10 resultados para Mastication

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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To study mastication and swallowing disorders in patients with temporomanclibular disorders (TMD). Objective: To investigate mastication and swallowing disorders in patients with severe TMD referred to surgery. Materials and Methods: Clinical and experimental study involving ten individuals with TMD submitted to deglutition videofluoroscopy. These patients did not have posterior teeth, mastication pain and food replacement in favor of pasty consistence food. The assessment of the oral and pharyngeal phases approached the following aspects: side of onset and preferential side for chewing, premature escape, remains of food residues in the oral cavity or in the pharyngeal recesses, number of necessary swallowing efforts, laryngeal penetration and/or tracheal aspiration. Results: During mastication and the oral phase we observed tongue compensatory movements upon chewing (n = 7; 70%), premature escape (n = 4; 40%), food remains in the cavity after swallowing (n = 5; 50%) and an excessive number of deglutition efforts (n = 5; 50%). On the pharyngeal phase we observed food remains in the valleculae (n = 6; 60%), in the pyriform sinuses (n = 4; 40%); laryngeal penetration (n = 1; 10%) and tracheal aspiration (n = 4; 40%). Conclusion: TMD patients may have alterations in their chewing and swallowing patterns, with laryngeal penetration and/or tracheal aspiration. The study indicates the need for a multidisciplinary assessment because of dysphagia in TMD patients.


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Objective parameters that could provide a basis for food texture selection for elderly or dysphagic patients have not been established. We, therefore, aimed to develop a precise method of measuring large particles (>2 mm in diameter) in a bolus and an analytical method to provide a scientific rationale for food selection under masticatory dysfunction conditions. We developed a new illumination system to evaluate the ability of twenty female participants (mean age, 23.4 +/- 4.3 years) to masticate carrots, peanuts and beef with full, half and one quarter of the number of masticatory strokes. We also evaluated mastication under suppressed force, regulated by 20% electromyographic of the masseter muscle. The intercept and inclination of the regression line for the distribution of large particles were adopted as coefficients for the discrimination of masticatory efficiency. Single set of coefficient thresholds of 0.10 for the intercept and 1.62 for the inclination showed excellent discrimination of masticatory conditions for all three test foods with high specificity and sensitivity. These results suggested that our method of analysing the distribution of particles >2 mm in diameter might provide the basis for the appropriate selection of food texture for masticatory dysfunction patients from the standpoint of comminution.


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The objective of this study is to compare the effects of canine guidance (CG) and bilateral balanced occlusion (BBO) on denture satisfaction and kinesiographic parameters of complete denture wearers, by means of a cross-over trial. Fifty edentulous patients received new maxillary and mandibular complete dentures. After the intra-oral adjustments and adaptation period, 44 participants were enrolled in the trial and randomly received a sequence of occlusal schemes: BBO followed by CG, or CG followed by BBO. Outcomes were assessed after 30 days of each occlusal scheme. Participants answered a denture satisfaction questionnaire and a kinesiograph instrument recorded mandibular physiologic movements and pattern of maxillary denture movement during chewing. Wilcoxon test and paired sample t-test were used to compare satisfaction levels and kinesiographic data for each occlusal scheme, respectively (a = 0.05). The results showed no differences between occlusal schemes on participants satisfaction and in any of the kinesiographic parameters studied, except for the vertical intrusion of the maxillary complete denture during chewing, which was lower with CG. It can be concluded that the occlusal scheme did not influence on satisfaction and kinesiographic parameters evaluated, as long as volume and resilience of residual edentulous ridges of the participants were normal. Clinical Trial Registration Identifier: NC.T01420536.


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Objective: To evaluate the masticatory efficiency of patients rehabilitated with conventional dentures (CDs) or implant-retained mandibular overdentures. Background: Despite the evident benefits of implants on mastication as assessed by subjective patient-based outcomes, the extent of implant overdenture treatment effect on food comminution is not well established. Materials and methods: A randomised clinical trial was carried out with 29 completely edentulous patients divided into two groups. The first group was rehabilitated with a mandibular overdenture retained by two splinted implants with bar-clip system, while the second group was rehabilitated with a mandibular CD. Both groups also were rehabilitated with maxillary CDs. Masticatory efficiency and patient satisfaction were assessed 3 months after denture insertion. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated through the colorimetric method with the beads as the artificial test-food. Comparisons for masticatory efficiency and patient satisfaction were performed using Student's t-test (alpha = 0.05). Results: No significant statistical difference was found for masticatory efficiency (p = 0.198). Patient overall satisfaction was significantly higher for the mandibular overdenture (p < 0.001). In addition, mandibular overdenture patients were significantly more satisfied with chewing experience (p < 0.05) and retention of the lower denture (p < 0.005). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that mandibular overdenture significantly improves chewing experience, although limited effect on masticatory efficiency has been observed.


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The aims of this study were to analyse the validity, sensitivity and specificity of the protocol of oro-facial myofunctional evaluation with scores (OMES) for oro-facial myofunctional disorder (OMD) diagnosis in young and adult subjects. Eighty subjects were examined. The OMES was validated against the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening (NOT-S) protocol (criterion validity) (Spearman correlation test). The construct validity was tested by analysis of the ability of the OMES (i) to differentiate healthy subjects (n = 22) from temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients (n = 22), which frequently have OMD (MannWhitney test) and (ii) to measure the changes that occurred in a subgroup with TMD between the period before and after oro-facial myofunctional therapy (T group, n = 15) (Wilcoxon test). Two speech therapists trained with the OMES participated as examiners (E). There was a statistically significant correlation between the OMES and NOT-S protocols, which was negative because the two scales are inverse (r = -0.86, P < 0.01). There was a significant difference between the healthy and TMD subjects regarding the oro-facial myofunctional status (OMES total score, P = 0.003). After therapy, the T group showed improvement in the oro-facial myofunctional status (OMES total score, P = 0.001). Inter- and intra-examiner agreement was moderate, and the reliability coefficients ranged from good to excellent. The OMES protocol presented mean sensitivity and specificity = 0.80, positive predictive value = 0.76 and negative predictive value = 0.84. Conclusion: The OMES protocol is valid and reliable for clinical evaluation of young and adult subjects, among them patients with TMD.


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Masticatory efficiency may be impaired in individuals with dentofacial deformities. The objective of the present study was to determine the condition of masticatory efficiency in individuals with dentofacial deformities. 30 patients with class II (DG-II) and 35 patients with class III (DG-III) dentofacial deformity participated in the study, all had an indication for orthognathic surgery. 30 volunteers (CG) with no alterations of facial morphology or dental occlusion and with no signs or symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction also participated. Masticatory efficiency was analysed using a bead system (colorimetric method). Each individual chewed 4 beads, one at a time, over 20 s measured with a chronometer. The groups were compared in term's of masticatory efficiency using analysis of variance (ANOVA), with the level of significance set at P < 0.05. Masticatory efficiency was significantly greater in CG (P < 0.05) than in DG-II and DG-III in all chewing tasks tested, with no significant difference between DG-II and DG-III (P > 0.05). It was observed that the presence of class II and class III dentofacial deformity affected masticatory efficiency compared to CG, although there was no difference between DG-II and DG-III.


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Um questionamento muito frequente: qual o tempo que se deve esperar para movimentar um dente submetido a tratamento endodôntico, inclusive os de perfuração radicular? A extrapolação dos fenômenos observados em outras regiões da raiz e a fundamentação experimental com base em situações correlatas permitem afirmar que 30 dias correspondem a um período mais do que razoável para o reparo periapical estar em fase avançada de maturação e síntese. As forças ortodônticas são muito leves e dissipantes - muito mais do que o traumatismo dentário, o trauma oclusal e as forças mastigatórias normais -, e não devem interferir na patogenicidade e virulência das microbiotas envolvidas nas necroses e lesões periapicais crônicas, assim como não devem interferir nos fenômenos celulares e teciduais durante a reorganização dos tecidos apicais e periapicais.


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Purpose: due to the presence of major masticatory dysfunction in patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis, this study analyzed mouth opening and EMG activity of masticatory muscles in order to detect changes in these parameters after surgical release of mandible ankylosis. Method: in 7 patients with temporomandibular ankylosis, between 7 and 30 years (median = 9 years), the distance was measured as interincisal maximum active (DIMA) and we recorded the electromyographic activity (EMG) of masseter and temporal muscles during voluntary isometric contraction (VIC) and chewing, comparing the data before and after surgery using the Wilcoxon test. Results: higher values were observed for DIMA after surgery (p=0.0277), the asymmetry index showed no difference between the two evaluated periods for both studied muscles, the values of the EMG during VIC decreased after surgery for the right (p=0.0179) and left (p=0.0179) masseter but not for the temporal muscle, there were no changes in EMG values for the studied muscles during mastication. Conclusion: the surgical release of TMJ ankylosis resulted in an increase of mouth opening and decreased amplitude of action potentials generated during maximum isometric voluntary contraction of the masseter muscle on both sides, this did not change the asymmetry index of the masseter and temporal as well as the electromyographic activity of the temporal muscle bilaterally during isometric contraction and masseter and temporal muscles during mastication.


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PURPOSE: To verify whether the number of chewing strokes and the chewing time are influenced by dentofacial deformities in habitual free mastication. METHODS: Participants were 15 patients with diagnosis of class II dentofacial deformity (GII), 15 with class III (GIII), and 15 healthy control individuals with no deformity (CG). Free habitual mastication of a cornstarch cookie was analyzed, considering the number of chewing strokes and the time needed to complete two mastications. Strokes were counted by considering the opening and closing movements of the mandible. The time needed to consume each bite was determined using a digital chronometer, started after the placement of the food in the oral cavity and stopped when each portion was swallowed. RESULTS: There were no differences between groups regarding both the number of strokes and the chewing time. However, with regards to the number of strokes, CG and GII presented a significant concordance between the first and the second chewing situation, which was not observed in GIII. The analysis of time showed significant concordance between the first and second chewing situation in CG, reasonable concordance in GII, and discordance in GIII. CONCLUSION: Dentofacial deformities do not influence the number of chewing strokes or the chewing time. However, class III individuals do not show uniformity regarding these aspects.


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OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o controle motor dos músculos masseter e temporal e a morfologia do músculo masseter em atividades da função mastigatória em indivíduos com oclusão normal; verificar a compatibilidade entre os exames de eletromiografia de superfície (EMGs) e ultrassonografia (USG). MÉTODOS: Participaram 22 indivíduos adultos, de ambos os gêneros, sem alterações no sistema miofuncional orofacial. Os procedimentos adotados para avaliação dos participantes foram: EMGs dos músculos masseteres (MM) e temporais (MT); e USG dos MM, na realização de três tarefas - repouso muscular, apertamento dentário com algodão, apertamento dentário sem algodão. RESULTADOS: Para análise estatística dos dados foram utilizados os testes de Kolmogorv-Smirnov, teste-T pareado e Correlação de Spearman, com nível de significância de 5%. Na EMGs observou-se diferença entre a ativação de MM e MT no apertamento dentário com e sem algodão, sendo MT mais ativo que MM em ambas as tarefas. Não foram observadas diferenças entre as hemifaces, tanto na EMGs quanto na USG. Observou-se também correlação positiva entre os exames na condição de apertamento dentário sem algodão esquerdo e na condição de apertamento dentário esquerdo com algodão, e tendência à significância no apertamento dentário direito sem algodão. CONCLUSÃO: A associação da EMGs e USG na investigação da funcionalidade muscular traz importantes informações sobre fisiologia da musculatura esquelética. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam haver correlação entre a EMGs e a USG, ou seja, o aumento da atividade elétrica e o aumento correspondente da espessura do músculo.