em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by increased accumulation of body fat. We evaluated the socioeconomic aspects, body composition, risk of metabolic complications associated with obesity, eating habits and lifestyle in both women and men adults and elderly with body mass index (BMI) 40 kg/m(2). Among the subjects studied, 79% (n = 32) are female, 5% (n = 2) smokers, 39% (n = 16) use alcohol and only 24% (n = 10) are practitioners of physical exercise. The higher food intake was breads, followed by rice. The daily intake of fruits and vegetables is low. Positive correlation between consumption of sugar and BMI and abdominal circumference (AC) was observed. In summary, was found that morbidly obese patients that looking for nutritional counseling presents increased body fat, poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the nutritional status and food intake of individuals with systemic psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis associated. METHODS: This is an exploratory and cross-sectional study with 34 men aged between 19 and 60 years seen at a Psoriasis Center. Participants were divided into systemic psoriasis group and arthritic-systemic psoriasis associated group. For nutritional assessment we used anthropometry, bioelectrical impedance analysis and whole-body plethysmography. Clinical and nutritional information were assessed using the clinical and nutritional history-taking, and the 24-hour dietary recall. For statistics the general linear model test (p < 0.05) was used. RESULTS: According to the body mass index 29.4% patients (n = 10) were eutrophic, 41.2% (n = 14) overweight and 29% (n = 10) obese. Almost all individuals (60%; n = 21) had body fat percentage above normal levels (> 25%) and a high risk for metabolic complications according to the waist circumference and the obesity index, however, there were no statistically significant differences between groups. The mean food intake, total fat, calories and protein were above recommended levels, being 58.8% for lipids (319.17 ± 241.02 mg of cholesterol and 17.42 ± 11.4 g saturated fatty acids); 29.4% for calories and 67.6% for proteins. Thus, regardless of the psoriasis type, an excessive consumption of calories, lipids, fatty acids, cholesterol and a higher incidence of overweight were found. CONCLUSION: The sample showed an abnormal nutritional condition, an increased risk for chronic diseases related to obesity, worsening of the psoriatic lesions, and poor quality of life.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the presence of metabolic disorders in elderly men with urolithiasis. METHODS: We performed a case-control study. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) men older than 60 years of age and either (2) antecedent renal colic or an incidental diagnosis of urinary lithiasis after age 60 (case arm) or (3) no antecedent renal colic or incidental diagnosis of urolithiasis (control arm). Each individual underwent an interview, and those who were selected underwent all clinical protocol examinations: serum levels of total and ionized calcium, uric acid, phosphorus, glucose, urea, creatinine and parathyroid hormone, urine culture, and analysis of 24-hour urine samples (levels of calcium, citrate, creatinine, uric acid and sodium, pH and urine volume). Each case arm patient underwent two complete metabolic urinary investigations, whereas each control arm individual underwent one examination. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01246531. RESULTS: A total of 51 subjects completed the clinical investigation: 25 in the case arm and 26 in the control arm. In total, 56% of the case arm patients had hypocitraturia (vs. 15.4% in the control arm; p = 0.002). Hypernatriuria was detected in 64% of the case arm patients and in 30.8% of the controls (p = 0.017). CONCLUSION: Hypocitraturia and hypernatriuria are the main metabolic disorders in elderly men with urolithiasis.
Aims: Metformin is an insulin sensitizing agent with beneficial effects in diabetic patients on glycemic levels and in the cardiovascular system. We examined whether the metabolic changes and the vascular dysfunction in monosodium glutamate-induced obese non-diabetic (MSG) rats might be improved by metformin. Main methods: 16 week-old MSG rats were treated with metformin for 15 days and compared with age-matched untreated MSG and non-obese non-diabetic rats (control). Blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, vascular reactivity and prostanoid release in the perfused mesenteric arteriolar bed as well as nitric oxide production and reactive oxygen species generation in isolated mesenteric arteries were analyzed. Key findings: 18-week-old MSG rats displayed higher Lee index, fat accumulation, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. Metformin treatment improved these alterations. The norepinephrine-induced response, increased in the mesenteric arteriolar bed from MSG rats, was corrected by metformin. Indomethacin corrected the enhanced contractile response in MSG rats but did not affect metformin effects. The sensitivity to acetylcholine, reduced in MSG rats, was also corrected by metformin. Indomethacin corrected the reduced sensitivity to acetylcholine in MSG rats but did not affect metformin effects. The sensitivity to sodium nitroprusside was increased in preparations from metformin-treated rats. Metformin treatment restored both the reduced PGI2/TXA2 ratio and the increased reactive oxygen species generation in preparations from MSG rats. Significance: Metformin improved the vascular function in MSG rats through reduction in reactive oxygen species generation, modulation of membrane hyperpolarization. correction of the unbalanced prostanoids release and increase in the sensitivity of the smooth muscle to nitric oxide. (c) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Sleeve Gastrectomy With Transit Bipartition A Potent Intervention for Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity
Objective: To present 5-year results of sleeve gastrectomy (SG) with transit bipartition (TB) as a metabolic intervention for obesity. Background: Recent data suggest that high glycemic index foods may lead to a hormonally hyperactive proximal gut and a hypoactivate distal gut, which are linked to metabolic syndrome. TB was designed to counterbalance these effects. Methods: A total of 1020 obese patients with body mass index (BMI) ranging from 33 to 72 Kg/m(2) underwent SG and TB (SG + TB). TB creates a gastroileal anastomosis in the antrum after the SG; nutrient transit is maintained in the duodenum, avoiding blind loops and minimizing malabsorption. The stomach retains 2 outflow pathways. A lateral enteroanastomosis connects both segments at 80 cm proximal to the cecum. Results: Adequate follow-up data were collected in 59.1% of patients from 4 months to 5 years. The average percent of excess BMI loss was 91%, 94%, 85%, 78%, and 74% in the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth year, respectively. Patients experienced early satiety and major improvement in presurgical comorbidities, including diabetes (86% in remission), following surgery. Two deaths occurred (0.2%). Other surgical complications occurred in 6% of patients. Signs of malabsorption were rare. Conclusions: SG + TB is a simple procedure that results in rapid weight loss and remission or major improvement of comorbidities. Strictly aiming at physiological correction, TB avoids prostheses, narrow anastomoses, excluded segments, and malabsorption. Weight and comorbidities are much improved. Diabetes is improved without duodenal exclusion. TB is an excellent complement to an SG.