em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Background: The study of myofiber reorganization in the remote zone after myocardial infarction has been performed in 2D. Microstructural reorganization in remodeled hearts, however, can only be fully appreciated by considering myofibers as continuous 3D entities. The aim of this study was therefore to develop a technique for quantitative 3D diffusion CMR tractography of the heart, and to apply this method to quantify fiber architecture in the remote zone of remodeled hearts. Methods: Diffusion Tensor CMR of normal human, sheep, and rat hearts, as well as infarcted sheep hearts was performed ex vivo. Fiber tracts were generated with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration technique and classified statistically by the median, mean, maximum, or minimum helix angle (HA) along the tract. An index of tract coherence was derived from the relationship between these HA statistics. Histological validation was performed using phase-contrast microscopy. Results: In normal hearts, the subendocardial and subepicardial myofibers had a positive and negative HA, respectively, forming a symmetric distribution around the midmyocardium. However, in the remote zone of the infarcted hearts, a significant positive shift in HA was observed. The ratio between negative and positive HA variance was reduced from 0.96 +/- 0.16 in normal hearts to 0.22 +/- 0.08 in the remote zone of the remodeled hearts (p<0.05). This was confirmed histologically by the reduction of HA in the subepicardium from -52.03 degrees +/- 2.94 degrees in normal hearts to -37.48 degrees +/- 4.05 degrees in the remote zone of the remodeled hearts (p < 0.05). Conclusions: A significant reorganization of the 3D fiber continuum is observed in the remote zone of remodeled hearts. The positive (rightward) shift in HA in the remote zone is greatest in the subepicardium, but involves all layers of the myocardium. Tractography-based quantification, performed here for the first time in remodeled hearts, may provide a framework for assessing regional changes in the left ventricle following infarction.
Trypanosoma rangeli is the trypanosomatid that colonizes the salivary gland of its insect vector, with a profound impact on the feeding capacity of the insect. In this study we investigated the role of the phosphotyrosine (P-Tyr) ecto-phosphatase activity of T. rangeli in its interaction with Rhodnius prolixus salivary glands. Long but not short epimastigotes adhered to the gland cells and the strength of interaction correlated with the enzyme activity levels in different strains. Differential interference contrast microscopy demonstrated that clusters of parasites are formed in most cases, suggesting cooperative interaction in the adhesion process. The tightness of the correlation was evidenced by modulating the P-Tyr ecto-phosphatase activity with various concentrations of inhibitors. Sodium orthovanadate, ammonium molybdate and zinc chloride decreased the interaction between T. rangeli and R. prolixus salivary glands in parallel. Levamisole, an inhibitor of alkaline phosphatases, affected neither process. EDTA strongly inhibited adhesion and P-Tyr ecto-phosphatase activity to the same extent, an effect that was no longer seen if the parasites were pre-incubated with the chelator and then washed. When the P-Tyr ecto-phosphatase of living T. ranged epimastigotes was irreversibly inactivated with sodium orthovanadate and the parasite cells were then injected into the insect thorax, colonization of the salivary glands was greatly depressed for several days after blood feeding. Addition of P-Tyr ecto-phosphatase substrates such as p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) and P-Tyr inhibited the adhesion of T. rangeli to salivary glands, but P-Ser, P-Thr and beta-glycerophosphate were completely ineffective. Immunoassays using anti-P-Tyr-residues revealed a large number of P-Tyr-proteins in extracts of R. prolixus salivary glands, which could be potentially targeted by T. rangeli during adhesion. These results indicate that dephosphorylation of structural P-Tyr residues on the gland cell surfaces, mediated by a P-Tyr ecto-phosphatase of the parasite, is a key event in the interaction between T. rangeli and R. prolixus salivary glands. (C) 2012 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Organic-inorganic hybrids containing methacrylic acid (McOH, CH(2)= C(CH(3))COOH)) modified zirconium tetrapropoxide, Zr(OPr(n))(4), classed as di-ureasil-zirconium oxo-cluster hybrids, have been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopies, Si and C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). XRD and SAXS results have pointed out the presence of Si- and Zr-based nanobuilding blocks (NBBs) dispersed into the organic phase. Inter-NBBs correlation distances have been estimated for the pure di-ureasil and a model compound obtained. by hydrolysis/condensation of Zr(OPr(n))(4):McOH (molar ratio 1: 1): d(Si) approximate to 26 +/- 1 angstrom and d(Zr) approximate to 16 +/- 1 angstrom, respectively. In the case of the di-ureasil-zirconium oxo-cluster hybrids, these distances depend on the Zr relative molar percentage (rel. mol. Zr %) (d(Si) ranges from 18 to 25 angstrom and d(Zr) from 14 to 23 angstrom, as the rel. mol. Zr % increases from 5 to 75), suggesting that the Si- and Zr-based clusters are interconstrained. Complementary data from FT-IR, FT-Raman, (29)Si and (13)C NMR, and AFM support to a structural model where McOH-modified Zr-based NBBs (Zr-OMc) are present over the whole range of composition. At low Zr-OMc contents (rel. mol. Zr % <30) the clusters are well-dispersed within the di-ureasil host, whereas segregation occurs at the 0.1 mu m scale at high Zr-OMc concentration (rel. mol. Zr % = 50). No Zr-O-Si heterocondensation has been discerned. Monomode waveguides, diffractions gratings, and Fabry-Perot cavities have been written through the exposure of the hybrid monoliths to UV light. FT-Raman has shown that the chemical process that takes place under illumination is the polymerization of the methacrylate groups of the Zr-OMc NBBs. The guidance region in patterned channels is a Gaussian section located below the exposed surface with typical dimensions of 320 mu m wide and 88 mu m deep. The effective refractive index is 1.5162 (maximum index contrast on the order of 1 x 10(-4)) and the reflection coeficient of the Fabry-Perot cavity (formed by a grating patterned into a 0.278 cm channel) is 0.042 with a free spectral range value of 35.6 GHz.
Corrosion research in steels is one of the areas in which Mossbauer spectroscopy has become a required analytical technique, since it is a powerful tool for both identifying and quantifying distinctive phases (which contain Fe) with accuracy. In this manuscript, this technique was used to the study of corrosion resistance of plasma nitrided AISI 316L samples in the presence of chloride anions. Plasma nitriding has been carried out using dc glow-discharge, nitriding treatments, in medium of 80 vol.% H-2 and 20 vol.% N-2, at 673 K, and at different time intervals: 2, 4, and 7 h. Treated samples were characterized by means of phase composition and morphological analysis, and electrochemical tests in NaCl aerated solution in order to investigate the influence of treatment time on the microstructure and the corrosion resistance, proved by conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy (CEMS), glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GAXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and potentiodynamic polarization. A modified layer of about 8 gin was observed for all the nitrided samples, independently of the nitriding time. A metastable phase, S phase or gamma(N), was produced. It seems to be correlated with gamma`-Fe-4 N phase. If the gamma(N) fraction decreases, the gamma` fraction increases. The gamma(N) magnetic nature was analyzed. When the nitriding time increases, the results indicate that there is a significant reduction in the relative fraction of the magnetic gamma(N) (in) phase. In contrast, the paramagnetic gamma(N) (p) phase increases. The GAXRD analysis confirms the Mossbauer results, and it also indicates CrN traces for the sample nitrided for 7 h. Corrosion results demonstrate that time in the plasma nitriding treatment plays an important role for the corrosion resistance. The sample treated for 4 h showed the best result of corrosion resistance. It seems that the epsilon/gamma` fraction ratio plays an important role in thin corrosion resistance since this sample shows the maximum value for this ratio. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
We report on the generation of tunable light around 400 nm by frequency-doubling ultrashort laser pulses whose spectral phase is modulated by a sum of sinusoidal functions. The linewidth of the ultraviolet band produced is narrower than 1 nm, in contrast to the 12 nm linewidth of the non-modulated incident spectrum. The influence of pixellation of the liquid crystal spatial light modulator on the efficiency of the phase-modulated second harmonic generation is discussed.
In the present study the effect of relative humidity (RH) during spin-coating process on the structural characteristics of cellulose acetate (CA), cellulose acetate phthalate (C-A-P), cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and carboxymethyl cellulose acetate butyrate (CMCAB) films was investigated by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM), ellipsometry and contact angle measurements. All polymer solutions were prepared in tetrahydrofuran (THF), which is a good solvent for all cellulose esters, and used for spin-coating at RH of (35 +/- A 5)%, (55 +/- A 5)% or (75 +/- A 5)%. The structural features were correlated with the molecular characteristics of each cellulose ester and with the balance between surface energies of water and THF and interface energy between water and THF. CA, CAB, CMCAB and C-A-P films spin-coated at RH of (55 +/- A 5)% were exposed to THF vapor during 3, 6, 9, 60 and 720 min. The structural changes on the cellulose esters films due to THF vapor exposition were monitored by means of AFM and ellipsometry. THF vapor enabled the mobility of cellulose esters chains, causing considerable changes in the film morphology. In the case of CA films, which are thermodynamically unstable, dewetting was observed after 6 min exposure to THF vapor. On the other hand, porous structures observed for C-A-P, CAB and CMCAB turned smooth and homogeneous after only 3 min exposure to THF vapor.
Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been applied to almost all types of nonmelanoma skin cancer and numerous superficial benign skin disorders. Strategies to improve the accumulation of photosensitizer in the skin have been studied in recent years. Although the hydrophilic phthalocyanine zinc compound, zinc phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (ZnPcSO4) has shown high photodynamic efficiency and reduced phototoxic side effects in the treatment of brain tumors and eye conditions, its use in topical skin treatment is currently limited by its poor skin penetration. In this study, nanodispersions of monoolein (MO)-based liquid crystalline phases were studied for their ability to increase ZnPcSO4 uptake by the skin. Lamellar, hexagonal and cubic crystalline phases were prepared and identified by polarizing light microscopy, and the nanodispersions were analyzed by dynamic light scattering. In vitro skin penetration studies were performed using a Franz's cell apparatus, and the skin uptake was evaluated in vivo in hairless mice. Aqueous dispersions of cubic and hexagonal phases showed particles of nanometer size, approximately 224 +/- 10 nm and 188 +/- 10 nm, respectively. In vitro skin retention experiments revealed higher fluorescence from the ZnPcSO4 in deeper skin layers when this photosensitizer was loaded in the hexagonal nanodispersion system when compared to both the cubic phase nanoparticles and the bulk crystalline phases (lamellar, cubic and hexagonal). The hexagonal nanodispersion showed a similar penetration behavior in animal tests. These results are important findings, suggesting the development of MO liquid crystal nanodispersions as potential delivery systems to enhance the efficacy of topical PDT.
Centrifugal countercurrent distribution (CCCD) in an aqueous two-phase system (TPS) is a resolute technique revealing sperm heterogeneity and for the estimation of the fertilizing potential of a given semen sample. However, separated sperm subpopulations have never been tested for their fertilizing ability yet. Here, we have compared sperm quality parameters and the fertilizing ability of sperm subpopulations separated by the CCCD process from ram semen samples maintained at 20 degrees C or cooled down to 5 degrees C. Total and progressive sperm motility was evaluated by computer-assisted analysis using a CASA system and membrane integrity was evaluated by flow cytometry by staining with CFDA/Pl. The capacitation state, staining with chlortetracycline, and apoptosis-related markers, such as phosphatidylserine (PS) translocation detected with Annexin V. and DNA damage detected by the TUNEL assay, were determined by fluorescence microscopy. Additionally, the fertilizing ability of the fractionated subpopulations was comparative assessed by zona binding assay (ZBA). CCCD analysis revealed that the number of spermatozoa displaying membrane and DNA alterations was higher in samples chilled at 5 degrees C than at 20 degrees C. which can be reflected in the displacement to the left of the CCCD profiles. The spermatozoa located in the central and right chambers (more hydrophobic) presented higher values (P<0.01) of membrane integrity, lower PS translocation (P<0.05) and DNA damage (P<0.001) than those in the left part of the profile, where apoptotic markers were significantly increased and the proportion of viable non-capacitated sperm was reduced. We have developed a new protocol to recover spermatozoa from the CCCD fractions and we proved that these differences were related with the fertilizing ability determined by ZBA, because we found that the number of spermatozoa attached per oocyte was significantly higher for spermatozoa recovered from the central and right chambers, in both types of samples. This is the first time, to our knowledge that sperm recovered from a two-phase partition procedure are used for fertilization assays. These results open up new possibilities for using specific subpopulations of sperm for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, not only regarding better sperm quality but also certain characteristics such as subpopulations enriched in spermatozoa bearing X or Y chromosome that we have already isolated or any other feature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
As a part of the AMAZE-08 campaign during the wet season in the rainforest of central Amazonia, an ultraviolet aerodynamic particle sizer (UV-APS) was operated for continuous measurements of fluorescent biological aerosol particles (FBAP). In the coarse particle size range (> 1 mu m) the campaign median and quartiles of FBAP number and mass concentration were 7.3x10(4) m(-3) (4.0-13.2x10(4) m(-3)) and 0.72 mu g m(-3) (0.42-1.19 mu g m(-3)), respectively, accounting for 24% (11-41%) of total particle number and 47% (25-65%) of total particle mass. During the five-week campaign in February-March 2008 the concentration of coarse-mode Saharan dust particles was highly variable. In contrast, FBAP concentrations remained fairly constant over the course of weeks and had a consistent daily pattern, peaking several hours before sunrise, suggesting observed FBAP was dominated by nocturnal spore emission. This conclusion was supported by the consistent FBAP number size distribution peaking at 2.3 mu m, also attributed to fungal spores and mixed biological particles by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy and biochemical staining. A second primary biological aerosol particle (PBAP) mode between 0.5 and 1.0 mu m was also observed by SEM, but exhibited little fluorescence and no true fungal staining. This mode may have consisted of single bacterial cells, brochosomes, various fragments of biological material, and small Chromalveolata (Chromista) spores. Particles liquid-coated with mixed organic-inorganic material constituted a large fraction of observations, and these coatings contained salts likely from primary biological origin. We provide key support for the suggestion that real-time laser-induce fluorescence (LIF) techniques using 355 nm excitation provide size-resolved concentrations of FBAP as a lower limit for the atmospheric abundance of biological particles in a pristine environment. We also show some limitations of using the instrument for ambient monitoring of weakly fluorescent particles < 2 mu m. Our measurements confirm that primary biological particles, fungal spores in particular, are an important fraction of supermicron aerosol in the Amazon and that may contribute significantly to hydrological cycling, especially when coated by mixed inorganic material.
Since the mid 1980s the Atomic Force Microscope is one the most powerful tools to perform surface investigation, and since 1995 Non-Contact AFM achieved true atomic resolution. The Frequency-Modulated Atomic Force Microscope (FM-AFM) operates in the dynamic mode, which means that the control system of the FM-AFM must force the micro-cantilever to oscillate with constant amplitude and frequency. However, tip-sample interaction forces cause modulations in the microcantilever motion. A Phase-Locked loop (PLL) is used to demodulate the tip-sample interaction forces from the microcantilever motion. The demodulated signal is used as the feedback signal to the control system, and to generate both topographic and dissipation images. As a consequence, a proper design of the PLL is vital to the FM-AFM performance. In this work, using bifurcation analysis, the lock-in range of the PLL is determined as a function of the frequency shift (Q) of the microcantilever and of the other design parameters, providing a technique to properly design the PLL in the FM-AFM system. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The lyotropic liquid crystalline quaternary mixture made of potassium laurate (KL), potassium sulphate, 1-undecanol and water was investigated by experimental optical methods (optical microscopy and laser conoscopy). In a particular temperature and relative concentrations range, the three nematic phases (two uniaxial and one biaxial) were identified. The biaxial domain in the temperature/KL concentration surface is larger when compared to other lyotropic mixtures. Moreover, this new mixture gives nematic phases with higher birefringence than similar systems. The behavior of the symmetric tensor order parameter invariants sigma(3) and sigma(2) calculated from the measured optical birefringences supports that the uniaxial-to-biaxial transitions are of second order, described by a mean-field theory.
Lyotropic liquid crystalline quaternary mixtures of potassium laurate (KL), potassium sulphate (K2SO4)/alcohol (n-OH)/water, with the alcohols having different numbers of carbon atoms in the alkyl chain (n), from 1-octanol to 1-hexadecanol, were investigated by optical techniques (optical microscopy and laser conoscopy). The biaxial nematic phase domain is present in a window of values of n = n(KL) +/- 2, where n(KL) = 11 is the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl chain of KL. The biaxial phase domain became smaller and the uniaxial-to-biaxial phase transition temperatures shifted to relatively higher temperatures upon going from 1-nonanol to 1-tridecanol. Moreover, compared with other lyotropic mixtures these new mixtures present high birefringence values, which we expect to be related to the micellar shape anisotropy. Our results are interpreted assuming that alcohol molecules tend to segregate in the micelles in a way that depends on the relative value of n with respect to nKL. The larger the value of n, the more alcohol molecules tend to be located in the curved parts of the micelle, favoring the uniaxial nematic calamitic phase with respect to the biaxial and uniaxial discotic nematic phases.
Using giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) made from POPC. DPPC, cholesterol and a small amount of a porphyrin-based photosensitizer that we name PE-porph, we investigated the response of the lipid bilayer under visible light, focusing in the formation of domains during the lipid oxidation induced by singlet oxygen. This reactive species is generated by light excitation of PE-porf in the vicinity of the membrane, and thus promotes formation of hydroperoxides when unsaturated lipids and cholesterol are present. Using optical microscopy we determined the lipid compositions under which GUVs initially in the homogeneous phase displayed Lo-Ld phase separation following irradiation. Such an effect is attributed to the in situ formation of both hydroperoxized POPC and cholesterol. The boundary line separating homogeneous Lo phase and phase coexistence regions in the phase diagram is displaced vertically towards the higher cholesterol content in respect to ternary diagram of POPC:DPPC:cholesterol mixtures in the absence of oxidized species. Phase separated domains emerge from sub-micrometer initial sizes to evolve over hours into large Lo-Ld domains completely separated in the lipid membrane. This study provides not only a new tool to explore the kinetics of domain formation in mixtures of lipid membranes, but may also have implications in biological signaling of redox misbalance. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this research was to characterize emulsion systems (ES) containing nonionic ethoxylated surfactants by using rheological, microscopic, and thermogravimetric assays. Three formulations were developed: ES-1: 8.0% (w/w) oleth-20; ES-2: 4.0% (w/w) oleth-20/4.0% (w/w) steareth-21; and ES-3: 8.0% (w/w) steareth-21. The systems showed typical non-Newtonian pseudo-plastic behavior. The presence of a lamellar gel phase was observed for all systems, with ES-2 being more pronounced. Through thermogravimetry, the profiles of the three systems were found to be similar, consisting of two main events, the first one being characterized by loss of water and, beyond 110 degrees C, by loss of the oil phase.