15 resultados para Rio do Peixe Basin. Section devonian and diagenesis

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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A new species of the thorny catfish genus Leptodoras (family Doradidae) is described. The new species shares three characters with its congeners, the modified oral hood with distinct upper labial extensions, the first gill arch with enlarged accessory lamellae extending well onto medial face of gill filaments, and the pelvic fin inserted in anterior half of body. The new species is distinguished from congeners by having a large dark submarginal blotch on distal half of dorsal-fin spine and anteriormost dorsal-fin branched rays, lower labial extension of modified oral hood extending more posteriorly than upper labial extension, relatively few midlateral scutes, gas bladder moderately sized (not reduced), paired bony capsules on anteriormost vertebrae reduced to paired cup-like laminar ossifications separated by a triangular septum, pair of small, swelling-like diverticula on each side of the anterior chamber of gas bladder, a well-developed anterior nuchal plate, and nuchal foramina present. The new species was discovered from a single specimen collected in the rio Fresco, a tributary of the rio Xingu, and is described based on this and on additional material recently collected in the same area. A discussion of its placement within Leptodoras is also presented.


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The Columbia Channel (CCS) system is a depositional system located in the South Brazilian Basin, south of the Vitoria-Trindade volcanic chain. It lies in a WNW-ESE direction on the continental rise and abyssal plain, at a depth of between 4200 and 5200 m. It is formed by two depocenters elongated respectively south and north of the channel that show different sediment patterns. The area is swept by a deep western boundary current formed by AABW. The system has been previously interpreted has a mixed turbidite-contourite system. More detailed study of seismic data permits a more precise definition of the modern channel morphology, the system stratigraphy as well as the sedimentary processes and control. The modern CCS presents active erosion and/or transport along the channel. The ancient Oligo-Neogene system overlies a ""upper Cretaceous-Paleogene"" sedimentary substratum (Unit U1) bounded at the top by a major erosive ""late Eocene-early Oligocene"" discordance (D2). This ancient system is subdivided into 2 seismic units (U2 and U3). The thick basal U2 unit constitutes the larger part of the system. It consists of three subunits bounded by unconformities: D3 (""Oligocene-Miocene boundary""), D4 (""late Miocene"") and D5 (""late Pliocene""). The subunits have a fairly tabular geometry in the shallow NW depocenter associated with predominant turbidite deposits. They present a mounded shape in the deep NE depocenter, and are interpreted as forming a contourite drift. South of the channel, the deposits are interpreted as a contourite sheet drift. The surficial U3 unit forms a thin carpet of deposits. The beginning of the channel occurs at the end of U1 and during the formation of D2. Its location seems to have been determined by active faults. The channel has been active throughout the late Oligocene and Neogene and its depth increased continuously as a consequence of erosion of the channel floor and deposit aggradation along its margins. Such a mixed turbidite-contourite system (or fan drift) is characterized by frequent, rapid lateral facies variations and by unconformities that cross the whole system and are associated with increased AABW circulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Imposex is the development of male sexual characteristics, i.e., penis and/or vas deferens in females of dioecious gastropods. This phenomenon has been associated to the use of the organotin based marine antifouling paints and used worldwide as a bioindicator of pollution by the TBT (antifouling agent) as well as to evaluate the related ecological impact. This study reports imposex in Stramonita haemastoma at south coast of Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil), specifically at Sepetiba and Ilha Grande Bays. All the stations where snails were found have shown imposex. Ilha Grande Bay presented the highest values of imposex indices when compared to Sepetiba Bay. The results suggest that high concentration of shipping activities and coastal morphology are the principal causes at the most polluted sites.


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We present the results of airborne measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) and aerosol particle number concentration (CN) made during the Balan double dagger o Atmosf,rico Regional de Carbono na Amazonia (BARCA) program. The primary goal of BARCA is to address the question of basin-scale sources and sinks of CO2 and other atmospheric carbon species, a central issue of the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere (LBA) program. The experiment consisted of two aircraft campaigns during November-December 2008 (BARCA-A) and May-June 2009 (BARCA-B), which covered the altitude range from the surface up to about 4500 m, and spanned most of the Amazon Basin. Based on meteorological analysis and measurements of the tracer, SF6, we found that airmasses over the Amazon Basin during the late dry season (BARCA-A, November 2008) originated predominantly from the Southern Hemisphere, while during the late wet season (BARCA-B, May 2009) low-level airmasses were dominated by northern-hemispheric inflow and mid-tropospheric airmasses were of mixed origin. In BARCA-A we found strong influence of biomass burning emissions on the composition of the atmosphere over much of the Amazon Basin, with CO enhancements up to 300 ppb and CN concentrations approaching 10 000 cm(-3); the highest values were in the southern part of the Basin at altitudes of 1-3 km. The Delta CN/Delta CO ratios were diagnostic for biomass burning emissions, and were lower in aged than in fresh smoke. Fresh emissions indicated CO/CO2 and CN/CO emission ratios in good agreement with previous work, but our results also highlight the need to consider the residual smoldering combustion that takes place after the active flaming phase of deforestation fires. During the late wet season, in contrast, there was little evidence for a significant presence of biomass smoke. Low CN concentrations (300-500 cm(-3)) prevailed basinwide, and CO mixing ratios were enhanced by only similar to 10 ppb above the mixing line between Northern and Southern Hemisphere air. There was no detectable trend in CO with distance from the coast, but there was a small enhancement of CO in the boundary layer suggesting diffuse biogenic sources from photochemical degradation of biogenic volatile organic compounds or direct biological emission. Simulations of CO distributions during BARCA-A using a range of models yielded general agreement in spatial distribution and confirm the important contribution from biomass burning emissions, but the models evidence some systematic quantitative differences compared to observed CO concentrations. These mismatches appear to be related to problems with the accuracy of the global background fields, the role of vertical transport and biomass smoke injection height, the choice of model resolution, and reliability and temporal resolution of the emissions data base.


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Aflatoxins can cause great economic losses and serious risks to humans and animals health. The largest aflatoxin producers belong to Aspergillus section Flavi and can occur naturally in food commodities. Studies showed that molecular tools as well as the type of sclerotia produced by the strains could be helpful for identification of Aspergillus species and could be correlated with levels of toxin production. The purpose of this work was to characterize the genetic diversity using AFLP technique, the type of sclerotia and the ability of aflatoxin production by isolated strains from corn of different origins in Brazil, and to verify whether qPCR based on aflR and aflP genes is appropriate for estimating the level of aflatoxin production. All the 75 strains were classified as A. flavus and the AFLP technique showed a wide intraspecific variability within them. Regarding sclerotia production, 34% were classified as S and 66% as L type. Among the aflatoxin-producers, 52.8% produced aflatoxin B-1, while 47.2% aflatoxins B-1 and B-2. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between sclerotia production and aflatoxigenicty, and no correlation between the phylogenetic clusters and aflatoxin production. Concerning the relative expression of aflR and aflP, Pearson's correlation test demonstrated low positive correlation between the expression of the aflR and aflP genes and the production of AFB(1) and AFB(2), but showed high positive correlation between aflR and aflP expression. In contrast to the other reference strains, A. oryzae ATCC 7282 showed no amplification of aflR and aflP. The results highlight the need for detection of reliable and reproducible markers with a high positive correlation with aflatoxin production.


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Cancado TO, Omais M, Ashmawi HA, Torres MLA - Chronic Pain after Cesarean Section. Influence of Anesthetic/Surgical Technique and Postoperative Analgesia. Background and objectives: Brazil ranks second among countries with the highest rates of cesarean section in the world. Little is known about the future consequences of this procedure on maternal health. This study investigated the influence of anesthetic/surgical technique and postoperative analgesia on the onset of chronic pain after three months of cesarean section. Method: This is a prospective randomized study of 443 patients undergoing cesarean section (elective and emergency), with different doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% and opioids in spinal anesthesia. Patients were alocated into five groups as follow: G1 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (8 mg), sufentanil (2.5 mu g), and morphine (100 mu g); G2 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (10 mg), sufentanil (2.5 mu g), and morphine (100 mu g); G3 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5 mg) and morphine (100 mu g); G4 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (15 mg) and morphine (100 mu g); G5 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5 mg) and morphine (100 mu g), without perioperative anti-inflammatory. Pain at rest and in movement were evaluated in the immediate postoperative period. Phone contact was made after three months of surgery for identification of patients with chronic pain. Results: The incidence of chronic pain in the groups was G1 = 20%; G2 = 13%; G3 = 7.1%; G4 = 2.2%, and G5 = 20.3%. Patients who reported higher pain scores in the postoperative period had a higher incidence of chronic pain (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The incidence of chronic pain decreases with higher doses of local anesthetics and use of anti-inflammatory drugs. The higher pain scores in the postoperative period were associated with chronic pain development after three months of cesarean section.


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This study describes the sedimentological composition and morphology of the sea bottom in an area located at 902 m depth in the Campos Basin of Brazil, and compares characteristics before and after drilling activity for oil exploration. The results show no significant sedimentological variation in the area affected by drilling. The most noticeable effects were observed during the second (MD(2)) of three cruises, in terms of change to grain size distribution, total organic carbon and clay mineral composition around the Eagle well. This impact occurred over the seabed in a direction that corresponds to the near-bottom circulation pattern, predominantly northward. In the third cruise (MD3), 12 months after drilling, some recovery was observed. Side-scan sonar imaging was used to explore the extent of the area affected by drilling, and sedimentological samples from it confirmed the effects of drilling. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The northernmost occurrence of Bassanago albescens in the western Atlantic Ocean (off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is presented and compared with the available data on this species. Specimens formerly identified as Rhynchoconger guppyi from off the southern Brazilian coast are regarded as B. albescens. (C) 2010 The Authors


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This study examines the paramilitary training carried out by the Integralist Militia (Militia Integralista), unit of the Brazilian Integralist Action (Acao Integralista Brasileira, AIB) of the extreme right wing political party in Brazil in the 1930s. The training was aimed to create the "integral soldier", a "physically strong, intelligent and soul superior" one. The study analyzes issues of the newspaper "Monitor Integralista", a prescriptive and dogmatic journal of the movement, found in the Public and History Archives of the city of Rio Claro, State of Sao Paulo, and in the "A Offensiva" newspaper, microfilmed an archived at the National Library of Rio de Janeiro. It concludes that Plinio Salgado's goal, the National Head of the AIB, was to train, by using verbal persuasion, speeches, word of mouth and by vote, by force and physical combat, the integralists to defend the causes of the movement.


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Objective: To verify, in extremely preterm infants, if disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists regarding proactive management is associated with early death. Study Design: Prospective cohort of 484 infants with 23(0/7) to 26(6/7) weeks, without malformations, born from January 2006 to December 2009 in eight Brazilian hospitals. Pro-active management was defined as indication of >= 1 dose of antenatal steroid or cesarean section (obstetrician) and resuscitation at birth according to the international guidelines (neonatologist). Main outcome was neonatal death in the first 24 h of life. Result: Obstetricians and neonatologists disagreed in 115 (24%) patients: only neonatologists were proactive in 107 of them. Disagreement between professionals increased 2.39 times the chance of death in the first day (95% confidence interval 1.40 to 4.09), adjusted for center and maternal/neonatal clinical conditions. Conclusion: In infants with 23 to 26 weeks of gestation, disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists, translated as lack of antenatal steroids and/or vaginal delivery, despite resuscitation procedures, increases the odds of death in the first day. Journal of Perinatology (2012) 32, 913-919; doi:10.1038/jp.2012.28; published online 29 March 2012


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OBJECTIVE: Infections have been and remain the major cause of morbidity and mortality after lung transplantation. Because mucociliary clearance plays an important role in human defense mechanisms, the influence of drugs on the mucociliary epithelium of patients undergoing lung transplantation must be examined. Prednisone is the most important corticosteroid used after lung transplantation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of bronchial transection and prednisone therapy on mucociliary clearance. METHODS: A total of 120 rats were assigned to 4 groups according to surgical procedure or drug therapy: prednisone therapy (1.25 mg/kg/day); bronchial section and anastomosis + prednisone therapy (1.25 mg/kg/day); bronchial section + saline solution (2 ml/day); and saline solution (2 ml/day). After 7, 15, or 30 days, the animals were sacrificed, and the lungs were removed from the thoracic cavity. The in situ mucociliary transport velocity, ciliary beat frequency and in vitro mucus transportability were evaluated. RESULTS: Animals undergoing bronchial section surgery and anastomosis had a significant decrease in the ciliary beat frequency and mucociliary transport velocity 7 and 15 days after surgery (p<0.001). These parameters were normalized 30 days after the surgical procedure. Prednisone improved mucous transportability in the animals undergoing bronchial section and anastomosis at 15 and 30 days (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Bronchial section and anastomosis decrease mucociliary clearance in the early postoperative period. Prednisone therapy improves mucus transportability in animals undergoing bronchial section and anastomosis.


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The growth kinetics, sporulation, and toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis were evaluated through the analysis of batch cultures with different dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles. Firstly, DO was maintained constant at 5%, 20%, or 50% throughout fermentation in order to identify the most suitable one to improve the main process parameters. Higher biomass concentration, cell productivity, and cell yield based on glucose were obtained with 50% DO. The higher aeration level also resulted in higher spore counts and markedly improved the toxic activity of the fermentation broth, which was 9-fold greater than that obtained with 5% DO (LC50 of 39 and 329 mg/L, respectively). Subsequently, using a two-stage oxygen supply strategy, DO was kept at 50% during the vegetative and transition phases until the maximum cell concentration was achieved. Then, DO was changed to 0%, 5%, 20%, or 100% throughout sporulation and cell lysis phases. The interruption of oxygen supply strongly reduced the spore production and thoroughly repressed the toxin synthesis. On the contrary, when DO was raised to 100% of saturation, toxic activity increased approximately four times (LC50 of 8.2 mg/L) in comparison with the mean values reached with lower DO levels, even though spore counts were lower than that from the 50% DO assay. When pure oxygen was used instead of normal air, it was possible to obtain 70% of the total biomass concentration achieved in the air assays; however, cultures did not sporulate and the toxin synthesis was consequently suppressed.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify clusters of the major occurrences of leprosy and their associated socioeconomic and demographic factors. METHODS: Cases of leprosy that occurred between 1998 and 2007 in Sao Jose do Rio Preto (southeastern Brazil) were geocodified and the incidence rates were calculated by census tract. A socioeconomic classification score was obtained using principal component analysis of socioeconomic variables. Thematic maps to visualize the spatial distribution of the incidence of leprosy with respect to socioeconomic levels and demographic density were constructed using geostatistics. RESULTS: While the incidence rate for the entire city was 10.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants annually between 1998 and 2007, the incidence rates of individual census tracts were heterogeneous, with values that ranged from 0 to 26.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Areas with a high leprosy incidence were associated with lower socioeconomic levels. There were identified clusters of leprosy cases, however there was no association between disease incidence and demographic density. There was a disparity between the places where the majority of ill people lived and the location of healthcare services. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial analysis techniques utilized identified the poorer neighborhoods of the city as the areas with the highest risk for the disease. These data show that health departments must prioritize politico-administrative policies to minimize the effects of social inequality and improve the standards of living, hygiene, and education of the population in order to reduce the incidence of leprosy.


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Abstract Background Little is known about the diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and biogeography of trypanosomes infecting non-mammalian hosts. In this study, we investigated the influence of host species and biogeography on shaping the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship, and distribution of trypanosomes from South American alligatorids and African crocodilids. Methods Small Subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) and glycosomal Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) genes were employed for phylogenetic inferences. Trypanosomes from crocodilians were obtained by haemoculturing. Growth behaviour, morphology, and ultrastructural features complement the molecular description of two new species strongly supported by phylogenetic analyses. Results The inferred phylogenies disclosed a strongly supported crocodilian-restricted clade comprising three subclades. The subclade T. grayi comprised the African Trypanosoma grayi from Crocodylus niloticus and tsetse flies. The subclade T. ralphi comprised alligatorid trypanosomes represented by Trypanosoma ralphi n. sp. from Melanosuchus niger, Caiman crocodilus and Caiman yacare from Brazilian river basins. T. grayi and T. ralphi were sister subclades. The basal subclade T. terena comprised alligatorid trypanosomes represented by Trypanosoma terena n. sp. from Ca. yacare sharing hosts and basins with the distantly genetic related T. ralphi. This subclade also included the trypanosome from Ca. crocodilus from the Orinoco basin in Venezuela and, unexpectedly, a trypanosome from the African crocodilian Osteolaemus tetraspis. Conclusion The close relationship between South American and African trypanosomes is consistent with paleontological evidence of recent transoceanic dispersal of Crocodylus at the Miocene/Pliocene boundaries (4–5 mya), and host-switching of trypanosomes throughout the geological configuration of South American hydrographical basins shaping the evolutionary histories of the crocodilians and their trypanosomes.


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Background: Little is known about the diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and biogeography of trypanosomes infecting non-mammalian hosts. In this study, we investigated the influence of host species and biogeography on shaping the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship, and distribution of trypanosomes from South American alligatorids and African crocodilids. Methods: Small Subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) and glycosomal Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) genes were employed for phylogenetic inferences. Trypanosomes from crocodilians were obtained by haemoculturing. Growth behaviour, morphology, and ultrastructural features complement the molecular description of two new species strongly supported by phylogenetic analyses. Results: The inferred phylogenies disclosed a strongly supported crocodilian-restricted clade comprising three subclades. The subclade T. grayi comprised the African Trypanosoma grayi from Crocodylus niloticus and tsetse flies. The subclade T. ralphi comprised alligatorid trypanosomes represented by Trypanosoma ralphi n. sp. From Melanosuchus niger, Caiman crocodilus and Caiman yacare from Brazilian river basins. T. grayi and T. ralphi were sister subclades. The basal subclade T. terena comprised alligatorid trypanosomes represented by Trypanosoma terena n. sp. from Ca. yacare sharing hosts and basins with the distantly genetic related T. ralphi. This subclade also included the trypanosome from Ca. crocodilus from the Orinoco basin in Venezuela and, unexpectedly, a trypanosome from the African crocodilian Osteolaemus tetraspis. Conclusion: The close relationship between South American and African trypanosomes is consistent with paleontological evidence of recent transoceanic dispersal of Crocodylus at the Miocene/Pliocene boundaries (4–5 mya), and host-switching of trypanosomes throughout the geological configuration of South American hydrographical basins shaping the evolutionary histories of the crocodilians and their trypanosomes.