2 resultados para Plant succession

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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DISTRIBUTION OF NITROGEN AMMONIUM SULFATE (N-15) SOIL-PLANT SYSTEM IN A NO-TILLAGE CROP SUCCESSION The N use by maize (Zea mays, L.) is affected by N-fertilizer levels. This study was conducted using a sandy-clay texture soil (Hapludox) to evaluate the efficiency of N use by maize in a crop succession, based on N-15-labeled ammonium sulfate (5.5 atom %) at different rates, and to assess the residual fertilizer effect in two no-tillage succession crops (signalgrass and corn). Two maize crops were evaluated, the first in the growing season 2006, the second in 2007, and brachiaria in the second growing season. The treatments consisted of N rates of 60, 120 and 180 kg ha(-1) in the form of labeled N-15 ammonium sulfate. This fertilizer was applied in previously defined subplots, only to the first maize crop (growing season 2006). The variables total accumulated N; fertilizer-derived N in corn plants and pasture; fertilizer-derived N in the soil; and recovery of fertilizer-N by plants and soil were evaluated. The highest uptake of fertilizer N by corn was observed after application of 120 kg ha(-1) N and the residual effect of N fertilizer on subsequent corn and Brachiaria was highest after application of 180 kg ha(-1) N. After the crop succession, soil N recovery was 32, 23 and 27 % for the respective applications of 60, 120 and 180 kg ha(-1) N.


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Questions Does the spatial association between isolated adult trees and understorey plants change along a gradient of sand dunes? Does this association depend on the life form of the understorey plant? Location Coastal sand dunes, southeast Brazil. Methods We recorded the occurrence of understorey plant species in 100 paired 0.25 m2 plots under adult trees and in adjacent treeless sites along an environmental gradient from beach to inland. Occurrence probabilities were modelled as a function of the fixed variables of the presence of a neighbour, distance from the seashore and life form, and a random variable, the block (i.e. the pair of plots). Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were fitted in a backward step-wise procedure using Akaike's information criterion (AIC) for model selection. Results The occurrence of understorey plants was affected by the presence of an adult tree neighbour, but the effect varied with the life form of the understorey species. Positive spatial association was found between isolated adult neighbour and young trees, whereas a negative association was found for shrubs. Moreover, a neutral association was found for lianas, whereas for herbs the effect of the presence of an adult neighbour ranged from neutral to negative, depended on the subgroup considered. The strength of the negative association with forbs increased with distance from the seashore. However, for the other life forms, the associational pattern with adult trees did not change along the gradient. Conclusions For most of the understorey life forms there is no evidence that the spatial association between isolated adult trees and understorey plants changes with the distance from the seashore, as predicted by the stress gradient hypothesis, a common hypothesis in the literature about facilitation in plant communities. Furthermore, the positive spatial association between isolated adult trees and young trees identified along the entire gradient studied indicates a positive feedback that explains the transition from open vegetation to forest in subtropical coastal dune environments.