20 resultados para Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Evidence points to a role of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway as a regulator of adiposity, yet its involvement as a mediator of the positive actions of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma agonism on lipemia, fat accretion, lipid uptake, and its major determinant lipoprotein lipase (LPL) remains to be elucidated. Herein we evaluated the plasma lipid profile, triacylglycerol (TAG) secretion rates, and adipose tissue LPL-dependent lipid uptake, LPL expression/activity, and expression profile of other lipid metabolism genes in rats treated with the PPAR gamma agonist rosiglitazone (15 mg/kg/day) in combination or not with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin (2 mg/kg/day) for 15 days. Rosiglitazone stimulated adipose tissue mTOR complex 1 and AMPK and induced TAG-derived lipid uptake (136%), LPL mRNA/activity (2- to 6-fold), and fat accretion in subcutaneous (but not visceral) white adipose tissue (WAT; 50%) and in brown adipose tissue (BAT; 266%). Chronic mTOR inhibition attenuated the upregulation of lipid uptake, LPL expression/activity, and fat accretion induced by PPAR gamma activation in both subcutaneous WAT and BAT, which resulted in hyperlipidemia. In contrast, rapamycin did not affect most of the other WAT lipogenic genes upregulated by rosiglitazone. Together these findings demonstrate that mTOR is a major regulator of adipose tissue LPL-mediated lipid uptake and a critical mediator of the hypolipidemic and lipogenic actions of PPAR gamma activation.-Blanchard, P-G., W. T. Festuccia, V. P. Houde, P. St-Pierre, S. Brule, V. Turcotte, M. Cote, K. Bellmann, A. Marette, and Y. Deshaies. Major involvement of mTOR in the PPAR gamma-induced stimulation of adipose tissue lipid uptake and fat accretion. J. Lipid Res. 2012. 53: 1117-1125.


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Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of resistance exercise (RE) and leucine (LEU) supplementation on dexamethasone (DEXA)-induced muscle atrophy and insulin resistance. Methods: Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into DEXA(DEX), DEXA + RE (DEX-RE), DEXA + LEU (DEX-LEU), and DEXA + RE + LEU (DEX-RE-LEU) groups. Each group received DEXA 5 mg . kg(-1) . d(-1) for 7 d from drinking water and were pair-fed to the DEX group; LEU-supplemented groups received 0.135 g . kg(-1) . d(-1) through gavage for 7 d; the RE protocol was based on three sessions of squat-type exercise composed by three sets of 10 repetitions at 70% of maximal voluntary strength capacity. Results: The plantaris mass was significantly greater in both trained groups compared with the non-trained groups. Muscle cross-sectional area and fiber areas did not differ between groups. Both trained groups displayed significant increases in the number of intermediated fibers (IIa/IIx), a decreased number of fast-twitch fibers (IIb), an increased ratio of the proteins phospho(Ser2448)/ total mammalian target of rapamycin and phospho(Thr389)/total 70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase. and a decreased ratio of phospho(Ser253)/total Forkhead box protein-3a. Plasma glucose was significantly increased in the DEX-LEU group compared with the DEX group and RE significantly decreased hyperglycemia. The DEX-LEU group displayed decreased glucose transporter-4 translocation compared with the DEX group and RE restored this response. LEU supplementation worsened insulin sensitivity and did not attenuate muscle wasting in rats treated with DEXA. Conversely, RE modulated glucose homeostasis and fiber type transition in the plantaris muscle. Conclusion: Resistance exercise but not LEU supplementation promoted fiber type transition and improved glucose homeostasis in DEXA-treated rats. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Skeletal muscles from old rats fail to completely regenerate following injury. This study investigated whether pharmacological stimulation of beta 2-adrenoceptors in aged muscles following injury could improve their regenerative capacity, focusing on myofiber size recovery. Young and aged rats were treated with a subcutaneous injection of beta 2-adrenergic agonist formoterol (2 mu g/kg/d) up to 10 and 21 days after soleus muscle injury. Formoterol-treated muscles from old rats evaluated at 10 and 21 days postinjury showed reduced inflammation and connective tissue but a similar number of regenerating myofibers of greater caliber when compared with their injured controls. Formoterol minimized the decrease in tetanic force and increased protein synthesis and mammalian target of rapamycin phosphorylation in old muscles at 10 days postinjury. Our results suggest that formoterol improves structural and functional regenerative capacity of regenerating skeletal muscles from aged rats by increasing protein synthesis via mammalian target of rapamycin activation. Furthermore, formoterol may have therapeutic benefits in recovery following muscle damage in senescent individuals.


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In the last decade, molecular biology has contributed to define some of the cellular events that trigger skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Recent evidence shows that insulin like growth factor 1/phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B (IGF-1/PI3K/Akt) signaling is not the main pathway towards load-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy. During load-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy process, activation of mTORC1 does not require classical growth factor signaling. One potential mechanism that would activate mTORC1 is increased synthesis of phosphatidic acid (PA). Despite the huge progress in this field, it is still early to affirm which molecular event induces hypertrophy in response to mechanical overload. Until now, it seems that mTORC1 is the key regulator of load-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy. On the other hand, how mTORC1 is activated by PA is unclear, and therefore these mechanisms have to be determined in the following years. The understanding of these molecular events may result in promising therapies for the treatment of muscle-wasting diseases. For now, the best approach is a good regime of resistance exercise training. The objective of this point-of-view paper is to highlight mechanotransduction events, with focus on the mechanisms of mTORC1 and PA activation, and the role of IGF-1 on hypertrophy process.


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DEP domain-containing mTOR-interacting protein (DEPTOR) inhibits the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), but its in vivo functions are unknown. Previous work indicates that Deptor is part of the Fob3a quantitative trait locus (QTL) linked to obesity/leanness in mice, with Deptor expression being elevated in white adipose tissue (WAT) of obese animals. This relation is unexpected, considering the positive role of mTOR in adipogenesis. Here, we dissected the Fob3a QTL and show that Deptor is the highest-priority candidate promoting WAT expansion in this model. Consistently, transgenic mice overexpressing DEPTOR accumulate more WAT. Furthermore, in humans, DEPTOR expression in WAT correlates with the degree of obesity. We show that DEPTOR is induced by glucocorticoids during adipogenesis and that its overexpression promotes, while its suppression blocks, adipogenesis. DEPTOR activates the proadipogenic Akt/PKB-PPAR-gamma axis by dampening mTORC1-mediated feedback inhibition of insulin signaling. These results establish DEPTOR as a new regulator of adipogenesis.


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Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) regulates cellular processes that affect several aspects of development and disease. The FAK N-terminal FERM (4.1 protein-ezrin-radixin-moesin homology) domain, a compact clover-leaf structure, binds partner proteins and mediates intramolecular regulatory interactions. Combined chemical cross-linking coupled to MS, small-angle X-ray scattering, computational docking and mutational analyses showed that the FAK FERM domain has a molecular cleft (similar to 998 angstrom(2)) that interacts with sarcomeric myosin, resulting in FAK inhibition. Accordingly, mutations in a unique short amino acid sequence of the FERM myosin cleft, FP-1, impaired the interaction with myosin and enhanced FAK activity in cardiomyocytes. An FP-1 decoy peptide selectively inhibited myosin interaction and increased FAK activity, promoting cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through activation of the AKT-mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. Our findings uncover an inhibitory interaction between the FAK FERM domain and sarcomeric myosin that presents potential opportunities to modulate the cardiac hypertrophic response through changes in FAK activity.


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HER-2-positive breast cancers frequently sustain elevated AKT/mTOR signaling, which has been associated with resistance to doxorubicin treatment. Here, we investigated whether rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, increased the sensitivity to doxorubicin therapy in two HER-2-overexpressing cell lines: C5.2, which was derived from the parental HB4a by transfection with HER-2 and SKBR3, which exhibits HER-2 amplification. The epithelial mammary cell line HB4a was also analyzed. The combined treatment using 20 nmol/L of rapamycin and 30 nmol/L of doxorubicin arrested HB4a and C5.2 cells in S to G(2)-M, whereas SKBR3 cells showed an increase in the G(0)-G(1) phase. Rapamycin increased the sensitivity to doxorubicin in HER-2-overexpressing cells by approximately 2-fold, suggesting that the combination displayed a more effective antiproliferative action. Gene expression profiling showed that these results might reflect alterations in genes involved in canonical pathways related to purine metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation, protein ubiquitination, and mitochondrial dysfunction. A set of 122 genes modulated by the combined treatment and specifically related to HER-2 overexpression was determined by finding genes commonly regulated in both C5.2 and SKBR3 that were not affected in HB4a cells. Network analysis of this particular set showed a smaller subgroup of genes in which coexpression pattern in HB4a cells was disrupted in C5.2 and SKBR3. Altogether, our data showed a subset of genes that might be more robust than individual markers in predicting the response of HER-2-overexpressing breast cancers to doxorubicin and rapamycin combination. Mol Cancer Ther; 11(2); 464-74. (C) 2011 AACR.


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Leucine activates the intracellular mammalian target of the rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, and hypothalamic mTOR signaling regulates food intake. Although central infusion of leucine reduces food intake, it is still uncertain whether oral leucine supplementation is able to affect the hypothalamic circuits that control energy balance. We observed increased phosphorylation of p70s6k in the mouse hypothalamus after an acute oral gavage of leucine. We then assessed whether acute oral gavage of leucine induces the activation of neurons in several hypothalamic nuclei and in the brainstem. Leucine did not induce the expression of Fos in hypothalamic nuclei, but it increased the number of Fos-immunoreactive neurons in the area postrema. In addition, oral gavage of leucine acutely increased the 24 h food intake of mice. Nonetheless, chronic leucine supplementation in the drinking water did not change the food intake and the weight gain of ob/ob mice and of wild-type mice consuming a low- or a high-fat diet. We assessed the hypothalamic gene expression and observed that leucine supplementation increased the expression of enzymes (BCAT1, BCAT2 and BCKDK) that metabolize branched-chain amino acids. Despite these effects, leucine supplementation did not induce an anorectic pattern of gene expression in the hypothalamus. In conclusion, our data show that the brain is able to sense oral leucine intake. However, the food intake is not modified by chronic oral leucine supplementation. These results question the possible efficacy of leucine supplementation as an appetite suppressant to treat obesity


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Abstract Background Since its first description, Mönckeberg's sclerosis has only been related to arterial media calcification, being listed among the primary diseases of the vessels. Case presentation We report here a clinically and histologically confirmed case of Mönckeberg's sclerosis in which the patient presented with massive areas of soft tissue calcifications in the pharynx and larynx. Polysomnographic parameters showed severe obstructive apnea refractory to nasal continuous positive airway pressure. Clinical and laboratory findings excluded concomitant endocrine or rheumatological diseases. Conclusion Our data provide a new insight about Mönckeberg's sclerosis, i.e., the fact that the etiopathogenic process involved in the phenomenon of calcification may not be restricted only to the arteries, but may occur in the entire organism. Further studies of the etiopathogenesis of this disease are needed.


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The heart responds to sustained overload by hypertrophic growth in which the myocytes distinctly thicken or elongate on increases in systolic or diastolic stress. Though potentially adaptive, hypertrophy itself may predispose to cardiac dysfunction in pathological settings. The mechanisms underlying the diverse morphology and outcomes of hypertrophy are uncertain. Here we used a focal adhesion kinase (FAK) cardiac-specific transgenic mice model (FAK-Tg) to explore the function of this non-receptor tyrosine kinase on the regulation of myocyte growth. FAK-Tg mice displayed a phenocopy of concentric cardiac hypertrophy, reflecting the relative thickening of the individual myocytes. Moreover, FAK-Tg mice showed structural, functional and molecular features of a compensated hypertrophic growth, and preserved responses to chronic pressure overload. Mechanistically, FAK overexpression resulted in enhanced myocardial FAK activity, which was proven by treatment with a selective FAK inhibitor to be required for the cardiac hypertrophy in this model. Our results indicate that upregulation of FAK does not affect the activity of Src/ERK1/2 pathway, but stimulated signaling by a cascade that encompasses PI3K, AKT, mTOR, S6K and rpS6. Moreover, inhibition of the mTOR complex by rapamycin extinguished the cardiac hypertrophy of the transgenic FAK mice. These findings uncover a unique role for FAK in regulating the signaling mechanisms that governs the selective myocyte growth in width, likely controlling the activity of PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, and suggest that FAK activation could be important for the adaptive response to increases in cardiac afterload. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Local Signaling in Myocytes". (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report an improved measurement of (nu) over bar (mu) disappearance over a distance of 735 km using the MINOS detectors and the Fermilab Main Injector neutrino beam in a (nu) over bar (mu)-enhanced configuration. From a total exposure of 2.95 x 10(20) protons on target, of which 42% have not been previously analyzed, we make the most precise measurement of Delta(m) over bar (2) = [2.62(-0.28)(+0.31)(stat) +/- 0.09(syst)] x 10(-3) eV(2) and constrain the (nu) over bar (mu) mixing angle sin(2)(2 (theta) over bar) > 0.75 (90% C.L.). These values are in agreement with Delta m(2) and sin(2)(2 theta) measured for nu(mu), removing the tension reported in [P. Adamson et al. (MINOS), Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 021801 (2011).].


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The penaeidean Litopenaeus schmitti, popularly known as white shrimp, is a species of great economic importance, being a target of fishing fleets in the southeast region of Brazil. It is distributed through the western Atlantic, from Cuba to Brazil, until Rio Grande do Sul. Adults are found from shallow depths up to 30 m and have been found to depths of 47 m in the state of Rio de Janeiro, while juveniles are located in bays and estuaries. The studied species is seasonally distributed in the region of Ubatuba. The objectives of this study are to analyze the abundance and ecological distribution of L. schmitti and to assess if and when juveniles use the Indaia estuary during their life cycle. Furthermore, the hypothesis was tested that the main period of recruitment in the bay coincides with the period of closure of fisheries defined by the Instruction of IBAMA. To that end, samples were taken monthly from July 2005 through June 2007, both in Ubatuba Bay and in the estuary formed by the Rio Indaia. At each sampling station, salinity, temperature (bottom), depth, organic matter content (%), and grain size of sediments were measured. We found that the largest catches in the estuary were in late spring and early summer. In Ubatuba Bay, peak catches occurred during winter and early spring, whereas in the second year, already in May, there was a high peak capture. The variation in the number of individuals was correlated with some environmental factors both in the estuary and in the inlet (p < 0.05). In the estuary, abundance was positively correlated with temperature (p = 0.008) and organic matter (p = 0.025) and negatively with depth (p = 0.009). Regarding the Ubatuba Bay, only temperature (p = 0.034) and depth (p = 0.013) were significantly associated with the distribution of the shrimp, both being negative relations. The shrimp L. schmitti uses both the estuarine as well the shore environment, particularly the Ubatuba estuary and its adjacent bay, to complete its life cycle. The proposed period of fisheries closure (between March to May in the state of Sao Paulo) for this and other shrimps coincides with individuals capable of reproduction entering the inlet and thus are being protected.


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SERA5 is regarded as a promising malaria vaccine candidate of the most virulent human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. SERA5 is a 120 kDa abundantly expressed blood-stage protein containing a papain-like protease. Since substantial polymorphism in blood-stage vaccine candidates may potentially limit their efficacy, it is imperative to fully investigate polymorphism of the SERA5 gene (sera5). In this study, we performed evolutionary and population genetic analysis of sera5. The level of inter-species divergence (kS = 0.076) between P. falciparum and Plasmodium reichenowi, a closely related chimpanzee malaria parasite is comparable to that of housekeeping protein genes. A signature of purifying selection was detected in the proenzyme and enzyme domains. Analysis of 445 near full-length P. falciparum sera5 sequences from nine countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, Oceania and South America revealed extensive variations in the number of octamer repeat (OR) and serine repeat (SR) regions as well as substantial level of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in non-repeat regions (2562 bp). Remarkably, a 14 amino acid sequence of SERA5 (amino acids 59-72) that is known to be the in vitro target of parasite growth inhibitory antibodies was found to be perfectly conserved in all 445 worldwide isolates of P. falciparum evaluated. Unlike other major vaccine target antigen genes such as merozoite surface protein-1, apical membrane antigen-1 or circumsporozoite protein, no strong evidence for positive selection was detected for SNPs in the non-repeat regions of sera5. A biased geographical distribution was observed in SNPs as well as in the haplotypes of the sera5 OR and SR regions. In Africa, OR- and SR-haplotypes with low frequency (<5%) and SNPs with minor allele frequency (<5%) were abundant and were mostly continent-specific. Consistently, significant genetic differentiation, assessed by the Wright's fixation index (FST) of inter-population variance in allele frequencies, was detected for SNPs and both OR- and SR-haplotypes among almost all parasite populations. The exception was parasite populations between Tanzania and Ghana, suggesting frequent gene flow in Africa. The present study points to the importance of investigating whether biased geographical distribution for SNPs and repeat variants in the OR and SR regions affect the reactivity of human serum antibodies to variants. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is able to synthesize de novo PLP (pyridoxal 5'-phosphate), the active form of vitamin B-6. In the present study, we have shown that the de novo synthesized PLP is used by the parasite to detoxify O-1(2) (singlet molecular oxygen), a highly destructive reactive oxygen species arising from haemoglobin digestion. The formation of O-1(2) and the response of the parasite were monitored by live-cell fluorescence microscopy, by transcription analysis and by determination of PLP levels in the parasite. Pull-down experiments of transgenic parasites overexpressing the vitamin B-6-biosynthetic enzymes PfPdx1 and PfPdx2 clearly demonstrated an interaction of the two proteins in vivo which results in an elevated PLP level from 12.5 mu M in wild-type parasites to 36.6 mu M in the PfPdx1/PfPdx2-overexpressing cells and thus to a higher tolerance towards O-1(2). In contrast, by applying the dominant-negative effect on the cellular level using inactive mutants of PfPdx1 and PfPdx2, P. falciparum becomes susceptible to O-1(2). Our results demonstrate clearly the crucial role of vitamin B-6 biosynthesis in the detoxification of O-1(2) in P falciparum. Besides the known role of PLP as a cofactor of many essential enzymes, this second important task of the vitamin B-6 de novo synthesis as antioxidant emphasizes the high potential of this pathway as a target of new anti-malarial drugs.


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Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) are common forms of malignancy associated with tobacco and alcohol exposures, although human papillomavirus and nutritional deficiency are also important risk factors. While somatically acquired DNA methylation changes have been associated with UADT cancers, what triggers these events and precise epigenetic targets are poorly understood. In this study, we applied quantitative profiling of DNA methylation states in a panel of cancer-associated genes to a case-control study of UADT cancers. Our analyses revealed a high frequency of aberrant hypermethylation of several genes, including MYOD1, CHRNA3 and MTHFR in UADT tumors, whereas CDKN2A was moderately hypermethylated. Among differentially methylated genes, we identified a new gene (the nicotinic acetycholine receptor gene) as target of aberrant hypermethylation in UADT cancers, suggesting that epigenetic deregulation of nicotinic acetycholine receptors in non-neuronal tissues may promote the development of UADT cancers. Importantly, we found that sex and age is strongly associated with the methylation states, whereas tobacco smoking and alcohol intake may also influence the methylation levels in specific genes. This study identifies aberrant DNA methylation patterns in UADT cancers and suggests a potential mechanism by which environmental factors may deregulate key cellular genes involved in tumor suppression and contribute to UADT cancers.