5 resultados para Pirrón, de Elis

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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An increasing volume of publications has addressed the role of tectonics in inland areas of northern Brazil during the Neogene and Quaternary, despite its location in a passive margin. Hence, northern South America plate in this time interval might have not been as passive as usually regarded. This proposal needs further support, particularly including field data. In this work, we applied an integrated approach to reveal tectonic structures in Miocene and late Quaternary strata in a coastal area of the Amazonas lowland. The investigation, undertaken in Marajo Island, mouth of the Amazonas River, consisted of shallow sub-surface geophysical data including vertical electric sounding and ground penetrating radar. These methods were combined with morphostructural analysis and sedimentological/stratigraphic data from shallow cores and a few outcrops. The results revealed two stratigraphic units, a lower one with Miocene age, and an upper one of Late Pleistocene-Holocene age. An abundance of faults and folds were recorded in the Miocene deposits and, to a minor extent, in overlying Late Pleistocene-Holocene strata. In addition to characterize these structures, we discuss their origin, considering three potential mechanisms: Andean tectonics, gravity tectonics related to sediment loading in the Amazon Fan, and rifting at the continental margin. Amongst these hypotheses, the most likely is that the faults and folds recorded in Marajo Island reflect tectonics associated with the history of continental rifting that gave rise to the South Atlantic Ocean. This study supports sediment deposition influenced by transpression and transtension associated with strike-slip divergence along the northern Equatorial Brazilian margin in the Miocene and Late Pleistocene-Holocene. This work records tectonic evidence only for the uppermost few ten of meters of this sedimentary succession. However, available geological data indicate a thickness of up to 6 km, which is remarkably thick for an area regarded as a passive margin. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A contaminated site from a downstream municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil was investigated by using a 3D resistivity and induced polarization (IP) imaging technique. This investigation purpose was to detect and delineate contamination plume produced by wastes. The area was selected based on previous geophysical investigations, and chemical analyses carried out in the site, indicating the presence of a contamination plume in the area. Resistivity model has successfully imaged waste presence (rho < 20 Omega m), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A conductive anomaly (rho < 20 Omega m) outside wastes placement was interpreted as a contamination plume. Chargeability model was also able to imaging waste presence (m > 31 mV/V), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A higher chargeability zone (m > 31 mV/V) outside wastes placement and following conductive anomaly was interpreted as a contamination plume. Normalized chargeability (MN = m/rho) confirmed polarizable zone, which could be an effect of a salinity increase (contamination plume), and the clay presence in the environment.


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We performed laboratory experiments to investigate the sensitivity of the Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) method to toluene contamination in clayey soils. We used mixtures of quartzitic sand and montmorillonite as soil samples, artificially contaminated with varying amounts of toluene. Care was taken to quantify the experimental uncertainty resulting from packing since such effects must be quantified if variations in SIP signatures between samples are to be reliably interpreted in terms of the effects of hydrocarbon concentration. The SIP response of all samples following addition of toluene was monitored for a period of 40 days following sample preparation. Stepwise regression was used to examine the statistical significance of correlations between (i) clay content and (ii) toluene concentration and SIP parameters. Both single-frequency real and imaginary conductivity measurements, along with the integral chargeability, normalized chargeability, DC conductivity and time constant obtained from a Debye decomposition fitting, were examined in this regression analysis. The SIP measurements show a clear time dependence following sample preparation, indicating that samples containing toluene may take significant time to reach an equilibrium electrical response. SIP measurements are significantly related to toluene content shortly after sample preparation, when the expected dependence of SIP on clay concentration is apparently suppressed. However, for the state of electrical equilibrium after 40 days (interpreted to indicate surface chemistry at equilibrium) there is no significant relation between SIP measurements and toluene content; instead SIP measurements are then significantly correlated with clay concentration. The total chargeability, normalized chargeability and relaxation time obtained from the Debye decomposition show no correlation with toluene content, indicating that this procedure, which likely integrates over multiple mechanisms, may not be suitable for understanding relationships between SIP and hydrocarbon contamination. We find only small low-frequency polarization signals observed in relation to toluene concentration (2 mrad at 0.01 Hz), which initially decreases the interfacial polarization. Unlike earlier works, our results do not support the use of the SIP method as a tool for monitoring toluene contamination in clay soils.


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Os combustíveis fósseis respondem por cerca de 90% da matriz energética global, e apesar de ser consenso a necessidade de expansão da mesma e da redução do consumo de bens e energia em nossa cultura, esta mudança caminha a passos muito lentos, e a pesquisa relacionada aos recursos de combustíveis fósseis, inclusive o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que nos permitam explorar economicamente reservas antes inviáveis, ainda é extremamente necessária. As reservas mundiais de petróleo mais acessíveis ou economicamente viáveis, devido à sua extensão ou qualidade do óleo, têm sua vida útil contada e acumulações não convencionais tem sido exploradas. Os arenitos asfálticos da Formação Pirambóia, na borda leste da Bacia do Paraná, foram a acumulação de hidrocarbonetos escolhida para experimentar novos meios de investigação a serem usados na indústria de petróleo, aproveitando-se de métodos geofísicos com aplicações usuais em outras áreas da ciência, como geologia ambiental e geotecnia, testando sua potencialidade na identificação de áreas com presença de hidrocarbonetos. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar um comportamento elétrico em uma camada de arenito impregnado por betume distinguível do comportamento elétrico das camadas de arenito adjacentes, que não contém betume, estabelecendo assim uma assinatura geofísica associável à presença de hidrocarbonetos. Os métodos utilizados (Eletrorresistividade, Polarização Induzida e Eletromagnético Indutivo) mostraram o comportamento dos arenitos asfálticos em função de seus parâmetros físicos elétricos (resistividade, condutividade e cargabilidade) e possibilitaram a identificação e o mapeamento da camada asfáltica, em meio à camadas não impregnadas por betume, conforme pretendido. A boa correlação entre os perfis gerados após o processamento dos dados obtidos em campo e a geometria da camada observada em afloramento indica que os métodos geoelétricos podem constituir uma ferramenta de análise na pesquisa de hidrocarbonetos em bacias sedimentares continentais, possibilitando um diagnóstico inicial da presença de hidrocarbonetos em áreas pré definidas, com métodos não destrutivos, não poluentes e, comparativamente aos métodos convencionais utilizados na indústria de petróleo e gás, mais baratos e rápidos.


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In Brazil, the large quantities of solid waste produced are out of step with public policies, technological developments, and government budgets for the division. In small municipalities, the common lack of technological knowledge and financial conditions for suitable waste disposal has resulted in a large number of illegal dumps. Therefore, small sanitary landfill facilities are working with simplified operations focusing on cost reduction and meeting the economic and technological standards of the city without endangering the environment or public health. Currently, this activity is regulated at a federal level although there is some uncertainty regarding the risk of soil and aquifer contamination as theses facilities do not employ liners. Thus, this work evaluates a small landfill to identify changes in soil and groundwater using geotechnical parameters, monitoring wells, and geophysical tests performed by electrical profiling. It is verified that based on current conditions, no contaminants have migrated via underground water aquifers, and overall no significant changes have occurred in the soil. It is concluded that, despite its simplicity, the method investigated is a viable alternative for the final disposal of municipal solid waste from small cities, especially in developing countries.