12 resultados para ORNITHOLOGY

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Populations of grassland birds are declining in Brazil due to profound alterations to grassland habitats. In this paper, we present recent records and range extensions for 12 threatened or little known Brazilian grassland species: Ocellated Crake Micropygia schomburgkii, Sickle-winged Nightjar Eleothreptus anomalus, Campo Miner Geositta poeciloptera, Rufous-sided Pygmytyrant Euscarthmus rufomarginatus, Sharp-tailed Grass-tyrant Culicivora caudacuta, Cocktailed Tyrant Alectrurus tricolor, Cinereous Warbling-finch Poospiza cinerea, Black-masked Finch Coryphaspiza melanotis, Tawny-bellied Seedeater Sporophila hypoxantha, Marsh Seedeater S. palustris, Chestnut Seedeater S. cinnamomea and Black-bellied Seedeater S. melanogaster. We also comment on the biogeography and conservation of these species.


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The `Critically Endangered` Cone-billed Tanager Conothraupis mesoleuca was described in 71 93 9, based on a single specimen collected in the state of Mato Grosso, western Brazil. Not seen again in the wild until 2003, this poorly-known species was rediscovered in Emas National Park, in the Brazilian state of Goias. We describe here the discovery of a new population of Cone-billed Tanager in Chapada dos Parecis, along the upper Juruena River basin, in the state of Mato Grosso. The birds were always detected in (or near) flooded habitats along rivers. At least 40 individuals were found, but the population may be larger since areas of potential habitat are available in the upper Juruena basin and these have not yet been surveyed. We also provide here the first information on the biology and behaviour of the species based on observations in Juruena and Emas, as well as a first description of the female. Historical documents and our records support our suggestion that ""Juruena"", i.e. the type locality of the Cone-billed Tanager, refers to the Juruena telegraph station (12 degrees 50`S, 58 degrees 55`W). Considering that the range of the species is being settled, research on different aspects of its biology are urgent.


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Scientific collections are important sources of material for many areas of ornithological research. Although firearms (particularly shotguns) have been the standard for avian scientific collecting for more than 100 years, their use is restricted in many areas of the world. We describe a cheap, relatively silent, and effective air shotgun for collecting birds weighing up to 50 g at distances up to 4 m. This air shotgun is capable of shooting birdshot, uses hollow metal rivets connected to plastic straws as shot shells, and represents a simple adaptation of any 0.177 or 0.22 cal single-shot, break-barrel air rifle with at least 25 joules of muzzle energy. This air shotgun will be especially useful for focused sampling of birds (and other small vertebrates) in situations where firearm use or transport is restricted.


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Predation of Caiman yacare (Spix, 1825) (Crocodilia, Alligatoridae) by Busarellus nigricollis (Latham, 1790) (Accipitriformes, Accipitridae) in the Taiama Ecological Station, Alto Pantanal, State of Mato Grosso. The Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis is an Accipitridae commonly seen on river banks, lagoon shores, and marshy areas. It feeds mainly on fishes and aquatic insects. It hunts from dead tree branches at forest edges or emergent trunks in flooded areas. Detailed information about the Black-collared Hawk food habits is scarce. In this study, we describe the predation of Caiman yacare (Pantanal alligator) by an individual of B. nigricollis. The event was observed on 20 August 2010 at 10: 14 am, in the Taiama Ecological Station, municipality of Caceres, Alto Pantanal, state of Mato Grosso. The B. nigricollis individual was seen leaving the Paraguay River carrying a juvenile C. yacare around 40 cm long. The prey was torn apart and given to a Black-collared Hawk nestling sitting atop a nest in flooded forest, ca. 15 m way from the river bank. This is the first published record of Pantanal alligator predation by the Black-collared Hawk.


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Habitat use by Sharp-tailed Tyrant (Culicivora caudacuta), and Cock-tailed Tyrant (Alectrurus tricolor) in the Cerrado of Southeastern Brazil. Obligatory grassland birds are dependent on a limited set of native habitats that are disappearing almost everywhere. We examined the use of macrohabitat and microhabitat by two threatened species of flycatchers, the Sharp-tailed Tyrant, Culicivora caudacuta and the Cock-tailed Tyrant, Alectrurus tricolor in a preserved area of cerrado. We generated logistic regression models to explain the presence of these species through variables of microhabitat. Both flycatchers occurred mainly in grassland areas and favored areas with a low density of palms (Attalea geraensis) and trees. The Sharp-tailed Tyrant also favored areas with a high density of low shrubs (< 1 m) and less exposed soil. The positive relationship found between the presence of Sharp-tailed Tyrant and soil cover may indicate the importance of litter and understory vegetation for shelter and food. The conservation of both flycatcher species in the study area should benefit from controlling palm density and the maintenance of grasslands with low shrubs.


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We estimated the population density of the Helmeted Curassow (Pauxi pauxi) in Tama National Park (TNP) Colombia, using visual counts between December 2006 and December 2008. We used six line transects (1 km each) equitably distributed in a natural forest between 800 and 1,200 m asl in the southern part of the park. The sampling effort was 588 hrs with a total distance of 490 km, a detection rate of 0.06 records/hr, and an encounter rate of 0.08 individuals/km. Only solitary individuals were recorded (n = 40); the estimated density was 4.8 individuals/km(2). Most detections occurred in the lower strata of the forest (floor and sub-canopy) where hunters take advantage of curassows in the lower strata for successful harvest. The southern sector of TNP becomes important in the dry season. Our study suggests a large population is in TNP, but harvesting activities including removal of eggs, chicks, and juveniles, and hunting adults are affecting the reproductive rate and population of the species. Received 6 June 2011. Accepted 2 February 2012.


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We studied the Red-billed Currasow (Cray blumenbachii) in Vale Natural Reserve, Linhares, Espirito Santo State, Brazil, using camera traps. We found the Red-billed Curassow present in the entire area of the reserve (similar to 22,000 ha) during 40 months of camera trapping (2005-2008). Most records were of single individuals, especially males, but pairs and even groups of individuals were also recorded. Males were paired with one and two females, suggesting polygyny in the species. The species was recorded throughout the day with one peak from 0500 to 0600 hrs and another after 1600 hrs. The daily activity pattern was similar for males and females. The number and widespread nature of the records suggests the local population of this species may be higher than previously thought. Received 10 March 2011. Accepted 5 December 2011.


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Birds are the most diverse and largest group of extant tetrapods. They show marked variability, yet much of this variation is superficial and due to feather and bill color and shape. Under the feathers, the skeleto-muscular system is rather constant throughout the bird group. The adaptation to flight is the explanation for this uniformity. The more obvious morphological adaptations for flight are the wings, but the trunk is always rigid, the tail is short and the neck is flexible, since all these features are correlated with flying behaviour. Unrelated to the exigencies of flight, the legs always have three long bones, and all the birds walk on their toes. This leg structure is a striking plesiomorphic feature that was already present in related dinosaurs. The multi-purpose potential of the legs is the result of the skeletal architecture of a body with three segmented flexed legs. This configuration provides mechanical properties that allow the use of the legs as propulsive, paddling, foraging or grooming tools. It is the association of diverse modes of locomotion-walking, running, hopping, flying and swimming-that have enabled the birds to colonize almost all the environments on Earth.


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The pressures for land use change have led to an increasing isolation of habitat remnants throughout the world. The goal of this study was to estimate the population size and density of some endemic and threatened species in a nature reserve in the Cerrado biome. One hundred and thirty four point transects were undertaken at the Estacao Ecologica de Itirapina (EEI), one of the last natural grassland savannah remnants in Sao Paulo state, in the south-east of Brazil between September and December 2006 and densities estimated for seven species (four endemic to the Cerrado, one near-endemic and two grassland specialists). Neither species reached the minimum viable population size of 500-5000 individuals. Four species, White-banded Tanager, White-rumped Tanager, Black-throated Saltator and Sharp-tailed Tyrant have populations ranging from 112 to 248 individuals, while the other species have a low population (< 60 individuals). The mean densities of Sharp-tailed Tyrant and Cock-tailed Tyrant in the EEI grassland showed similar values to those observed in larger areas of the Cerrado, which may indicate that the EEL grassland area is well conserved. In spite of the restricted size of the EEI, small areas can maintain some endemic and threatened bird populations, thus contributing to local biodiversity and the ecological processes in the region. The capacity of fragments of Cerrado (similar to 2,000 ha) to maintain populations of endemic and threatened bird species is unlikely to be effective in the long term.


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Birds that remove ectoparasites and other food material from their hosts are iconic illustrations of mutualistic-commensalistic cleaning associations. To assess the complex pattern of food resource use embedded in cleaning interactions of an assemblage of birds and their herbivorous mammal hosts in open habitats in Brazil, we used a network approach that characterized their patterns of association. Cleaning interactions showed a distinctly nested pattern, related to the number of interactions of cleaners and hosts and to the range of food types that each host species provided. Hosts that provided a wide range of food types (flies, ticks, tissue and blood, and organic debris) were attended by more species of cleaners and formed the core of the web. On the other hand, core cleaner species did not exploit the full range of available food resources, but used a variety of host species to exploit these resources instead. The structure that we found indicates that cleaners rely on cleaning interactions to obtain food types that would not be available otherwise (e.g., blood-engorged ticks or horseflies, wounded tissue). Additionally, a nested organization for the cleaner bird mammalian herbivore association means that both generalist and selective species take part in the interactions and that partners of selective species form an ordered subset of the partners of generalist species. The availability of predictable protein-rich food sources for birds provided by cleaning interactions may lead to an evolutionary pathway favoring their increased use by birds that forage opportunistically. Received 30 June 2011, accepted 10 November 2011.


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We describe the juvenile plumages of the Cinereous Mourner (Laniocera hypopyrra) and the Brazilian Laniisoma (Laniisoma elegans). Both L. hypopyrra and L. elegans possess a dramatically conspicuous plumage as juveniles in contrast to the generally cryptic plumage pattern exhibited by most juvenile birds. They are predominantly covered by cinnamon-orange feathers with black terminal spots, contrasting with the nest and the predominant colors of their environment. This colorful plumage presumably makes them more at risk from predation by visually oriented animals (e.g., raptors and primates), during one of the most vulnerable phases of their life, and strongly suggests these plumages function as a true, or false (mimicry), signal of 'unprofitability'. Previous knowledge concerning the phylogenetic relationships between these two genera, and the juvenile plumage patterns of other species placed in the Tityridae indicate this shared character in L. hypopyrra and L. elegans represents a synapomorphy within this clade, thereby providing additional evidence of their relationship. Received 13 December 2011. Accepted 1 May 2012.