98 resultados para Parana Rhyolites

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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A taxonomic survey of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo was carried out in the Parana and Santa Catarina coasts, Southern Brazil. Samples were taken in various localities along the coastline using vertical hauls from the bottom to the surface. Electron microscopy revealed five species: the potentially toxic P. australis Frenguelli, P calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup & Has le, P multiseries (Has le) Has le and P pungens (Grunow ex Cleve) Has le (plus P pungens var. cingulata Villac), and the non-toxic P linea Lundholm, Has le & G. A. Fryxell. Southern Brazilian strains of P. calliantha and P multiseries have previously been shown to be toxic, raising concerns about a potential contamination of mussels and oysters being commercially grounded in the region. High morphological variability was observed in valve characters of P calliantha and P pungens, in some cases confirmed in the literature. In P calliantha there was a conspicuous differentiation in two morphotypes separated from each other by the width and the shape of the valve, and the density of the poroids. P linea has not previously been found in Brazilian waters, and P pungens var. cingulata is a new record in Western Atlantic waters. Future investigations using molecular techniques will elucidate whether the genetic variability corresponds to the morphological variation and unveil the possible existence of semicryptic species of Pseudo-nitzschia inhabiting the South Brazilian coast.


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Silicified stromatolites have been described in the Permian Teresina Formation, Passa Dois Group, of the Parana Basin. These stromatolites occur as blocks in the Fazenda Monte Alegre area at the headwaters of the creek known as Corrego Catanduva in the municipality of Angatuba. These blocks originate from the Serra de Angatuba region and were recognized in a road that was cut in the midst of sandstones and siltites. The stromatolites are isolated bioherms that are domed to subspherical with a flat base in profile and a rounded to lenticular shape in plan view. The stromatolites exhibit a reddish coloration and are composed of microcrystalline quartz. Lamination is continuous, non-columnar, and anastomosed, showing parallel to divergent growth; however, divergent columns also occur, especially at the tops of the bioherms. The lamination is fine and well preserved, with alternating light and dark laminas. Microfossils of filamentous cyanobacteria are preserved and were related to the genera Microcoleus and Rivularia. Silicified bivalves occur in association with the stromatolites and are preserved in the form of coquina beds and rare isolated specimens within the bioherms. The described specimens belong to the Pinzonella illusa biozone, with representatives of the species Pinzonella illusa, Angatubia cowperesioides, and Houldausiella elongata. The formation environment of these stromatolites is associated with tidal plains of shallow, brackish, relatively calm, warm waters of good luminosity with the presence of weak currents. There was likely a low level of predation, and the environment may have been hypersaline. The coquina beds associated with the stromatolites indicate a probable proximal tempestite, i.e., they were formed near the coastline. The stromatolites were originally composed of carbonates, although these were replaced by silica during early diagenesis.


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This article presents TDEM results from an area with recent induced shallow seismicity. The purpose was to do a geoelectrical mapping of sedimentary and fractured basaltic aquifers for better understanding of the hydrogeologic setting. The study area is in the Parana basin where flood basalts are overlain by sedimentary units near the city of Bebedouro, northern Sao Paulo State, Brazil. 86 TDEM soundings were acquired in an area of 90 km(2) in the Andes and Botafogo study areas. The soundings were chosen next to wells for calibration, and also along profiles crossing the seismically active areas. 1-D interpretation results showed the general geoelectrical stratigraphy of this part of the Parana basin. The upper geoelectrical layer is the shallow sedimentary aquifer (Adamantina formation) with less than 80 m thickness. The second geoelectrical layer contains the upper basalts of the Serra Geral formation at about 60-80 m depths. A saturated fractured basalt zone between 100 and 300 m depths was identifiable on various TDEM soundings. This depth range corresponds to the range of hypocentral depths for more than 3000 micro-earthquakes in this area. The lower basalt layer was estimated to lie between 400 and 650 m depth. The deepest geoelectrical layer detected by various TDEM soundings corresponds to the Botucatu sandstone (Guarani aquifer). Results suggest that the high-discharge wells are located in the fractured zone in the middle basalt of the Serra Geral formation. There is a good correlation between seismically active areas, high discharge wells (>190 m(3)/h), and fracture zones in the middle basalt. The results reinforce the hypothesis that the shallow seismic activity in the Bebedouro region is being triggered by high rates of groundwater withdrawal. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The epidemiologic frameworks of zoonosis periodically change in some of its aspects, involving the emergence or reemergence of men and animals' worsening of health. In this scenario, in which rapid changes can happen, the analysis of the prevalence of diseases, as the filariasis diagnosed in dogs from the coastline of Parana, has significant relevance. This study has been carried out with 422 dogs and aimed to determine the prevalence of circulating microfilariae of Acanthocheilonema reconditum, both in animals accommodated at the municipal kennels, as those that live in the district COHAPAR II, both places located in the metropolitan area of the city of Guaratuba-Parana, through two blood tests: evaluation of fresh blood, by the technique of the 'thick drop' and method of Knott modified by Newton and Wright. Thirty of the evaluated animals (7.10%), twenty two males and eight females, showed the presence of microfilariae of A. reconditum as result.


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Early diagenetic chert, infrequently exploited in Phanerozoic micropaleontology, was examined for organic-walled microfossils in petrographic thin sections of silicified dolostones from diverse levels and localities of the Assistencia Formation (Permian, Parana Basin) in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In contrast to previous palynological studies of this formation, the use of thin sections allowed direct observation in three dimensions of common palynomorphs, as well as benthic microbial mats preserved in situ in various stages of their life cycles and degradation. As in palynological residues from the more wellknown shale of this formation, the chert contains wind-dispersed pollen grains and phytoclasts derived from terrestrial sources and planktonic cryptarchs (unornamented coccoidal unicellular or colonial palynomorphs). However, only in the chert is it possible to see much more delicate microfossils, such as abundant cyanobacteria of the in situ benthic microbiota as well as chlorophycean microalgae of the microphytoplankton. Post-depositional processes affecting the formation have destroyed all but the most resistant organic remains in the other lithologies, such that only rare, degraded pollen grains are seen in the unsilicified dolostone of the formation, and in the shale the vast majority of microfossils have been compacted to flattened disks. On the other hand, early silicification not only preserved organic remains at an incipient stage of decomposition but also impeded significant further degradation due to compaction, recrystallization, and oxidation. Thus, the petrographic study of such chert can complement traditional palynological investigations in Phanerozoic rocks by furnishing hitherto unavailable information, especially with regard to benthic organic microfossils and fragile organic-walled phytoplankton normally absent from organic residues. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A detailed magnetostratigraphic and rock-magnetism study of two Late Palaeozoic rhythmite exposures (Itu and Rio do Sul) from the Itarare Group (Parana Basin, Brazil) is presented in this paper. After stepwise alterning-field procedures and thermal cleaning were performed, samples from both collections show reversed characteristic magnetization components, which is expected for Late Palaeozoic rocks. However, the Itu rocks presented an odd, flat inclination pattern that could not be corrected with mathematical methods based on the virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) distributions. Correlation tests between the maximum anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility axis (K1) and the magnetic declination indicated a possible mechanical influence on the remanence acquisition. The Rio do Sul sequence displayed medium to high inclinations and provided a high-quality palaeomagnetic pole (after shallowing corrections of f = 0.8) of 347.5 degrees E 63.2 degrees S (N = 119; A95 = 3.3; K = 31), which is in accordance with the Palaeozoic apparent wander pole path of South America. The angular dispersion (Sb) for the distribution of the VGPs calculated on the basis of both the 45 degrees cut-off angle and Vandamme method was compared to the best-fit Model G for mid-latitudes. Both of the Sb results are in reasonable agreement with the predicted (palaeo) latitudinal S-? relationship during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS), although the Sb value after the Vandamme cut-off has been applied is a little lower than expected. This result, in addition to those for low palaeolatitudes during the Permo-Carboniferous Reversed Superchron (PCRS) previously reported, indicates that the low secular variation regime for the geodynamo that has already been discovered in the CNS might have also been predominant during the PCRS.


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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the cost management practices of building industry companies of Parana that follow the typology of Porter's strategies. The sample comprises member companies of the Association of Construction Industries of the State of Parana (PR-SINDUSCON) operating in the segment of residential buildings. The data were collected by means of questionnaires sent to 317 SINDUSCON members. 69 were returned and 54 used for our research. Exploratory Factorial Analysis of the data allowed us to identify two groups of cost management practices. Analyses suggest equality between the adopted cost management practices and the Cost Control Planning (CCP) practices among the companies of the Group 1, regardless of the generic strategy adopted. The companies of the Group 2 that adopted the differentiation strategy seem to use mainly the ACR cost management practice. Our findings differ from those obtained by Chenhall insofar as companies that adopt low cost strategies tend to use managerial controls focused on cost control and rigid budgetary controls.


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We describe a new species of pimelodid catfish of the genus Iheringichthys from the upper Parana basin, Brazil Iheringichthys syi n. sp. is distinguished by the comparatively fine serration along the anterior margin of the pectoral-fin spine, an adpressed dorsal-fin remote from the adipose-fin origin, a large eye (23.2-31.2% of head length), narrow interorbital (16.2-23.0% of head length), long snout (42.0-51.0% of head length), long postorbital length (30.6-34.0% of head length), low adipose fin (4.8-7.8% of standard length), eye diameter 97.0-140.0% of interorbital length, and body with numerous, small dots irregularly scattered on flanks, especially marked on anterior half of flank.


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Introduction: An epidemiological study was undertaken to identify determinant factors in the occurrence of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in areas under the influence of hydroelectric plants in Paranapanema river, State of Parana, Brazil. The ecological aspects of the phlebotomine fauna were investigated. Methods: Sandflies were sampled with automatic light traps from February 2004 to June 2006 at 25 sites in the urban and rural areas of Itambaraca, and in Porto Almeida and Sao Joaquim do Pontal. Results: A total of 3,187 sandflies of 15 species were captured. Nyssomyia neivai predominated (34.4%), followed by Pintomyia pessoai (32.6%), Migonemyia migonei (11.6%), Nyssomyia whitmani (8.8%), and Pintomyia fischeri (2.7%), all implicated in the transmission of Leishmania. Males predominated for Ny. neivai, and females for the other vector species, with significant statistical differences (p < 0.001). Nyssomyia neivai, Pi. pessoai, Ny. whitmani, Brumptomyia brumpti, Mg. migonei, and Pi. fischeri presented the highest values for the Standardized Species Abundance Index (SSAI). The highest frequencies and diversities were found in the preserved forest in Porto Almeida, followed by forests with degradation in Sao Joaquim do Pontal and Vila Rural. Conclusions: Sandflies were captured in all localities, with the five vectors predominating. Ny. neivai had its highest frequencies in nearby peridomestic environments and Pi. pessoai in areas of preserved forests. The highest SSAI values of Ny. neivai and Pi. pessoai reflect their wider dispersion and higher frequencies compared with other species, which seems to indicate that these two species may be transmitting leishmaniasis in the area.


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Basalts of the Parana continental flood basalt (PCFB) province erupted through dominantly Proterozoic continental crust during the Cretaceous. In order to examine the mantle source(s) of this major flood basalt province, we studied Os, Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope systematics, and highly siderophile element (HSE) abundances in tholeiitic basalts that were carefully chosen to show the minimal effects of crustal contamination. These basalts define a precise Re-Os isochron with an age of 131.6 +/- 2.3 Ma and an initial Os-187/Os-188 of 0.1295 +/- 0.0018 (gamma Os-187 = +2.7 +/- 1.4). This initial Os isotopic composition is considerably more radiogenic than estimates of the contemporary Depleted Mantle (DM). The fact that the Re-Os data define a well constrained isochron with an age similar to Ar-40/Ar-39 age determinations, despite generally low Os concentrations, is consistent with closed-system behavior for the HSE. Neodymium, Sr, and Pb isotopic data suggest that the mantle source of the basalts had been variably hybridized by melts derived from enriched mantle components. To account for the combined Os, Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic characteristics of these rocks, we propose that the primary melts formed from metasomatized asthenospheric mantle (represented by arc-mantle peridotite) that underwent mixing with two enriched components, EM-I and EM-II. The different enriched components are reflected in minor isotopic differences between basalts from southern and northern portions of the province. The Tristan da Cunha hotspot has been previously suggested to be the cause of the Parana continental flood basalt magmatism. However, present-day Tristan da Cunha lavas have much higher Os-187/Os-188 isotopic compositions than the source of the PCFB. These data, together with other isotopic and elemental data, preclude making a definitive linkage between the Tristan plume and the PCFB. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, Canoparmelia texana lichenized fungi species was used as a passive biomonitor of the atmospheric pollution from the industrial city of So Mateus do Sul, PR, Brazil. Lichen samples collected from tree barks were cleaned, freeze-dried and analyzed by neutron activation analysis. Comparisons were made between the element concentrations obtained in lichens from this city and that from a clean area of Atlantic Forest in Intervales Park, SP. The high concentrations of elements As, Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Sb, and Th found in lichens could be attributed to the emissions from a ceramic and an oil shale plants.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the stock of biomass and organic carbon in a montane mixed shade forest located near General Carneiro, PR. 20 plots of 12 m x 12 m were installed, in which all trees with a CBH (Circumference at Breast Height) >= 31.4 cm were felled. From these the following information was obtained: total height, commercial height (agreed as being the morphological inversion point in the natural forest and the height of the first live branch), CBH, identification and collection of herbarium specimens. For the quantification of biomass in the understory and roots, three subunits 1 m x 1 m in each sampling unit were installed (12 m x 12 m) arranged in the lower left corner, center and diagonal upper right corner. To quantify accumulated litter at random, eight samples in each sampling unit were collected (12 m x 12 m), using a metal device measuring 0.25 m x 0.25 m. The montane mixed shade forest has more than 85% of its total biomass and total organic carbon stored in above ground plant structures. The total stock of organic carbon found in this study (104.7 Mg ha(-1)) demonstrates the importance of maintaining and preserving natural ecosystems as a way of maintaining this stock of organic carbon fixed in plant biomass.


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Baccharis umbellata, a new species of Parana State, southern Brazil, is described. The new species, belonging to subgen. Baccharis sect. Agglomeratae, is easily recognized by the pedunculate heads arranged in an umbel-like capitulescence. Baccharis umbellata is a narrow endemic of the peaks of the southern range of Serra do Mar. It is morphologically most similar to the allopatric species B. platypoda, which mainly inhabits mountain summits in western and eastern South America. Illustrations, a distribution map, habitat information, and a conservation assessment are also provided for the new species.


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This paper presents the swelling behaviour of clayey materials under controlled suction imposed both by a Richards chamber and by controlling the relative humidity with concentrated saline solutions. Soil-water characteristic curves (matrix and total) were determined by the filter paper method. The materials under study belong to the Guabirotuba Formation, of Pleistocene age, in the Curitiba Basin in the state of Parana, southern Brazil. Materials under several stages of suction of 5000-40 000 kPa were subjected to swelling tests in an oedometer press. The results indicated that the greater the suction the higher the swelling pressure. However, when swelling tests were carried out with suction variation controlled by relative humidity, in which the increase in moisture was very slow, the samples showed no swelling.


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Abstract Background Chronic hemodialysis patients are at higher risk for acquiring hepatitis C virus (HCV). The prevalence varies among different countries and hemodialysis centers. Although guidelines for a comprehensive infection control program exist, the nosocomial transmission still accounts for the new cases of infection. The aim of this study was analyze the follow up of newly acquired acute hepatitis C cases, during the period from January 2002 to May 2005, in the Hemodialysis Center, located in the Southwest region of Parana State, Brazil and to analyze the effectiveness of the measures to restrain the appearance of new cases of acute hepatitis C. Methods Patients were analyzed monthly with anti-HCV tests and ALT measurements. Patients with ALT elevations were monitored for possible acute hepatitis C. Results During this period, 32 new cases were identified with acute hepatitis C virus infection. Blood screening showed variable ALT levels preceding the anti-HCV seroconversion. HCV RNA viremia by PCR analysis was intermittently and even negative in some cases. Ten out of 32 patients received 1 mcg/kg dose of pegylated interferon alfa-2b treatment for 24 weeks. All dialysis personnel were re-trained to strictly follow the regulations and recommendations regarding infection control, proper methods to clean and disinfect equipment were reviewed and HCV-positive patients were isolated. Conclusion Laboratory tests results showed variable ALT preceding anti-HCV seroconversion and intermittent viremia. The applied recommendations contributed importantly to restrain the appearance of new cases of acute hepatitis C in this center and the last case was diagnosed in May 2004.