10 resultados para Representative Unit Cell

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The purpose of this article is to present a method which consists in the development of unit cell numerical models for smart composite materials with piezoelectric fibers made of PZT embedded in a non-piezoelectric matrix (epoxy resin). This method evaluates a globally homogeneous medium equivalent to the original composite, using a representative volume element (RVE). The suitable boundary conditions allow the simulation of all modes of the overall deformation arising from any arbitrary combination of mechanical and electrical loading. In the first instance, the unit cell is applied to predict the effective material coefficients of the transversely isotropic piezoelectric composite with circular cross section fibers. The numerical results are compared to other methods reported in the literature and also to results previously published, in order to evaluate the method proposal. In the second step, the method is applied to calculate the equivalent properties for smart composite materials with square cross section fibers. Results of comparison between different combinations of circular and square fiber geometries, observing the influence of the boundary conditions and arrangements are presented.


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The purpose of this article is to present a method which consists in the development of unit cell numerical models for smart composite materials with piezoelectric fibers made of PZT embedded in a non-piezoelectric matrix (epoxy resin). This method evaluates a globally homogeneous medium equivalent to the original composite, using a representative volume element (RVE). The suitable boundary conditions allow the simulation of all modes of the overall deformation arising from any arbitrary combination of mechanical and electrical loading. In the first instance, the unit cell is applied to predict the effective material coefficients of the transversely isotropic piezoelectric composite with circular cross section fibers. The numerical results are compared to other methods reported in the literature and also to results previously published, in order to evaluate the method proposal. In the second step, the method is applied to calculate the equivalent properties for smart composite materials with square cross section fibers. Results of comparison between different combinations of circular and square fiber geometries, observing the influence of the boundary conditions and arrangements are presented.


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The ( Z)-4,4,4-trifluoro-3-(2-hydroxyethylamino)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-2-buten-1-one (C12H12F3NO3) compound was thoroughly studied by IR, Raman, UV-visible, and C-13 and F-19 NMR spectroscopies. The solid-state molecular structure was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. It crystallizes in the P2(1)/c space group with a = 12.1420(4) angstrom, b = 7.8210(3) angstrom, c := 13.8970(5) angstrom, beta = 116.162(2)degrees, and Z = 4 molecules per unit cell. The molecule shows a nearly planar molecular skeleton, favored by intramolecular OH center dot center dot center dot 0 and NH center dot center dot center dot 0 bonds, which are arranged in the lattice as an OH center dot center dot center dot 0 bonded polymer coiled around crystallographic 2-fold screw-axes. The three postulated tautomers were evaluated using quantum chemical calculations. The lowest energy tautomer (I) calculated with density functional theory methods agrees with the observed crystal structure. The structural and conformational properties are discussed considering the effect of the intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bond interactions.


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Endoglucanases are enzymes that hydrolyze cellulose and are important components of the cellulolytic complex. In contrast to other members of the complex, they cleave internal beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds in the cellulose polymer, allowing cellulose to be used as an energy source. Since biomass is an important renewable source of energy, the structural and functional characterization of these enzymes is of interest. In this study, endoglucanase III from Trichoderma harzianum was produced in Pichia pastoris and purified. Crystals belonging to the orthorhombic space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 47.54, b = 55.57, c = 157.3 angstrom, were obtained by the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method and an X-ray diffraction data set was collected to 2.07 angstrom resolution.


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The title compound [Ni(C20H15N2OS)(2)] is prepared by the reaction of metal acetate with the corresponding acylthiourea derivative. The complex is characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR, and its structure is determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The Ni(II) ion is coordinated by the S and O atoms of two N-benzoyl-N',N'-diphenylthiourea ligands in a slightly distorted square-planar coordination geometry. The two O and two S atoms are mutually cis to each other. The substance crystallizes triclinic (P-1 space group) with cell dimensions a = 10.7262(9) , b = 12.938(3) , c = 14.2085(12) , alpha = 74.650(4)A degrees, beta = 78.398(4)A degrees, gamma = 68.200(5)A degrees, and two formula units in the unit cell. The structure is very close to the related N-(2-furoyl) Ni complex reported previously.


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Witzkeite, ideally Na4K4Ca(NO3)(2)(SO4)(4)center dot 2H(2)O, is a new mineral found in the oxidation zone of the guano mining field at Punta de Lobos, Tarapaca region, Chile. It occurs as colorless, tabular crystals up to 140 mu m in length, associated with dittmanite and nitratine. Witzkeite is colorless and transparent, with a white streak and a vitreous luster. It is brittle, with Molts hardness 2 and distinct cleavage on {001}. Measured density is 2.40(2) g/cm(3), calculated density is 2.403 g/cm(3). Witzkeite is biaxial (-) with refractive indexes alpha = 1.470(5), beta = 1.495(5), gamma = 1.510(5), measured 2V = 50-70 degrees. The empirical composition is (electron microprobe, mean of five analyses, H2O, CO2, and N2O5 by gas chromatography; wt%): Na2O 12.83, K2O 22.64, CaO 7.57, FeO 0.44, SO3 39.96, N2O5 12.7, H2O 4.5, total 100.64; CO2 was not detected. The chemical formula, calculated based on 24 O, is: Na3.40K3.95Ca1.11Fe0.05(NO3)(1.93)(SO4)(4.10)(H4.10O1.81). Witzkeite is monoclinic, space group C2/c, with unit-cell parameters: a = 24.902(2), b = 5.3323(4), c = 17.246(1) angstrom, beta = 94.281(7)degrees, V = 2283.6(3) angstrom(3) (Z = 4). The crystal structure was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data and refined to R-1(F) = 0.043. Witzkeite belongs to a new structure type and is noteworthy for the very rare simultaneous presence of sulfate and nitrate groups. The eight strongest X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I in %) (h k l)] are: 12.38 (100) (2 0 0), 4.13 (19) (6 0 0), 3.10 (24) (8 0 0), 2.99 (7) ((8) over bar 02), 2.85 (6) (8 02), 2.69 (9) ((7) over bar 1 3), 2.48 (12) (10 0 0), and 2.07 (54) (12 0 0). The IR spectrum of witzkeite was collected in the range 390-4000 cm(-1). The spectrum shows the typical bands of SO42- ions (1192, 1154, 1116, 1101, 1084, 993, 634, and 617 cm(-1)) and of NO3- ions (1385, 1354, 830, 716, and 2775 cm(-1)). Moreover, a complex pattern of bands related to H2O is visible (bands at 3565, 3419, 3260, 2405, 2110, 1638, and 499 cm(-1)). The IR spectrum is discussed in detail.


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Salts of the anti-HIV drug lamivudine, with phthalic acid and salicylic acid as counterions, were investigated in this study. Neither the packing of the (lamivudine)(+)(phthalic acid)(-) ion pairs nor the conformation of the lamivudine moiety itself were similar to those found in other multicomponent molecular salts of the drug, such as hydrogen maleate and saccharinate ones, even though all three salts crystallize in the same P2(1)2(1)2(1) orthorhombic space group with similar unit cell metrics. Lamivudine salicylate assumes a different crystal structure to those of the hydrogen maleate and saccharinate salts, crystallizing in the P2(1) monoclinic space group as a monohydrate whose (lamivudine)(+)(salicylic acid)(-) ion pair is assembled through two hydrogen bonds with cytosine as a dual donor to both oxygens of the carboxylate, such as in the pairing of lamivudine with a phthalic acid counterion. In lamivudine salicylate monohydrate, the drug conformation is related to the hydrogen maleate and saccharinate salts. However, such a conformational similarity is not related to the intermolecular interaction patterns. Lamivudine and water molecules alternate into helical chains in the salicylate salt monohydrate.


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Isotibolone is frequently found as an impurity in tibolone, a drug used for hormone reposition of post-menopause women, due to some inadequate tibolone synthesis or as a result of degradation during drug storage. The presence of isotibolone impurities should be detected and quantified in active pharmaceutical ingredient products of tibolone before its use in the manufacturing of medicaments. The X-ray powder diffraction technique offers the possibility of quantifying isotibolone amounts at different stages of drug production and storage, from the chemical synthesis to the final formulation. In the course of a study involving the quantitative analysis of isotibolone by X-ray powder diffraction, the authors determined the structure of the title compound using a recently developed approach (A. Gomez and S. Kycia, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2011, 44, 708-713). The structure is monoclinic, space group P2(1) (4), with unit cell parameters a = 6.80704(7) angstrom, b = 20.73858(18) angstrom, c = 6.44900(6) angstrom, beta = 76.4302(5)degrees, V = 884.980(15) angstrom(3) and two molecules per unit cell (Z = 2). The molecules are hydrogen bonded in the ab plane forming layers that are held together in the crystal by van der Waals interactions along the c-axis.


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The expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction characterization of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) from the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (PfMDH) are reported. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the function and role of PfMDH, the protein was purified to homogeneity. The purified protein crystallized in space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 72, b = 157, c = 159 angstrom, a = 105, beta = 101, ? = 95 degrees. The resulting crystals diffracted to a maximal resolution of 2.24 angstrom and the structure has been solved by molecular replacement, with 16 monomers in the asymmetric unit. The 16 monomers are arranged into four independent tetramers, in agreement with previous reports demonstrating the tetrameric solution state of PfMDH. The X-ray structure of PfMDH is expected to clarify the differences in catalysis by PfMDH compared with other MDH family members and to provide a basis for the structure-based design of specific PfMDH inhibitors as well as general MDH inhibitors.


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Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and occurs mainly in the cerebellum. Important intracellular signaling molecules, such those present in the Sonic Hedgehog and Wnt pathways, are involved in its development and can also be employed to determine tumor grade and prognosis. Ectonucleotidases, particularly ecto-5'NT/CD73, are important enzymes in the malignant process of different tumor types regulating extracellular ATP and adenosine levels. Here, we investigated the activity of ectonucleotidases in three malignant human cell lines: Daoy and ONS76, being representative of primary MB, and the D283 cell line, derived from a metastatic MB. All cell lines secreted ATP into the extracellular medium while hydrolyze poorly this nucleotide, which is in agreement with the low expression and activity of pyrophosphate/phosphodiesterase, NTPDases and alkaline phosphatase. The analysis of AMP hydrolysis showed that Daoy and ONS76 completely hydrolyzed AMP, with parallel adenosine production (Daoy) and inosine accumulation (ONS76). On the other hand, D283 cell line did not hydrolyze AMP. Moreover, primary MB tumor cells, Daoy and ONS76 express the ecto-5'NT/CD73 while D283 representative of a metastatic tumor, revealed poor expression of this enzyme, while the ecto-adenosine deaminase showed higher expression in D283 compared to Daoy and ONS76 cells. Nuclear beta-catenin has been suggested as a marker for MB prognosis. Further it can promotes expression of ecto-5'NT/CD73 and suppression of adenosine deaminase. It was observed that Daoy and ONS76 showed greater nuclear beta-catenin immunoreactivity than D283, which presented mainly cytoplasmic immunoreactivity. In summary, the absence of ecto-5'NT/CD73 in the D283 cell line, a metastatic MB phenotype, suggests that high expression levels of this ectonucleotidase could be correlated with a poor prognosis in patients with MB.