11 resultados para RIO NEGRO (PROVINCIA)

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Three species of Scorpiodoras are recognized: S. calderonensis, S. heckelii, and S. liophysus; the latter species is described herein. Scorpiodoras calderonensis occurs in the upper Amazon basin, including the Solimoes, Jurua, Japura, and Tefe rivers. Its type locality, originally stated as ""Calderon"", is elucidated as Tabatinga, Brazil. Scorpiodoras heckelii is the most widespread species, occurring in the Orinoco, Branco, Negro, and Amazonas rivers downstream of its confluence with Rio Negro. Scorpiodoras liophysus is only known from the middle Rio Madeira basin and presents a morphological feature unique within the genus: gas bladder without secondary bladder. An osteological description of the genus is provided, as well as redescriptions of S. calderonensis and S. heckelii. Additionally, a key allowing identification of the species is presented, as well as a biogeographic discussion.


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The podzol-ferralsol soil systems, which cover great areas of Amazonia and other equatorial regions, are frequently associated with kaolin deposits and store and export large amounts of carbon. Although natural organic matter (NOM) plays a key role in their dynamics, little is known about their biogeochemistry. In order to assess the specific role of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on NOM storage in deep horizons and to determine possible relationships between kaolin formation and DOM properties, we studied the groundwater composition of a typical podzol-ferralsol soil catena from the Alto Rio Negro region, Brazil. Groundwater was sampled using tension-free lysimeters placed according to soil morphology. DOC, E-H, p(H), and dissolved Si, Al3+, Fe2+, and Fe3+ were analyzed for all samples and values are given in a database. Quantification of other dissolved ions, small carboxylic acids and SUVA(254) index and acid-base microtitration was achieved on selected samples. Part of the DOM produced by the hydromorphic podzols is directly exported to the blackwater streams; another part percolates at greater depth, and more than 90% of it adsorbs in the Bh-Bhs horizons, allowing carbon storage at depth. Humic substances are preferentially adsorbed with regard to small carboxylic compounds. With regard to kaolin genesis, kaolinite precipitation is favored by Al release from NOM mineralization within the Bh-Bhs and kaolin bleaching is ensured by iron reduction due to acidity and relatively low E-H. Fe2+ mobility can be related to small E-H variations and enhanced by the significant concentration of small carboxylic acids. The long-term result of these processes is the thickening of the kaolin, and it can be inferred that kaolin is likely to occur where active, giant podzols are close to a slope gradient sufficient enough to lower the deep water table.


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Liosomadoras Fowler, 1940 includes two nominal species: L. oncinus, described from the rio Negro in Brazil, and L. morrowi described from the Peruvian Amazon. Both species are known from only few specimens deposited in fish collections, and information on these fishes is scarce. In order to rectify this situation, diagnoses of the genus and its species and an osteological description off.. oncinus are presented based on recently collected specimens. In addition, the taxonomy of the species of Liosomadoras is reviewed, and L. morrowi is confirmed as distinct from L. oncinus, and also distributed in the Brazilian Amazon. Liosomadoras is hypothesized as a relatively basal genus within Auchenipterinae, sister to all other species of the group, except Asterophysus batrachus and Tocantinsia piresi.


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Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain high species diversity in Amazonia, but few generalizations have emerged. In part, this has arisen from the scarcity of rigorous tests for mechanisms promoting speciation, and from major uncertainties about palaeogeographic events and their spatial and temporal associations with diversification. Here, we investigate the environmental history of Amazonia using a phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of trumpeters (Aves: Psophia), which are represented by species in each of the vertebrate areas of endemism. Their relationships reveal an unforeseen 'complete' time-slice of Amazonian diversification over the past 3.0 Myr. We employ this temporally calibrated phylogeny to test competing palaeogeographic hypotheses. Our results are consistent with the establishment of the current Amazonian drainage system at approximately 3.0-2.0 Ma and predict the temporal pattern of major river formation over Plio-Pleistocene times. We propose a palaeobiogeographic model for the last 3.0 Myr of Amazonian history that has implications for understanding patterns of endemism, the temporal history of Amazonian diversification and mechanisms promoting speciation. The history of Psophia, in combination with new geological evidence, provides the strongest direct evidence supporting a role for river dynamics in Amazonian diversification, and the absence of such a role for glacial climate cycles and refugia.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic differences among three matrix groups of Cedrela fissilis based on quantitative juvenile variables on a progeny test to define seed collecting zones and use of seeds of this species in the study region as well as to evaluate genetic variability of the sampled material. A progeny test was established in a nursery with seeds from 48 seed trees collected in the municipalities of Rio Negrinho, Mafra and Sao Bento do Sul, state of Santa Catarina, and in the municipalities of Lapa, Rio Negro, Campo do Tenente and Antonio Olinto, state of Parana. Of the collected seed trees, 33 sampled trees were distributed in three sites and 15 trees were dispersed in the studied region. It was used a complete random block design, with 8 replicates and 20 plants per plot. Evaluated data included: emergency rate; seedling base diameter and height (61, 102 and 145 days after the seeds were sowed); seedling survival; number of leaves per seedling; aerial section dry mass and root dry mass; and the foliar area of the third fully expanded leaf measured from the apical meristem. The Maximum Restricted Likelihood Method (REML) was used, using the software SELEGEN for analysis. It was found that the juvenile characters are strongly genetically controlled and they can be used to estimate genetic variability of population samples of Cedrela fissilis. The three groups of trees spatially limited did not significantly differ among each other, allowing to conclude that the three areas are part of the same tree seed transfer zone.


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Recent studies predict that several lineages of tropical animals are at particular risk given current estimates of global climate change. Yet, much uncertainty exists on the effects of climate shifts in ectothermic species from cool temperate regions such as Patagonia. In this study, we focus on the impact of environmental temperature on growth, age at sexual maturity, and life-span of the Patagonian gecko Homonota darwini. Skeletochronological methods were used to assess the bone growth rates Of individuals from three populations at different geographic and temporal scales: two populations from Chubut (warm site; 1941 and 2010) and one population from Rio Negro (cold site; 1997-1998). Populations displayed similar bone arrangement and the growth patterns fit a von Bertalanffy curve. Three populations attained reproductive size at a minimum age of 3 yr, but at the cold site two specimens were shown to mature in 4 yr. We found no differences in juvenile growth rates in body size or bone zone width between juveniles of 1 to 3 yr of age from the 1941 warm site and the 2010 warm site. However, these traits appeared to be higher at these two warm sites than at the cold site, which is consistent with the climatic differences among the three localities. Our results suggest that higher temperatures positively affect growth, denoting that global warming might benefit H. darwini, especially the southern populations.


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A new species of Pseudanos (Characiformes, Anostomidae) is described from the Rio Negro in Brazil, and the Rio Casiquiare and Rio Atabapo, in Venezuela. Specimens of the new species were previously mistakenly identified as Pseudanos gracilis. The new species is diagnosed by having three branchiostegal rays (vs. four in P. gracilis and most specimens of P. winterbottomi), dark transversal bars on dorsum absent (vs. present in P. trimaculatus), dark spots present on the center of each body scale, forming conspicuous, straight dark lines (vs. dark spots absent in P. gracilis and in some specimens of P. trimaculatus), four midlateral dark blotches on body (vs. usually two, sometimes three or four in P. trimaculatus, or body lacking midlateral blotches and presenting instead a broad midlateral stripe in P. winterbottomi), angle of dorsal and ventralmost radii of body scales between 40 degrees and 90 degrees (vs. angle between 110 degrees and 180 degrees in P. gracilis and P. trimaculatus), and cranial fontanel opened along its entire length (vs. cranial fontanel partially closed in P. trimaculatus). Type specimens and extensive additional material of Pseudanos gracilis and P. trimaculatus were examined and comments on the taxonomy of both species are provided. Pseudanos irinae is herein considered a junior synonym of P. trimaculatus. In addition, an updated key to identification of valid species of Pseudanos is presented.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diferenças genéticas entre três grupos de matrizes de Cedrela fissilis a partir de variáveis quantitativas juvenis em teste de progênies, para delinear zonas de coleta e uso de sementes da espécie na região de estudo, bem como avaliar a variabilidade genética do material amostrado. Instalou-se um teste de progênies, em viveiro, a partir de sementes de 48 matrizes amostradas nos Municípios de Rio Negrinho, Mafra e São Bento do Sul, no Estado de Santa Catarina; e em Lapa, Rio Negro, Campo do Tenente e Antonio Olinto, no Estado do Paraná. Das matrizes coletadas, 33 encontravam-se distribuídas em três grupos espaciais e 15 dispersas na região. O delineamento em blocos casualizados com oito repetições e 20 plantas por parcela foi empregado. Os dados avaliados incluíram: índice de velocidade de emergência, diâmetro do colo e altura das mudas (aos 61, 102 e 145 dias após a semeadura); sobrevivência, número de folhas por muda, massa seca da parte aérea e da raiz e área foliar da terceira folha totalmente expandida a contar do ápice. A metodologia de máxima verossimilhança restrita foi utilizada para a análise estatística, com o auxílio do software SELEGEN. Verificou-se que os caracteres juvenis apresentam elevado controle genético, podendo ser utilizados para avaliação da variabilidade genética de amostras de populações da espécie. Os três grupos de matrizes delimitados espacialmente não apresentam diferenças genéticas significativas, sendo possível inferir que as três áreas pertencem a uma mesma zona de coleta e uso de sementes


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Este artigo mostra a situação atual de uso da Língua Geral Amazônica, as causas de seu desaparecimento de grande parte do Norte do Brasil e as iniciativas atuais para sua revitalização.


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Gymnotus tiquie, new species, is described from the Rio Tiquie, a tributary of the Uaupes (Vaupes) in the upper Negro basin, Amazonas, Brazil. The new species was collected in non-floodplain (terra firme) streams, where it occurs sympatrically and syntopically with two geographically widespread congeners, the type species of the genus, G. carapo, and G. coropinae. The new species is diagnosed by a unique combination of morphometric, meristic, and osteological traits, and by a characteristic color pattern in which the dark oblique pigment bands, diverse in shape and design, are divided into band-pairs along the length of the body, in which the band-pairs are often recurved (dorsally concave), more variable, and often reticulated in the abdominal region, and in which the pale inter-bands meet at the dorsal midline along most of the length of the body. Gymnotus tiquie is a member of the G. pantherinus species group, with which it shares the presence of one (vs. two) pore in the dorsolateral portion of the preopercle (except in G. pantanal and G. anguillaris), needle-shaped (vs. conical or arrowhead-shaped) teeth on the dentary and premaxilla, and a slender body (BD 5.6-10.6% HL vs. deep 8.7-13.5%, except G. chaviro, G. curupira, G. varzea, G. chimarrao, G. maculosus, G. henni, and G. inaequilabiatus that also have a slender body). Gymnotus tiquie is most similar in overall appearance to G. cataniapo of the upper Orinoco. These two species share three unique features within the G. pantherinus group: dark band-pairs with wavy irregular margins along the length of the body, a long body cavity with 45 or more pre-caudal vertebrae, and a darkly pigmented membrane in the caudal region of the anal fin.


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INTRODUCTION: This work was carried out on the purpose of identifying the species of phlebotomine sandflies in the municipality of Monte Negro, state of Rondonia, Brazil, that may have been transmitting the American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), and concisely describe epidemiological aspects of disease. METHODS: The epidemiologic and socioeconomical indicators were obtained from government institutions and the local Municipal Secretary of Health. Phlebotomine sandflies were captured using CDC light traps between July 2006 to July 2008. The total of 1,240 of female sandflies were examined by PCR method directed to k-DNA. RESULTS: There has been a significant decrease in the incidence of ACL of about 50% over the last ten years in the municipality. A total of 1,935 specimens of 53 sandfly species were captured, three of the genus Brumptomyia genus and 50 of the genus Lutzomyia. The predominant species was Lutzomyia acanthopharynx, Lutzomyia whitmani, Lutzomyia geniculata and Lutzomyia davisi. None were positive for Leishmania sp. CONCLUSIONS: Four sandflies species were found in the State of Rondonia for the first time: Brumptomyia brumpti, Lutzomyia tarapacaensis, Lutzomyia melloi and Lutzomyia lenti. The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis, was also captured. Socioeconomical improvement of Brazilian economy and the increase of environmental surveillance in the last 15 years collaborated in the decrease of people exposed to vectors, reducing the incidence of ACL.