31 resultados para Maradona, Jorge Alberto
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Batch combustion of fixed beds of coal, bagasse and blends thereof took place in a pre-heated two-stage electric laboratory furnace, under high-heating rates. The average input fuel/air equivalence ratios were similar for all fuels. The primary and secondary furnace temperatures were varied from 800 degrees C to 1000 degrees C. The effects of fuel blending, combustion staging, and operating furnace temperatures on the emissions from the two fuels were assessed. Furnace effluents were analyzed for carbon dioxide and for products of incomplete combustion (PIC) including CO, volatile and semi-volatile hydrocarbons, as well as particulate matter. Results showed that whereas CO2 was generated during both the observed sequential volatile matter and char combustion phases of the fuels, PICs were only generated during the volatile matter combustion phase. CO2 emissions were the highest from coal, whereas CO and other PIC emissions were the highest from bagasse. Under this particular combustion configuration, combustion of the volatile matter of the blends resulted in lower yields of PIC, than combustion of the volatiles of the neat fuels. Though CO and unburned hydrocarbons from coal as well as from the blends did not exhibit a clear trend with furnace temperature, such emissions from bagasse clearly increased with temperature. The presence of the secondary furnace (afterburner) typically reduced PIC, by promoting further oxidation of the primary furnace effluents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Syntesis of carbon nanomaterials from corn waste (DDGS). The world's largest ethanol producer (USA) uses corn as feedstock. DDGS (distillers dried grains with solubles) is the main waste generated from this process (around 32 million t/year). DDGS samples were pyrolyzed at 1000 degrees C in a furnace with controlled atmosphere. The effluent was channeled to a second furnace, in which catalyst substrates were placed. Chromatographic analysis was used to evaluate the gaseous effluents, showing that the catalyst reduced hydrocarbon emissions. The solid products formed were analyzed by SEM and TEM. Graphitic structures and carbon nanofibers, 50 mu m in length and with diameters of 80-200 nm, were formed.
Transgenic Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. plants, cvs. Valencia and Hamlin, expressing Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) derived sequences were obtained by genetic transformation. The gene constructs were pCTV-CP containing the 25 kDa major capsid protein gene (CTV-CP), pCTV-dsCP containing the same CTV-CP gene in an intron-spliced hairpin construct, and pCTV-CS containing a 559 nt conserved region of the CTV genome. The transgenic lines were identified by PCR and the transgene integration was confirmed by Southern blot. Transgene mRNA could be detected in most transgenic lines containing pCTV-CP or pCTV-CS transgene. The mRNA of pCTV-dsCP transgene was almost undetectable, with very light bands in most analyzed plants. The transgene transcription appears to be closely linked to the type of gene construct. The virus challenge assays reveals that all transgenic lines were infected. However, it was possible to identify propagated clones of transgenic plants of both cultivars studied with a low virus titer, with values similar to the non-inoculated plants (negative control). These results suggested that the transgenic plants present some level of resistance to virus replication. The higher number of clones with low virus titer and where mRNA could not be detected or was presented in a very light band was found for pCTV-dsCP-derived transgenic lines.
Weibull and generalised exponential overdispersion models with an application to ozone air pollution
We consider the problem of estimating the mean and variance of the time between occurrences of an event of interest (inter-occurrences times) where some forms of dependence between two consecutive time intervals are allowed. Two basic density functions are taken into account. They are the Weibull and the generalised exponential density functions. In order to capture the dependence between two consecutive inter-occurrences times, we assume that either the shape and/or the scale parameters of the two density functions are given by auto-regressive models. The expressions for the mean and variance of the inter-occurrences times are presented. The models are applied to the ozone data from two regions of Mexico City. The estimation of the parameters is performed using a Bayesian point of view via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
In many applications of lifetime data analysis, it is important to perform inferences about the change-point of the hazard function. The change-point could be a maximum for unimodal hazard functions or a minimum for bathtub forms of hazard functions and is usually of great interest in medical or industrial applications. For lifetime distributions where this change-point of the hazard function can be analytically calculated, its maximum likelihood estimator is easily obtained from the invariance properties of the maximum likelihood estimators. From the asymptotical normality of the maximum likelihood estimators, confidence intervals can also be obtained. Considering the exponentiated Weibull distribution for the lifetime data, we have different forms for the hazard function: constant, increasing, unimodal, decreasing or bathtub forms. This model gives great flexibility of fit, but we do not have analytic expressions for the change-point of the hazard function. In this way, we consider the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to get posterior summaries for the change-point of the hazard function considering the exponentiated Weibull distribution.
Removal of Mg from aluminum scraps, known as demagging, has been widely applied in the,aluminum industry. This work discusses bubble-formation theories and magnesium kinetic removal from aluminum scraps using chlorine and inert gas fluxing. The interfacial area of the bubbles and residence time were estimated using a mathematical model. To inject gaseous chlorine, three types of nozzles were used with varying internal diameter. In addition, a porous plug, as well as varying input chlorine flow and concentration were used. The use of lower chlorine concentration improves efficiency because the interfacial tension is reduced therefore, more and smaller bubbles are formed. The model proposed herein is consistent with the experimental data. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2011256]
The study was designed to investigate the impact of air pollution on monthly inhalation/nebulization procedures in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2010. To assess the relationship between the procedures and particulate matter (PM10) a Bayesian Poisson regression model was used, including a random factor that captured extra-Poisson variability between counts. Particulate matter was associated with the monthly number of inhalation/nebulization procedures, but the inclusion of covariates (temperature, precipitation, and season of the year) suggests a possible confounding effect. Although other studies have linked particulate matter to an increasing number of visits due to respiratory morbidity, the results of this study suggest that such associations should be interpreted with caution.
The world's largest ethanol producer (USA) uses corn as feedstock. DDGS (distillers dried grains with solubles) is the main waste generated from this process (around 32 million t/year). DDGS samples were pyrolyzed at 1000 ºC in a furnace with controlled atmosphere. The effluent was channeled to a second furnace, in which catalyst substrates were placed. Chromatographic analysis was used to evaluate the gaseous effluents, showing that the catalyst reduced hydrocarbon emissions. The solid products formed were analyzed by SEM and TEM. Graphitic structures and carbon nanofibers, 50 µm in length and with diameters of 80-200 nm, were formed.
Blood pressure (BP) and physical activity (PA) levels are inversely associated. Since genetic factors account for the observed variation in each of these traits, it is possible that part of their association may be related to common genetic and/or environmental influences. Thus, this study was designed to estimate the genetic and environmental correlations of BP and PA phenotypes in nuclear families from Muzambinho, Brazil. Families including 236 offspring (6 to 24 years) and their 82 fathers and 122 mothers (24 to 65 years) were evaluated. BP was measured, and total PA (TPA) was assessed by an interview (commuting, occupational, leisure time, and school time PA). Quantitative genetic modeling was used to estimate maximal heritability (h²), and genetic and environmental correlations. Heritability was significant for all phenotypes (systolic BP: h² = 0.37 ± 0.10, P < 0.05; diastolic BP: h² = 0.39 ± 0.09, P < 0.05; TPA: h² = 0.24 ± 0.09, P < 0.05). Significant genetic (r g) and environmental (r e) correlations were detected between systolic and diastolic BP (r g = 0.67 ± 0.12 and r e = 0.48 ± 0.08, P < 0.05). Genetic correlations between BP and TPA were not significant, while a tendency to an environmental cross-trait correlation was found between diastolic BP and TPA (r e = -0.18 ± 0.09, P = 0.057). In conclusion, BP and PA are under genetic influences. Systolic and diastolic BP share common genes and environmental influences. Diastolic BP and TPA are probably under similar environmental influences.
The study was designed to investigate the impact of air pollution on monthly inhalation/nebulization procedures in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2010. To assess the relationship between the procedures and particulate matter (PM10) a Bayesian Poisson regression model was used, including a random factor that captured extra-Poisson variability between counts. Particulate matter was associated with the monthly number of inhalation/nebulization procedures, but the inclusion of covariates (temperature, precipitation, and season of the year) suggests a possible confounding effect. Although other studies have linked particulate matter to an increasing number of visits due to respiratory morbidity, the results of this study suggest that such associations should be interpreted with caution.
As fibras cerâmicas se caracterizam por ser um material leve, com alto grau de pureza, baixo armazenamento de calor, baixa condutividade térmica, resistência a choque térmico e alta resistência à corrosão em altas temperaturas. Essas características levam a uma grande procura das indústrias mínero-metalúrgicas e de outros setores para revestimentos de distribuidores, muflas, fornos de aquecimentos, entre outros. Após utilização no processo, por perderem sua capacidade de isolamento, os resíduos gerados precisam de destinação. Esse trabalho enfoca, especificamente, resíduos de lã cerâmica e lã de vidro. Pelo fato de a composição das fibras cerâmicas ser rica em sílica e alumina, efetuou-se uma investigação acerca da atividade pozolânica das mesmas com a cal e o cimento, especificamente CPV ARI, CPII E32 e CPIII 32RS, para avaliação da perspectiva de reciclagem em possível incorporação no concreto.
The objective of this paper is to present an analysis of the use of residual marble mixtures in the pig iron desulfurization process. The study involved the use of: marble waste, fluorspar, lime, and hot metal. Four mixtures were made and added to a liquid hot metal - with known chemical composition - at a temperature of 1450ºC. The mass of each element was calculated from its chemical analysis and compared with an industrial mixture. All of the four mixtures used in the experiments were stirred by a mechanical stirrer. Samples were collected by vacuum sampling for times of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes, and analysis was performed to check sulfur variation in the bath with time. The results were analyzed and they verified that it was possible to use marble waste as a desulfurizer.
Esse trabalho estuda a viabilidade técnica da fabricação de cimento com uma mistura de resíduo proveniente da serragem de blocos de granito e escória de aciaria LD. Para isso, foi preparada uma mistura desses materiais de modo que a relação %CaO / %SiO2 fosse 1,2. Essa mistura foi fundida e resfriada rapidamente em água. A amostra foi caracterizada e o difratograma de raios X mostrou um material amorfo e a presença das fases mineralógicas Akermanita e Gehlenita, as quais são consideradas como as fases mineralógicas ideais para a atividade hidráulica. Essa mistura foi adicionada ao clínquer para a fabricação de cimento. Com o cimento fabricado, foram feitos ensaios cujos resultados são apresentados e comparados com os valores obtidos para o cimento de alto-forno. Esses resultados indicam a viabilidade técnica da utilização da mistura na fabricação de cimento.
A tradicional produção de açúcar, associada à crescente produção de etanol, faz da indústria sucroalcooleira um dos principais segmentos da economia brasileira. As indústrias brasileiras de açúcar e álcool processaram cerca de 630 milhões de toneladas de cana em 2009, gerando, aproximadamente, 142 milhões de toneladas de bagaço. Este trabalho apresenta uma possibilidade de destinação para o bagaço da cana através da queima controlada associada à síntese de nanotubos de carbono (CNTs), materiais que possuem inúmeras possibilidades de aplicações tecnológicas devido as suas excepcionais propriedades. Foi utilizado o processo de pirólise a 1000ºC associado a um sistema catalisador, visando à recuperação dos gases gerados como matéria-prima para a síntese dos CNTs. As emissões gasosas foram analisadas por cromatografia e os materiais produzidos foram caracterizados com o emprego de MEV, MET, TGA e espectroscopia Raman. Os resultados mostraram que o uso do catalisador resultou na diminuição das emissões gasosas. Nanotubos de carbono com comprimentos de 10 a 40 µm e diâmetros entre 20 e 50 nm foram produzidos.
Esse trabalho consiste na caracterização do resíduo de mármore, lama fina de aciaria e borra de alumínio, para averiguar a viabilidade técnica da utilização de tais resíduos na dessulfuração e desfosforação de ferro-gusa líquido. A caracterização desses resíduos foi feita através de análises químicas, granulométricas, difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) com micro análise por Espectroscopia por Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDS). A lama fina de aciaria apresenta um teor de FeO de 84,90%, o resíduo de mármore apresentou um teor de 61,5% de CaO e 33,9% de MgO e a borra de alumínio apresentou 36,5% de Al metálico e 62% de Al2O3. A granulometria do resíduo de mármore apresentou um tamanho de grão médio igual 42,810 µm. Já, na borra de alumínio, o tamanho médio foi de 101,803 µm. A lama fina de aciaria LD apresentou, em torno de 54,7% de sua granulometria, entre 0,15 e 0,075mm. Esses resultados apontam para a viabilidade técnica da utilização desses materiais na dessulfuração e desfosforação do ferro-gusa.