9 resultados para Postoperative Wound Infection
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Fatores de risco pré-operatórios para mediastinite após cirurgia cardíaca: análise de 2768 pacientes
INTRODUÇÃO: A esternotomia mediana longitudinal é a via de acesso mais utilizada no tratamento das doenças cardíacas. As infecções profundas da ferida operatória no pós-operatório das cirurgias cardiovasculares são uma complicação séria, com alto custo durante o tratamento. Diferentes estudos têm encontrado fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de mediastinite e as variáveis pré-operatórias têm tido especial destaque. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é identificar fatores de risco pré-operatórios para o desenvolvimento de mediastinite em pacientes submetidos a revascularização do miocárdio e a substituição valvar. MÉTODOS: Este estudo observacional representa uma coorte de 2768 pacientes operados consecutivamente. O período considerado para análise foi de maio de 2007 a maio de 2009 e não houve critérios de exclusão. Foi realizada análise univariada e multivariada pelo modelo de regressão logística das 38 variáveis pré-operatórias eleitas. RESULTADOS: Nesta série, 35 (1,3%) pacientes evoluíram com mediastinite e 19 (0,7%) com osteomielite associada. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 59,9 ± 13,5 anos e o EuroSCORE de 4,5 ± 3,6. A mortalidade hospitalar foi de 42,8%. Na análise multivariada, foram identificadas três variáveis como preditoras independentes de mediastinite: balão intra-aórtico (OR 5,41, 95% IC [1,83 -16,01], P=0,002), hemodiálise (OR 4,87, 95% IC [1,41 - 16,86], P=0,012) e intervenção vascular extracardíaca (OR 4,39, 95% IC [1,64 - 11,76], P=0,003). CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo demonstrou que necessidade do suporte hemodinâmico pré-operatório com balão intra-aórtico, hemodiálise e intervenção vascular extracardíaca são fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de mediastinite após cirurgia cardíaca.
Objective: To analyze the association between maternal obesity and postnatal infectious complications in high-risk pregnancies. Methods: Prospective study from August 2009 through August 2010 with the following inclusion criteria: women up to the 5th postpartum day; age L 18 years; high-risk pregnancy; singleton pregnancy with live fetus at labor onset; delivery at the institution; maternal weight measured on day of delivery. The nutritional status in late pregnancy was assessed by the body mass index (BMI), with the application of the Atalah et al. curve. Patients were graded as underweight, adequate weight, overweight, or obese. Postpartum complications investigated during the hospital stay and 30 days post-discharge were: surgical wound infection and/or secretion, urinary infection, postpartum infection, fever, hospitalization, antibiotic use, and composite morbidity (at least one of the complications mentioned). Results: 374 puerperal women were included, graded according to the final BMI as: underweight (n = 54, 14.4%); adequate weight (n = 126, 33.7%); overweight (n = 105, 28.1%); and obese (n = 89, 23.8%). Maternal obesity was shown to have a significant association with the following postpartum complications: surgical wound infection (16.7%, p = 0.042), urinary infection (9.0%, p = 0.004), antibiotic use (12.3%, p < 0.001), and composite morbidity (25.6%, p = 0.016). By applying the logistic regression model, obesity in late pregnancy was found to be an independent variable regardless of the composite morbidity predicted (OR: 2.09; 95% CI: 1.15-3.80, p = 0.015). Conclusion: Maternal obesity during late pregnancy in high-risk patients is independently associated with postpartum infectious complications, which demonstrates the need for a closer follow-up of maternal weight gain in these pregnancies.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial growth on single-use vitrectomy probes reprocessed in healthcare practice. We investigated nine vitrectomy probes that had been reused and reprocessed using different methods. The samples were sectioned, individually, in portions of 3.5 cm, totaling 979 sampling units (extensions, connectors and vitrectomy cutters), which were inoculated in culture medium and incubated at 37 C for 14 days. The results showed microbial growth on 57 (5.8%) sample units, 25 of which had been sterilized using ethylene oxide, 16 by hydrogen peroxide plasma, and 16 by low-temperature steam and formaldehyde. Seventeen microbial species were identified. The most prevalent were: Micrococcus spp., coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas spp., and Bacillus subtilis. The reuse of single-use vitrectomy probes was shown to be unsafe, therefore this practice is not recommended.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o crescimento microbiano em sondas para vitrectomia de uso único, reprocessadas na prática assistencial. Foram investigadas nove sondas reusadas e reprocessadas por diferentes métodos. As sondas foram segmentadas, individualmente, em porções de 3,5 cm, totalizando em 979 unidades amostrais (extensões, conectores e ponteiras) inoculadas em meio de cultura e incubadas a 37ºC, por 14 dias. Os resultados mostraram crescimento microbiano em 57 (5,8%) unidades amostrais, das quais, 25 foram esterilizadas por Óxido de Etileno, 16 por Plasma de Peróxido de Hidrogênio e 16 por Vapor à Baixa Temperatura e Formaldeído. Foram identificadas 17 espécies microbianas, sendo as mais prevalentes o Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus coagulase negativa, Pseudomonas spp. e Bacillus subtilis. O reuso de sondas de uso único para vitrectomia não se mostrou seguro, portanto tal prática não é recomendada.
This article describes a postoperative endophthalmitis (POE) surveillance system in place in a specialized ophthalmologic center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study involved a review of medical records from 2004-2009, during which a total of 31,999 intraocular surgeries were performed. Nineteen of these cases fulfilled the criteria for POE, for an infection rate of 0.06%. The main etiologic agent causing POE was Pseudomonas aeruginosa, identified in 42.1% of the cases (8/19). Copyright (C) 2012 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVES: Newborns who undergo surgery for gastroschisis correction may present with oliguria, anasarca, prolonged postoperative ileus, and infection. New postoperative therapeutic procedures were tested with the objective of improving postoperative outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred thirty-six newborns participated in one of two phases. Newborns in the first phase received infusions of large volumes of crystalloid solution and integral enteral formula, and newborns in the second phase received crystalloid solutions in smaller volumes, with albumin solution infusion when necessary and the late introduction of a semi-elemental diet. The studied variables were serum sodium and albumin levels, the need for albumin solution expansion, the occurrence of anasarca, the length of time on parenteral nutrition, the length of time before initiating an enteral diet and reaching a full enteral diet, orotracheal intubation time, length of hospitalization, and survival rates. RESULTS: Serum sodium levels were higher in newborns in the second phase. There was a correlation between low serum sodium levels and orotracheal intubation time; additionally, low serum albumin levels correlated with the length of time before the initiation of an oral diet and the time until a full enteral diet was reached. However, the discharge weights of newborns in the second phase were higher than in the first phase. The other studied variables, including survival rates (83.4% and 92.0%, respectively), were similar for both phases. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of an albumin solution to newborns in the early postoperative period following gastroschisis repair increased their low serum sodium levels but did not improve the final outcome. The introduction of a semi-elemental diet promoted an increase in body weight at the time of discharge.
Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the need for antibiotic prescription in third molar surgery. Study design. A double-blind randomized study was carried out with 71 patients from CODONT (Dentistry Center of the Police of Sao Paulo). Amoxicillin, clindamycin, or no medication was administered for 7 days immediately after surgery. The participants evaluated the presence of pain, edema, interincisal distance (ID), presence of infection, Pell and Gregory classification, rescue analgesia, osteotomy, and odontosection. Results. There was no difference (P < .05) between antibiotics and control over the surgery duration, dose, visual analog scale (VAS), ID, and edema, yet significant differences were seen over time for VAS, edema, and ID. Conclusions. Antibiotic prescription should not be indicated in all clinical conditions, yet it is necessary to correctly evaluate factors such as systemic condition of the patient, skill of the operator, and contamination of the surgical environment. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012; 114(suppl 5):S26-S31)
Introduction: Wound healing process involves the activation of extracellular matrix components, remodeling enzymes, cellular adhesion molecules, growth factors, cytokines and chemokines genes. However, the molecular patterns underlying the healing process periapical environment remain unclear. Here we hypothesized that endodontic infection might result in an imbalance in the expression of wound healing genes involved in the pathogenesis of periapical lesions. Furthermore, we suggest that differential expression of wound healing markers in active and latent granulomas could account for different clinical outcomes for such lesions. Methods: Study samples consisted of 93 periapical granulomas collected after endodontic surgeries and 24 healthy periodontal ligament tissues collected from premolars extracted for orthodontic purposes as control samples. Of these, 10 periapical granulomas and 5 healthy periapical tissues were used for expression analysis of 84 wound healing genes by using a pathway-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction array. The remaining 83 granulomas and all 24 control specimens were used to validate the obtained array data by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Observed variations in expression of wound healing genes were analyzed according to the classification of periapical granulomas as active/progressive versus inactive/stable (as determined by receptor activator for nuclear factor kappa B ligand/osteoprotegerin expression ratio). Results: We observed a marked increase of 5-fold or greater in SERPINE1, TIMP1, COL1A1, COL5A1, VTN, CTGF, FGF7, TGFB1, TNF, CXCL11, ITGA4, and ITGA5 genes in the periapical granulomas when compared with control samples. SERPINE1, TIMP1, COL1A1, TGFB1, and ITGA4 mRNA expression was significantly higher in inactive compared with active periapical granulomas (P < .001), whereas TNF and CXCL11 mRNA expression was higher in active lesions (P < .001). Conclusions: The identification of novel gene targets that curb the progression status of periapical lesions might contribute to a more accurate diagnosis and lead to treatment modalities more conducive to endodontic success. (J Endod 2012;38:185-190)
Objective. Patients (n = 110) free of antibiotics, operated on by 3 surgeons ranging in clinical experiences, were evaluated for infection. Study Design. In the preoperative period and during the second and seventh postoperative days, the following parameters were analyzed: pain, infection, swelling, trismus, body temperature, C-reactive protein levels (CRP), and salivary neutrophil counts (SNC). During surgery, the following parameters were analyzed: systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure; oximetry; heart rate; anesthesia quality; local anesthetic amount; bleeding; surgery difficulty; and surgery duration. Results. There were some differences in the surgery duration, local anesthetic amount, anesthesia quality, bleeding, pain experienced, trismus, CRP, and SNC, and no changes in hemodynamic parameters, rescue analgesic medication, wound healing, swelling, body temperature, confirmed case of dry socket, or any other type of local infection. Particularly, no systemic infections were found after lower third molar removal (LTMR). Conclusions. This study suggests that antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary after LTMR when preoperative infections are absent. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114(suppl 5):S199-S208)