14 resultados para Planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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A complete characterization of the stability boundary of a class of nonlinear dynamical systems that admit energy functions is developed in this paper. This characterization generalizes the existing results by allowing the type-zero saddle-node nonhyperbolic equilibrium points on the stability boundary. Conceptual algorithms to obtain optimal estimates of the stability region (basin of attraction) in the form of level sets of a given family of energy functions are derived. The behavior of the stability region and the corresponding estimates are investigated for parameter variation in the neighborhood of a type-zero saddle-node bifurcation value.


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Aflatoxin M-1 (AFM(1)) is a hepatocarcinogen found in milk of animals that have consumed feeds with aflatoxin B-1. The carry-over of AFM(1) from milk to Minas Frescal cheese produced with or without starter cultures was determined. 40 L of milk were divided into 10 L each and assigned to the following treatments for cheese manufacture: 0.250 rig AFM(1) mL(-1), 0.500 rig AFM(1) mL(-1), 0.250 ng AFM(1) mL(-1) + starter, 0.500 ng AFM(1) mL(-1) + starter. Quantification of AFM(1) was achieved by high performance liquid chromatography. The carry-over of AFM(1) from milk to cheese ranged from 30.64% to 42.26%. There was no effect of storage time on AFM(1). Milk with AFM(1) in levels studied may concentrate the toxin in Minas Frescal cheese, but at concentrations below the Brazilian tolerance limit. The addition of starter cultures did not influence concentration or stability of the AFM(1) in cheese over 30 days storage. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Since electrode electroactivity and stability depend directly on the nature, morphology, and structure of the material, we have investigated how modifications to the Pechini method during the synthesis of Pt-RuOx/C electrocatalysts affected catalyst activity. The structure and stability of the resulting materials were investigated after their submission to a large number of potential scans and to constant potential for a prolonged time period in sulfuric acid 0.5 mol L-1 and methanol 0.1 mol L-1 solution. DMFC tests were accomplished using membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) prepared by hot-pressing a pretreated Nafion 117 membrane together with the prepared Pt-RuOx anodes and a Pt cathode (from E-TEK), in order to compare the catalytic activity of the materials prepared by different methods. The stability studies demonstrated that the catalyst whose resin/carbon support mixture was agitated in a balls mill before undergoing heat-treatment was more stable than the other prepared catalysts. The catalysts synthesized with the single resin consisting of Pt and Ru and subjected to ultrasound before heat-treatment furnished the highest power density in the single fuel cell. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.011208jes]


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Be stars possess gaseous circumstellar disks that modify in many ways the spectrum of the central B star. Furthermore, they exhibit variability at several timescales and for a large number of observables. Putting the pieces together of this dynamical behavior is not an easy task and requires a detailed understanding of the physical processes that control the temporal evolution of the observables. There is an increasing body of evidence that suggests that Be disks are well described by standard alpha-disk theory. This paper is the first of a series that aims at studying the possibility of inferring several disk and stellar parameters through the follow-up of various observables. Here we study the temporal evolution of the disk density for different dynamical scenarios, including the disk buildup as a result of a long and steady mass injection from the star, the disk dissipation that occurs after mass injection is turned off, as well as scenarios in which active periods are followed by periods of quiescence. For those scenarios, we investigate the temporal evolution of continuum photometric observables using a three-dimensional non-LTE radiative transfer code. We show that light curves for different wavelengths are specific of a mass loss history, inclination angle, and alpha viscosity parameter. The diagnostic potential of those light curves is also discussed.


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Abstract Background Nanoemulsions have practical application in a multitude of commercial areas, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Cosmetic industries use rice bran oil in sunscreen formulations, anti ageing products and in treatments for skin diseases. The aim of this study was to create rice bran oil nanoemulsions using low energy emulsification methods and to evaluate their physical stability, irritation potential and moisturising activity on volunteers with normal and diseased skin types. Results The nanoemulsion developed by this phase diagram method was composed of 10% rice bran oil, 10% surfactants sorbitan oleate/PEG-30 castor oil, 0.05% antioxidant and 0.50% preservatives formulated in distilled water. The nanoemulsion was stable over the time course of this study. In vitro assays showed that this formulation has a low irritation potential, and when applied to human skin during in vivo studies, the nanoemulsion improved the skin's moisture and maintained normal skin pH values. Conclusion The results of irritation potential studies and in vivo assessments indicate that this nanoemulsion has potential to be a useful tool to treat skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.


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Open bite has fascinated Orthodontics due to the difficulties regarding its treatment and maintenance of results. This anomaly has distinct characteristics that, in addition to the complexity of multiple etiological factors, have aesthetic and functional consequences. Within this etiological context, several types of mechanics have been used in open bite treatment, such as palatal crib, orthopedic forces, occlusal adjustment, orthodontic camouflage with or without extraction, orthodontic intervention using mini-implants or mini-plates, and even orthognathic surgery. An accurate diagnosis and etiological determination are always the best guides to establish the objectives and the ideal treatment plan for such a malocclusion. This report describes two cases of open bite. At the end of the treatment, both patients had their canines and molars in Class I occlusion, normal overjet and overbite, and stability during the posttreatment period.


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Binary stars are frequent in the universe, with about 50% of the known main sequence stars being located at a multiple star system (Abt, 1979). Even though, they are universally thought as second rate sites for the location of exo-planets and the habitable zone, due to the difficulties of detection and high perturbation that could prevent planet formation and long term stability. In this work we show that planets in binary star systems can have regular orbits and remain on the habitable zone. We introduce a stability criterium based on the solution of the restricted three body problem and apply it to describe the short period planar and three-dimentional stability zones of S-type orbits around each star of the Alpha Centauri system. We develop as well a semi-analytical secular model to study the long term dynamics of fictional planets in the habitable zone of those stars and we verify that planets on the habitable zone would be in regular orbits with any eccentricity and with inclination to the binary orbital plane up until 35 degrees. We show as well that the short period oscillations on the semi-major axis is 100 times greater than the Earth's, but at all the time the planet would still be found inside the Habitable zone.


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20 years after the discovery of the first planets outside our solar system, the current exoplanetary population includes more than 700 confirmed planets around main sequence stars. Approximately 50% belong to multiple-planet systems in very diverse dynamical configurations, from two-planet hierarchical systems to multiple resonances that could only have been attained as the consequence of a smooth large-scale orbital migration. The first part of this paper reviews the main detection techniques employed for the detection and orbital characterization of multiple-planet systems, from the (now) classical radial velocity (RV) method to the use of transit time variations (TTV) for the identification of additional planetary bodies orbiting the same star. In the second part we discuss the dynamical evolution of multi-planet systems due to their mutual gravitational interactions. We analyze possible modes of motion for hierarchical, secular or resonant configurations, and what stability criteria can be defined in each case. In some cases, the dynamics can be well approximated by simple analytical expressions for the Hamiltonian function, while other configurations can only be studied with semi-analytical or numerical tools. In particular, we show how mean-motion resonances can generate complex structures in the phase space where different libration islands and circulation domains are separated by chaotic layers. In all cases we use real exoplanetary systems as working examples.


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We have carried out high contrast imaging of 70 young, nearby B and A stars to search for brown dwarf and planetary companions as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. Our survey represents the largest, deepest survey for planets around high-mass stars (≈1.5-2.5 M ☉) conducted to date and includes the planet hosts β Pic and Fomalhaut. We obtained follow-up astrometry of all candidate companions within 400 AU projected separation for stars in uncrowded fields and identified new low-mass companions to HD 1160 and HIP 79797. We have found that the previously known young brown dwarf companion to HIP 79797 is itself a tight (3 AU) binary, composed of brown dwarfs with masses 58$^{+21}_{-20}$ M Jup and 55$^{+20}_{-19}$ M Jup, making this system one of the rare substellar binaries in orbit around a star. Considering the contrast limits of our NICI data and the fact that we did not detect any planets, we use high-fidelity Monte Carlo simulations to show that fewer than 20% of 2 M ☉ stars can have giant planets greater than 4 M Jup between 59 and 460 AU at 95% confidence, and fewer than 10% of these stars can have a planet more massive than 10 M Jup between 38 and 650 AU. Overall, we find that large-separation giant planets are not common around B and A stars: fewer than 10% of B and A stars can have an analog to the HR 8799 b (7 M Jup, 68 AU) planet at 95% confidence. We also describe a new Bayesian technique for determining the ages of field B and A stars from photometry and theoretical isochrones. Our method produces more plausible ages for high-mass stars than previous age-dating techniques, which tend to underestimate stellar ages and their uncertainties.


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Synchronous telecommunication networks, distributed control systems and integrated circuits have its accuracy of operation dependent on the existence of a reliable time basis signal extracted from the line data stream and acquirable to each node. In this sense, the existence of a sub-network (inside the main network) dedicated to the distribution of the clock signals is crucially important. There are different solutions for the architecture of the time distribution sub-network and choosing one of them depends on cost, precision, reliability and operational security. In this work we expose: (i) the possible time distribution networks and their usual topologies and arrangements. (ii) How parameters of the network nodes can affect the reachability and stability of the synchronous state of a network. (iii) Optimizations methods for synchronous networks which can provide low cost architectures with operational precision, reliability and security. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Septins form a conserved family of filament forming GTP binding proteins found in a wide range of eukaryotic cells. They share a common structural architecture consisting of an N-terminal domain, a central GTP binding domain and a C-terminal domain, which is often predicted to adopt a coiled-coil conformation, at least in part. The crystal structure of the human SEPT2/SEPT6/SEPT7 heterocomplex has revealed the importance of the GTP binding domain in filament formation, but surprisingly no electron density was observed for the C-terminal domains and their function remains obscure. The dearth of structural information concerning the C-terminal region has motivated the present study in which the putative C-terminal domains of human SEPT2, SEPT6 and SEPT7 were expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity. The thermal stability and secondary structure content of the domains were studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy, and homo- and hetero-interactions were investigated by size exclusion chromatography, chemical cross-linking, analytical ultracentrifugation and surface plasmon resonance. Our results show that SEPT6-C and SEPT7-C are able to form both homo- and heterodimers with a high alpha-helical content in solution. The heterodimer is elongated and considerably more stable than the homodimers, with a K (D) of 15.8 nM. On the other hand, the homodimer SEPT2-C has a much lower affinity, with a K (D) of 4 mu M, and a moderate alpha-helical content. Our findings present the first direct experimental evidence toward better understanding the biophysical properties and coiled-coil pairings of such domains and their potential role in filament assembly and stability.


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Context and objective: The massive production of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils during inflammation may cause damage to tissues. Flavonoids act as antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects. In this study, liposomes loaded with these compounds were evaluated as potential antioxidant carriers, in attempt to overcome their poor solubility and stability. Materials and methods: Liposomes containing quercetin, myricetin, kaempferol or galangin were prepared by the ethanol injection method and analyzed as inhibitors of immune complex (IC) and phorbol ester-stimulated neutrophil oxidative metabolism by luminol (CLlum) and lucigenin-enhanced (CLluc) chemiluminescence (CL) assays. The mechanisms involved this activity of liposomal flavonoids, such as cytotoxicity and superoxide anion scavenging capacity, and their effect on phagocytosis of ICs were also investigated. Results and discussion: The results showed that the inhibitory effect of liposomal flavonoids on CLlum and CLluc is inversely related to the number of hydroxyl groups in the flavonoid B ring. Moreover, phagocytosis of liposomes by neutrophils does not seem to necessarily promote such activity, as the liposomal flavonoids are also able to reduce CL when the cells are pretreated with cytochalasin B. Under assessed conditions, the antioxidant liposomes are not toxic to the human neutrophils and do not interfere with IC-induced phagocytosis. Conclusion: The studied liposomes can be suitable carriers of flavonoids and be an alternative for the treatment of diseases in which a massive oxidative metabolism of neutrophils is involved.


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The existence and stability of three-dimensional (3D) solitons, in cross-combined linear and nonlinear optical lattices, are investigated. In particular, with a starting optical lattice (OL) configuration such that it is linear in the x-direction and nonlinear in the y-direction, we consider the z-direction either unconstrained (quasi-2D OL case) or with another linear OL (full 3D case). We perform this study both analytically and numerically: analytically by a variational approach based on a Gaussian ansatz for the soliton wavefunction and numerically by relaxation methods and direct integrations of the corresponding Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We conclude that, while 3D solitons in the quasi-2D OL case are always unstable, the addition of another linear OL in the z-direction allows us to stabilize 3D solitons both for attractive and repulsive mean interactions. From our results, we suggest the possible use of spatial modulations of the nonlinearity in one of the directions as a tool for the management of stable 3D solitons.


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Yolk color and egg white (albumen) cleanliness and viscosity are important parameters by which consumers judge the quality of eggs. This study aimed to investigate changes in albumen viscosity during storage of eggs for up to 36 days from two different commercial laying hen strains (Carijo Barbada and Isa Brown) fed a diet containing annatto (1.5 and 2.0%) or a synthetic additive without synthetic colorants (control). Analyses of humidity, albumen height, pH, viscosity, foam formation, and stability were carried out on eggs. Carijo Barbada strain had smaller albumen, lower humidity and higher egg white viscosity than Isa Brown strain; however, with storage, viscosity lowered significantly on both strains. Initially, the addition of 2.0% of annatto or a synthetic additive increased viscosity in both strains, but with storage only the control maintained longer viscosity. Lower viscosity did not change foam density and stability.