10 resultados para Rychener, Ralph

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Objective-The coagulation-inflammation cycle has been implicated as a critical component in malaria pathogenesis. Defibrotide (DF), a mixture of DNA aptamers, displays anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and endothelial cell (EC)-protective activities and has been successfully used to treat comatose children with veno-occlusive disease. DF was investigated here as a drug to treat cerebral malaria. Methods and Results-DF blocks tissue factor expression by ECs incubated with parasitized red blood cells and attenuates prothrombinase activity, platelet aggregation, and complement activation. In contrast, it does not affect nitric oxide bioavailability. We also demonstrated that Plasmodium falciparum glycosylphosphatidylinositol (Pf-GPI) induces tissue factor expression in ECs and cytokine production by dendritic cells. Notably, dendritic cells, known to modulate coagulation and inflammation systemically, were identified as a novel target for DF. Accordingly, DF inhibits Toll-like receptor ligand-dependent dendritic cells activation by a mechanism that is blocked by adenosine receptor antagonist (8-p-sulfophenyltheophylline) but not reproduced by synthetic poly-A, -C, -T, and -G. These results imply that aptameric sequences and adenosine receptor mediate dendritic cells responses to the drug. DF also prevents rosetting formation, red blood cells invasion by P. falciparum and abolishes oocysts development in Anopheles gambiae. In a murine model of cerebral malaria, DF affected parasitemia, decreased IFN-gamma levels, and ameliorated clinical score (day 5) with a trend for increased survival. Conclusion-Therapeutic use of DF in malaria is proposed. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012; 32:786-798.)


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Golden conures or ararajubas (Guaruba guarouba) are endangered parrots endemic to the Brazilian Amazon forest. Body mass, blood cell counts, and total plasma protein were determined for 70 clinically healthy golden conures captive at zoologic parks and private breeder facilities in Brazil. Hematologic results (mean +/- SD) were: Erythrocytes 3.6 +/- 0.5 x 10(6) cells/mm(3), hemoglobin 12.8 +/- 1.4 g/dl, packed cell volume 46 +/- 3.8%, mean corpuscular volume 132 +/- 20 fl, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 36 +/- 5.7 pg, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) 28 +/- 3.5%, thrombocytes 26.3 +/- 9.3 x 10(3) cells/mm(3), leukocytes 11.9 +/- 4.5 x 10(3) cells/mm(3), heterophils 6284 +/- 2715 cells/mm(3), lymphocytes 5473 +/- 2408 cells/mm(3), monocytes 113 +/- 162 cells/mm(3), eosinophils 10 +/- 42 cells/mm(3), basophils 27 +/- 64 cells/mm(3). Body mass was 254 +/- 24.9 g and total plasma protein (TPP) was 3.54 +/- 0.58 g/dl. No statistical differences were observed between genders within age groups. Differences between juveniles (J) and adults (A) were identified for TPP < A), MCH (J > A), and MCHC (J > A). These results provide reliable reference values for the clinical interpretation of hematologic results for the species. Hematology may be an important tool for population health investigations on free-ranging golden conure populations and will also be essential to survey the health of release candidates in future reintroduction programs.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between multiple cryoprobes was investigated to determine whether they work in an additive or synergistic fashion in an in vivo animal model because 1.47 mm (17-gauge) cryoprobes have been introduced to the armamentarium for renal cryotherapy. METHODS Laparoscopic-guided percutaneous cryoablation was performed in both renal poles of 3 pigs using 3 IceRod cryoprobes. These 12 cryolesions were compared with 12 cryolesions using a single IceRod cryoprobe. Each cycle consisted of two 10-minute freeze cycles separated by a 5-minute thaw. The iceball volume was measured using intraoperative ultrasonography. The kidneys were harvested, and cryolesion surface area was calculated. The lesions were fixed and excised to obtain a volume measurement. Statistical analysis was used to compare the single probe results multiplied by 3 to the multiple probe group for iceball volume, cryolesion surface area, and cryolesion volume. RESULTS The iceball volume for the first freeze cycle for the single cryoprobe multiplied by 3 was 8.55 cm(3) compared with 9.79 cm(3) for the multiple cryoprobe group (P = .44) and 10.01 cm(3) versus 16.58 cm(3) for the second freeze (P = .03). The cryolesion volume for the single cryoprobe multiplied by 3 was 11.29 cm(3) versus 14.75 cm(3) for the multiple cyroprobe group (P = .06). The gross cryolesion surface area for the single cryoprobe multiplied by 3 was 13.14 cm(2) versus 13.89 cm(2) for the multiple probe group (P = .52). CONCLUSION The cryolesion created by 3 simultaneously activated 1.47-mm probes appears to be larger than that of an additive effect. The lesions were significantly larger as measured by ultrasonography and nearly so (P = .06) as measured by the gross cryolesion volume. UROLOGY 79: 484.e1-484.e6, 2012. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A new chewing louse genus and species belonging to the Philopteridae, namely, Palmaellus inespectatus n. gen., n. sp., is described. The new genus is distinguished from the other ischnoceran genera hitherto described by its peculiar characters of the dorsal anterior head plate with 2 postero-lateral projections, pterothorax and abdomen with scarce chaetotaxy, male genitalia with simple mesomere and paramere lacking inner digitiform projection, and the genital region of female with postero-vulvar plates bearing setae. It is a parasite of the trumpeters, an avian family endemic to South America's Amazon Basin.


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Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oil pollution is a significant conservation concern. We examined data from six institutions along the coast of South America: Emergency Relief Team of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Fundacion Mundo Marino, Centro de Recuperacao de Animais Marinhos, Natura Patagonia, Associacao R3 Animal, and Mar del Plata Aquarium and data from resightings in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Falkland/Malvinas Islands. From 2000 to 2010, 2183 oiled Magellanic penguins were rehabilitated as part of the routine activities of these institutions or during emergency responses to eight oil spills in which they were involved; all rehabilitated penguins were flipper banded and released. Since their release, 41 penguins were resighted until 31 December 2011. The results demonstrate that, when combined with other prevention strategies, the rehabilitation of Magellanic penguins is a strategy that contributes to the mitigation of adverse effects of oil spills and chronic pollution to the species. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The red-belly toads (Melanophryniscus) of southern South America secrete defensive alkaloids from dermal granular glands. To date, all information on Melanophryniscus alkaloids has been obtained by extraction from either skins or whole organisms; however, in other amphibians, tetrodotoxins, samandarines, and bufadienolides have been detected in both skin and other organs, which raise the possibility that lipophilic alkaloids may occur in non-integumentary tissues in Melanophryniscus as well. To test this hypothesis, we studied the distribution of alkaloids in the skin, skeletal muscle, liver, and mature oocytes of the red-belly toad M. simplex from three localities in southern Brazil. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry of skin extracts from 11 individuals of M. simplex resulted in the detection of 47 alkaloids (including isomers), 9 unclassified and 38 from 12 known structural classes. Each alkaloid that was present in the skin of an individual was also present in the same relative proportion in that individual's skeletal muscle, liver, and oocytes. The most abundant and widely distributed alkaloids were the pumiliotoxins 251D, 267C, and 323A, 5,8-disubstituted indolizidines 207A and 223D, 5,6,8-trisubstituted indolizidine 231B, 3,5-disubstituted pyrrolizidines cis-223B and cis- and trans-251K, and izidine 211C. We report the first record of piperidines in Melanophryniscus, bringing the total number of alkaloid classes detected in this genus to 16. Alkaloid composition differed significantly among the three study sites. The functional significance of defensive chemicals in non-integumentary tissues is unknown.


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Objective Various nonvalidated criteria for disease flare have been used in studies of gout. Our objective was to develop empirical definitions for a gout flare from patient-reported features. Methods Possible elements for flare criteria were previously reported. Data were collected from 210 gout patients at 8 international sites to evaluate potential gout flare criteria against the gold standard of an expert rheumatologist definition. Flare definitions based on the presence of the number of criteria independently associated with the flare and classification and regression tree approaches were developed. Results The mean +/- SD age of the study participants was 56.2 +/- 15 years, 207 of them (98%) were men, and 54 of them (26%) had flares of gout. The presence of any patient-reported warm joint, any patient-reported swollen joint, patient-reported pain at rest score of >3 (010 scale), and patient-reported flare were independently associated with the study gold standard. The greatest discriminating power was noted for the presence of 3 or more of the above 4 criteria (sensitivity 91% and specificity 82%). Requiring all 4 criteria provided the highest specificity (96%) and positive predictive value (85%). A classification tree identified pain at rest with a score of >3, followed by patient self-reported flare, as the rule associated with the gold standard (sensitivity 83% and specificity 90%). Conclusion We propose definitions for a disease flare based on self-reported items in patients previously diagnosed as having gout. Patient-reported flare, joint pain at rest, warm joints, and swollen joints were most strongly associated with presence of a gout flare. These provisional definitions will next be validated in clinical trials.


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Um dos papéis da contabilidade é prover informações sobre o desempenho empresarial, quer seja por indicadores contábil-financeiros ou não. Dentro deste escopo do interesse da contabilidade, observa-se que a publicação de estudos teórico-empíricos sobre as relações entre Performance Corporativa Financeira (CFP) e a Performance Social Corporativa (CSP) vem crescendo nos últimos anos, sintoma do desenvolvimento deste campo de pesquisa. Entretanto, a contribuição à teoria pelos trabalhos empíricos se faz de forma pontual, uma vez que normalmente cada estudo foca um aspecto particular da teoria. Periodicamente, portanto, é necessária uma análise que avalie como, de forma agregada, os estudos empíricos contribuíram para a evolução da teoria, e elaborar essa análise constituiu o objetivo do presente estudo. O referencial teórico abrangeu: teoria dos stakeholders, relação entre CSP e CFP, good management theory e slack resource theory. Esta pesquisa abrangeu um período de 15 anos (1996 a 2010) e a coleta de dados empregou a ferramenta de busca das bases de dados: Ebsco, Proquest e ISI. O processo de amostragem obteve um conjunto de 58 artigos exclusivamente teórico-empíricos quantitativos que testam a relação CSP-CFP. Os principais resultados no campo teórico demonstram um reforço da proposição de relação positiva entre CSP e CFP e da good management theory, uma deficiência na explicação na defasagem de tempo (lag) na relação de causalidade entre CSP e CFP, e deficiências na descrição do constructo de CSP. Isto sugere estudos futuros para investigar a defasagem de tempo na relação de causalidade entre CSP e CFP e as possíveis razões que levaram diversos estudos empíricos a não atestarem uma associação positiva entre CSP e CFP.


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Fêmeas de pinguins-de-magalhães morrem mais que machos durante migração anual.