9 resultados para Radio Broadcasting to Cuba (Organization)

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The purpose was to investigate sociodemographic characteristics of women who underwent a Pap smear test in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, and identify the reasons why the women had the test. This exploratory study was performed with 281 women who had taken the Pap smear test within the last five years in Manaus. Most participants were between 18 to 34 years old (54%), had 5 to 11 years of education (54.4%), had a monthly income of less than three minimum wage salaries (84.3%) and were in a stable relationship (72.2%), with an onset of sexual activity between the ages of 15 to 19 years (69.4%). The reasons for their taking the Pap test were personal choice (66.2%), recommendation by a physician (23.5%) and gynecological symptoms (10.3%). Women who received information about the Pap test from health professionals had a greater chance of being tested within the last three years (p=0.008). Women choosing to have the exam (personal choice) are prevalent, and the opportunistic service is provided to younger women, thus not reaching the group at greater risk for cancer. It is necessary to implement active recruitment strategies to reach women in situations of socioeconomic disadvantage.


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We observe a correlation between the slope of radio lateral distributions and the mean muon pseudorapidity of 59 individual cosmic-ray-air-shower events. The radio lateral distributions are measured with LOPES, a digital radio interferometer colocated with the multidetector-air-shower array KASCADE-Grande, which includes a muon-tracking detector. The result proves experimentally that radio measurements are sensitive to the longitudinal development of cosmic-ray air showers. This is one of the main prerequisites for using radio arrays for ultra-high-energy particle physics and astrophysics.


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Over the last few years, Business Process Management (BPM) has achieved increasing popularity and dissemination. An analysis of the underlying assumptions of BPM shows that it pursues two apparently contradicting goals: on the one hand it aims at formalising work practices into business process models; on the other hand, it intends to confer flexibility to the organization - i.e. to maintain its ability to respond to new and unforeseen situations. This paper analyses the relationship between formalisation and flexibility in business process modelling by means of an empirical case study of a BPM project in an aircraft maintenance company. A qualitative approach is adopted based on the Actor-Network Theory. The paper offers two major contributions: (a) it illustrates the sociotechnical complexity involved in BPM initiatives; (b) it points towards a multidimensional understanding of the relation between formalization and flexibility in BPM projects.


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O Sistema Único de Saúde conferiu visibilidade a uma série de conceitos próprios da organização de sistemas de saúde. Entre eles a integralidade, que delimita fronteiras comuns com quase todos os demais princípios do Sistema, tem sido objeto de ampla literatura no Brasil. Com base em extensa revisão de fontes primárias e secundárias, este artigo apresenta uma recuperação histórica dos conceitos de integralidade, descentralização, regionalização e universalidade - ideias e conceitos que em grande parte se conformam e se interligam no ideário da organização dos serviços sanitários pelo modelo dos Centros de Saúde distritais.


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O trabalho voluntário representa uma das bases de sustentabilidade das Organizações Não-Governamentais, principalmente para a manutenção e continuidade dos projetos institucionais. Em contrapartida, vem sendo considerado fator de degradação do trabalhador que está excluído do mercado. Partindo de uma experiência de implantação de rotinas para acolhimento e integração de voluntários em uma ONG/AIDS, este estudo teve por objetivo a caracterização dos voluntários e a compreensão da diversidade de sentidos presentes nas ações voluntárias, visando subsidiar a avaliação e planejamento das ações de organização do trabalho adotadas pela instituição. A análise temática de conteúdo das entrevistas, realizadas com 20 candidatos ao trabalho voluntário, permitiu a caracterização do perfil, das suas concepções e expectativas. Em síntese, o trabalho voluntário pareceu representar um recurso de qualificação para a inserção no mercado de trabalho e elemento importante para formação da identidade social e socialização do conhecimento em HIV/AIDS.


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Este artigo analisa repercussões satíricas dos processos de escolarização do social no Brasil, presentes em antigos programas humorísticos de rádio, que, geralmente organizados pelo diálogo entre um professor e seus alunos, foram simultaneamente grandes sucessos em termos de audiência e alvos de uma crítica sistemática por parte daqueles que defendiam a radiodifusão como instrumento de divulgação da "verdadeira" cultura. Por meio do uso de fontes sonoras e impressas, objetiva compreender as razões do sucesso do gênero e, neste percurso, identificar as críticas à escola, à educação e seus sujeitos, que, jocosamente, veicularam, explicitadas em conflitos entre sonoras tradições populares e saberes escolares.


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Objetivou-se identificar as características sociodemográficas das mulheres que realizam o Papanicolaou em Manaus, Amazonas, e sua associação com os motivos para realização do exame. Pesquisa exploratória incluindo 281 mulheres, que haviam realizado o Papanicolaou nos últimos cinco anos em Manaus. A maioria das entrevistadas tinha entre 18-34 anos (54%), 5-11 anos de estudo (54,4%), renda familiar mensal de até três salários mínimos (84,3%), relação estável (72,2%) e início da vida sexual entre 15-19 anos (69,4%). Os motivos para realização do Papanicolaou foram procura espontânea (66,2%), recomendação médica (23,5%) e sintomas ginecológicos (10,3%). Mulheres que receberam informação dos profissionais de saúde tiveram proporção maior de realização do exame nos últimos três anos (p=0,008). A demanda espontânea é prevalente e o atendimento oportunístico é realizado nas mulheres mais jovens, não alcançando o grupo com maior risco para o câncer. É necessário implantar estratégias de recrutamento ativo alcançando mulheres em desvantagem socioeconômica.


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Telecommunications have been in constant evolution during past decades. Among the technological innovations, the use of digital technologies is very relevant. Digital communication systems have proven their efficiency and brought a new element in the chain of signal transmitting and receiving, the digital processor. This device offers to new radio equipments the flexibility of a programmable system. Nowadays, the behavior of a communication system can be modified by simply changing its software. This gave rising to a new radio model called Software Defined Radio (or Software-Defined Radio - SDR). In this new model, one moves to the software the task to set radio behavior, leaving to hardware only the implementation of RF front-end. Thus, the radio is no longer static, defined by their circuits and becomes a dynamic element, which may change their operating characteristics, such as bandwidth, modulation, coding rate, even modified during runtime according to software configuration. This article aims to present the use of GNU Radio software, an open-source solution for SDR specific applications, as a tool for development configurable digital radio.


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The time is ripe for a comprehensive mission to explore and document Earth's species. This calls for a campaign to educate and inspire the next generation of professional and citizen species explorers, investments in cyber-infrastructure and collections to meet the unique needs of the producers and consumers of taxonomic information, and the formation and coordination of a multi-institutional, international, transdisciplinary community of researchers, scholars and engineers with the shared objective of creating a comprehensive inventory of species and detailed map of the biosphere. We conclude that an ambitious goal to describe 10 million species in less than 50 years is attainable based on the strength of 250 years of progress, worldwide collections, existing experts, technological innovation and collaborative teamwork. Existing digitization projects are overcoming obstacles of the past, facilitating collaboration and mobilizing literature, data, images and specimens through cyber technologies. Charting the biosphere is enormously complex, yet necessary expertise can be found through partnerships with engineers, information scientists, sociologists, ecologists, climate scientists, conservation biologists, industrial project managers and taxon specialists, from agrostologists to zoophytologists. Benefits to society of the proposed mission would be profound, immediate and enduring, from detection of early responses of flora and fauna to climate change to opening access to evolutionary designs for solutions to countless practical problems. The impacts on the biodiversity, environmental and evolutionary sciences would be transformative, from ecosystem models calibrated in detail to comprehensive understanding of the origin and evolution of life over its 3.8 billion year history. The resultant cyber-enabled taxonomy, or cybertaxonomy, would open access to biodiversity data to developing nations, assure access to reliable data about species, and change how scientists and citizens alike access, use and think about biological diversity information.