicos de resfriamento, reduzindo o consumo de energia elétrica. Deste modo, o presente artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o conforto térmico dos hospitais Sarah de Salvador e do Rio de Janeiro, através de medições in loco da temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar e velocidade do ar. A análise dos resultados foi baseada em leituras de projeto, na norma ASHRAE Standard 55/2004 e em parâmetros adquiridos na literatura especializada. Os resultados demonstram a preocupação de Lelé na incorporação de aspectos bioclimáticos nos projetos. No Sarah - Salvador, alguns ambientes permaneceram fora da zona de conforto no período do meio dia, devido ao ganho de calor pela cobertura. No entanto, o uso da ventilação natural auxilia no efeito de resfriamento, melhorando o conforto térmico nos espaços internos. Já no Sarah - Rio, todos os ambientes permanecem dentro da zona de conforto proposta pela ASHRAE 55.


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Com o objetivo de estudar a absorção e translocação de Ca, Co, Fe, K e Zn em Aechmea blanchetiana, plantas foram cultivadas in vitro em meios de cultivo contendo concentrações de Zn (0,0; 0,18; 1,8; 18 e 180 mg Zn L-1). Após 16 semanas de cultivo, os sistemas aéreo e radicular foram separados e determinadas à massa seca para massa de matéria seca e para a análise por ativação com nêutrons (AAN). O procedimento consistiu em irradiar amostras e padrões no reator nuclear de pesquisa IEA-R1 por 16 h para análise por espectrometria de raios gama. O controle dos resultados foi avaliado por meio das análises dos materiais de referência certificados, com desvios padrão relativo de 9,1 % e erros inferiores a 12,9 %. Os resultados das determinações dos elementos mostraram que o Zn alterou absorção e translocação de Ca, Co, Fe, K e Zn. A espécie apresentou alta quantidade de Zn nos sistemas aéreo e radicular indicando, possivelmente, ser bioacumuladora desse elemento.


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Studies of skin wound healing in crocodilians are necessary given the frequent occurrence of cannibalism in intensive farming systems. Air temperature affects tissue recovery because crocodilians are ectothermic. Therefore, the kinetics of skin wound healing in Caiman yacare were examined at temperatures of 33°C and 23°C. Sixteen caiman were selected and divided into two groups of eight maintained at 23°C or 33°C. The studied individuals' scars were photographed after 1, 2, 3, 7, 15 and 30 days of the experimental conditions, and samples were collected for histological processing after 3, 7, 15 and 30 days. Macroscopically, the blood clot (heterophilic granuloma) noticeably remained in place covering the wound longer for the caiman kept at 23°C. Microscopically, the temperature of 23°C slowed epidermal migration and skin repair. Comparatively, new blood vessels, labeled using von Willebrand factor (vWF) antibody staining, were more frequently found in the scars of the 33°C group. The collagen fibers in the dermis were denser in the 33°C treatment. Considering the delayed healing at 23°C, producers are recommended to keep wounded animals at 33°C, especially when tanks are cold, to enable rapid wound closure and better repair of collagen fibers because such lesions tend to compromise the use of their skin as leather.