12 resultados para Material Obturador de Canal Radicular
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
O tratamento endodôntico de dentes com forame apical amplo requer consideração especial, devido ao risco de extravasamento do material obturador nos tecidos periapicais durante a obturação, de maneira relevante em áreas próximas às fissuras labiopalatinas. A criação de uma barreira apical é indicada em casos de difícil travamento do cone principal e consequente deficiência do selamento apical. O MTA em decorrência de suas excelentes propriedades biológicas, é o material de escolha para permanecer em contato com tecidos periodontais e periapicais, fazendo parte do arsenal endodôntico especificamente nestes casos de ápice aberto para a confecção de plug apical. Relato clínico: Indivíduo do gênero feminino, com fissura labiopalatina bilateral transforame, a distal dos dentes 11 e 21; compareceu no setor de endodontia do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC-USP), apresentando necrose pulpar do dente 21. Na primeira sessão foi realizado o acesso cirúrgico, neutralização do conteúdo séptico/tóxico em sentido corono-apical, odontometria, biomecânica, curativo intracanal (pasta Calen) selamento provisório com cimento de ionômero de vidro. Na segunda sessão, foi realizada a obturação onde ocorreu extravasamento de material obturador, verificado através da radiografia comprobatória; justificando sua remoção e nova obturação, com prévia confecção de plug apical com MTA. Foi realizada proservação aos 6 meses pós tratamento endodôntico. Conclusão: neste caso, o plug apical com MTA possibilitou a obturação final do canal radicular com segurança, pela confecção de um anteparo apical, evitando extravasamento de material obturador e preservando a área de fissura labiopalatina.
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel, and triantibiotic paste (ie, metronidazole, minocycline, and ciprofloxacin) by using an intraorally infected dentin biofilm model. Methods: Forty bovine dentin specimens were infected intraorally using a removable orthodontic device in order to induce the biofilm colonization of the dentin. Then, the samples were treated with the medications for 7 days. Saline solution was used as the control. Two evaluations were performed: immediately after the elimination of the medication and after incubation in brain-heart infusion medium for 24 hours. The Live/Dead technique (Invitrogen, Eugene, OR) and a confocal microscope were used to obtain the percentage of live cells. Nonparametric statistical tests were performed to show differences in the percentage of live cells among the groups (P < .05). Results: Calcium hydroxide and 2% chlorhexidine gel did not show statistical differences in the immediate evaluation. However, after application of the brain-heart infusion medium for 24 hours, 2% gel chlorhexidine showed a statistically lesser percentage of live cells in comparison with calcium hydroxide. The triantibiotic paste significantly showed a lower percentage of live cells in comparison with the 2% chlorhexidine gel and calcium hydroxide groups in the immediate and secondary (after 24 hours) evaluations. Conclusions: The triantibiotic paste was most effective at killing the bacteria in the biofilms on the intraorally infected dentin model in comparison with 2% chlorhexidine gel and calcium hydroxide
Objectives. To evaluate if the incorporation of antimicrobial compounds to chelating agents or the use of chelating agents with antimicrobial activity as 7% maleic acid and peracetic acid show similar disinfection ability in comparison to conventional irrigants as sodium hypochlorite or iodine potassium iodide against biofilms developed on dentin. Materials and methods. The total bio-volume of live cells, the ratio of live cells and the substratum coverage of dentin infected intra-orally and treated with the irrigant solutions: MTAD, Qmix, Smear Clear, 7% maleic acid, 2% iodine potassium iodide, 4% peracetic acid, 2.5% and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite was measured by using confocal microscopy and the live/dead technique. Five samples were used for each irrigant solution. Results. Several endodontic irrigants containing antimicrobials as clorhexidine (Qmix), cetrimide (Smear Clear), maleic acid, iodine compounds or antibiotics (MTAD) lacked an effective antibiofilm activity when the dentin was infected intra-orally. The irrigant solutions 4% peracetic acid and 2.5–5.25% sodium hypochlorite decrease significantly the number of live bacteria in biofilms, providing also cleaner dentin surfaces (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Several chelating agents containing antimicrobials could not remove nor kill significantly biofilms developed on intra-orally infected dentin, with the exception of sodium hypochlorite and 4% peracetic acid. Dissolution ability is mandatory for an appropriate eradication of biofilms attached to dentin.
It has been evaluated clinically and radiographically the effect of the extrusion of calcium hydroxide paste in teeth with periapical lesions. Twenty-five patients with teeth showing pulp necrosis and periapical lesions were submitted to endodontic treatment. Dressing calcium hydroxide paste, iodoform and propylene glycol were used. Clinically, the symptoms were evaluated after treatment and, radiographically, the reabsorption of extravasated paste and repair process of the periapical lesion. Only three patients had symptoms severe in the first 24 hours, the paste was completely reabsorbed within 15 days and no interference in the repair process.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of cervical preflaring in determining the initial apical file (IAF) in the palatal roots of maxillary molars, and to determine the morphologic shape of the canal 1 mm short of the apex. METHODS: After preparing standard access cavities the group 1 received the IAF without cervical preflaring (WCP). In groups 2 to 5, preflaring was performed with Gates-Glidden (GG), Anatomic Endodontics Technology (AET), GT Rotary Files (GT) and LA Axxes (LA), respectively. Each canal was sized using manual K-files, starting with size 08 files, and making passive movements until the WL was reached. File sizes were increased until a binding sensation was felt at the WL. The IAF area and the area of the root canal were measured to verify the percentage occupied by the IAF inside the canal in each sample by SEM. The morphologic shape of the root canal was classified as circular, oval or flattened. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA/Tukey test (P < 0.05). RESULTS: The decreasing percentages occupied by the IAF inside the canal were: LA>GT=AET>GG>WCP. The morphologic shape was predominantly oval. CONCLUSION: The type of cervical preflaring used interferes in the determination of IAF.
Objective: This study assessed the biocompatibility of the Epiphany endodontic sealer prepared with resinous solvent of Epiphany system (Thinning resin) in rat subcutaneous tissues. Study Design: Polyethylene tubes were filled with the sealer and 4 groups were established: GI, Epiphany prepared with 1 drop of resinous solvent (RS); GII, Epiphany prepared with 1 drop of RS and photoactivated; GIII, Epiphany associated with self-etch primer and prepared with 1 drop of RS; GIV, Epiphany associated with self-etch primer, prepared with 1 drop of RS and photoactivated. The filled tubes were implanted into 4 different regions of the dorsum of 20 adult male rats. Results: After 7, 14 and 21 days, all groups presented a moderate to severe chronic inflammation, necrosis and foreign-body giant cells. At 42 days, although the intensity of chronic inflammatory reaction decreased, the other features still were observed. Conclusion: The Epiphany sealer prepared with the RS was irritating to rat subcutaneous tissues.
Introduction: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties of a bioceramic root canal sealer, Endosequence BC Sealer. Radiopacity, pH, release of calcium ions (Ca2+), and flow were analyzed, and the results were compared with AH Plus cement. Methods: Radiopacity and flow were evaluated according to ISO 6876/2001 standards. For the radiopacity analysis, metallic rings with 10-mm diameter and 1-mm thickness were filled with cements. The radiopacity value was determined according to radiographic density (mm Al). The flow test was performed with 0.05 mL of cement placed on a glass plate. A 120-g weight was carefully placed over the cement. The largest and smallest diameters of the disks formed were measured by using a digital caliper. The release of Ca2+ and pH were measured at periods of 3, 24, 72, 168, and 240 hours with spectrophotometer and pH meter, respectively. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey test (P < .05). Results: The bioceramic endodontic cement showed radiopacity (3.84 mm Al) significantly lower than that of AH Plus (6.90 mm Al). The pH analysis showed that Endosequence BC Sealer showed pH and release of Ca2+ greater than those of AH Plus (P < .05) during the experimental periods. The flow test revealed that BC Sealer and AH Plus presented flow of 26.96 mm and 21.17 mm, respectively (P < .05). Conclusions: Endosequence BC Sealer showed radiopacity and flow according to ISO 6876/2001 recommendations. The other physicochemical properties analyzed demonstrated favorable values for a root canal sealer. (J Endod 2012;38:842-845)
Objective: This study evaluated the performance of different adhesive systems in fiber post placement aiming to clarify the influence of different hydrophobic experimental blend adhesives, and of one commercially available adhesive on the frictional retention during a luting procedure. Material and Methods: One luting agent (70 Wt% BisGMA, 28.5% TEGDMA; 1.5% p-tolyldiethanolamine) to cement fiber posts into root canals was applied with 4 different adhesive combinations: Group 1: The etched roots were rinsed with water for 30 s to remove the phosphoric acid, then rinsed with 99.6% ethanol for 30 s, and blot-dried. A trial adhesive (base to catalyst on a 1: 1 ratio) was used with an experimental luting agent (35% Bis-GMA, 14.37% TEGDMA, 0.5% EDMAB, 0.13% CQ); Group 2: A trial adhesive (base to catalyst on a 1: 2 ratio) was luted as in Group 1; Group 3: One-Step Plus (OSP, Bisco Inc.) following the ethanol bonding technique in combination with the luting agent as in Group 1; Group 4: OSP strictly following the manufacturer's instructions using the luting agent as in Group 1. The groups were challenged with push-out tests. Posted root slices were loaded until post segment extrusion in the apical-coronal direction. Failure modes were analyzed under scanning electron microscopy. Results: Push-out strength was not significantly influenced by the luting agent (p>0.05). No statistically significant differences among the tested groups were found as Group 1 (Exp 1 - ethanol-wet bonding technique)=Group 2 (Exp 2 - ethanol-wet bonding technique)= Group 3 (OSP - ethanol-wet bonding technique)= Group 4 (control, OSP - water-wet bonding technique) (p>0.05). The dominating failure modes in all the groups were cohesive/adhesive failures, which were predominantly observed on the post/luting agent interface. Conclusions: The results of this study support the hypothesis that the proposal to replace water with ethanol to bond fiber posts to the root canal using highly hydrophobic resin is plausible, but this seems to be more the proof of a concept than a clinically applicable procedure.
Objectives: To compare, in vivo, the accuracy of conventional and digital radiographic methods in determining root canal working length. Material and Methods: Twenty-five maxillary incisor or canine teeth from 22 patients were used in this study. Considering the preoperative radiographs as the baseline, a 25 K file was inserted into the root canal to the point where the Root ZX electronic apex locator indicated the APEX measurement in the screen. From this measurement, 1 mm was subtracted for positioning the file. The radiographic measurements were made using a digital sensor (Digora 1.51) or conventional type-E films, size 2, following the paralleling technique, to determine the distance of the file tip and the radiographic apex. Results: The Student "t" test indicated mean distances of 1.11 mm to conventional and 1.20 mm for the digital method and indicated a significant statistical difference (p<0.05). Conclusions: The conventional radiographic method was found to be superior to the digital one in determining the working length of the root canal.
Objective: This study compared the influence of three epoxy resin-based sealers with distinct radiopacities on the observers' ability to detect root canal filling voids during radiographic analysis. Material and methods: The root canals of 48 extracted maxillary canines were prepared and divided into three groups. Each group was laterally condensed with one sealer (AH Plus (TM), Acroseal (R) or a non-radiopaque sealer), and a longitudinal void was simulated in half of the specimens from each group (n = 8). Buccolingual radiographs were obtained and randomly interpreted for voids by a radiologist and an endodontist in a blinded fashion. Teeth were cut and inspected under a microscope to confirm the position of void. Differences in sensitivity and specificity between groups and examiners were compared using the Fisher's Exact and McNemar tests, respectively (alpha = 0.05). Results: Significantly lower sensitivity levels (p<0.05) were observed in the coronal portion of fillings performed with both radiopaque sealers. Specificity values for Acroseal (R) were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the coronal and apical portions of fillings. Conclusion: The type of root canal sealer can affect the observers' ability to detect root canal filling voids during radiographic analysis of upper single-rooted teeth.
Objective: This study assessed the muscular activity during root canal preparation through kinematics, kinetics, and electromyography (EMG). Material and Methods: The operators prepared one canal with RaCe rotary instruments and another with Flexofiles. The kinematics of the major joints was reconstructed using an optoelectronic system and electromyographic responses of the flexor carpi radial's, extensor carpi radialis, brachioradialis, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, middle deltoid, and upper trapezius were recorded. The joint torques of the shoulder, elbow and wrist were calculated using inverse dynamics. In the kinematic analysis, angular movements of the wrist and elbow were classified as low risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. With respect to the shoulder, the classification was medium-risk. Results: There was no significant difference revealed by the kinetic reports. The EMG results showed that for the middle deltoid and upper trapezius the rotary instrumentation elicited higher values. The flexor carpi radialis and extensor carpi radialis, as well as the brachioradialis showed a higher value with the manual method. Conclusion: The muscular recruitment for accomplishment of articular movements for root canal preparation with either the rotary or manual techniques is distinct. Nevertheless, the rotary instrument presented less difficulty in the generation of the joint torque in each articulation, thus, presenting a greater uniformity of joint torques.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the microhardness of radicular dentin after treatment with 980-nm diode laser and different irrigant solutions. Background data: There are few reports of the consequences of diode laser irradiation emitted at 980 nm on the mechanical properties of dentin. Methods: Seventy-two single canal, human canines with complete root formation were randomly distributed among three groups (n = 24), according to the irrigant solution used in the biomechanical preparation: distilled water; 1% NaOCl; and, 1% NaOCl + 17% EDTA. These groups subsequently were divided into three subgroups (n = 8), according to the diode laser parameter: no irradiation (control); 1.5W/100 Hz; and 3.0 W/100 Hz. Laser was applied with helicoidal movements for 20 sec. Roots were sectioned in slices and the fragment corresponding to the middle third was submitted to the microhardness test (KHN) at depths of 30, 90, 150, and 300 mu m. Results: ANOVA and Tukey tests showed that the microhardness of the groups irradiated with 1.5 W/100 Hz (49.7 +/- 11.2) and 3.0W/100 Hz (50.6 +/- 11.9) were statistically similar to each other (p > 0.05) and different (p < 0.05) from the non-irradiated group (45.0 +/- 9.7). Higher microhardness values were obtained at 150 mu m (49.2 +/- 11.0) and 300 mu m (52.3 +/- 11.3) which were similar among themselves and different (p < 0.05) only at the depth of 30 mu m (44.4 +/- 10.5). No differences were found among the irrigant solutions (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The microhardness of the radicular dentin increased after irradiation with 980-nm diode laser.