em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma miopatia severa de caráter recessivo ligada ao cromossomo X e o modelo animal de estudo mais relevante é o Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD). Além das severas alterações que ocorrem na musculatura estriada, muitos estudos mostram que outras estruturas, inclusive viscerais, podem se mostrar alteradas nesta patologia. Desta forma, este trabalho objetivou análisar e comparar possíveis alterações estruturais e funcionais do rim em cães GRMD. Neste modelo de estudo, foi possível observar a presença das faces convexa e côncava, do hilo renal e dos pólos craniais e caudais dos rins. O órgão mostrou-se envolto por uma cápsula fibrosa. Em um corte sagital do órgão, notou-se a presença das regiões cortical e medular e da pelve renal. Na análise microscópica foi possível identificar a zona medular e cortical com suas estruturas: os corpúsculos renais formados pelo glomérulo e pela cápsula de Bowman, os túbulos contorcidos proximais e distais, os ductos coletores, vasos sanguíneos e os segmentos das Alças de Henle. As dosagens séricas de creatinina e uréia encontram-se dentro dos limites de normalidade. Desta forma, de acordo com os nossos resultados, podemos concluir que os animais afetados estudados, não apresentaram alterações estruturais ou funcionais dos rins, o que nos permitir sugerir que apesar da ingestão hídrica comprometida, a estrutura renal, mantem- se preservada nos animais GRMD.
Background:The golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) dogs represent the best available animal model for therapeutic trials aiming at the future treatment of human Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). We have obtained a rare litter of six GRMD dogs (3 males and 3 females) born from an affected male and a carrier female which were submitted to a therapeutic trial with adult human stem cells to investigate their capacity to engraft into dogs muscles by local as compared to systemic injection without any immunosuppression. Methods Human Immature Dental Pulp Stem Cells (hIDPSC) were transplanted into 4 littermate dogs aged 28 to 40 days by either arterial or muscular injections. Two non-injected dogs were kept as controls. Clinical translation effects were analyzed since immune reactions by blood exams and physical scores capacity of each dog. Samples from biopsies were checked by immunohistochemistry (dystrophin markers) and FISH for human probes. Results and Discussion We analyzed the cells' ability in respect to migrate, engraftment, and myogenic potential, and the expression of human dystrophin in affected muscles. Additionally, the efficiency of single and consecutive early transplantation was compared. Chimeric muscle fibers were detected by immunofluorescence and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) using human antibodies and X and Y DNA probes. No signs of immune rejection were observed and these results suggested that hIDPSC cell transplantation may be done without immunosuppression. We showed that hIDPSC presented significant engraftment in GRMD dog muscles, although human dystrophin expression was modest and limited to several muscle fibers. Better clinical condition was also observed in the dog, which received monthly arterial injections and is still clinically stable at 25 months of age. Conclusion Our data suggested that systemic multiple deliveries seemed more effective than local injections. These findings open important avenues for further researches.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a lethal X-linked disorder, is the most common and severe form of muscular dystrophies, affecting I in 3,500 male births. Mutations in the DMD gene lead to the absence of muscle dystrophin and a progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle. The possibility to treat DMD through cell therapy has been widely investigated. We have previously shown that human adipose-derived stromal cells (hASCs) injected systemically in SJL mice are able to reach and engraft in the host muscle, express human muscle proteins, and ameliorate the functional performance of injected animals without any immunosuppression. However, before starting clinical trials in humans many questions still need to be addressed in preclinical studies, in particular in larger animal models, when available. The best animal model to address these questions is the golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) dog that reproduces the full spectrum of human DMD. Affected animals carry a mutation that predicts a premature termination codon in exon 8 and a peptide that is 5% the size of normal dystrophin. These dogs present clinical signs within the first weeks and most of them do not survive beyond age two. Here we show the results of local and intravenous injections of hASCs into GRMD dogs, without immunosuppression. We observed that hASCs injected systemically into the dog cephalic vein are able to reach, engraft, and express human dystrophin in the host GRMD dystrophic muscle up to 6 months after transplantation. Most importantly, we demonstrated that injecting a huge quantity of human mesenchymal cells in a large-animal model, without immunosuppression, is a safe procedure, which may have important applications for future therapy in patients with different forms of muscular dystrophies.
Miconia langsdorffii Cogn. (Melastomataceae), Roupala montana Aubl. (Proteaceae), Struthanthus syringifolius (Mart.) (Loranthaceae), and Schefflera vinosa (Cham. & Schltdl.) Frodin (Araliaceae) are plant species from the Brazilian Cerrado whose schistosomicidal potential has not yet been described. The crude extracts, fractions, the triterpenes betulin, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid and the flavonoids quercetin 3-O-beta-D-rhamnoside, quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-2)-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside and isorhamnetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-2)-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside were evaluated in vitro against Schistosoma mansoni adult worms and the bioactive n-hexane fractions of the mentioned species were also analyzed by GC-MS. Betulin was able to cause worm death percentage values of 25% after 120 h (at 100 mu M), and 25% and 50% after 24 and 120 h (at 200 mu M), respectively; besides the flavonoid quercetin 3-O-beta-D-rhamnoside promoted 25% of death of the parasites at 100 mu M. Farther the flavonoids quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucoside and quercetin 3-O-beta-D-rhamnoside at 100 mu M exhibited significantly reduction in motor activity, 75% and 87.5%, respectively. Biological results indicated that crude extracts of R. montana, S. vinosa, and M. langsdorffii and some n-hexane and EtOAc fractions of this species were able to induce worm death to some extent. The results suggest that lupane-type triterpenes and flavonoid monoglycosides should be considered for further antiparasites studies.
A new species of Pseudopaludicola is described from the Cerrado of southeastern Brazil. The new taxon is diagnosed from the P. pusilla species group by the absence of either T-shaped terminal phalanges or toe tips expanded, and promptly distinguished from all (13) recognized taxa currently assigned to Pseudopaludicola by possessing isolated (instead of regular call series), long (117-187 ms) and non-pulsed advertisement calls.
Habitat use by Sharp-tailed Tyrant (Culicivora caudacuta), and Cock-tailed Tyrant (Alectrurus tricolor) in the Cerrado of Southeastern Brazil. Obligatory grassland birds are dependent on a limited set of native habitats that are disappearing almost everywhere. We examined the use of macrohabitat and microhabitat by two threatened species of flycatchers, the Sharp-tailed Tyrant, Culicivora caudacuta and the Cock-tailed Tyrant, Alectrurus tricolor in a preserved area of cerrado. We generated logistic regression models to explain the presence of these species through variables of microhabitat. Both flycatchers occurred mainly in grassland areas and favored areas with a low density of palms (Attalea geraensis) and trees. The Sharp-tailed Tyrant also favored areas with a high density of low shrubs (< 1 m) and less exposed soil. The positive relationship found between the presence of Sharp-tailed Tyrant and soil cover may indicate the importance of litter and understory vegetation for shelter and food. The conservation of both flycatcher species in the study area should benefit from controlling palm density and the maintenance of grasslands with low shrubs.
Adult individuals of the island pitviper Bothrops insularis have a diet based on birds. We analysed bird species recorded in the gut of this snake and found that it relies on two out of 41 bird species recorded on the island. When present, these two prey species were among the most abundant passerine birds on the island. A few other migrant birds were very occasionally recorded as prey. A resident bird species (Troglodytes musculus) is the most abundant passerine on the island, but seems able to avoid predation by the viper. Bothrops insularis is most commonly found on the ground. However, during the abundance peak of the tyrannid passerine Elaenia chilensis on the island, more snakes were found on vegetation than on the ground. We suggest that one cause may be that these birds forage mostly on vegetation, and thus cause the snakes to search for prey on this arboreal substratum.
Background: Sugarcane cultivation plays an important role in Brazilian economy, and it is expanding fast, mainly due to the increasing demand for ethanol production. In order to understand the impact of sugarcane cultivation and management, we studied sugarcane under different management regimes (pre-harvest burn and mechanical, unburnt harvest, or green cane), next to a control treatment with native vegetation. The soil bacterial community structure (including an evaluation of the diversity of the ammonia oxidizing (amoA) and denitrifying (nirK) genes), greenhouse gas flow and several soil physicochemical properties were evaluated. Results: Our results indicate that sugarcane cultivation in this region resulted in changes in several soil properties. Moreover, such changes are reflected in the soil microbiota. No significant influence of soil management on greenhouse gas fluxes was found. However, we did find a relationship between the biological changes and the dynamics of soil nutrients. In particular, the burnt cane and green cane treatments had distinct modifications. There were significant differences in the structure of the total bacterial, the ammonia oxidizing and the denitrifying bacterial communities, being that these groups responded differently to the changes in the soil. A combination of physical and chemical factors was correlated to the changes in the structures of the total bacterial communities of the soil. The changes in the structures of the functional groups follow a different pattern than the physicochemical variables. The latter might indicate a strong influence of interactions among different bacterial groups in the N cycle, emphasizing the importance of biological factors in the structuring of these communities. Conclusion: Sugarcane land use significantly impacted the structure of total selected soil bacterial communities and ammonia oxidizing and denitrifier gene diversities in a Cerrado field site in Central Brazil. A high impact of land use was observed in soil under the common burnt cane management. The green cane soil also presented different profiles compared to the control soil, but to at a lesser degree.
Golden conures or ararajubas (Guaruba guarouba) are endangered parrots endemic to the Brazilian Amazon forest. Body mass, blood cell counts, and total plasma protein were determined for 70 clinically healthy golden conures captive at zoologic parks and private breeder facilities in Brazil. Hematologic results (mean +/- SD) were: Erythrocytes 3.6 +/- 0.5 x 10(6) cells/mm(3), hemoglobin 12.8 +/- 1.4 g/dl, packed cell volume 46 +/- 3.8%, mean corpuscular volume 132 +/- 20 fl, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 36 +/- 5.7 pg, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) 28 +/- 3.5%, thrombocytes 26.3 +/- 9.3 x 10(3) cells/mm(3), leukocytes 11.9 +/- 4.5 x 10(3) cells/mm(3), heterophils 6284 +/- 2715 cells/mm(3), lymphocytes 5473 +/- 2408 cells/mm(3), monocytes 113 +/- 162 cells/mm(3), eosinophils 10 +/- 42 cells/mm(3), basophils 27 +/- 64 cells/mm(3). Body mass was 254 +/- 24.9 g and total plasma protein (TPP) was 3.54 +/- 0.58 g/dl. No statistical differences were observed between genders within age groups. Differences between juveniles (J) and adults (A) were identified for TPP < A), MCH (J > A), and MCHC (J > A). These results provide reliable reference values for the clinical interpretation of hematologic results for the species. Hematology may be an important tool for population health investigations on free-ranging golden conure populations and will also be essential to survey the health of release candidates in future reintroduction programs.
(Vertical distribution of biotic pollination systems in cerrado sensu stricto in the Triangulo Mineiro, MG, Brazil). Several factors can influence the distribution of floral resources and pollination systems in ecosystems, such as climate, altitude, geographic region, fragmentation of natural areas and differences in floristic composition along the vertical stratification. This study aimed to evaluate the distribution of the vertical stratification of biotic pollination systems in cerrado (sensu stricto) fragments in the Triangulo Mineiro. There was no significant difference (chi(2)(0.05,9)=14.17; P = 0.12) in total plant species richness among fragments, nor in the species richness of each layer (trees, shrubs, herbs and lianas) and the shrub layer was the best represented. Likewise, there was no significant difference between fragments for the systems of pollination (chi(2)(0 05,21) =13.80; P = 0.8778). Pollination by bees was the most common, corresponding to 85% of species in each fragment. In relative terms, plants pollinated by bees were dominant in all strata, reaching 100% for the lianas in fragments 1, 3 and 4 and for the herbs in fragments 1 and 4. In this study, based on floristic composition and distribution of biotic pollination systems in the vertical stratification, we could define a vertical mosaic in the cerrado studied, which has implications for the sustainability of communities in the cerrado, as well as the horizontal mosaic of vegetation types.
The pressures for land use change have led to an increasing isolation of habitat remnants throughout the world. The goal of this study was to estimate the population size and density of some endemic and threatened species in a nature reserve in the Cerrado biome. One hundred and thirty four point transects were undertaken at the Estacao Ecologica de Itirapina (EEI), one of the last natural grassland savannah remnants in Sao Paulo state, in the south-east of Brazil between September and December 2006 and densities estimated for seven species (four endemic to the Cerrado, one near-endemic and two grassland specialists). Neither species reached the minimum viable population size of 500-5000 individuals. Four species, White-banded Tanager, White-rumped Tanager, Black-throated Saltator and Sharp-tailed Tyrant have populations ranging from 112 to 248 individuals, while the other species have a low population (< 60 individuals). The mean densities of Sharp-tailed Tyrant and Cock-tailed Tyrant in the EEI grassland showed similar values to those observed in larger areas of the Cerrado, which may indicate that the EEL grassland area is well conserved. In spite of the restricted size of the EEI, small areas can maintain some endemic and threatened bird populations, thus contributing to local biodiversity and the ecological processes in the region. The capacity of fragments of Cerrado (similar to 2,000 ha) to maintain populations of endemic and threatened bird species is unlikely to be effective in the long term.
Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar potenciais efeitos do fogo na germinação de sementes de capim-dourado (Syngonanthus nitens) (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae). Sementes coletadas na região do Jalapão, Tocantins, foram submetidas a choques de temperaturas de 60º, 100 ºC, 150 ºC e 200 ºC durante 1, 3 e 5 minutos. Foram feitas 5 réplicas, com 20 sementes para cada tratamento, e controle. As sementes foram dispostas em placas de Petri e em câmaras de germinação a 28 ºC, fotoperíodo 12h/12h, por 40 dias. As taxas de germinação das sementes foram analisadas por meio de ANOVA com teste de aleatorização. A maioria dos tratamentos resultou em altas taxas de germinação (>85%), exceto 200ºC/3' (50%) e 200ºC/5', que apresentou uma queda significativa (4,5%, P<0,05). Os resultados obtidos indicam que as sementes de S. nitens não são estimuladas nem mortas por altas temperaturas, exceto quando combinados temperatura e tempos de exposição extremos (200ºC/5'). A passagem do fogo é muito rápida durante queimadas nos campos úmidos, onde S. nitens ocorre e as temperaturas frequentemente não atingem os 150 ºC. Nessas condições, estes resultados indicam que as sementes de S. nitens potencialmente sobrevivem à passagem do fogo na maioria das queimadas. Esta informação é de utilidade imediata para o manejo desta espécie de alto valor comercial.
Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed to investigate genetic diversity and population structure of Qualea grandiflora, a typical species of the Brazilian cerrado. Methods and Results: Eight microsatellite loci were isolated using an enrichment cloning protocol. These loci were tested on a population of 110 individuals of Q. grandiflora collected from a cerrado fragment in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The loci polymorphism ranges from seven to 19 alleles and the average heterozygosity value is 0.568, while the average polymorphic information content is 0.799. Conclusions: The developed markers were found to be highly polymorphic, indicating their applicability to studies of population genetic diversity in Q. grandiflora
A new species of Rhinella of Central Brazil from the Rhinella crucifer group is described. Rhinella inopina sp. nov. is restricted to the disjunct Seasonal Tropical Dry Forests enclaves in the western Cerrado biome. The new species is characterized mainly by head wider than long, shape of parotoid gland, and oblique arrangement of the parotoid gland. Data on natural history and distribution are also presented.
This paper presents a survey of the insects that feed on fruits of Psittacanthus Martius (Santalales: Loranthaceae), a hemiparasitic mistletoe genus that infects trees in Brazil and other neotropical countries. The aim of the study was to identify candidate insects for biological control of Psittacanthus mistletoes. Unripe and mature fruits were collected in several localities of Cerrado, bordering South Pantanal, Southwestern Brazil, from 29 Apr 1998 to 30 Jul 2000. A total of 24,710 fruits (54 samples) of Psittacanthus acinarius infecting 15 species from 10 plant families were evaluated. Psittacanthus acinarius (Mart.) was the most abundant and frequent species of mistletoe parasitizing trees in the ecotonal Cerrado-Pantanal. From 24,710 fruits of Psittacanthus acinarius were obtained 1,812 insect larvae including 1,806 Neosilba McAlpine (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) species and 6 Thepytus echelta (Hewitson) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). From these emerged 1,550 Neosilba spp. adults and 6 T. echelta. Neosilba pantanense Strikis was described from this research. Larvae of T. echelta occurred in fruits of P. acinarius parasitizing Cecropia pachystachya Trecul (Urticaceae) and Anadenanthera colubrina (Vellozo) Brenan (Fabaceae). Larvae of Neosilba caused no adverse effects on the germination of infected fruits of Psittacanthus, because they do not eat the embryo or viscin tissues. This differs from the larvae of T. echelta that interrupted the germination of seeds by feeding on those tissues. Thepytus echelta may be a promising insect for the biological control of P. acinarius in the ecotonal Cerrado-Pantanal, although its abundance and frequency were low throughout the sampling period.