em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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We present a detailed study of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars, based on high-resolution spectroscopic observations of a sample of 18 stars. The stellar spectra for this sample were obtained at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope in 2001 and 2002, using the Utrecht Echelle Spectrograph, at a resolving power R similar to 52 000 and S/N similar to 40, covering the wavelength range lambda lambda 3700-5700 angstrom. The atmospheric parameters determined for this sample indicate temperatures ranging from 4750 K to 7100 K, log g from 1.5 to 4.3, and metallicities -3.0 <= [Fe/H]<=-1.7. Elemental abundances for C, Na, Mg, Sc, Ti, Cr, Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy are determined. Abundances for an additional 109 stars were taken from the literature and combined with the data of our sample. The literature sample reveals a lack of reliable abundance estimates for species that might be associated with the r-process elements for about 67% of CEMP stars, preventing a complete understanding of this class of stars, since [Ba/Eu] ratios are used to classify them. Although eight stars in our observed sample are also found in the literature sample, Eu abundances or limits are determined for four of these stars for the first time. From the observed correlations between C, Ba, and Eu, we argue that the CEMP-r/s class has the same astronomical origin as CEMP-s stars, highlighting the need for a more complete understanding of Eu production.


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While fewer in number than the dominant rotation-powered radio pulsar population, peculiar classes of isolated neutron stars (INSs) which include magnetars, the ROSAT-discovered "Magnificent Seven" (M7), rotating radio transients (RRATs), and central compact objects in supernova remnants (CCOs) - represent a key element in understanding the neutron star phenomenology. We report the results of an observational campaign to study the properties of the source 2XMM J104608.7-594306, a newly discovered thermally emitting INS. The evolutionary state of the neutron star is investigated by means of deep dedicated observations obtained with the XMM-Newton Observatory, the ESO Very Large Telescope, as well as publicly available gamma-ray data from the Fermi Space Telescope and the AGILE Mission. The observations confirm previous expectations and reveal a unique type of object. The source, which is likely within the Carina Nebula (N-H = 2.6x10(21) cm(-2)), has a spectrum that is both thermal and soft, with kT(infinity) = 135 eV. Non-thermal (magnetospheric) emission is not detected down to 1% (3 sigma, 0.1-12 keV) of the source luminosity. Significant deviations (absorption features) from a simple blackbody model are identified in the spectrum of the source around energies 0.6 keV and 1.35 keV. While the former deviation is likely related to a local oxygen overabundance in the Carina Nebula, the latter can only be accounted for by an additional spectral component, which is modelled as a Gaussian line in absorption with EW = 91 eV and sigma = 0.14 keV (1 sigma). Furthermore, the optical counterpart is fainter than m(V) = 27 (2 sigma) and no gamma-ray emission is significantly detected by either the Fermi or AGILE missions. Very interestingly, while these characteristics are remarkably similar to those of the M7 or the only RRAT so far detected in X-rays, which all have spin periods of a few seconds, we found intriguing evidence of very rapid rotation, P = 18.6ms, at the 4 sigma confidence level. We interpret these new results in the light of the observed properties of the currently known neutron star population, in particular those of standard rotation-powered pulsars, recycled objects, and CCOs. We find that none of these scenarios can satisfactorily explain the collective properties of 2XMM J104608.7-594306, although it may be related to the still poorly known class of Galactic anti-magnetars. Future XMM-Newton data, granted for the next cycle of observations (AO11), will help us to improve our current observational interpretation of the source, enabling us to significantly constrain the rate of pulsar spin down.


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The dynamics of a driven stadium-like billiard is considered using the formalism of discrete mappings. The model presents a resonant velocity that depends on the rotation number around fixed points and external boundary perturbation which plays an important separation rule in the model. We show that particles exhibiting Fermi acceleration (initial velocity is above the resonant one) are scaling invariant with respect to the initial velocity and external perturbation. However, initial velocities below the resonant one lead the particles to decelerate therefore unlimited energy growth is not observed. This phenomenon may be interpreted as a specific Maxwell's Demon which may separate fast and slow billiard particles. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: RNA interference (RNAi) is a post-transcriptional gene silencing process in which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) directs the degradation of a specific corresponding target mRNA. The mediators of this process are small dsRNAs of approximately 21 to 23 bp in length, called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), which can be prepared in vitro and used to direct the degradation of specific mRNAs inside cells. Hence, siRNAs represent a powerful tool to study and control gene and cell function. Rapid progress has been made in the use of siRNA as a means to attenuate the expression of any protein for which the cDNA sequence is known. Individual siRNAs can be chemically synthesized, in vitro-transcribed, or expressed in cells from siRNA expression vectors. However, screening for the most efficient siRNAs for post-transcriptional gene silencing in cells in culture is a laborious and expensive process. In this study, the effectiveness of two siRNA production strategies for the attenuation of abundant proteins for DNA repair were compared in human cells: (a) the in vitro production of siRNA mixtures by the Dicer enzyme (Diced siRNAs); and (b) the chemical synthesis of very specific and unique siRNA sequences (Stealth RNai (TM)). Materials, Methods & Results: For in vitro-produced siRNAs, two segments of the human Ku70 (167 bp in exon 5; and 249 bp in exon 13; NM001469) and Xrcc4 (172 bp in exon 2; and 108 bp in exon 6; NM003401) genes were chosen to generate dsRNA for subsequent "Dicing" to create mixtures of siRNAs. The Diced fragments of siRNA for each gene sequence were pooled and stored at -80 degrees C. Alternatively, chemically synthesized Stealth siRNAs were designed and generated to match two very specific gene sequence regions for each target gene of interest (Ku70 and Xrcc4). HCT116 cells were plated at 30% confluence in 24- or 6-well culture plates. The next day, cells were transfected by lipofection with either Diced or Stealth siRNAs for Ku70 or Xrcc4, in duplicate, at various doses, with blank and sham transfections used as controls. Cells were harvested at 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-transfection for protein determination. The knockdown of specific targeted gene products was quantified by Western blot using GAPDH as control. Transfection of gene-specific siRNA to either Ku70 or Xrcc4 with both Diced and Stealth siRNAs resulted in a down regulation of the targeted proteins to approximately 10 to 20% of control levels 48 h after transfection, with recovery to pre-treatment levels by 96 h. Discussion: By transfecting cells with Diced or chemically synthesized Stealth siRNAs, Ku70 and Xrcc4, two highly expressed proteins in cells, were effectively attenuated, demonstrating the great potential for the use of both siRNA production strategies as tools to perform loss of function experiments in mammalian cells. In fact, down-regulation of Ku70 and Xrcc4 has been shown to reduce the activity of the non-homologous end joining DNA pathway, a very desirable approach for the use of homologous recombination technology for gene targeting or knockout studies. Stealth RNAi (TM) was developed to achieve high specificity and greater stability when compared with mixtures of enzymatically-produced (Diced) siRNA fragments. In this study, both siRNA approaches inhibited the expression of Ku70 and Xrcc4 gene products, with no detectable toxic effects to the cells in culture. However, similar knockdown effects using Diced siRNAs were only attained at concentrations 10-fold higher than with Stealth siRNAs. The application of RNAi technology will expand and continue to provide new insights into gene regulation and as potential applications for new therapies, transgenic animal production and basic research.


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Dense enough compact objects were recently shown to lead to an exponentially fast increase of the vacuum energy density for some free scalar fields properly coupled to the spacetime curvature as a consequence of a tachyonic-like instability. Once the effect is triggered, the star energy density would be overwhelmed by the vacuum energy density in a few milliseconds. This demands that eventually geometry and field evolve to a new configuration to bring the vacuum back to a stationary regime. Here, we show that the vacuum fluctuations built up during the unstable epoch lead to particle creation in the final stationary state when the tachyonic instability ceases. The amount of created particles depends mostly on the duration of the unstable epoch and final stationary configuration, which are open issues at this point. We emphasize that the particle creation coming from the tachyonic instability will occur even in the adiabatic limit, where the spacetime geometry changes arbitrarily slowly, and therefore is quite distinct from the usual particle creation due to the change in the background geometry.


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We have searched for young star-forming regions around the merger remnant NGC 2782. By using Galaxy Evolution Explorer far-ultraviolet and near-ultraviolet imaging and H i data we found seven ultraviolet sources, located at distances greater than 26 kpc from the centre of NGC 2782, and coinciding with its western H i tidal tail. These regions were resolved in several smaller systems when Gemini/Gemini multi-object spectrograph (GMOS) r-band images were used. We compared the observed colours to stellar population synthesis models and found that these objects have ages of similar to 1 to 11 Myr and masses ranging from 103.9 to 104.6 M circle dot. By using Gemini/GMOS spectroscopic data we confirm memberships and derive high metallicities for three of the young regions in the tail (12+log(O/H) = 8.74 +/- 0.20, 8.81 +/- 0.20 and 8.78 +/- 0.20). These metallicities are similar to the value presented by the nuclear region of NGC 2782 and also similar to the value presented for an object located close to the main body of NGC 2782. The high metallicities measured for the star-forming regions in the gaseous tidal tail of NGC 2782 could be explained if they were formed out of highly enriched gas which was once expelled from the centre of the merging galaxies when the system collided. An additional possibility is that the tail has been a nursery of a few generations of young stellar systems which ultimately polluted this medium with metals, further enriching the already pre-enriched gas ejected to the tail when the galaxies collided.


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We present a study of the stellar parameters and iron abundances of 18 giant stars in six open clusters. The analysis was based on high-resolution and high-S/N spectra obtained with the UVES spectrograph (VLT-UT2). The results complement our previous study where 13 clusters were already analyzed. The total sample of 18 clusters is part of a program to search for planets around giant stars. The results show that the 18 clusters cover a metallicity range between -0.23 and +0.23 dex. Together with the derivation of the stellar masses, these metallicities will allow the metallicity and mass effects to be disentangled when analyzing the frequency of planets as a function of these stellar parameters.


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We used the statistical measurements of information entropy, disequilibrium and complexity to infer a hierarchy of equations of state for two types of compact stars from the broad class of neutron stars, namely, with hadronic composition and with strange quark composition. Our results show that, since order costs energy. Nature would favor the exotic strange stars even though the question of how to form the strange stars cannot be answered within this approach. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic field in the local interstellar medium (ISM) provides a key indicator of the galactic environment of the Sun and influences the shape of the heliosphere. We have studied the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) in the solar vicinity using polarized starlight for stars within 40 pc of the Sun and 90 degrees of the heliosphere nose. In Frisch et al. (Paper I), we developed a method for determining the local ISMF direction by finding the best match to a group of interstellar polarization position angles obtained toward nearby stars, based on the assumption that the polarization is parallel to the ISMF. In this paper, we extend the analysis by utilizing weighted fits to the position angles and by including new observations acquired for this study. We find that the local ISMF is pointed toward the galactic coordinates l, b = 47 degrees +/- 20 degrees, 25 degrees +/- 20 degrees. This direction is close to the direction of the ISMF that shapes the heliosphere, l, b = 33 degrees +/- 4 degrees, 55 degrees +/- 4 degrees, as traced by the center of the "Ribbon" of energetic neutral atoms discovered by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission. Both the magnetic field direction and the kinematics of the local ISM are consistent with a scenario where the local ISM is a fragment of the Loop I superbubble. A nearby ordered component of the local ISMF has been identified in the region l approximate to 0 degrees -> 80 degrees and b approximate to 0 degrees -> 30 degrees, where PlanetPol data show a distance-dependent increase of polarization strength. The ordered component extends to within 8 pc of the Sun and implies a weak curvature in the nearby ISMF of +/- 0 degrees.25 pc(-1). This conclusion is conditioned on the small sample of stars available for defining this rotation. Variations from the ordered component suggest a turbulent component of +/- 23 degrees. The ordered component and standard relations between polarization, color excess, and H-o column density predict a reasonable increase of N(H) with distance in the local ISM. The similarity of the ISMF directions traced by the polarizations, the IBEX Ribbon, and pulsars inside the Local Bubble in the third galactic quadrant suggest that the ISMF is relatively uniform over spatial scales of 8-200 pc and is more similar to interarm than spiral-arm magnetic fields. The ISMF direction from the polarization data is also consistent with small-scale spatial asymmetries detected in GeV-TeV cosmic rays with a galactic origin. The peculiar geometrical relation found earlier between the cosmic microwave background dipole moment, the heliosphere nose, and the ISMF direction is supported by this study. The interstellar radiation field at +/- 975 angstrom does not appear to play a role in grain alignment for the low-density ISM studied here.


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Oxygen abundances of 67 dwarf stars in the metallicity range -1.6 < [Fe/H] < -0.4 are derived from a non-LTE analysis of the 777 nm O I triplet lines. These stars have precise atmospheric parameters measured by Nissen and Schuster, who find that they separate into three groups based on their kinematics and alpha-element (Mg, Si, Ca, Ti) abundances: thick disk, high-alpha halo, and low-alpha halo. We find the oxygen abundance trends of thick-disk and high-alpha halo stars very similar. The low-alpha stars show a larger star-to-star scatter in [O/Fe] at a given [Fe/H] and have systematically lower oxygen abundances compared to the other two groups. Thus, we find the behavior of oxygen abundances in these groups of stars similar to that of the a elements. We use previously published oxygen abundance data of disk and very metal-poor halo stars to present an overall view (-2.3 < [Fe/H] < +0.3) of oxygen abundance trends of stars in the solar neighborhood. Two field halo dwarf stars stand out in their O and Na abundances. Both G53-41 and G150-40 have very low oxygen and very high sodium abundances, which are key signatures of the abundance anomalies observed in globular cluster (GC) stars. Therefore, they are likely field halo stars born in GCs. If true, we estimate that at least 3% +/- 2% of the local field metal-poor star population was born in GCs.


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Be stars possess gaseous circumstellar disks that modify in many ways the spectrum of the central B star. Furthermore, they exhibit variability at several timescales and for a large number of observables. Putting the pieces together of this dynamical behavior is not an easy task and requires a detailed understanding of the physical processes that control the temporal evolution of the observables. There is an increasing body of evidence that suggests that Be disks are well described by standard alpha-disk theory. This paper is the first of a series that aims at studying the possibility of inferring several disk and stellar parameters through the follow-up of various observables. Here we study the temporal evolution of the disk density for different dynamical scenarios, including the disk buildup as a result of a long and steady mass injection from the star, the disk dissipation that occurs after mass injection is turned off, as well as scenarios in which active periods are followed by periods of quiescence. For those scenarios, we investigate the temporal evolution of continuum photometric observables using a three-dimensional non-LTE radiative transfer code. We show that light curves for different wavelengths are specific of a mass loss history, inclination angle, and alpha viscosity parameter. The diagnostic potential of those light curves is also discussed.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is characterized by the presence of the t(15;17) and PML-RARa rearrangement, with good response to treatment with retinoids. However, few cases of variant APL involving alternative chromosomal aberrations have been reported, including t(11;17)(q23;q21) (Wells et al. in Nat Genet 17:109-113, 1; Arnould et al. in Hum Mol Genet 8:1741-1749, 2) t(5;17)(q35;q12-21), t(11;17)(q13;q21) (Grimwade et al in Blood 96:1297-1308, 3) and der(17) (Rego et al. in Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts)114:Abstract 6, 4), whereby RARa is fused to the PLZF, NPM, NuMA, and STAT5b genes, respectively, have been described. These cases are characterized by distinct morphology, clinical presentation, and in respect to PLZF, a lack of differentiation response to retinoids leading to the need of different approaches concerning diagnostic methods and therapeutics. This paper describes two cases of APL associated with the PLZF-RARA fusion gene enrolled in the IC-APL trial that is a non-randomized, multicenter study conducted in Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay with the aim to improve the treatment outcome of APL patients in developing countries. These cases, although rare, offer a challenge to its early recognition and proper conduction.


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Aims. We construct a theoretical model to predict the number of orphan afterglows (OA) from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) triggered by primordial metal-free (Pop III) stars expected to be observed by the Gaia mission. In particular, we consider primordial metal-free stars that were affected by radiation from other stars (Pop III. 2) as a possible target. Methods. We use a semi-analytical approach that includes all relevant feedback effects to construct cosmic star formation history and its connection with the cumulative number of GRBs. The OA events are generated using the Monte Carlo method, and realistic simulations of Gaia's scanning law are performed to derive the observation probability expectation. Results. We show that Gaia can observe up to 2.28 +/- 0.88 off-axis afterglows and 2.78 +/- 1.41 on-axis during the five-year nominal mission. This implies that a nonnegligible percentage of afterglows that may be observed by Gaia (similar to 10%) could have Pop III stars as progenitors.


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The aim of this study was to develop a formulation, containing the propolis standardized extract (EPP-AF (R)), which can assist in the healing of skin lesions. To achieve this objective the antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the propolis extract was determined. The final product was subjected to in vitro and in vivo pre-clinical evaluation. The broth macrodi-lution method was used to determine the antimicrobial activity of the extracts and formulations against the microorganisms most commonly found in burns, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Wistar rats with puncture wounded skin were used to evaluate the wound healing properties of propolis. The results of chemical and biological characterization demonstrated the batch-to-batch reproducibility of the standardized extract which is an unprecedented result. The antimicrobial and wound healing activity of the pharmaceutical studied showed the best results when samples contain 3.6% propolis, suggesting that this is the most promising composition.


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The quark gluon plasma (QGP) at zero temperature and high baryon number is a system that may be present inside compact stars. It is quite possible that this cold QGP shares some relevant features with the hot QGP observed in heavy ion collisions, being also a strongly interacting system. In a previous work we have derived from the QCD Lagrangian an equation of state (EOS) for the cold QGP, which can be considered an improved version of the MIT bag-model EOS. Compared to the latter, our EOS reaches higher values of the pressure at comparable baryon densities. This feature is due to perturbative corrections and also to nonperturbative effects. Here we apply this EOS to the study of neutron stars, discussing the absolute stability of quark matter and computing the mass-radius relation for self-bound (strange) stars. The maximum masses of the sequences exceed two solar masses, in agreement with the recently measured values of the mass of the pulsar PSR J1614-2230, and the corresponding radii of around 10-11 km.