16 resultados para Psychotherapy

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Objective: Neuroimaging studies have highlighted important issues related to structural and functional brain changes found in sufferers of psychological trauma that may influence their ability to synthesize, categorize, and integrate traumatic memories. Methods: Literature review and critical analysis and synthesis. Results: Traumatic memories are diagnostic symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the dual representation theory posits separate memory systems subserving vivid re-experiencing (non-hippocampally dependent) versus declarative autobiographical memories of trauma (hippocampally dependent). But the psychopathological signs of trauma are not static over time, nor is the expression of traumatic memories. Multiple memory systems are activated simultaneously and in parallel on various occasions. Neural circuitry interaction is a crucial aspect in the development of a psychotherapeutic approach that may favour an integrative translation of the sensory fragments of the traumatic memory into a declarative memory system. Conclusion: The relationship between neuroimaging findings and psychological approaches is discussed for greater efficacy in the treatment of psychologically traumatized patients.


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Psychotherapeutic interventions that bring about differentiation, separation, individuation and autonomy in the mother-daughter relationship are recommended as treatment for eating disorders. With this goal in mind, a psychotherapy group for mothers was organized in an outpatient program for adolescents with eating disorders at a public institution, as one of the psychotherapeutic approaches in the multidisciplinary treatment of adolescent patients. Evidence suggests that this approach can be relevant and effective in the treatment of eating disorders.


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There is increasing recognition of the need to take into account the cultural environment and belief systems of psychotherapy patients because these values reflect basic assumptions about man's nature and the cognitive references used to cope with psychological difficulties. Currently accepted psychotherapeutic approaches take no account of the belief in life after death held by most of the world's population. The World Values Survey (http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org) showed that there are large numbers of reincarnationists around the world, and whatever the reasons for believing in reincarnation, psychotherapeutic approaches should not ignore this significant group of people. Respect for patient opinions and subjective realities is a therapeutic need and an ethical duty, even though therapists may not share the same beliefs. Guidelines are suggested for professionals to develop collaborative models that help patients mobilize their intrinsic intelligence to find solutions to their complaints.


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Psychotherapeutic interventions that bring about differentiation, separation, individuation and autonomy in the mother-daughter relationship are recommended as treatment for eating disorders. With this goal in mind, a psychotherapy group for mothers was organized in an outpatient program for adolescents with eating disorders at a public institution, as one of the psychotherapeutic approaches in the multidisciplinary treatment of adolescent patients. Evidence suggests that this approach can be relevant and effective in the treatment of eating disorders.


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In contrast to the impressive advances in somatic research of erectile dysfunction (ED), scientific literature shows contradictory reports on the results of psychotherapy for the treatment of ED. Authors conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of ED compared to oral drugs, local injection, vacuum devices, or other psychological intervention. Distinct sources of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were searched: electronic databases (between 1966 and 2007), cross checking of references, and contact with scientific societies. For dichotomous outcomes the pooled relative risks were calculated and for continuous outcomes mean differences between interventions. Statistical heterogeneity was addressed. Eleven RCTs involving 398 men met the inclusion criteria. There is evidence that group therapy improves ED. Focused sex group therapy showed greater efficacy than control group. Men randomized to receive psychotherapy plus sildenafil showed significant improvement of ED and were less likely than those receiving only sildenafil to drop out. Regarding to the effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of ED compared to local injection and vacuum devices no difference was found. Melnik T, Soares BGO, and Nasello AG. The effectiveness of psychological interventions for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: Systematic review and meta-analysis, including comparisons to sildenafil treatment, intracavernosal injection, and vacuum devices. J Sex Med 2008;5:2562-2574.


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There is growing evidence that the course of Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) can be altered by psychotherapeutic approaches, such as Psychoeducation. Therefore, this study was performed with the objective of identifying the implications of a Psychoeducation group on the everyday lives of individuals with BAD. To do this, the authors chose to perform a qualitative case study. Participants included twelve individuals with BAD who had attended at least six meetings of the Psychoeducation Group held at the Sao Jose do Rio Preto Faculty of Medicine (FAMERP). Semi-structured interviews were performed, which were recorded and then transcribed and subjected to Thematic Analysis. The present study showed that the referred group experience promoted the individuals' knowledge acquisition; their awareness regarding the disease and adherence to treatment; their making positive changes in life; the possibility of helping other patients to benefit from the knowledge learned in the group; and their awareness regarding other realities and coping strategies, obtained by exchanging experiences with other participants.


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This work analyses the mental health policy-making activity of the Brazilian National Health Agency (ANS), responsible for controlling health insurance companies. Three points are discussed: a) the framework of an economic and private health assistance regulatory activity, b) the ANS and its regulation activity and c) the rules produced by ANS in the mental health care field. It was concluded that, despite advances like the legal obligation to ensure medical treatment to all the diseases listed in ICD-10, the inclusion of suicidal patient damage and self-inflicted damage care, care provided by a multiprofessional team, the increase in the number of sessions with a psychologist, with an occupational therapist and of psychotherapy sessions, and mental health day hospitals included as part of the services offered, the authors identified specific regulatory gaps in this area. Some issues that ANS has to solve so that it can really play its institutional role of defending the public interest in the private health system are: the regulation of co-participation and franchise mechanisms, the increasing co-participation as a limitation of psychiatric hospitalization, and the limited number of crisis intervention psychotherapy sessions.


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Despite increasing interest in pathological and non-pathological dissociation, few researchers have focused on the spiritual experiences involving dissociative states such as mediumship, in which an individual (the medium) claims to be in communication with, or under the control of, the mind of a deceased person. Our preliminary study investigated psychography - in which allegedly "the spirit writes through the medium's hand" - for potential associations with specific alterations in cerebral activity. We examined ten healthy psychographers - five less expert mediums and five with substantial experience, ranging from 15 to 47 years of automatic writing and 2 to 18 psychographies per month - using single photon emission computed tomography to scan activity as subjects were writing, in both dissociative trance and non-trance states. The complexity of the original written content they produced was analyzed for each individual and for the sample as a whole. The experienced psychographers showed lower levels of activity in the left culmen, left hippocampus, left inferior occipital gyrus, left anterior cingulate, right superior temporal gyrus and right precentral gyrus during psychography compared to their normal (non-trance) writing. The average complexity scores for psychographed content were higher than those for control writing, for both the whole sample and for experienced mediums. The fact that subjects produced complex content in a trance dissociative state suggests they were not merely relaxed, and relaxation seems an unlikely explanation for the underactivation of brain areas specifically related to the cognitive processing being carried out. This finding deserves further investigation both in terms of replication and explanatory hypotheses.


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Depression is the most frequent mental disorder in older people, often causing emotional distress and reduced quality of life. Despite its clinical significance, depression remains underdiagnosed and inadequately treated in older patients. Regarding prognosis, data suggest that almost 70% of patients, treated long enough and with appropriate doses, recover from an index episode of depression. Antidepressants are efficient for treating depressed outpatients with several comorbid physical diseases as well as hospitalized patients, with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors being the antidepressants of choice for older patients. Available data can guide pharmacological treatment in both the acute and maintenance stages, but further research is required to guide clinical strategies when remission is not achieved. Approaches for the management of resistance to treatment are summarized, including optimization strategies, drug changes, algorithms, and combined and augmentation pharmacological treatments. Finally, additional therapeutic choices such as electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and integrated psychotherapy are presented.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the efficacy of group psychotherapy (GTP) and/or sildenafil for psychogenic erectile dysfunction (ED). PATIENTS AND METHODS A randomized controlled single-blind trial was performed at the Institute of Psychiatry of the Medical School of at Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. In all, 30 men with mild and moderate psychogenic ED were randomized to receive for 6 months: GPT plus 50 mg sildenafil on-demand, or 50 mg sildenafil on-demand exclusively, or GPT exclusively. Changes in score from baseline for three questions of the Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction (EDITS) were evaluated at endpoint and after 3-months follow-up. RESULTS Satisfaction with the treatment, confidence and 'naturalness' increased in the GPT plus sildenafil and GPT exclusively groups (P = 0.001) from baseline to endpoint. The treatment-by-time comparison was not significant at endpoint vs the 3-month follow-up, in the three groups. There was no difference in the sildenafil group in the three study periods (P > 0.05) CONCLUSION Men with mild and moderate psychogenic ED had higher treatment satisfaction, confidence and naturalness in engaging in sexual activity when receiving GPT plus sildenafil or GP exclusively, when compared with sildenafil exclusively, as assessed by these three EDITS questions after 6-months treatment.


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Há evidências crescentes de que o curso Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB) pode ser modificado por abordagens psicoterápicas, tais como a Psicoeducação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as implicações do grupo de Psicoeducação no cotidiano dos portadores. Para tanto, optou-se pelo estudo qualitativo, do tipo Estudo de Caso. Foram incluídos doze portadores de TAB que tiveram pelo menos seis participações no Grupo de Psicoeducação desenvolvido na Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP). Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas, transcritas e trabalhadas por meio da Análise Temática. Este estudo demonstrou que tal experiência grupal favoreceu a aquisição de conhecimento; a conscientização da doença e adesão ao tratamento; a realização de mudanças positivas na vida; a possibilidade de ajudar outros portadores a se beneficiarem do aprendizado construído no grupo; a descoberta de outras realidades e estratégias de enfrentamento, obtidas por meio da troca de experiências entre os participantes.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi empreender uma análise crítica acerca do conhecimento científico produzido sobre a utilização das psicoterapias como estratégia de tratamento dos transtornos alimentares. A partir de buscas nas bases PsycINFO, PePSIC e SciELO, no período entre 1999 e 2011, foram recuperados 35 artigos, categorizados em: psicoterapias breves, grupais, psicodinâmicas, complementares, bem como psicoterapias aliadas a outros tratamentos, como o psicofarmacológico. As abordagens mais frequentemente mencionadas foram psicodinâmicas e cognitivo-comportamentais. A modalidade de atendimento predominante foi a grupal. Ainda que preconizando o uso combinado de diversas estratégias, a literatura é unânime em destacar a importância das psicoterapias no tratamento. A análise crítica evidenciou necessidade de leituras que transcendam a mera identificação de técnicas psicoterápicas consideradas mais eficazes para o tratamento dos transtornos alimentares. Deve-se considerar o contexto mais amplo no qual os tratamentos são propostos, bem como promover um diálogo aberto entre enfoques teóricos, valorizando a pluralidade de saberes e a psicoterapia como prática em permanente transformação.


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Existem diversos estudos sobre preditores da não adesão, mas poucos mostram estratégias efetivas para lidar com esse problema. Uma revisão da literatura sobre desistência em psicoterapia mostrou que quase metade dos pacientes que ingressam num atendimento não o concluem. A medida na psicoterapia em geral é a de não adesão, ou desistência do tratamento; no presente trabalho serão apresentados dados relativos à adesão ao tratamento da enurese com alarme de urina. A taxa de desistência em um grupo de 61 crianças e adolescentes foi levantada considerando três condições: suas famílias não compareceram aos atendimentos, não responderam ao contato telefônico ou relataram ter abandonado os procedimentos. A desistência correspondeu a 19,6% da amostra e a idade do grupo dos desistentes era significativamente inferior, quando comparada à daqueles que aderiram ao tratamento. A já demonstrada associação entre a intolerância parental e a idade do filho explica os resultados e aponta para a necessidade de trabalho educativo intenso com os pais de adolescentes portadores de enurese.


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Transtornos alimentares constituem relações problemáticas com a alimentação e a imagem de si. Seu tratamento deve contemplar múltiplas estratégias, inclusive a abordagem grupal. Este estudo teve como objetivos desenvolver reflexões sobre a grupoterapia com pessoas com transtornos alimentares atendidas em serviço especializado e investigar a dinâmica psicológica dos pacientes atendidos, a partir de ressonâncias contratransferenciais. Foram analisados registros de observação anotados em diário de campo ao longo de 21 encontros grupais consecutivos. O material foi submetido à análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática. Os resultados foram estruturados em três eixos temáticos: vivências impactantes mobilizadas no contato com os pacientes; demanda de ajuda dos pacientes para encontrarem as palavras perdidas, como via de acesso à representabilidade dos afetos elididos do espaço mental pela operação de desafetação; sentimentos contratransferenciais vivenciados pelo pesquisador. Foram discutidas as implicações para o tratamento, visando à busca de estratégias capazes de proporcionar um ambiente terapêutico que facilite a integração psicossomática.