4 resultados para PHOSPHATE-GLASSES

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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A series of heavy metal oxide (HMO) glasses with composition 26.66B(2)O(3)-16GeO(2)-4 Bi2O3-(53.33-x)PbO-xPbF2 (0 <= x <= 40) were prepared and characterized with respect to their bulk (glass transition and crystallization temperatures, densities, molar volumes) and spectroscopic properties. Homogeneous glasses are formed up to x = 30, while crystallization of beta-PbF2 takes place at higher contents. Substitution of PbO by PbF2 shifts the optical band gap toward higher energies, thereby extending the UV transmission window significantly toward higher frequencies. Raman and infrared absorption spectra can be interpreted in conjunction with published reference data. Using B-11 and F-19 high-resolution solid state NMR as well as B-11/F-19 double resonance methodologies, we develop a quantitative structural description of this material. The fraction of four-coordinate boron is found to be moderately higher compared to that in glasses with the same PbO/B2O3 ratios, suggesting some participation of PbF2 in the network transformation process. This suggestion is confirmed by the F-19 NMR spectra. While the majority of the fluoride ions is present as ionic fluoride, similar to 20% of the fluorine inventory acts as a network modifier, resulting in the formation of four-coordinate BO3/2F- units. These units can be identified by F-19{B-11} rotational echo double resonance and B-11{F-19} cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) data. These results provide the first unambiguous evidence of B-F bonding in a PbF2-modified glass system. The majority of the fluoride ions are found in a lead-dominated environment. F-19-F-19 homonuclear dipolar second moments measured by spin echo decay spectroscopy are quantitatively consistent with a model in which these ions are randomly distributed within the network modifier subdomain consisting of PbO, Bi2O3, and PbF2. This model, which implies both the features of atomic scale mixing with the network former borate species and some degree of fluoride ion clustering is consistent with all of the experimental data obtained on these glasses.


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Two structural properties in mixed alkali metal phosphate glasses that seem to be crucial to the development of the mixed ion effect in dc conductivity were systematically analyzed in Na mixed metaphosphates: the local order around the mobile species, and their distribution and mixing in the glass network. The set of glasses considered here, Na1-xMxPO3 with M = Li, Ag, K, Rb, and Cs and 0 <= x <= 1, encompass a broad degree of size mismatch between the mixed cation species. A comprehensive solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance study was carried out using P-31 MAS, Na-23 triple quantum MAS, Rb-87 QCPMG, P-31-Na-23 REDOR, Na-23-Li-7 and Li-7-Li-6 SEDOR, and Na-23 spin echo decay. It was observed that the arrangement of P atoms around Na in the mixed glasses was indistinguishable from that observed in the NaPO3 glass. However, systematic distortions in the local structure of the 0 environments around Na were observed, related to the presence of the second cation. The average Na-O distances show an expansion/compression When Na+ ions are replaced by cations with respectively smaller/bigger radii. The behavior of the nuclear electric quadrupole coupling. constants indicates that this expansion reduces the local symmetry, while the compression produces the opposite effect These effects become marginally small when the site mismatch between the cations is small, as in Na-Ag mixed glasses. The present study confirms the intimate mixing of cation species at the atomic scale, but clear deviations from random mixing were detected in systems with larger alkali metal ions (Cs-Na, K-Na, Rb-Na). In contrast, no deviations from the statistical ion mixture were found in the systems Ag-Na and Li-Na, where mixed cations are either of radii comparable to (Ag+) or smaller than (Li+) Na+. The set of results supports two fundamental structural features of the models proposed to explain the mixed ion effect: the. structural specificity of the sites occupied by each cation species and their mixing at the atomic scale.


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Glasses in the system xGeO(2)-(1-x)NaPO3 (0 <= x <= 0.50) were prepared by conventional melting quenching and characterized by thermal analysis, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) techniques. The deconvolution of the latter spectra was aided by homonuclear J-resolved and refocused INADEQUATE techniques. The combined analyses of P-31 MAS NMR and O-1s XPS lineshapes, taking charge and mass balance considerations into account, yield the detailed quantitative speciations of the phosphorus, germanium, and oxygen atoms and their respective connectivities. An internally consistent description is possible without invoking the formation of higher-coordinated germanium species in these glasses, in agreement with experimental evidence in the literature. The structure can be regarded, to a first approximation, as a network consisting of P-(2) and P-(3) tetrahedra linked via four-coordinate germanium. As implied by the appearance of P-(3) units, there is a moderate extent of network modifier sharing between phosphate and germanate network formers, as expressed by the formal melt reaction P-(2) + Ge-(4) -> P-(3) + Ge-(3). The equilibrium constant of this reaction is estimated as K = 0.52 +/- 0.11, indicating a preferential attraction of network modifier by the phosphorus component. These conclusions are qualitatively supported by Raman spectroscopy as well as P-31{Na-23} and P-31{Na-23} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) NMR results. The combined interpretation of O-1s XPS and P-31 MAS NMR spectra shows further that there are clear deviations from a random connectivity scenario: heteroatomic P-O-Ge linkages are favored over homoatomic P-O-P and Ge-O-Ge linkages.


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Samples of 40SiO(2)center dot 30Na(2)O center dot 1Al(2)O(3)center dot(29 - x)B2O3 center dot xFe(2)O(3) (mol%), with 0.0 <= x <= 17.5, were prepared by the fusion method and investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical absorption (OA) and Mossbauer spectroscopy (MS). The EPR spectra of the as-synthesized samples exhibit two well-defined EPR signals around g = 4.27 and g = 2.01 and a visible EPR shoulder around g = 6.4, assigned to isolated Fe3+ ion complexes (g = 4.27 and g = 6.4) and Fe3+-based clusters (g = 2.01). Analyses of both EPR line intensity and line width support the model picture of Fe3+-based clusters built in from two sources of isolated ions, namely Fe2+ and Fe3+; the ferrous ion being used to build in iron-based clusters at lower x-content (below about x = 2.5%) whereas the ferric ion is used to build in iron-based clusters at higher x-content (above about x = 2.5%). The presence of Fe2+ ions incorporated within the glass template is supported by OA data with a strong band around 1100 nm due to the spin-allowed E-5(g)-T-5(2g) transition in an octahedral coordination with oxygen. Additionally, Mossbauer data (isomer shift and quadrupole splitting) confirm incorporation of both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions within the template, more likely in tetrahedral-like environments. We hypothesize that ferrous ions are incorporated within the glass template as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in non-bridging oxygen (SiO3O-) sites whereas ferric ions are incorporated as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in bridging-like oxygen silicate groups (SiO4). (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.