11 resultados para Represa do Castanhão

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Highly charged peptides are important components of the immune system and belong to an important family of antibiotics. Although their therapeutic activity is known, most of the molecular level mechanisms are controversial. A wide variety of different approaches are usually applied to understand their mechanisms, but light scattering techniques are frequently overlooked. Yet, light scattering is a noninvasive technique that allows insights both on the peptide mechanism of action as well as on the development of new antibiotics. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and static light scattering (SLS) are used to measure the aggregation process of lipid vesicles upon addition of peptides and molecular properties (shape, molecular weight). The high charge of these peptides allows electrostatic attraction toward charged lipid vesicles, which is studied by zeta potential (zeta-potential) measurements. Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The tissue changes that occur in Chagas disease are related to the degree of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity of affected tissue. Studies with vitamin C supplementation did not develop oxidative damage caused by Chagas disease in the host, but other studies cite the use of peroxiredoxins ascorbate - dependent on T. cruzi to offer protection against immune reaction. Based on these propositions, thirty "Swiss" mice were infected with T. cruzi QM1 strain and treated with two different vitamin C doses in order to study the parasitemia evolution, histopathological changes and lipid peroxidation biomarkers during the acute phase of Chagas disease. The results showed that the parasite clearance was greater in animals fed with vitamin C overdose. There were no significant differences regarding the biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and inflammatory process or the increase of myocardium in animals treated with the recommended dosage. The largest amount of parasite growth towards the end of the acute phase suggests the benefit of high doses of vitamin C for trypomastigotes. The supplementation doesn't influence the production of free radicals or the number of amastigote nests in the acute phase of Chagas disease.


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Litterfall and litter decomposition are vital processes in tropical forests because they regulate nutrient cycling. Nutrient cycling can be altered by forest fragmentation. The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened biomes in the world due to human occupation over the last 500 years. This scenario has resulted in fragments of different size, age and regeneration phase. To investigate differences in litterfall and leaf decomposition between forest successional phases, we compared six forest fragments at three different successional phases and an area of mature forest on the Atlantic Plateau of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We sampled litter monthly from November 2008 to October 2009. We used litterbags to calculate leaf decomposition rate of an exotic species, Tipuana tipu (Fabaceae), over the same period litter sampling was performed. Litterfall was higher in the earliest successional area. This pattern may be related to the structural properties of the forest fragments, especially the higher abundance of pioneer species, which have higher productivity and are typical of early successional areas. However, we have not found significant differences in the decomposition rates between the studied areas, which may be caused by rapid stabilization of the decomposition environment (combined effect of microclimatic conditions and the decomposers activities). This result indicates that the leaf decomposition process have already been restored to levels observed in mature forests after a few decades of regeneration, although litterfall has not been entirely restored. This study emphasizes the importance of secondary forests for restoration of ecosystem processes on a regional scale.


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Objective: To evaluate the factors influencing the results of ulnar nerve neurotization at the motor branch of the brachii biceps muscle, aiming at the restoration of elbow flexion in patients with brachial plexus injury. Methods: 19 patients, with 18 men and 1 woman, mean age 28.7 years. Eight patients had injury to roots C5-C6 and 11, to roots C5-C6-C7. The average time interval between injury and surgery was 7.5 months. Four patients had cervical fractures associated with brachial plexus injury. The postoperative follow-up was 15.7 months. Results: Eight patients recovered elbow flexion strength MRC grade 4; two, MRC grade 3 and nine, MRC <3. There was no impairment of the previous ulnar nerve function. Conclusion: The surgical results of ulnar nerve neurotization at the motor branch of brachii biceps muscle are dependent on the interval between brachial plexus injury and surgical treatment, the presence of associated fractures of the cervical spine and occipital condyle, residual function of the C8-T1 roots after the injury and the involvement of the C7 root. Signs of reinnervation manifested up to 3 months after surgery showed better results in the long term. Level of Evidence: IV, Case Series.


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Hantavirus disease is caused by the hantavirus, which is an RNA virus belonging to the family Bunyaviridae. Hantavirus disease is an anthropozoonotic infection transmitted through the inhalation of aerosols from the excreta of hantavirus-infected rodents. In the county of Itacoatiara in the state of Amazonas (AM), Brazil, the first human cases of hantavirus pulmonary and cardiovascular syndrome were described in July 2004. These first cases were followed by two fatal cases, one in the municipality of Maues in 2005 and another in Itacoatiara in 2007. In this study, we investigated the antibody levels to hantavirus in a population of 1,731 individuals from four different counties of AM. Sera were tested by IgG/IgM-enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay using a recombinant nucleocapsid protein of the Araraquara hantavirus as an antigen. Ten sera were IgG positive to hantavirus (0.6%). Among the positive sera, 0.8% (1/122), 0.4% (1/256), 0.2% (1/556) and 0.9% (7/797) were from Atalaia do Norte, Careiro Castanho, Itacoatiara and Labrea, respectively. None of the sera in this survey were IgM-positive. Because these counties are distributed in different areas of AM, we can assume that infected individuals are found throughout the entire state, which suggests that hantavirus disease could be a local emerging health problem.


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We examined the effects of soil mesofauna and the litter decomposition environment (above and belowground) on leaf decomposition rates in three forest types in southeastern Brazil. To estimate decomposition experimentally, we used litterbags with a standard substrate in a full-factorial experimental design. We used model selection to compare three decomposition models and also to infer the importance of forest type, decomposition environment, mesofauna, and their interactions on the decomposition process. Rather than the frequently used simple and double-exponential models, the best model to describe our dataset was the exponential deceleration model, which assumed a single organic compartment with an exponential decrease of the decomposition rate. Decomposition was higher in the wet than in the seasonal forest, and the differences between forest types were stronger aboveground. Regarding litter decomposition environment, decomposition was predominantly higher below than aboveground, but the magnitude of this effect was higher in the seasonal than in wet forests. Mesofauna exclusion treatments had slower decomposition, except aboveground into the Semi-deciduous Forest, where the mesofauna presence did not affect decomposition. Furthermore, the effect of mesofauna was stronger in the wet forests and belowground. Overall, our results suggest that, in a regional scale, both decomposers activity and the positive effect of soil mesofauna in decomposition are constrained by abiotic factors, such as moisture conditions.


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Questions Does the spatial association between isolated adult trees and understorey plants change along a gradient of sand dunes? Does this association depend on the life form of the understorey plant? Location Coastal sand dunes, southeast Brazil. Methods We recorded the occurrence of understorey plant species in 100 paired 0.25 m2 plots under adult trees and in adjacent treeless sites along an environmental gradient from beach to inland. Occurrence probabilities were modelled as a function of the fixed variables of the presence of a neighbour, distance from the seashore and life form, and a random variable, the block (i.e. the pair of plots). Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were fitted in a backward step-wise procedure using Akaike's information criterion (AIC) for model selection. Results The occurrence of understorey plants was affected by the presence of an adult tree neighbour, but the effect varied with the life form of the understorey species. Positive spatial association was found between isolated adult neighbour and young trees, whereas a negative association was found for shrubs. Moreover, a neutral association was found for lianas, whereas for herbs the effect of the presence of an adult neighbour ranged from neutral to negative, depended on the subgroup considered. The strength of the negative association with forbs increased with distance from the seashore. However, for the other life forms, the associational pattern with adult trees did not change along the gradient. Conclusions For most of the understorey life forms there is no evidence that the spatial association between isolated adult trees and understorey plants changes with the distance from the seashore, as predicted by the stress gradient hypothesis, a common hypothesis in the literature about facilitation in plant communities. Furthermore, the positive spatial association between isolated adult trees and young trees identified along the entire gradient studied indicates a positive feedback that explains the transition from open vegetation to forest in subtropical coastal dune environments.


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The tissue changes that occur in Chagas disease are related to the degree of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity of affected tissue. Studies with vitamin C supplementation did not develop oxidative damage caused by Chagas disease in the host, but other studies cite the use of peroxiredoxins ascorbate - dependent on T. cruzi to offer protection against immune reaction. Based on these propositions, thirty "Swiss" mice were infected with T. cruzi QM1 strain and treated with two different vitamin C doses in order to study the parasitemia evolution, histopathological changes and lipid peroxidation biomarkers during the acute phase of Chagas disease. The results showed that the parasite clearance was greater in animals fed with vitamin C overdose. There were no significant differences regarding the biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and inflammatory process or the increase of myocardium in animals treated with the recommended dosage. The largest amount of parasite growth towards the end of the acute phase suggests the benefit of high doses of vitamin C for trypomastigotes. The supplementation doesn't influence the production of free radicals or the number of amastigote nests in the acute phase of Chagas disease.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar de forma crítica os fatores que influenciam os resultados da neurotização do nervo ulnar no ramo motor do músculo bíceps braquial, visando a restauração da flexão do cotovelo em pacientes com lesão do plexo braquial. MÉTODOS: 19 pacientes, 18 homens e uma mulher, com idade média de 28,7 anos foram avaliados entre fevereiro de 2003 e maio de 2007. Oito pacientes apresentavam lesão das raízes C5-C6 e 11, das raízes C5-C6-C7. O intervalo de tempo médio entre a injúria e o tratamento cirúrgico foi 7,5 meses. Quatro pacientes apresentavam fraturas cervicais associadas à lesão do plexo braquial. O seguimento pós-operatório foi de 15,7 meses. RESULTADO: Oito pacientes recuperaram força de flexão do cotovelo MRC grau 4; dois, MRC grau 3 e nove, MRC < 3. Não houve prejuízo da função prévia do nervo ulnar. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados da cirurgia de neurotização do nervo ulnar no ramo motor no músculo bíceps braquial são dependentes: do intervalo decorrido entre a lesão do plexo e o tratamento cirúrgico, da presença de fraturas associadas da coluna cervical e côndilo occipital, da função residual das raízes de C8-T1 após o trauma e do acometimento da raiz de C7. Sinais de reinervação manifestados até 3 meses no pós cirúrgico mostram melhores resultados ao longo prazo. Nível de Evidência: IV, Série de Casos.


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Os dados de sensoriamento remoto em campo podem fornecer informações detalhadas sobre a variabilidade de parâmetros biofísicos ligados à produtividade em grandes áreas e apresentam potencial para o monitoramento destes parâmetros, ao longo de todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento da cultura. Este trabalho objetivou mapear a variabilidade espacial do índice de vegetação da diferença normalizada (NDVI) e seus componentes, em duas lavouras comerciais de algodão (Gossipium hirsutum L.), utilizando sensor óptico ativo, em nível terrestre. Os dados foram coletados utilizando-se sensor instalado em um pulverizador autopropelido agrícola. Um receptor GPS foi acoplado ao sensor, para a obtenção das coordenadas dos pontos de amostragem. As leituras foram realizadas em faixas espaçadas em 21,0 m, aproveitando-se as passadas do veículo no momento da pulverização de agroquímicos, e os dados submetidos à análise estatística clássica e geoestatística. Mapas de distribuição espacial das variáveis foram elaborados pela interpolação por krigagem. Observou-se maior variabilidade espacial do NDVI e da reflectância espectral da vegetação na região do infravermelho próximo (IVP) (880 nm) e do visível (590 nm) na lavoura com maior estresse fisiológico, devido ao ataque do percevejo castanho [Scaptocoris castanea (Hem.: Cydnidae)], em relação à lavoura sadia.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar a intensidade do exercício físico e as concentrações de cortisol plasmático em cavalos de enduro, uma competição em que somente animais experientes podem competir nas provas mais longas. Foram utilizados 30 equinos Puro Sangue Árabe e mestiços Árabe, machos ou fêmeas participantes de provas de enduro. Foram divididos em três grupos de 10 animais: (G1): percorreram mais de 100km, (G2): percorreram menos de 100km, e (G3): desqualificados por causa metabólica. Foram realizadas dosagens de cortisol plasmático em três momentos diferentes: (t0): dia anterior à competição, (t1): 30 a 60 minutos após o término da prova e, (t2): 90 a 120 minutos após o término da prova. Concluiu-se que o enduro leva ao aumento do cortisol plasmático; animais que percorrem maiores distâncias apresentam menor aumento das concentrações de cortisol; animais desqualificados por causa metabólica, que passam por situações de extremo esforço físico, tendem a valores de cortisol mais elevados e animais menos experientes apresentam valores de cortisol mais elevados mesmo tendo percorrido menores distâncias.