8 resultados para Newly-diagnosed Schizophrenia

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Extant Doras are newly diagnosed among Doradidae by the unique combination of maxillary barbels long and fimbriate; mesethmoid with anterior lateral margins converging towards narrow tip; single anterior cranial fontanel contained largely within frontals and anteriorly by mesethmoid (posterior cranial fontanel occluded); anterior nuchal plate wide, pentaganol or roughly hexagonal, sharing distinct lateral suture with epioccipital and isolating supraoccipital from middle nuchal plate; nuchal foramina absent; coracoid process short, posterior tip falling well short of that of postcleithral process; dentary with acicular teeth; and skin immediately ventral to postcleithral process perforated with conspicuous pores. One fossil species, dagger D. dioneae, and two nominal extant species, D. carinatus and D. micropoeus, are recognized as valid and the latter two redescribed. Three additional extant species, D. phlyzakion, D. higuchii and D. zuanoni, are newly described from the middle Amazon and tributaries, lower Amazon tributaries and rio Araguaia (Tocantins drainage), respectively. Doras phlyzakion and D. zuanoni form a monophyletic group that is found in lowland, lentic habitats, and is characterized by multiple conspicuous pores in skin on breast and abdomen, a trait unique among doradids and rare if not unique among all catfishes. The remaining extant species, D. carinatus, D. higuchii and D. micropoeus, with uncertain relationships, are found in upland, lotic habitats. The occurrence of D. carinatus in the Orinoco basin suggests a historical link between right-bank tributaries of the lower Orinoco (e.g., Caroni) draining the western Guiana Shield and more eastern rivers (e.g., Cuyuni-Essequibo) that drain the Shield directly into the Atlantic Ocean. A key to extant species is provided, a neotype is designated for Silurtis carinatus Linnaeus 1766, and Mormyropsis Miranda Ribeiro, 1911, is placed in the synonymy of Doras Lacepede, 1803.


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T regulatory cells (Tregs) play an important role in the mechanism of host's failure to control pathogen dissemination in severe forms of different chronic granulomatous diseases, but their role in leprosy has not yet been elucidated; 28 newly diagnosed patients (16 patients with lepromatous leprosy and 12 patients with tuberculoid leprosy) and 6 healthy Mycobacterium leprae-exposed individuals (contacts) were studied. Tregs were quantified by flow cytometry (CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated in vitro with a M. leprae antigenic preparation and phytohemagglutinin as well as in skin lesions by immunohistochemistry. The lymphoproliferative (LPR), interleukin-10 (IL-10), and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) responses of the in vitro-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and the in situ expression of IL-10, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) were also determined. We show that M. leprae antigens induced significantly lower LPR but significantly higher Treg numbers in lepromatous than tuberculoid patients and contacts. Mitogen-induced LPR and Treg frequencies were not significantly different among the three groups. Tregs were also more frequent in situ in lepromatous patients, and this finding was paralleled by increased expression of the antiinflammatory molecules IL-10 and CTLA-4 but not TGF-beta. In lepromatous patients, Tregs were intermingled with vacuolized hystiocyte infiltrates all over the lesion, whereas in tuberculoid patients, Tregs were rare. Our results suggest that Tregs are present in increased numbers, and they may have a pathogenic role in leprosy patients harboring uncontrolled bacillary multiplication but not in those individuals capable of limiting M. leprae growth.


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Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that results from the autoimmune response against pancreatic insulin producing beta cells. Apart of several insulin regimens, since the decade of 80s various immunomodulatory regimens were tested aiming at blocking some steps of the autoimmune process against beta cell mass and at promoting beta cell preservation. In the last years, some independent research groups tried to cure type 1 diabetes with an "immunologic reset" provided by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed patients, and the majority of patients became free form insulin with increasing levels of C-peptide along the time. In this review, we discuss the biology of hematopoietic stem cells and the possible advantages and disadvantages related to the high dose immunosuppression followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.


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Abstract Background Medical oncologists continue to use performance status as a proxy for quality of life (QOL) measures, as completion of QOL instruments is perceived as time consuming, may measure aspects of QOL not affected by cancer therapy, and interpretation may be unclear. The pulse oximeter is widely used in clinical practice to predict cardiopulmonary morbidity after lung resection in cancer patients, but little is known on its role outside the surgical setting. We evaluated whether the Lung Cancer Symptom Scale and pulse oximetry may contribute to the evaluation of lung cancer patients who received standard anticancer therapy. Methods We enrolled forty-one consecutive, newly diagnosed, patients with locally advanced or metastatic lung cancer in this study. We developed a survival model with the variables gender, age, histology, clinical stage, Karnofsky performance status, wasting, LCSS symptom scores, average symptom burden index, and pulse oximetry (SpO2). Results Patient and observer-rated scores were correlated, except for the fatigue subscale. The median SpO2 was 95% (range: 86 to 98), was unrelated to symptom scores, and was weakly correlated with observer cough scores. In a multivariate survival model, SpO2 > 90% and patient scores on the LCSS appetite and fatigue subscales were independent predictors of survival. Conclusion LCSS fatigue and appetite rating, and pulse oximetry should be studied further as prognostic factors in lung cancer patients.


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Abstract Background Family history is among the few established risk factors for testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT). Approximately 1.4% of newly diagnosed TGCT patients report a positive family history of TGCT. Sons and siblings of TGCT patients have four- to six fold and eight- to tenfold increase in TGCT risk, respectively. In twins of men with TGCT the relative risk of testicular cancer is 37.5 (12.3-115.6). Nevertheless, information about the occurrence of TGCT in relatives of patients with extragonadal germ cell tumor is limited. Case report A 24 year-old male patient was diagnosed with a mediastinum tumor and was submitted to image-guided biopsy, which revealed a seminoma. Two months later, his non-identical asymptomatic twin brother was submitted to an elective ultrasound of the testes, which showed a left testicular mass of 4.2 cm. This patient underwent orchiectomy revealing a seminoma of the left testis. There are no other cases of seminoma or other types of cancers reported in first-degree relatives in this family. Conclusions Although familial aggregations of TGCT have been well described, to the best of our knowledge, no data concerning the association of gonadal and extragonadal germ cell tumor in relatives has been previously reported. Further investigation on this association is warranted and may help in improving our knowledge of familial pattern inheritance.


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Eighty-six newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) patients from a public hospital of São Paulo (Brazil) were evaluated by cIg-FISH for the presence of del(13)(q14), t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) and del(17)(p13). These abnormalities were observed in 46.5, 9.3, and 7.0% of the patients, respectively. In order to identify the possible role of del(13)(q14) in the physiopathology of MM, we investigated the association between this abnormality and the proliferative and apoptotic indexes of plasma cells. When cases demonstrating t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) and del(17)(p13) were excluded from the analysis, we observed a trend towards a positive correlation between the proportion of cells carrying del(13)(q14) and plasma cell proliferation, determined by Ki-67 expression (r = 0.23, P = 0.06). On the other hand, no correlation between the proportion of cells carrying del(13)(q14) and apoptosis, determined by annexin-V staining, was detected (r = 0.05, P = 0.69). In general, patients carrying del(13)(q14) did not have lower survival than patients without del(13)(q14) (P = 0.15), but patients with more than 80% of cells carrying del(13)(q14) showed a lower overall survival (P = 0.033). These results suggest that, when del(13)(q14) is observed in a high proportion of malignant cells, it may have a role in determining MM prognosis. Another finding was a statistically significant lower overall survival of patients with t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) (P = 0.026). In the present study, almost half the patients with t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) died just after diagnosis, before starting treatment. This fact suggests that, in São Paulo, there may be even more patients with this chromosomal abnormality, but they probably die before being diagnosed due to unfavorable socioeconomic conditions. This could explain the low prevalence of this chromosomal abnormality observed in the present study.


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OBJETIVO: Os sintomas da dermatomiosite (DM) podem ser um indício da existência de um câncer oculto. Melhorar a detecção precoce é essencial, porém não há estudos avaliando em curto prazo os fatores preditivos para a doença. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo, monocêntrico, incluindo pacientes com DM definida (pelo menos quatro dos cinco critérios de Bohan e Peter, 1975), no período entre 1991 e 2011. A presença de malignidade foi limitada a um período de até 12 meses após o diagnóstico da doença. RESULTADOS: Houve 12 casos de neoplasias em 139 pacientes (pele, trato gastrintestinal, próstata, tireoide, mama, pulmão e trato geniturinário). Os pacientes com neoplasia tiveram maior média de idade que os controles (56,8 ± 15,7 vs. 40,3 ± 13,1 anos, respectivamente, P = 0,004; odds ratio 1,09; intervalo de confiança de 95%: 1,04-1,14). Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas em relação a gênero, etnia, frequência de sintomas constitucionais, envolvimento de órgãos e sistemas e/ou alterações laboratoriais. CONCLUSÃO: Na DM recém-diagnosticada, a idade tardia ao diagnóstico foi um fator preditivo de malignidade.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia is characterized by gene rearrangements that always involve the retinoic acid receptor alpha on chromosome 15. In the majority of patients t(15;17) is detected, which generates the promyelocytic leukemia gene/retinoic acid receptor alpha rearrangement. This rearrangement interacts with several proteins, including the native promyelocytic leukemia gene, thus causing its delocalization from the nuclear bodies, impairing its function. The immunofluorescence staining technique using the anti-PML antibody may be used to provide a rapid diagnosis and to immediately start therapy using all-trans retinoic acid. The experience of the International Consortium on Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia has demonstrated that early mortality was significantly reduced by adopting the immunofluorescence technique. All-trans retinoic acid combined with chemotherapy is the standard therapy; this promotes complete remission rates greater than 90% and cure rates of nearly 80%. However, early mortality is still an important limitation and hematologists must be aware of the importance of treating newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia as a medical emergency.