5 resultados para Ocotea puberula
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Ocotea catharinensis is a basal angiosperm and an endangered tree species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Despite its economical and ecological importance, mass-propagation of this species is hampered by seldom-produced short-lived seeds, and in vitro propagation is challenged by frequently malformed somatic embryos. Therefore, O. catharinensis somatic embryos are also a good experimental material to study the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying in vitro morphogenesis. In an ongoing effort to characterize genes expressed during somatic embryogenesis of O. catharinensis we have cloned two Ocotea WUSCHEL-related genes. According to our RT-PCR data, both genes were preferentially expressed in embryogenic cell aggregates. One of them, OcWUS, is a possible ortholog of the Arabidopsis WUSCHEL (WUS) gene, which codes for a homeodomain-containing protein involved in the specification and maintenance of the shoot apical meristem. We analyzed the expression patterns of OcWUS and OcWOX4 by RT-PCR, and OcWUS expression was also assessed by in situ hybridization. The expression patterns of OcWUS were very similar to those described for the Arabidopsis WUS. OcWUS transcripts were generally restricted to a small group of cells in the center of the putative shoot apical meristem of O. catharinensis somatic embryos. Perturbed expression of OcWUS might be related to abnormally formed somatic embryos of O. catharinensis obtained through tissue culture.
Neste trabalho, avaliou-se os efeitos de fatores ambientais na sobrevivência e crescimento inicial de Ocotea pulchella (Nees) Mez numa floresta de restinga. Os ensaios consistiram do plantio de mudas classificadas em dois grupos de idade (plântulas e juvenis) em diferentes áreas selecionadas quanto à cobertura vegetal (clareiras ou sub-bosque) e umidade do solo (secos e úmidos). As plantas de ambas as idades apresentaram a maior taxa de mortalidade no sub-bosque úmido, onde se observou os valores mais baixos de luz fotossinteticamente ativa e fertilidade do solo. A sobrevivência de plântulas correlacionou-se positivamente ao crescimento, que por sua vez, foi favorecido em clareiras, sugerindo uma dependência da espécie em relação a ambientes mais iluminados, embora essa possa ocupar o sub-bosque em fisionomias mais abertas como as restingas. Em juvenis, a sobrevivência foi relacionada principalmente aos fatores edáficos; o crescimento em altura foi muito baixo, não sendo constatado incremento significativo de área foliar nem de matéria seca em nenhum dos ambientes, o que pode estar relacionado ao caráter oligotrófico do solo. Os juvenis em sub-bosque de solo úmido apresentaram ao final do experimento os menores valores de altura, área foliar, razão de área foliar, razão de massa foliar e taxa de assimilação líquida, sugerindo que baixas irradiâncias associadas a solos saturados e quimicamente pobres podem restringir o recrutamento da espécie no local estudado. Todavia, o comportamento de certa forma generalista para as condições de luz e umidade do solo, indica uma alta capacidade de O. pulchella em colonizar distintos micro-ambientes da restinga, onde se observa uma grande variação espaço-temporal de fatores ambientais.
STRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF SOME HYDROBENZOFURAN NEOLIGNANS. The neolignans are defined as dimers of allylphenol and propenylphenol between itself or crossed, whose bond does not occur by the 8-8' carbons like lignans. This review centered on stereochemical aspects of the hydrobenzofuran type, a widespread skeleton among neolignans. The chemical structures established based on spectrometric data are registered in the literature. The absolute configurations reported previously were determined by chiroptical techniques. Some chemical transformations with neolignans, performed in previous studies, afforded products which are accumulated in other vegetal species and contributed to assign the unknown stereochemistry of these natural compounds. Possible biosynthetic pathways are also proposed.
In the Montane and Submontane Rain Forest of the Carlos Botelho State Park - PECB (ca. 37,000 ha) the composition, richness and geographical distribution of native, vascular forest species was evaluated. The analysis of 1143 species of 140 families supported the pattern found for other forests of Eastern Brazil, showing high species richness of Myrtaceae (85 species), Orchidaceae (81), Fabaceae (57), Asteraceae, Melastomataceae (54), Lauraceae (53), Rubiaceae (51), Bromeliaceae (43), Piperaceae (30) and Solanaceae (25), besides ferns (123). The most species-rich genera were Eugenia (34), Ocotea (26), Leandra, Myrcia, Vriesea (18), Piper, Solanum (16), Miconia (14), Mollinedia (13), and Peperomia (12). The richness and composition varied greatly among life forms, as well as the number of families represented in each one of them (only Rubiaceae had species in all life forms, except parasites). Trees had the largest contribution of total richness (39.1%), a value that represented more than 20% of the species listed for the whole Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil. Trees were followed by epiphytes (22.4%), herbs (18.4%), shrubs (10.1%), lianas (9.1%), and parasites (0.9%). The overall richness and composition of life forms was quite close to other neotropical forests (e.g. high contribution of ferns among epiphytes), although some life forms remain undersampled in the PECB (mainly herbs, lianas and epiphytes). The occurrence of species endemic to the Atlantic Forest was pronounced (65%), with a predominance of species restricted to the Southern Atlantic Forest (43%). Pantropical species were rare (2%), being more common among ferns. Myrtaceae and Melastomataceae were the families with greater number and proportion of endemic species.
Chagas disease is one of the main public health problems in Latin America. Since the available treatments for this disease are not effective in providing cure, the screening of potential antiprotozoal agents is essential, mainly of those obtained from natural sources. This study aimed to provide an evaluation of the trypanocidal activity of 92 ethanol extracts from species belonging to the families Annonaceae, Apiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Nyctaginaceae, and Verbenaceae against the Y and Bolivia strains of Trypanosoma cruzi. Additionally, cytotoxic activity on LLCMK2 fibroblasts was evaluated. Both the trypanocidal activity and cytotoxicity were evaluated using the MTT method, in the following concentrations: 500, 350, 250, and 100 µg/mL. Benznidazole was used for positive control. The best results among the 92 samples evaluated were obtained with ethanol extracts of Ocotea paranapiacabensis (Am93) and Aegiphila lhotzkiana (Am160). Am93 showed trypanocidal activity against epimastigote forms of the Bolivia strain and was moderately toxic to LLCMK2 cells, its Selectivity Index (SI) being 14.56, while Am160 showed moderate trypanocidal activity against the Bolivia strain and moderate toxicicity, its SI being equal to 1.15. The screening of Brazilian plants has indicated the potential effect of ethanol extracts obtained from Ocotea paranapiacabensis and Aegiphila lhotzkiana against Chagas disease.