29 resultados para RNA silencing

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The sugarcane root endophyte Trichoderma virens 223 holds enormous potential as a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides in the control of sugarcane diseases. Its efficacy as a biocontrol agent is thought to be associated with its production of chitinase enzymes, including N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidases, chitobiosidases and endochitinases. We used targeted gene deletion and RNA-dependent gene silencing strategies to disrupt N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase and endochitinase activities of the fungus, and to determine their roles in the biocontrol of soil-borne plant pathogens. The loss of N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activities was dispensable for biocontrol of the plurivorous damping-off pathogens Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and of the sugarcane pathogen Ceratocystis paradoxa, the causal agent of pineapple disease. Similarly, suppression of endochitinase activities had no effect on R. solani and S. sclerotiorum disease control, but had a pronounced effect on the ability of T. virens 223 to control pineapple disease. Our work demonstrates a critical requirement for T. virens 223 endochitinase activity in the biocontrol of C. paradoxa sugarcane disease, but not for general antagonism of other soil pathogens. This may reflect its lifestyle as a sugarcane root endophyte.


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Sepsis and septic shock are associated with cardiac depression. Cardiovascular instability is a major cause of death in patients with sepsis. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a potential mediator of cardiomyocyte responses to oxidative and mechanical stress. Myocardial collagen deposition can affect cardiac compliance and contractility. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the silencing of FAK is protective against endotoxemia-induced alterations of cardiac structure and function. In male Wistar rats, endotoxemia was induced by intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (10 mg/kg). Cardiac morphometry and function were studied in vivo by left ventricular catheterization and histology. Intravenous injection of small interfering RNA targeting FAK was used to silence myocardial expression of the kinase. The hearts of lipopolysaccharide-injected rats showed collagen deposition, increased matrix metalloproteinase 2 activity, and myocyte hypertrophy, as well as reduced 24-h +dP/dt and -dP/dt, together with hypotension, increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and elevated levels of FAK (phosphorylated and unphosphorylated). Focal adhesion kinase silencing reduced the expression and activation of the kinase in cardiac tissue, as well as protecting against the increased collagen deposition, greater matrix metalloproteinase 2 activity, and reduced cardiac contractility that occur during endotoxemia. In conclusion, FAK is activated in endotoxemia, playing a role in cardiac remodeling and in the impairment of cardiac function. This kinase represents a potential therapeutic target for the protection of cardiac function in patients with sepsis.


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Embryonic carcinoma cells are widely used models for studying the mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation occurring during early embryogenesis. We have now investigated how down-regulation of P2X2 and P2X7 receptor expression by RNA interference (RNAi) affects neural differentiation and phenotype specification of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Wild-type P19 embryonal carcinoma cells or cells stably expressing shRNAs targeting P2X2 or P2X7 receptor expression were induced to differentiate into neurons and glial cells in the presence of retinoic acid. Silencing of P2X2 receptor expression along differentiation promoted cell proliferation and an increase in the percentage of cells expressing glial-specific GFAP, while the presence of beta-3 tubulin-positive cells diminished at the same time. Proliferation induction in the presence of stable anti-P2X2 receptor RNAi points at a mechanism where glial proliferation is favored over growth arrest of progenitor cells which would allow neuronal maturation. Differently from the P2X2 receptor, inhibition of P2X7 receptor expression during neural differentiation of P19 cells resulted in a decrease in cell proliferation and GFAP expression, suggesting the need of functional P2X7 receptors for the progress of gliogenesis. The results obtained in this study indicate the importance of purinergic signaling for cell fate determination during neural differentiation, with P2X2 and P2X7 receptors promoting neurogenesis and gliogenesis, respectively. The shRNAs down-regulating P2X2 or P2X7 receptor gene expression, developed during this work, present useful tools for studying mechanisms of neural differentiation in other stem cell models. (C) 2012 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anti-silencing factor 1 (ASF1) is a histone chaperone that contributes to the histone deposition during nucleosome assembly in newly replicated DNA. It is involved in chromatin disassembly, transcription activation and in the cellular response to DNA damage. In Leishmania major the ASF1 gene (LmASF1) is located in chromosome 20 and codes for a protein showing 67% of identity with the Trypanosoma brucei TbASF1a. Compared to orthologous proteins, LmASF1 conserves the main residues relevant for its various biological functions. To study ASF1 in Leishmania we generated a mutant overexpressing LmASF1 in L. major. We observed that the excess of LmASF1 impaired promastigotes growth rates and had no impact on cell cycle progress. Differently from yeast, ASF1 overproduction in Leishmania did not affect expression levels of genes located on telomeres, but led to an upregulation of proteins involved in chromatin remodelling and physiological stress, such as heat shock proteins, oxidoreductase activity and proteolysis. In addition, we observed that LmASF1 mutant is more susceptible to the DNA damaging agent, methyl methane sulphonate, than the control line. Therefore, our study suggests that ASF1 from Leishmania pertains to the chromatin remodelling machinery of the parasite and acts on its response to DNA damage.


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Abstract Background Some organisms can survive extreme desiccation by entering a state of suspended animation known as anhydrobiosis. The free-living mycophagous nematode Aphelenchus avenae can be induced to enter anhydrobiosis by pre-exposure to moderate reductions in relative humidity (RH) prior to extreme desiccation. This preconditioning phase is thought to allow modification of the transcriptome by activation of genes required for desiccation tolerance. Results To identify such genes, a panel of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) enriched for sequences upregulated in A. avenae during preconditioning was created. A subset of 30 genes with significant matches in databases, together with a number of apparently novel sequences, were chosen for further study. Several of the recognisable genes are associated with water stress, encoding, for example, two new hydrophilic proteins related to the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein family. Expression studies confirmed EST panel members to be upregulated by evaporative water loss, and the majority of genes was also induced by osmotic stress and cold, but rather fewer by heat. We attempted to use RNA interference (RNAi) to demonstrate the importance of this gene set for anhydrobiosis, but found A. avenae to be recalcitrant with the techniques used. Instead, therefore, we developed a cross-species RNAi procedure using A. avenae sequences in another anhydrobiotic nematode, Panagrolaimus superbus, which is amenable to gene silencing. Of 20 A. avenae ESTs screened, a significant reduction in survival of desiccation in treated P. superbus populations was observed with two sequences, one of which was novel, while the other encoded a glutathione peroxidase. To confirm a role for glutathione peroxidases in anhydrobiosis, RNAi with cognate sequences from P. superbus was performed and was also shown to reduce desiccation tolerance in this species. Conclusions This study has identified and characterised the expression profiles of members of the anhydrobiotic gene set in A. avenae. It also demonstrates the potential of RNAi for the analysis of anhydrobiosis and provides the first genetic data to underline the importance of effective antioxidant systems in metazoan desiccation tolerance.


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The down-regulation of the tumor-suppressor gene RASSF1A has been shown to increase cell proliferation in several tumors. RASSF1A expression is regulated through epigenetic events involving the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2); however, the molecular mechanisms modulating the recruitment of this epigenetic modifier to the RASSF1 locus remain largely unknown. Here, we identify and characterize ANRASSF1, an endogenous unspliced long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) that is transcribed from the opposite strand on the RASSF1 gene locus in several cell lines and tissues and binds PRC2. ANRASSF1 is transcribed through RNA polymerase II and is 5'-capped and polyadenylated; it exhibits nuclear localization and has a shorter half-life compared with other lncRNAs that bind PRC2. ANRASSF1 endogenous expression is higher in breast and prostate tumor cell lines compared with non-tumor, and an opposite pattern is observed for RASSF1A. ANRASSF1 ectopic overexpression reduces RASSF1A abundance and increases the proliferation of HeLa cells, whereas ANRASSF1 silencing causes the opposite effects. These changes in ANRASSF1 levels do not affect the RASSF1C isoform abundance. ANRASSF1 overexpression causes a marked increase in both PRC2 occupancy and histone H3K27me3 repressive marks, specifically at the RASSF1A promoter region. No effect of ANRASSF1 overexpression was detected on PRC2 occupancy and histone H3K27me3 at the promoter regions of RASSF1C and the four other neighboring genes, including two well-characterized tumor suppressor genes. Additionally, we demonstrated that ANRASSF1 forms an RNA/DNA hybrid and recruits PRC2 to the RASSF1A promoter. Together, these results demonstrate a novel mechanism of epigenetic repression of the RASSF1A tumor suppressor gene involving antisense unspliced lncRNA, in which ANRASSF1 selectively represses the expression of the RASSF1 isoform overlapping the antisense transcript in a location-specific manner. In a broader perspective, our findings suggest that other non-characterized unspliced intronic lncRNAs transcribed in the human genome might contribute to a location-specific epigenetic modulation of genes.


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The molecular integration of nutrient-and pathogen-sensing pathways has become of great interest in understanding the mechanisms of insulin resistance in obesity. The double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) is one candidate molecule that may provide cross talk between inflammatory and metabolic signaling. The present study was performed to determine, first, the role of PKR in modulating insulin action and glucose metabolism in physiological situations, and second, the role of PKR in insulin resistance in obese mice. We used Pkr(-/-) and Pkr(+/+) mice to investigate the role of PKR in modulating insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism, and insulin signaling in liver, muscle, and adipose tissue in response to a high-fat diet. Our data show that in lean Pkr(-/-) mice, there is an improvement in insulin sensitivity, and in glucose tolerance, and a reduction in fasting blood glucose, probably related to a decrease in protein phosphatase 2A activity and a parallel increase in insulin-induced thymoma viral oncogene-1 (Akt) phosphorylation. PKR is activated in tissues of obese mice and can induce insulin resistance by directly binding to and inducing insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 serine307 phosphorylation or indirectly through modulation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and inhibitor of kappa B kinase beta. Pkr(-/-) mice were protected from high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance and glucose intolerance and showed improved insulin signaling associated with a reduction in c-Jun N-terminal kinase and inhibitor of kappa B kinase beta phosphorylation in insulin-sensitive tissues. PKR may have a role in insulin sensitivity under normal physiological conditions, probably by modulating protein phosphatase 2A activity and serine-threonine kinase phosphorylation, and certainly, this kinase may represent a central mechanism for the integration of pathogen response and innate immunity with insulin action and metabolic pathways that are critical in obesity. (Endocrinology 153:5261-5274, 2012)


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Nucleoli, nuclear organelles in which ribosomal RNA is synthesized and processed, emerge from nucleolar organizers (NORs) located in distinct chromosomal regions. In polytene nuclei of dipterans, nucleoli of some species can be observed under light microscopy exhibiting distinctive morphology: Drosophila and chironomid species display well-formed nucleoli in contrast to the fragmented and dispersed nucleoli seen in sciarid flies. The available data show no apparent relationship between nucleolar morphology and location of NORs in Diptera. The regulation of rRNA transcription involves controlling both the transcription rate per gene as well as the proportion of rRNA genes adopting a proper chromatin structure for transcription, since active and inactive rRNA gene copies coexist in NORs. Transcription units organized in nucleosomes and those lacking canonical nucleosomes can be analyzed by the method termed psoralen gel retarding assay (PGRA), allowing inferences on the ratio of active to inactive rRNA gene copies. In this work, possible connections between chromosomal location of NORs and proportion of active rRNA genes were studied in Drosophila melanogaster, and in chironomid and sciarid species. The data suggested a link between location of NORs and proportion of active rRNA genes since the copy number showing nucleosomal organization predominates when NORs are located in the pericentric heterochromatin. The results presented in this work are in agreement with previous data on the chromatin structure of rRNA genes from distantly related eukaryotes, as assessed by the PGRA.


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Background: Sugarcane is an important crop worldwide for sugar production and increasingly, as a renewable energy source. Modern cultivars have polyploid, large complex genomes, with highly unequal contributions from ancestral genomes. Long Terminal Repeat retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) are the single largest components of most plant genomes and can substantially impact the genome in many ways. It is therefore crucial to understand their contribution to the genome and transcriptome, however a detailed study of LTR-RTs in sugarcane has not been previously carried out. Results: Sixty complete LTR-RT elements were classified into 35 families within four Copia and three Gypsy lineages. Structurally, within lineages elements were similar, between lineages there were large size differences. FISH analysis resulted in the expected pattern of Gypsy/heterochromatin, Copia/euchromatin, but in two lineages there was localized clustering on some chromosomes. Analysis of related ESTs and RT-PCR showed transcriptional variation between tissues and families. Four distinct patterns were observed in sRNA mapping, the most unusual of which was that of Ale1, with very large numbers of 24nt sRNAs in the coding region. The results presented support the conclusion that distinct small RNA-regulated pathways in sugarcane target the lineages of LTR-RT elements. Conclusions: Individual LTR-RT sugarcane families have distinct structures, and transcriptional and regulatory signatures. Our results indicate that in sugarcane individual LTR-RT families have distinct behaviors and can potentially impact the genome in diverse ways. For instance, these transposable elements may affect nearby genes by generating a diverse set of small RNA's that trigger gene silencing mechanisms. There is also some evidence that ancestral genomes contribute significantly different element numbers from particular LTR-RT lineages to the modern sugarcane cultivar genome.


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Previously, we reported that nucleophosmin (NPM) was increased in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). NPM is a phosphoprotein related to apoptosis, ribosome biogenesis, mitosis, and DNA repair, but details about its function remain unclear. We treated U87MG and A172 cells with small interference RNA (siRNA) and obtained a reduction of 80% in NPM1 expression. Knockdown at the protein level was evident after the 4th day and was maintained until the 7th day of transfection that was investigated by quantitative proteomic analysis using isobaric tags. The comparison of proteomic analysis of NPM1-siRNA against controls allowed the identification of 14 proteins, two proteins showed increase and 12 presented a reduction of expression levels. Gene ontology assigned most of the hypoexpressed proteins to apoptosis regulation, including GRP78. NPM1 silencing did not impair cell proliferation until the 7th day after transfection, but sensitized U87MG cells to temozolomide (TMZ), culminating with an increase in cell death and provoking at a later period a reduction of colony formation. In a large data set of GBM patients, both GRP78 and NPM1 genes were upregulated and presented a tendency to shorter overall survival time. In conclusion, NPM proved to participate in the apoptotic process, sensitizing TMZ-treated U87MG and A172 cells to cell death, and in association with upregulation of GRP78 may be helpful as a predictive factor of poor prognosis in GBM patients.


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Purpose: We sought to determine the mechanisms of downregulation of the airway transcription factor Foxa2 in lung cancer and the expression status of Foxa2 in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: A series of 25 lung cancer cell lines were evaluated for Foxa2 protein expression, FOXA2 mRNA levels, FOXA2 mutations, FOXA2 copy number changes and for evidence of FOXA2 promoter hypermethylation. In addition, 32 NSCLCs were sequenced for FOXA2 mutations and 173 primary NSCLC tumors evaluated for Foxa2 expression using an immunohistochemical assay. Results: Out of the 25 cell lines, 13 (52%) had undetectable FOXA2 mRNA. The expression of FOXA2 mRNA and Foxa2 protein were congruent in 19/22 cells (p = 0.001). FOXA2 mutations were not identified in primary NSCLCs and were infrequent in cell lines. Focal or broad chromosomal deletions involving FOXA2 were not present. The promoter region of FOXA2 had evidence of hypermethylation, with an inverse correlation between FOXA2 mRNA expression and presence of CpG dinucleotide methylation (p < 0.0001). In primary NSCLC tumor specimens, there was a high frequency of either absence (42/173, 24.2%) or no/low expression (96/173,55.4%) of Foxa2. In 130 patients with stage I NSCLC there was a trend towards decreased survival in tumors with no/low expression of Foxa2 (HR of 1.6, 95%CI 0.9-3.1; p = 0.122). Conclusions: Loss of expression of Foxa2 is frequent in lung cancer cell lines and NSCLCs. The main mechanism of downregulation of Foxa2 is epigenetic silencing through promoter hypermethylation. Further elucidation of the involvement of Foxa2 and other airway transcription factors in the pathogenesis of lung cancer may identify novel therapeutic targets. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: RNA interference (RNAi) is a post-transcriptional gene silencing process in which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) directs the degradation of a specific corresponding target mRNA. The mediators of this process are small dsRNAs of approximately 21 to 23 bp in length, called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), which can be prepared in vitro and used to direct the degradation of specific mRNAs inside cells. Hence, siRNAs represent a powerful tool to study and control gene and cell function. Rapid progress has been made in the use of siRNA as a means to attenuate the expression of any protein for which the cDNA sequence is known. Individual siRNAs can be chemically synthesized, in vitro-transcribed, or expressed in cells from siRNA expression vectors. However, screening for the most efficient siRNAs for post-transcriptional gene silencing in cells in culture is a laborious and expensive process. In this study, the effectiveness of two siRNA production strategies for the attenuation of abundant proteins for DNA repair were compared in human cells: (a) the in vitro production of siRNA mixtures by the Dicer enzyme (Diced siRNAs); and (b) the chemical synthesis of very specific and unique siRNA sequences (Stealth RNai (TM)). Materials, Methods & Results: For in vitro-produced siRNAs, two segments of the human Ku70 (167 bp in exon 5; and 249 bp in exon 13; NM001469) and Xrcc4 (172 bp in exon 2; and 108 bp in exon 6; NM003401) genes were chosen to generate dsRNA for subsequent "Dicing" to create mixtures of siRNAs. The Diced fragments of siRNA for each gene sequence were pooled and stored at -80 degrees C. Alternatively, chemically synthesized Stealth siRNAs were designed and generated to match two very specific gene sequence regions for each target gene of interest (Ku70 and Xrcc4). HCT116 cells were plated at 30% confluence in 24- or 6-well culture plates. The next day, cells were transfected by lipofection with either Diced or Stealth siRNAs for Ku70 or Xrcc4, in duplicate, at various doses, with blank and sham transfections used as controls. Cells were harvested at 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-transfection for protein determination. The knockdown of specific targeted gene products was quantified by Western blot using GAPDH as control. Transfection of gene-specific siRNA to either Ku70 or Xrcc4 with both Diced and Stealth siRNAs resulted in a down regulation of the targeted proteins to approximately 10 to 20% of control levels 48 h after transfection, with recovery to pre-treatment levels by 96 h. Discussion: By transfecting cells with Diced or chemically synthesized Stealth siRNAs, Ku70 and Xrcc4, two highly expressed proteins in cells, were effectively attenuated, demonstrating the great potential for the use of both siRNA production strategies as tools to perform loss of function experiments in mammalian cells. In fact, down-regulation of Ku70 and Xrcc4 has been shown to reduce the activity of the non-homologous end joining DNA pathway, a very desirable approach for the use of homologous recombination technology for gene targeting or knockout studies. Stealth RNAi (TM) was developed to achieve high specificity and greater stability when compared with mixtures of enzymatically-produced (Diced) siRNA fragments. In this study, both siRNA approaches inhibited the expression of Ku70 and Xrcc4 gene products, with no detectable toxic effects to the cells in culture. However, similar knockdown effects using Diced siRNAs were only attained at concentrations 10-fold higher than with Stealth siRNAs. The application of RNAi technology will expand and continue to provide new insights into gene regulation and as potential applications for new therapies, transgenic animal production and basic research.


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OBJECTIVE: The preservation of biological samples at a low temperature is important for later biochemical and/or histological analyses. However, the molecular viability of thawed samples has not been studied sufficiently in depth. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the viability of intact tissues, tissue homogenates, and isolated total RNA after defrosting for more than twenty-four hours. METHODS: The molecular viability of the thawed samples (n = 82) was assessed using the A260/A280 ratio, the RNA concentration, the RNA integrity, the level of intact mRNA determined by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, the protein level determined by Western blotting, and an examination of the histological structure. RESULTS: The integrity of the total RNA was not preserved in the thawed intact tissue, but the RNA integrity and level of mRNA were perfectly preserved in isolated defrosted samples of total RNA. Additionally, the level of beta-actin protein was preserved in both thawed intact tissue and homogenates. CONCLUSION: Isolated total RNA does not undergo degradation due to thawing for at least 24 hours, and it is recommended to isolate the total RNA as soon as possible after tissue collection. Moreover, the protein level is preserved in defrosted tissues.


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The addition of a capped mini-exon [spliced leader (SL)] through trans-splicing is essential for the maturation of RNA polymerase (pol) II-transcribed polycistronic pre-mRNAs in all members of the Trypanosomatidae family. This process is an inter-molecular splicing reaction that follows the same basic rules of cis-splicing reactions. In this study, we demonstrated that mini-exons were added to precursor ribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) are transcribed by RNA pol I, including the 5' external transcribed spacer (ETS) region. Additionally, we detected the SL-5' ETS molecule using three distinct methods and located the acceptor site between two known 5' ETS rRNA processing sites (A' and A1) in four different trypanosomatids. Moreover, we detected a polyadenylated 5' ETS upstream of the trans-splicing acceptor site, which also occurs in pre-mRNA trans-splicing. After treatment with an indirect trans-splicing inhibitor (sinefungin), we observed SL-5' ETS decay. However, treatment with 5-fluorouracil (a precursor of RNA synthesis that inhibits the degradation of pre-rRNA) led to the accumulation of SL-5' ETS, suggesting that the molecule may play a role in rRNA degradation. The detection of trans-splicing in these molecules may indicate broad RNA-joining properties, regardless of the polymerase used for transcription.


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Despite significant advances in the care of critically ill patients, acute lung injury continues to be a complex problem with high mortality. The present study was designed to characterize early lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced pulmonary injury and small interfering RNA targeting focal adhesion kinase (FAK) as a possible therapeutic tool in the septic lung remodeling process. Male Wistar rats were assigned into endotoxemic group and control group. Total collagen deposition was performed 8, 16, and 24 h after LPS injection. Focal adhesion kinase expression, interstitial and vascular collagen deposition, and pulmonary mechanics were analyzed at 24 h. Intravenous injection of small interfering RNA targeting FAK was used to silence expression of the kinase in pulmonary tissue. Focal adhesion kinase, total collagen deposition, and pulmonary mechanics showed increased in LPS group. Types I, III, and V collagen showed increase in pulmonary parenchyma, but only type V increased in vessels 24 h after LPS injection. Focal adhesion kinase silencing prevented lung remodeling in pulmonary parenchyma at 24 h. In conclusion, LPS induced a precocious and important lung remodeling. There was fibrotic response in the lung characterized by increased amount in total and specific-type collagen. These data may explain the frequent clinical presentation during sepsis of reduced lung compliance, oxygen diffusion, and pulmonary hypertension. The fact that FAK silencing was protective against lung collagen deposition underscores the therapeutic potential of FAK targeting by small interfering RNA.