13 resultados para Manuais BIM

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Since a genome is a discrete sequence, the elements of which belong to a set of four letters, the question as to whether or not there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences is unavoidable. The most common approach to answering this question is to propose a methodology to verify the existence of such a code. However, none of the methodologies proposed so far, although quite clever, has achieved that goal. In a recent work, we showed that DNA sequences can be identified as codewords in a class of cyclic error-correcting codes known as Hamming codes. In this paper, we show that a complete intron-exon gene, and even a plasmid genome, can be identified as a Hamming code codeword as well. Although this does not constitute a definitive proof that there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences, it is the first evidence in this direction.


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CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING LEAD AND COPPER CONTAMINATION IN DRINKING WATER: APPROACH FOR A CASE STUDY IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Lead and copper concentrations in drinking water increase considerably on going from municipality reservoirs to the households sampled in Ribeirao Preto (SP-Brazil). Flushing of only 3 liters of water reduced metal concentrations by more than 50%. Relatively small changes in water pH rapidly affected corrosion processes in lead pipes, while water hardness appeared to have a long-term effect. This approach aims to encourage University teachers to use its content as a case study in disciplines of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and consequently increase knowledge about drinking water contamination in locations where no public monitoring of trace metals is in place.


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Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of saxagliptine as additional therapy to metformin for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 in the Brazilian private health system Objectives: To compare costs and clinical benefits of three additional therapies to metformin (MF) for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). Methods: A discrete event simulation model seas built to estimate the cost-utility ratio (cost per quality-adjusted life years [QALY)) of saxagliptine as an additional therapy to MF when compared to rosiglitazone or pioglitazone. A budget impact model (BIM) was built to simulate the economic impact of saxagliptine use in the context of the Brazilian private health system. Results: The acquiring medication costs for the hypothetical patient group analyzed in a time frame of three years, were R$ 10,850,185, R$ 14,836,265 and R$ 14,679,099 for saxagliptine, pioglitazone and rosiglitazone, respectively. Saxagliptine showed lower costs and greater effectiveness in both comparisons, with projected savings for the first three years of R$ 3,874 and R$ 3,996, respectively. The BIM estimated cumulative savings of R$ 417,958 with the repayment of saxagliptine in three years from the perspective of a health plan with 1,000,000 covered individuals. Conclusion: From the perspective of private paying source, the projection is that adding saxagliptine with MF save costs when compared with the addition of rosiglitazone or pioglitazone in patients with DM2 that have not reached the HbA1c goal with metformin monotherapy. The BIM of including saxagliptine in the reimbursement lists of health plans indicated significant savings on the three-year horizon.


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Background: Advances in information technology have been widely used in teaching health care professionals. The use of multimedia resources may be important for clinical learning and we are not aware of previous reports using such technology in respiratory physical therapy education. Objectives: Our approach was to evaluate a conventional bronchial hygiene techniques (BHTs) course with an interactive online environment, including multimedia resources. Methods: Previous developed audiovisual support material comprised: physiology, physiopathology and BHTs, accessible to students through the Internet in conjunction with BHTs classes. Two groups of students were compared and both attended regular classes: the on-line group (n=8) received access to online resources, while the control group (n=8) received conventional written material. Student's performance was evaluated before and after the course. Results: A preliminary test (score 0 to 10) was applied before the beginning of the course, showing that the initial knowledge of both groups was comparable [online, 6.75 (SD=0.88) vs. control, 6.125 (SD=1.35); p>0.05]. Two weeks after the end of the course, a second test showed that the online group performed significantly better than the control group [respectively, 7.75 (SD=1.28) vs. 5.93 (SD=0.72); p>0.05]. Conclusions: The use of a multimedia online resource had a positive impact on student's learning in respiratory therapy field in which instrumental and manual resources are often used and can be explored using this technology.


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Introdução: O EndNote Web é um gerenciador de referências bibliográficas que permite o armazenamento e a organização de referências obtidas nas buscas em bases de dados, permitindo também a inclusão automática de citações e referências durante a elaboração de um texto e a mudança para diversos estilos de normalização. Aproveitando a experiência de algumas bibliotecas na capacitação para o uso do EndNote Web, o Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da USP (SIBiUSP) formou um grupo com a finalidade de: capacitar as equipes bibliotecárias das demais unidades interessadas em oferecer o produto aos seus usuários; e elaborar um manual e tutorial de uso do software como ferramenta de apoio. Material e métodos: Principais atividades executadas: a) Identificação das principais Bases de Dados de periódicos utilizadas pelas bibliotecas do SIBiUSP; b) Leitura e análise de manuais e tutoriais do software; c) Elaboração de plano para treinamento a ser oferecido às equipes bibliotecárias, considerando a participação de profissionais das áreas de Biológicas, Humanas e Exatas; d) Definição de conteúdo e elaboração de manual e tutorial. Resultados e Discussão: Foram capacitados 40 profissionais de várias unidades da USP e publicado na página do SIBiUSP um manual contendo todas as funcionalidades e recursos do software, com instruções para todas as bases de dados disponíveis pela USP e CAPES, além das principais bases de acesso livre. A capacitação para o uso do EndNote Web pelas bibliotecas da USP contribui para a competência informacional de seus usuários. Conclusões: A capacitação das equipes bibliotecárias do SIBiUSP possibilitou às bibliotecas do Sistema a oportunidade de oferecer a seus usuários treinamento no uso do EndNote Web, disseminando uma ferramenta que auxilia o pesquisador (docente, pós-graduando, graduando etc.) na elaboração de seus trabalhos científicos e acadêmicos.


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Objetivou-se entender a realidade do viver com esquizofrenia a partir do relato de quem a vivencia. Foram realizadas entrevistas com dez portadores de esquizofrenia internados em hospital geral, diagnosticados com o transtorno há, no mínimo, cinco anos. Para a análise do conteúdo das entrevistas foi utilizada a análise temática. Foi identificada a categoria "Convivendo com a esquizofrenia" e seis temas que abordam o conhecimento da doença, os sintomas, a difícil convivência, o estigma, a família e a religião. Esta pesquisa pode permitir a ampliação do olhar para os portadores de esquizofrenia, uma vez que o conhecimento sobre a doença e suas implicações ocorreram a partir da perspectiva de quem vivencia cotidianamente este sofrimento.


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Lead and copper concentrations in drinking water increase considerably on going from municipality reservoirs to the households sampled in Ribeirão Preto (SP-Brazil). Flushing of only 3 liters of water reduced metal concentrations by more than 50%. Relatively small changes in water pH rapidly affected corrosion processes in lead pipes, while water hardness appeared to have a long-term effect. This approach aims to encourage University teachers to use its content as a case study in disciplines of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and consequently increase knowledge about drinking water contamination in locations where no public monitoring of trace metals is in place.


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OBJETIVOS: Comparar custos e benefícios clínicos de três terapias adicionais à metformina (MF) para pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2). MÉTODOS: Um modelo de simulação de eventos discretos foi construído para estimar a relação custo-utilidade (custo por QALY) da saxagliptina como uma terapia adicional à MF comparada à rosiglitazona ou pioglitazona. Um modelo de impacto orçamentário (BIM - Budget Impact Model) foi construído para simular o impacto econômico da adoção de saxagliptina no contexto do Sistema Suplementar de Saúde brasileiro. RESULTADOS: O custo de aquisição da medicação para o grupo de pacientes hipotéticos analisados, para o horizonte temporal de três anos, foi de R$ 10.850.185,00, R$ 14.836.265,00 e R$ 14.679.099,00 para saxagliptina, pioglitazona e rosiglitazona, respectivamente. Saxagliptina exibiu menores custos e maior efetividade em ambas as comparações, com economias projetadas para os três primeiros anos de -R$ 3.874,00 e -R$ 3.996,00, respectivamente. O BIM estimou uma economia cumulativa de R$ 417.958,00 com o reembolso da saxagliptina em três anos a partir da perspectiva de uma operadora de plano de saúde com 1 milhão de vidas cobertas. CONCLUSÃO: Da perspectiva da fonte pagadora privada, a projeção é de que o acréscimo de saxagliptina à MF poupe custos quando comparado ao acréscimo de rosiglitazona ou pioglitazona em pacientes com DMT2 que não atingiram a meta de hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) com metformina em monoterapia. O BIM, para a inclusão de saxagliptina nas listas de reembolso das operadoras de planos de saúde, indicou uma economia significativa para o horizonte de 3 anos.


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Abstract Background Saliva is a key element of interaction between hematophagous mosquitoes and their vertebrate hosts. In addition to allowing a successful blood meal by neutralizing or delaying hemostatic responses, the salivary cocktail is also able to modulate the effector mechanisms of host immune responses facilitating, in turn, the transmission of several types of microorganisms. Understanding how the mosquito uses its salivary components to circumvent host immunity might help to clarify the mechanisms of transmission of such pathogens and disease establishment. Methods Flow cytometry was used to evaluate if increasing concentrations of A. aegypti salivary gland extract (SGE) affects bone marrow-derived DC differentiation and maturation. Lymphocyte proliferation in the presence of SGE was estimated by a colorimetric assay. Western blot and Annexin V staining assays were used to assess apoptosis in these cells. Naïve and memory cells from mosquito-bite exposed mice or OVA-immunized mice and their respective controls were analyzed by flow cytometry. Results Concentration-response curves were employed to evaluate A. aegypti SGE effects on DC and lymphocyte biology. DCs differentiation from bone marrow precursors, their maturation and function were not directly affected by A. aegypti SGE (concentrations ranging from 2.5 to 40 μg/mL). On the other hand, lymphocytes were very sensitive to the salivary components and died in the presence of A. aegypti SGE, even at concentrations as low as 0.1 μg/mL. In addition, A. aegypti SGE was shown to induce apoptosis in all lymphocyte populations evaluated (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and B cells) through a mechanism involving caspase-3 and caspase-8, but not Bim. By using different approaches to generate memory cells, we were able to verify that these cells are resistant to SGE effects. Conclusion Our results show that lymphocytes, and not DCs, are the primary target of A. aegypti salivary components. In the presence of A. aegypti SGE, naïve lymphocyte populations die by apoptosis in a caspase-3- and caspase-8-dependent pathway, while memory cells are selectively more resistant to its effects. The present work contributes to elucidate the activities of A. aegypti salivary molecules on the antigen presenting cell-lymphocyte axis and in the biology of these cells.


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Esse trabalho tem por objetivo a análise de livros didáticos jurídicos na perspectiva da história dos direitos europeu e brasileiro, tendo como referencial teórico o texto de Alain Choppin sobre as funções do livro didático. Foram analisados livros didáticos jurídicos produzidos desde a Antiguidade até os dias atuais, assim como importantes mudanças legislativas ocorridas em Portugal no século XVIII e no Brasil no século XIX. Seus autores são, em sua maioria, professores universitários, para que seus textos servissem de fonte de argumentos de autoridade na prática. Ao lado dos manuais, sempre foi recorrente o uso de apostilas elaboradas pelos professores ou pelos próprios alunos, a partir das anotações das aulas. Nos últimos tempos, os manuais sofrem a concorrência dos resumos voltados para concursos públicos e dos “cadernos” distribuídos pelos alunos pela Internet. As principais conclusões foram as de que os livros didáticos jurídicos são importantes para o aprendizado do Direito.


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A energia é o item mais dispendioso na formulação de rações para poedeiras. A inclusão energética em níveis elevados resulta, além de gastos excessivos, no aumento da mortalidade e na redução do desempenho das aves. Via de regra, os manuais das linhagens e as recomendações propostas por tabelas desenvolvidas por instituições de pesquisa, não atendem em sua totalidade a demanda real das granjas produtoras de ovos. Desta forma, medidas que visem adequar as condições de criação às exigências nutricionais das poedeiras são almejadas a todo instante, resultando na aproximação entre a formulação das dietas e as exigências das poedeiras.


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BACKGROUND: Saliva is a key element of interaction between hematophagous mosquitoes and their vertebrate hosts. In addition to allowing a successful blood meal by neutralizing or delaying hemostatic responses, the salivary cocktail is also able to modulate the effector mechanisms of host immune responses facilitating, in turn, the transmission of several types of microorganisms. Understanding how the mosquito uses its salivary components to circumvent host immunity might help to clarify the mechanisms of transmission of such pathogens and disease establishment. METHODS: Flow cytometry was used to evaluate if increasing concentrations of A. aegypti salivary gland extract (SGE) affects bone marrow-derived DC differentiation and maturation. Lymphocyte proliferation in the presence of SGE was estimated by a colorimetric assay. Western blot and Annexin V staining assays were used to assess apoptosis in these cells. Naïve and memory cells from mosquito-bite exposed mice or OVA-immunized mice and their respective controls were analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Concentration-response curves were employed to evaluate A. aegypti SGE effects on DC and lymphocyte biology. DCs differentiation from bone marrow precursors, their maturation and function were not directly affected by A. aegypti SGE (concentrations ranging from 2.5 to 40 μg/mL). On the other hand, lymphocytes were very sensitive to the salivary components and died in the presence of A. aegypti SGE, even at concentrations as low as 0.1 μg/mL. In addition, A. aegypti SGE was shown to induce apoptosis in all lymphocyte populations evaluated (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and B cells) through a mechanism involving caspase-3 and caspase-8, but not Bim. By using different approaches to generate memory cells, we were able to verify that these cells are resistant to SGE effects. CONCLUSION: Our results show that lymphocytes, and not DCs, are the primary target of A. aegypti salivary components. In the presence of A. aegypti SGE, naïve lymphocyte populations die by apoptosis in a caspase-3- and caspase-8-dependent pathway, while memory cells are selectively more resistant to its effects. The present work contributes to elucidate the activities of A. aegypti salivary molecules on the antigen presenting cell-lymphocyte axis and in the biology of these cells.