10 resultados para Psychoanalytic epistemology
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
The history of the quinine synthesis can be used as a case study to emphasize that science is influenced by social and historical processes. The first efforts toward the synthesis of this substance, which until recently was the only treatment for malaria, were by Perkin in 1856 when, trying to obtain quinine,,. he synthesized mauveine. Since then, the quest for the total synthesis of quinine involved several characters in a web of controversies. A major step in this process was made in 1918 by Rabe and Kindler, who proposed the synthesis of quinine from quinotoxine. Twenty-six years later, after obtaining the total synthesis of quinotoxine, Woodward and Doering announced the total synthesis of quinine. However, the lack of experimental details about Rabe and Kindler's process, associated with Woodward and Doering's failure to reproduce it, raised a series of doubts about the synthesis. Stork and colleagues questioned the veracity of the experimental data and even the scientific reputation of the involved researchers. Doubts remained alive until 2008, when Williams and Smith reported, not without reservations, the reproducibility of Rabe and Kindler's protocol. The scientific knowledge as a social and historical development, its legitimating process, and the absence of neutrality in science constitute aspects that can be discussed from this case study, providing significant contributions to science education, in particular, to the initial or continued training of chemistry teachers.
NEW NOTES ON ""THE UNCANNY"" The present paper expands the horizon of meanings associated with the concept of ""the uncanny"" (usually taken as an allegory for the return of the repressed). The narrative condition of the uncanny (or the experience of the limits of the ego), its relation to the primitive constitution of the psyche, the aspect of repetition, as well as its association with the ""fetish"" and the ""relic"" will be focused. It is our understanding that the concept of the uncanny should receive more attention from the psychoanalytic community. In fact, more attention and developments have been given to it from subjects as Linguistics, Literary Studies, Philosophy and Aesthetics, in general, than from Psychoanalysis itself Besides reflecting the neurotic functioning, the opposition homely/un-homely (uncanny) also refers to more primitive distinctions, such as self/not-self and inside/outside. The paper also addresses the romance The sea of fertility, by Yukio Mishima, so as to point out a singular aspect of the reading experience. Finally, the ideas of the fetish and of the relic will be analyzed from the point of view of the uncanny.
What would be the ""terrible loneliness"" and what would be the ""wonderful agreement"" in the present paper? The ""terrible loneliness"" is the only reality that a person perceives and/or thinks during the now going on. For the person, an enormous quantity of occurrences is in the present moment absent. A very small quantity of occurrences is present. The person is the only being in having this. And, this is only during a little moment. The person never thinks about his loneliness in this moment. On the contrary, he thinks he is plenty of people and full of occurrences. But, if he were thinking about reality, he would live in a terrible loneliness. How does he escape himself from this loneliness? He thinks that the probable occurrences are real occurrences. He may be right in a plenty of times. Going through what I call opening hypotheses-basic hypotheses and non-basic but important hypotheses-and going through what I call simply hypotheses he is able to sanction a wonderful agreement of human beings about the known parts of the Universe. However, they are hypotheses, not absolute realities.
The process of metapsychologic concepts development in Freud`s works is not linear; on the contrary, it oscillates, with comings and goings, temporary abandonments, ambiguities, contradictions. Within key metapsychology concepts, the concept of superego is certainly complex and troublesome, for not only it holds many definitions but its scope is also wide. From clinic to metapsychology, going across the theory of culture, the superego plays a role in all aspects of psychoanalytic investigation, misunderstandings appearing quite frequently, therefore, among those who comment it. In addition to it, Freud himself was no faithful historian of his own concepts. The present paper proposes to undo a few ambiguities in what concerns the evolution process of ego conception, beginning from a fundamental metapsychologic problem, which is the remake of the notion of ego. We support that changes in the ego theory were crucial to the elaboration of conceptual basis of super-ego in its legislative function. We will see that the super-ego begins its story as a discreet tenant to the ego to become tyrannical and usurper, threatening the ego integrity.
NOTES ON THE FREUDIAN CONCEPTION OF ANXIETY This article belongs to the field of history and epistemology of psychoanalysis, specifically to research on the conceptual genealogy pertaining to the construction of Freudian metapsychology of anguish. It aims to present the main arguments that allow us to discuss that theories contained in Freud's work on anxiety are not exclusive and may be considered, as a whole, a single explanatory model that would encompass the various stages of production on anxiety This paper intends to examine the barriers that can be seized in the Freudian formulations, under what is conceived, since Freud, as a "second theory of anxiety".
ADOLESCENCE AND DRUG USE THROUGH THE LENS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS: SUFFERING AND ECSTASY IN THE PASSAGE The purpose of this study is to reflect upon the psychological factors of adolescent drug addiction according to a psychoanalytic perspective. First we consider adolescence as a social-historical category and then we discuss the psychoanalytic understanding of the adolescent transition. This theoretical path builds the approach that considers drug use as a phenomenon that serves as a passage ritual to contemporary adolescence. This phenomenon is modulated by the drive organization, which determines how the individual will take ownership of the use of psychoactive substances. We conclude that the substance use may function as a buffer-object, activated to deal with the structural fragility of the contemporary affective bonds.
(The ethical dimension f analyst's interventions facing institutional demands of CAPS) Considering the complexities involved in setting up clinical work in the psychosocial field, analyst must question their own contributions toward improvements in this area. This issue is presented here as a considerable challenge, due to the limitations of psychoanalytic practice and, especially, the differences between conventional clinical practice and that carried out in institutional and political settings. From this perspective, we call attention to the notion of ethics as a differentiating and guiding concept for psychoanalytic practice in its contribution toward the treatment provided at CAPS.
Profissionais da área da saúde entram em contato com o sofrimento humano mesmo quando não trabalham diretamente no campo da Psicologia. Este estudo baseou-se no referencial da psicanálise com vistas a compreender os aspectos do sofrimento humano que emerge para os médicos no exercício da reprodução assistida, e a importância do estudo do imaginário coletivo sobre situações de difícil manejo em suas clínicas. Participaram vinte e dois médicos que atuam em hospitais e clínicas do estado de São Paulo em âmbitos público e privado, independentemente de sexo, idade e tempo de formação. Foi utilizado o procedimento desenhos-estórias com tema, compreendido como procedimento dialógico. A entrevista caracterizou-se como uma situação especial de comunicação e expressão das emoções geradas nos atendimentos relacionados à temática proposta. Constatou-se a necessidade de proposição de espaços facilitadores da expressão emocional, que promovem a continência do sofrimento humano e a ocorrência de experiências reflexivo-vivenciais transformadoras do real.
Trata-se de uma discussão teórica sobre o estatuto da bioética a partir de suas convergências epistemológicas com a saúde coletiva, campos científicos inter-relacionados, surgidos no contexto da segunda ruptura epistemológica, questionadora da crítica ao senso comum própria da ciência moderna. A reaproximação com o senso comum na segunda ruptura significa considerar na metodologia os determinantes do ambiente e da subjetividade. Assim, em meio a esta segunda ruptura, a saúde coletiva e a bioética incluem os determinantes sociais e subjetivos em suas análises. Caracterizam-se por uma visão ampliada e complexa da saúde e das ações humanas envolvendo o ambiente, a vida e a saúde, com enfoque transdisciplinar em suas abordagens. Qual o significado dessas premissas para o estatuto epistemológico da bioética em sua convergência com a saúde coletiva? Enquanto ética, a bioética precisa ser crítica, mas não como na primeira ruptura da filosofia moral. Necessita ser crítica a partir da facticidade dos determinantes sociais que se manifestam nas iniquidades em saúde. Para integrar crítica e facticidade, o caminho é a hermenêutica que interpreta os significados construídos no real e a partir deles torna-se crítica. Esse seria o estatuto epistemológico apropriado para a bioética na interface com a saúde coletiva.
Este artigo discute a noção da hipossuficiência do sujeito presente em textos que focam a promoção da saúde. Apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa de doutorado na qual foram analisadas cinco teses de doutorado e quatro dissertações de mestrado sobre a promoção da saúde. A partir dos referenciais de análise em torno das noções de dinâmica social, das racionalidades empregadas e das visões sobre o projeto da modernidade presentes no material pesquisado, pode-se interpretar as etiologias para a produção da noção de hipossuficiência do sujeito e, consequentemente, o lugar que essa produção reserva a ele. Verificou-se uma ocorrência significativa dessa noção de hipossuficiência e sua aproximação ao cientificismo.