14 resultados para National Measurement System for Time and Frequency.
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Each plasma physics laboratory has a proprietary scheme to control and data acquisition system. Usually, it is different from one laboratory to another. It means that each laboratory has its own way to control the experiment and retrieving data from the database. Fusion research relies to a great extent on international collaboration and this private system makes it difficult to follow the work remotely. The TCABR data analysis and acquisition system has been upgraded to support a joint research programme using remote participation technologies. The choice of MDSplus (Model Driven System plus) is proved by the fact that it is widely utilized, and the scientists from different institutions may use the same system in different experiments in different tokamaks without the need to know how each system treats its acquisition system and data analysis. Another important point is the fact that the MDSplus has a library system that allows communication between different types of language (JAVA, Fortran, C, C++, Python) and programs such as MATLAB, IDL, OCTAVE. In the case of tokamak TCABR interfaces (object of this paper) between the system already in use and MDSplus were developed, instead of using the MDSplus at all stages, from the control, and data acquisition to the data analysis. This was done in the way to preserve a complex system already in operation and otherwise it would take a long time to migrate. This implementation also allows add new components using the MDSplus fully at all stages. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study, the measurement of the concentration and size of particles and the identification of their sources were carried out at five orthopedic surgeries. The aerosol concentration and particle size distribution, ranging from 0.3 mu m 10 mu m, were measured and related to the type of indoor activity. The handling of surgical linen and gowns, handling of the patient, use of electrosurgical apparatus, use of a bone saw, handling of equipment, and cleaning of the room were identified as the most important sources of particles, with each of these activities posing different risks to the health of the patients and workers. The results showed that most of the particles were above 0.5 mu m and that there was a strong correlation among all particles of sizes above 1 mu m. Particles with diameters in the range of 0.3 mu m-0.5 mu m had a good correlation only with particles in the ranges of 0.5 mu m-1.0 mu m and 1.0 mu m-3.0 mu m in three of the surgeries analyzed. Findings led to the conclusion that most of the events responsible for generating aerosol particles in an orthopedic surgery room are brief, intermittent, and highly variable, thus requiring the use of specific instrumentation for their continuous identification and characterization.
The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the degradation of resin-dentin bonds of an etch-and-rinse adhesive system to primary and permanent teeth. Flat superficial coronal dentin surfaces from 5 primary second molars and 5 permanent third molars were etched with phosphoric acid and bonded with an adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE). Blocks of resin composite (Z250, 3M ESPE) were built up and the teeth sectioned to produce bonded sticks with a 0.8 mm(2) cross-sectional area. The sticks of each tooth were randomly divided and assigned to be subjected to microtensile testing immediately (24 h) or after aging by water storage (6 months). Data were analyzed by two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test (alpha = 0.05). Failure mode was evaluated using a stereomicroscope (400x). Microtensile values significantly decreased after the 6 months aging, independent of the dentin substrate. In 24 h, the values obtained to primary dentin were lower compared with permanent dentin. This difference was not maintained after aging. Adhesive/mixed failure was predominant in all experimental groups. In conclusion, degradation of resin-dentin bonds of the etch-and-rinse adhesive system occurred after 6 months of water storage; however, the reduction in bond strength values was higher for permanent teeth.
Activation of renin-angiotensin system has been linked to cardiovascular and autonomic dysfunctions in diabetes. Experiments were performed to investigate the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), enalapril, on cardiac and autonomic functions in diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin (50 mg/kg), and rats were treated with enalapril (1 mg.kg(-1).d(-1)). After 30 days, evaluations were performed in control, diabetic, and enalapril-treated groups. Cardiac function was evaluated by echocardiography and through cannulation of the left ventricle (at baseline and in response to volume overload). Heart rate and systolic blood pressure variabilities were evaluated in the time and frequency domains. Streptozotocin rats had left ventricular systolic and diastolic dysfunctions, expressed by reduced ejection fraction and increased isovolumic relaxation time. The ACEI prevented these changes, improved diastolic cardiac responses to volume overload and total power of heart rate variability, reduced the ACE1 activity and protein expression and cardiac angiotensin (Ang) II levels, and increased angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity, despite unchanged blood pressure. Correlations were obtained between Ang II content with systolic and diastolic functions and heart rate variability. These findings provide evidence that the low-dose ACEI prevents autonomic and cardiac dysfunctions induced by diabetes without changing blood pressure and associated with reduced cardiac Ang II and increased angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity.
Blood pressure variability (BPV) and baroreflex dysfunction may contribute to end-organ damage process. We investigated the effects of baroreceptor deficit (10 weeks after sinoaortic denervation - SAD) on hemodynamic alterations, cardiac and pulmonary remodeling. Cardiac function and morphology of male Wistar intact rats (C) and SAD rats (SAD) (n = 8/group) were assessed by echocardiography and collagen quantification. BP was directly recorded. Ventricular hypertrophy was quantified by the ratio of left ventricular weight (LVW) and right ventricular weight (RVW) to body weight (BW). BPV was quantified in the time and frequency domains. The atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), alpha-skeletal actin (alpha-skelectal), collagen type I and type III genes mRNA expression were evaluated by RT-PCR. SAD did not change BP, but increased BPV (11 +/- 0.49 vs. 5 +/- 0.3 mm Hg). As expected, baroreflex was reduced in SAD. Pulmonary artery acceleration time was reduced in SAD. In addition, SAD impaired diastolic function in both LV (6.8 +/- 0.26 vs. 5.02 +/- 0.21 mm Hg) and RV (5.1 +/- 0.21 vs. 4.2 +/- 0.12 mm Hg). SAD increased LVW/BW in 9% and RVW/BW in 20%, and augmented total collagen (3.8-fold in LV, 2.7-fold in RV, and 3.35-fold in pulmonary artery). Also, SAD increased type I (similar to 6-fold) and III (similar to 5-fold) collagen gene expression. Denervation increased ANP expression in LV (75%), in RV (74%) and increased a-skelectal expression in LV (300%) and in RV (546%). Baroreflex function impairment by SAD, despite not changing BP, induced important adjustments in cardiac structure and pulmonary hypertension. These changes may indicate that isolated baroreflex dysfunction can modulate target tissue damage. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents preliminary results to determine small displacements of a global positioning system (GPS) antenna fastened to a structure using only one L1 GPS receiver. Vibrations, periodic or not, are common in large structures, such as bridges, footbridges, tall buildings, and towers under dynamic loads. The behavior in time and frequency leads to structural analysis studies. The hypothesis of this article is that any large structure that presents vibrations in the centimeter-to-millimeter range can be monitored by phase measurements of a single L1 receiver with a high data rate, as long as the direction of the displacement is pointing to a particular satellite. Within this scenario, the carrier phase will be modulated by antenna displacement. During a period of a few dozen seconds, the relative displacement to the satellite, the satellite clock, and the atmospheric phase delays can be assumed as a polynomial time function. The residuals from a polynomial adjustment contain the phase modulation owing to small displacements, random noise, receiver clock short time instabilities, and multipath. The results showed that it is possible to detect displacements of centimeters in the phase data of a single satellite and millimeters in the difference between the phases of two satellites. After applying a periodic nonsinusoidal displacement of 10 m to the antenna, it is clearly recovered in the difference of the residuals. The time domain spectrum obtained by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) exhibited a defined peak of the third harmonic much more than the random noise using the proposed third-degree polynomial model. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000070. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Wood is a material of great applicability in construction, with advantageous properties to form various structural systems, such as walls and roof. Most of the roof structural systems follow models that have remained unchanged for a long time. A roof modular system in distinguished materials is proposed: reforested wood (Pine), oriented strand board (OSB) and roof tiles made of recycled long-life packaging material in order to be applied in rural construction. In this alternative, besides the benefit of giving destination packages with long-life thermal comfort, it also highlights the use of reforestated wood being the cultivation of such species that provides incentive for agribusiness. The structural performance of this alternative was evaluated through computer modeling and test results of two modular panels. The analysis is based on the results of vertical displacements, deformations and stresses. A positive correlation between theoretical and experimental values was observed, indicating the model's feasibility for use in roof structures. Therefore, the modular system represents a solution to new architecture conceptions to rural construction, for example, storage construction, cattle handling and poultry, with benefits provided by prefabricated building systems.
PURPOSE: To verify whether the number of chewing strokes and the chewing time are influenced by dentofacial deformities in habitual free mastication. METHODS: Participants were 15 patients with diagnosis of class II dentofacial deformity (GII), 15 with class III (GIII), and 15 healthy control individuals with no deformity (CG). Free habitual mastication of a cornstarch cookie was analyzed, considering the number of chewing strokes and the time needed to complete two mastications. Strokes were counted by considering the opening and closing movements of the mandible. The time needed to consume each bite was determined using a digital chronometer, started after the placement of the food in the oral cavity and stopped when each portion was swallowed. RESULTS: There were no differences between groups regarding both the number of strokes and the chewing time. However, with regards to the number of strokes, CG and GII presented a significant concordance between the first and the second chewing situation, which was not observed in GIII. The analysis of time showed significant concordance between the first and second chewing situation in CG, reasonable concordance in GII, and discordance in GIII. CONCLUSION: Dentofacial deformities do not influence the number of chewing strokes or the chewing time. However, class III individuals do not show uniformity regarding these aspects.
Aim. The purpose of this study was to provide normal values for maximum phonation time (MPT) and the s/z ratio by examining 1660 children aged 4-12 years and without vocal signs or symptoms. Methods. The technique was based on the sustained emission of the /a/ vowel and fricatives /s/ and /z/. Results. The average of the MPT in children of the different age groups was as follows: 6.09 seconds for the age group 4-6 years (males, 5.97; female, 6.21 seconds), 7.94 seconds for the age group 7-9 years (males, 8.07; females, 7.79 seconds), and 8.98 for the age group 10-12 years (males, 9.05; females, 8.92 seconds). The overall average for males was 7.78 and females 7.64 seconds. The s/z ratio was near 1.0 in most children but above 1.2 in 133 children and below 0.8 in 133 children. Conclusion. These values of MPT and s/z ratio can be used as normative in further pediatric studies.
The objective of this quantitative, correlational and descriptive study was to analyze the time the nursing staff spends to assist patients in Adult Intensive Care Units, as well as to verify its correlation with quality care indicators. The average length of time spent on care and the quality care indicators were identified by consulting management instruments the nursing head of the Unit employs. The average hours of nursing care delivered to patients remained stable, but lower than official Brazilian agencies' indications. The correlation between time of nursing care and the incidence of accidental extubation indicator indicated that it decreases with increasing nursing care delivered by nurses. The results of this investigation showed the influence of nursing care time, provided by nurses, in the outcome of care delivery.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the cardiometabolic effects of exercise training in ovariectomized hypertensive rats both submitted and not submitted to fructose overload. Methods: Spontaneously hypertensive ovariectomized rats were divided into sedentary and trained (THO) groups submitted to normal chow and sedentary and trained groups submitted to fructose overload (100 g/L in drinking water for 19 wk). Exercise training was performed on a treadmill (8 wk). Arterial pressure (AP) was directly recorded. Cardiovascular autonomic control was evaluated through pharmacological blockade (atropine and propranolol) and in the time and frequency domains by spectral analysis. Results: The THO group presented reduced AP (approximately 16 mm Hg) and enhanced cardiac vagal tonus (approximately 49%) and baroreflex sensitivity (approximately 43%) compared with the sedentary hypertensive ovariectomized group. Exercise training attenuated metabolic impairment, resting tachycardia, cardiac and vascular sympathetic increases, and baroreflex sensitivity decrease induced by fructose overload in hypertensive rats. However, the trained hypertensive ovariectomized group submitted to fructose overload presented higher AP (approximately 32 mm Hg), associated with baroreflex sensitivity (approximately 69%) and parasympathetic dysfunctions compared with the THO group. Conclusions: These data suggest that the metabolic disorders in hypertensive rats after ovarian hormone deprivation could blunt and/or attenuate some exercise training benefits.
Objective: This research aims to assess apprentices' and trainees' work conditions, psychosocial factors at work, as well as health symptoms after joining the labor force. Background: Despite the fact that there are over 3.5 million young working students in Brazil, this increasing rate brings with it difficult working conditions such as work pressure, heavy workloads, and lack of safety training. Method: This study was carried out in a nongovernmental organization (NGO) with 40 young members of a first job program in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. They filled out a comprehensive questionnaire focused on sociodemographic variables, working conditions, and health symptoms. Individual and collective semi-structured interviews were conducted. Empirical data analysis was performed using analysis of content. Results: The majority of participants mentioned difficulties in dealing with the pressure and their share of responsibilities at work. Body pains, headaches, sleep deprivation during the workweek, and frequent colds were mentioned. Lack of appropriate task and safety training contributed to the occurrence of work injuries. Conclusion: Having a full-time job during the day coupled with evening high school attendance may jeopardize these people's health and future. Application: This study can make a contribution to the revision and implementation of work training programs for adolescents. It can also help in the creation of more sensible policies regarding youth employment.
Purpose: To evaluate the retinal nerve fiber layer measurements with time-domain (TD) and spectral-domain (SD) optical coherence tomography (OCT), and to test the diagnostic ability of both technologies in glaucomatous patients with asymmetric visual hemifield loss. Methods: 36 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma with visual field loss in one hemifield (affected) and absent loss in the other (non-affected), and 36 age-matched healthy controls had the study eye imaged with Stratus-OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California, USA) and 3 D OCT-1000 (Topcon, Tokyo, Japan). Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and normative classification were recorded. Total deviation values were averaged in each hemifield (hemifield mean deviation) for each subject. Visual field and retinal nerve fiber layer "asymmetry indexes" were calculated as the ratio between affected versus non-affected hemifields and corresponding hemiretinas. Results: Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements in non-affected hemifields (mean [SD] 87.0 [17.1] mu m and 84.3 [20.2] mu m, for TD and SD-OCT, respectively) were thinner than in controls (119.0 [12.2] mu m and 117.0 [17.7] mu m, P<0.001). The optical coherence tomography normative database classified 42% and 67% of hemiretinas corresponding to non-affected hemifields as abnormal in TD and SD-OCT, respectively (P=0.01). Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements were consistently thicker with TD compared to SD-OCT. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness asymmetry index was similar in TD (0.76 [0.17]) and SD-OCT (0.79 [0.12]) and significantly greater than the visual field asymmetry index (0.36 [0.20], P<0.001). Conclusions: Normal hemifields of glaucoma patients had thinner retinal nerve fiber layer than healthy eyes, as measured by TD and SD-OCT. Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements were thicker with TD than SD-OCT. SD-OCT detected abnormal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness more often than TD-OCT.
This study aims to analyse the degree of completeness of world inventory of the mite family Phytoseiidae and the factors that might determine the process of species description. The world data set includes 2,122 valid species described from 1839 to 2010. Species accumulation curves were analysed. The effect of localisation (latitude ranges) and body size on the species description patterns over space and time was assessed. A low proportion of species seems remain to be described, but this trend could be explained by a critical reduction in the number of specialists dedicated to the study of those mites. In addition, this trend refers to the areas where phytoseiids have been well studied around the world, and it may change considerably if the study of these mites would be intensified in some areas. The number of newly described species is lower near the tropics, and their body size is also smaller. Differences in body size were noted between the three sub-families of Phytoseiidae, the highest mean body lengths of adult females being observed for Amblyseiinae, the most diverse family. In the future, collections would have certainly to take into consideration such conclusions for instance in using more adequate optical equipment especially for field collections. The decrease in the number of phytoseiid mite described was confirmed and the factors that could explain such a trend are discussed. Information for improving further inventories is provided and discussed, especially in relation to sampling localization and study methods.