15 resultados para Siglo 15º-20º
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
The present work employs a set of complementary techniques to investigate the influence of outlying Ru(II) groups on the ground- and excited-state photophysical properties of free-base tetrapyridyl porphyrin (H(2)TPyP). Single pulse and, pulse train Z-scan techniques used M association with laser flash photolysis, absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy, and fluorescence decay measurements, allowed us to conclude that the presence of outlying Ru(II) groups causes significant changes on both electronic structure and vibrational properties of porphyrin. Such modifications take place mainly due to the activation of. nonradiative decay channels responsible for the emission, quenching, as well as by favoring some vibrational modes in the light absorption process, It is also observed that, differently from what happens when the Ru(II) is placed at the center of the macrocycle, the peripheral groups cause an increase of the intersystem crossing processes, probably due to the structural distortion of the ring that implies a worse spin orbit coupling, responsible for the intersystem crossing mechanism.
The new triazene-porphyrin dye 5-(1-(4-phenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)triazene)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin, encompassing a reactive protonated triazene moiety, was prepared starting from meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (H2TPP), first converting it to the 5-(4-nitrophenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin, then reducing to the 5-(4-aminophenyl)-10,15,20-tri(phenyl) porphyrin intermediate, and reacting with the diazonium salt of 4-nitroaniline; and characterized by spectroscopic and electrochemical methods. The absorption spectrum of the neutral species resembled the sum of H2TPP and of 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl) triazene spectrum, but the deprotonated anionic species showed more delocalized frontier orbitals, behaving as a push-pull system exhibiting triazenide-to-porphyrin charge-transfer transitions.
Sexual abuse leads to physical harm and devastating psychosocial consequences. It increases risk of HIV transmission and is associated with risky behaviour. Little is known about sexual abuse victimisation (SAV) and perpetration (SAP) among HIV-positive men who have sex with women (MSW). We investigated self-reported SAV and SAP among 242 Brazilian MSW selected at HIV care centres. Patients were questioned about sociodemographic data, mode of HIV acquisition, sexual practices, drug use and history of SAV or SAP. Prevalence of outcomes was estimated and risk factors for SAP investigated by logistic regression. Fifty-eight (24.1%) interviewees reported SAV. Of patients abused before 15 years of age, 64.3% reported events before the age of ten. Aggressors included relatives, friends and teachers. Among those victimised after 15 years old, 57.7% described events before 17 and 38.5% had acquainted aggressors. Fourteen (5.8%) interviewees reported SAP and most knew their victims. Sexual abuse perpetration was associated with lower schooling, marital status, illicit drug use and self-reported SAV. Sexual abuse was frequently reported by MSW from this cohort. Identifying predictors of violence and addressing SAV and SAP in comprehensive HIV care may help reduce violent behaviour, psychological distress and contribute to maximise benefits of preventive and care interventions.
This work describes the covalent immobilization of an ironporphyrin, 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin iron(III) chloride (FeTFPP), onto maghemite/silica magnetic nanospheres covered with aminofunctionalized silica. The resulting material (gamma-Fe2O3/SiO2-NHFeP) was characterized by diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. The catalytic activity of this magnetic ironporphyrin was investigated in the oxidation of hydrocarbons (styrene, (Z)-cyclooctene and R-(+)-limonene) and an herbicide (simazine) by hydrogen peroxide or 3-chloroperoxybenzoic acid. Hydrocarbon and simazine oxidation reaction products were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), respectively. This catalytic system proved to be efficient and selective for hydrocarbon oxidation, leading to high product yields from styrene (89%), cyclooctene (71%) and R-(+) -limonene (86%). Simazine oxidation was attained with 100% selectivity for a dechlorinated product (OEAT), while several oxidation products were obtained for the same catalyst in homogeneous media. The catalyst can be easily recovered through application of an external magnetic field and washed after reaction. Catalyst reuse experiments for R-(+)-limonene oxidation have shown that the catalytic activity is kept at 90% after 10 consecutive reactions.
The Lucia jig is a technique that promotes neuromuscular reprogramming of the masticatory system and allows the stabilization of the mandible without the interference of dental contacts, maintaining the mandible position in harmonic condition with the musculature in normal subjects or in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). This study aimed to electromyographically analyze the activity (RMS) of the masseter and temporal muscles in normal subjects (control group) during the use of an anterior programming device, the Lucia jig, in place for 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes to demonstrate its effect on the stomatognathic system. Forty-two healthy dentate individuals (aged 21 to 40 years) with normal occlusion and without parafunctional habits or ternporomandibular dysfunction (RDC/TMD) were evaluated on the basis of the electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporal muscles before placement of a neuromuscular re-programming device, the Lucia jig, on the upper central incisors. There were no statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in the electromyographic activity of the masticatory muscles in the different time periods. The Lucia jig changed the electromyographic activity by promoting a neuromuscular reprogramming. In most of the time periods, it decreased the activation of the masticatory muscles, showing that this device has wide applicability in dentistry. The use of a Lucia jig over 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes did not promote any statistically significant increase in muscle activity despite differences in the data, thus showing that this intra-oral device can be used in dentistry.
Objective. We aimed to evaluate whether the differential gene expression profiles of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) could distinguish responders from nonresponders to methotrexate (MTX) and, in the case of MTX nonresponders, responsiveness to MTX plus anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha (anti-TNF) combined therapy. Methods. We evaluated 25 patients with RA taking MTX 15-20 mg/week as a monotherapy (8 responders and 17 nonresponders). All MTX nonresponders received intliximab and were reassessed after 20 weeks to evaluate their anti-TNF responsiveness using the European League Against Rheumatism response criteria. A differential gene expression analysis from peripheral blood mononuclear cells was performed in terms of hierarchical gene clustering, and an evaluation of differentially expressed genes was performed using the significance analysis of microarrays program. Results. Hierarchical gene expression clustering discriminated MTX responders from nonresponders, and MTX plus anti-TNF responders from nonresponders. The evaluation of only highly modulated genes (fold change > 1.3 or < 0.7) yielded 5 induced (4 antiapoptotic and CCL4) and 4 repressed (4 proapoptotic) genes in MTX nonresponders compared to responders. In MTX plus anti-TNF nonresponders, the CCL4, CD83, and BCL2A1 genes were induced in relation to responders. Conclusion. Study of the gene expression profiles of RA peripheral blood cells permitted differentiation of responders from nonresponders to MTX and anti-TNF. Several candidate genes in MTX non-responders (CCL4, HTRA2, PRKCD, BCL2A1, CAV1, TNIP1 CASP8AP2, MXD1, and BTG2) and 3 genes in MTX plus anti-TNF nonresponders (CCL4, CD83, and BCL2A1) were identified for further study. (First Release July 1 2012; J Rheumatol 2012;39:1524-32; doi:10.3899/jrheum.120092)
Defining pharmacokinetic parameters and depletion intervals for antimicrobials used in fish represents important guidelines for future regulation by Brazilian agencies of the use of these substances in fish farming. This article presents a depletion study for oxytetracycline (OTC) in tilapias (Orechromis niloticus) farmed under tropical conditions during the winter season. High performance liquid chromatography, with fluorescence detection for the quantitation of OTC in tilapia fillets and medicated feed, was developed and validated. The depletion study with fish was carried out under monitored environmental conditions. OTC was administered in the feed for five consecutive days at daily dosages of 80 mg/kg body weight. Groups of ten fish were slaughtered at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 25 days after medication. After the 8th day posttreatment, OTC concentrations in the tilapia fillets were below the limit of quantitation (13 ng/g) of the method. Linear regression of the mathematical model of data analysis presented a coefficient of 0.9962. The elimination half- life for OTC in tilapia fillet and the withdrawal period were 1.65 and 6 days, respectively, considering a percentile of 99% with 95% of confidence and a maximum residue limit of 100 ng/g. Even though the study was carried out in the winter under practical conditions where water temperature varied, the results obtained are similar to others from studies conducted under controlled temperature.
The aim of the study was to determine if the increase in radiopacity provided by bismuth oxide is related to the color alteration of calcium silicate-based cement. Calcium silicate cement (CSC) was mixed with 0%, 15%, 20%, 30% and 50% of bismuth oxide (BO), determined by weight. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was the control group. The radiopacity test was performed according to ISO 6876/2001. The color was evaluated using the CIE system. The assessments were performed after 24 hours, 7 and 30 days of setting time, using a spectrophotometer to obtain the ΔE, Δa, Δb and ΔL values. The statistical analyses were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn and ANOVA/ Tukey tests (p < 0.05). The cements in which bismuth oxide was added showed radiopacity corresponding to the ISO recommendations ( > 3 mm equivalent of Al). The MTA group was statistically similar to the CSC / 30% BO group (p > 0.05). In regard to color, the increase of bismuth oxide resulted in a decrease in the ΔE value of the calcium silicate cement. The CSC group presented statistically higher ΔE values than the CSC / 50% BO group (p < 0.05). The comparison between 24 hours and 7 days showed higher ΔE for the MTA group, with statistical differences for the CSC / 15% BO and CSC / 50% BO groups (p < 0.05). After 30 days, CSC showed statistically higher ΔE values than CSC / 30% BO and CSC / 50% BO (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the increase in radiopacity provided by bismuth oxide has no relation to the color alteration of calcium silicate-based cements.
As células-tronco (CT) derivadas dos tecidos fetais (TF) foram as mais recentes descobertas entre as CT, e ultimamente tem demonstrado amplo potencial terapêutico, dentre os TF o fígado fetal (FF) apresenta grande potencial terapêutico. Este órgão durante o período fetal em mamíferos é um nicho hematopoético transitório, sendo o principal órgão responsável pela hematopoese no feto, além de contribuir com a formação do nicho definitivo na medula óssea adulta, portanto pode ser considerado um nicho de células-tronco mesenquimais (CTM) e progenitores. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a localização destas células no FF, desta forma o presente estudo visa identificar o nicho de CTM e progenitores em FF de cães, a fim de contribuir com as técnicas de isolamento e extração celular. Em conjunto foi realizada a verificação da expressão do fator de transcrição Oct-3/4 e da proteína delta polimerase do DNA (PCNA). Para a análise foram utilizados cinco embriões e 11 fetos caninos com idades gestacionais variando de 25-60 dias. Os resultados elucidaram a partir de 25 dias de gestação o FF apresentou-se volumoso e composto por todas as estruturas típicas, dentre elas a tríade portal, ductos biliares e ramos das artérias hepáticas. Com 30 dias de gestação foram identificados os primeiros sitos de progenitores mesenquimais (PM) enquanto que aos 60 dias os nichos estavam completamente formados com localização semelhante ao fígado adulto (FA). No entanto, células imunopositivas para Oct-3/4 não foram identificadas; sendo assim, destacamos que o FF é uma fonte de PM, apresentando-se como uma alternativa para a utilização terapêutica, bem como para os estudos da biologia do desenvolvimento das CTM e progenitores.
Skeletal muscle is the major deposit of protein molecules. As for any cell or tissue, total muscle protein reflects a dynamic turnover between net protein synthesis and degradation. Noninvasive and invasive techniques have been applied to determine amino acid catabolism and muscle protein building at rest, during exercise and during the recovery period after a single experiment or training sessions. Stable isotopic tracers (13C-lysine, 15N-glycine, ²H5-phenylalanine) and arteriovenous differences have been used in studies of skeletal muscle and collagen tissues under resting and exercise conditions. There are different fractional synthesis rates in skeletal muscle and tendon tissues, but there is no major difference between collagen and myofibrillar protein synthesis. Strenuous exercise provokes increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis, the opposite occurring during the recovery period. Individuals who exercise respond differently when resistance and endurance types of contractions are compared. Endurance exercise induces a greater oxidative capacity (enzymes) compared to resistance exercise, which induces fiber hypertrophy (myofibrils). Nitrogen balance (difference between protein intake and protein degradation) for athletes is usually balanced when the intake of protein reaches 1.2 g·kg-1·day-1 compared to 0.8 g·kg-1·day-1 in resting individuals. Muscular activities promote a cascade of signals leading to the stimulation of eukaryotic initiation of myofibrillar protein synthesis. As suggested in several publications, a bolus of 15-20 g protein (from skimmed milk or whey proteins) and carbohydrate (± 30 g maltodextrine) drinks is needed immediately after stopping exercise to stimulate muscle protein and tendon collagen turnover within 1 h.
This work describes the covalent immobilization of an ironporphyrin, 5,10,15,20- tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin iron(III) chloride (FeTFPP), onto maghemite/silica magnetic nanospheres covered with aminofunctionalized silica. The resulting material (γ-Fe2O3/SiO2-NHFeP) was characterized by diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. The catalytic activity of this magnetic ironporphyrin was investigated in the oxidation of hydrocarbons (styrene, (Z)-cyclooctene and R-(+)-limonene) and an herbicide (simazine) by hydrogen peroxide or 3-chloroperoxybenzoic acid. Hydrocarbon and simazine oxidation reaction products were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), respectively. This catalytic system proved to be efficient and selective for hydrocarbon oxidation, leading to high product yields from styrene (89%), cyclooctene (71%) and R-(+)-limonene (86%). Simazine oxidation was attained with 100% selectivity for a dechlorinated product (OEAT), while several oxidation products were obtained for the same catalyst in homogeneous media. The catalyst can be easily recovered through application of an external magnetic field and washed after reaction. Catalyst reuse experiments for R-(+)-limonene oxidation have shown that the catalytic activity is kept at 90% after 10 consecutive reactions.
The objective of this paper is to present an analysis of the use of residual marble mixtures in the pig iron desulfurization process. The study involved the use of: marble waste, fluorspar, lime, and hot metal. Four mixtures were made and added to a liquid hot metal - with known chemical composition - at a temperature of 1450ºC. The mass of each element was calculated from its chemical analysis and compared with an industrial mixture. All of the four mixtures used in the experiments were stirred by a mechanical stirrer. Samples were collected by vacuum sampling for times of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes, and analysis was performed to check sulfur variation in the bath with time. The results were analyzed and they verified that it was possible to use marble waste as a desulfurizer.
Hirschsprung disease is a congenital form of aganglionic megacolon that results from cristopathy. Hirschsprung disease usually occurs as a sporadic disease, although it may be associated with several inherited conditions, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. The rearranged during transfection (RET) proto-oncogene is the major susceptibility gene for Hirschsprung disease, and germline mutations in RET have been reported in up to 50% of the inherited forms of Hirschsprung disease and in 15-20% of sporadic cases of Hirschsprung disease. The prevalence of Hirschsprung disease in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 cases was recently determined to be 7.5% and the cooccurrence of Hirschsprung disease and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 has been reported in at least 22 families so far. It was initially thought that Hirschsprung disease could be due to disturbances in apoptosis or due to a tendency of the mutated RET receptor to be retained in the Golgi apparatus. Presently, there is strong evidence favoring the hypothesis that specific inactivating haplotypes play a key role in the fetal development of congenital megacolon/Hirschsprung disease. In the present study, we report the genetic findings in a novel family with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2: a specific RET haplotype was documented in patients with Hirschsprung disease associated with medullary thyroid carcinoma, but it was absent in patients with only medullary thyroid carcinoma. Despite the limited number of cases, the present data favor the hypothesis that specific haplotypes not linked to RET germline mutations are the genetic causes of Hirschsprung disease.
A ingestão de carboidratos de rápida absorção (CRA) pode ser útil para o aumento sérico de glicose. Neste contexto, os principais objetivos foram avaliar a eficácia e a aplicabilidade da intervenção nutricional em situações hipoglicêmicas apresentadas por pacientes conscientes, com dieta via oral e internados em hospital geral. Setenta e seis pacientes foram elegíveis e a hipoglicemia foi definida como nível de glicemia capilar ³ 50 até £ 70mg/dL. A intervenção nutricional constituiu na oferta de 15 a 24 gramas de CRA. Houve a conferência da glicemia capilar após 15-20 minutos da intervenção. A taxa de efetividade da intervenção nutricional foi de 97,6%, durante o período de estudo. Conclui-se que a administração de CRA, um método não invasivo, foi aplicável em unidades de um hospital geral e foi potencialmente eficaz na restauração da glicemia capilar em pacientes hipoglicêmicos com dieta via oral e conscientes.