6 resultados para Longitude.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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This article analyzes the main objectives of the scientific voyage to circumnavigate the earth, undertaken by the United States from 1838 to 1842. Charting was one of the most important of the scientific and strategic goals of the exploratory voyage. The initiative for the undertaking was the search for exact positioning on the high seas after the establishment of the longitude system, when nautical charts and maps from various countries were compared, and other, new ones were drawn. The United States participated in this international effort, leading to the creation of its own cartographic system.


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Analisa o principal objetivo da viagem científica de circunavegação realizada pelos EUA entre 1838 e 1842. A tarefa de mapeamento destaca-se entre outras metas científico-estratégicas da viagem exploratória. A iniciativa da empreitada foi movida pela busca da exata localização em alto-mar após a instituição do sistema de longitudes, quando cartas náuticas e mapas de vários países foram conferidos, e outros, novos, desenhados. Os EUA participaram desse esforço internacional, dando início à constituição de um sistema cartográfico próprio.


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This paper presents the offorts to calculate the geoid model for Brazil. It is limited by 6 degrees N and 35 degrees S in latitude and 30 degrees W and 75 degrees W in longitude. The terrestrial gravity data for the continent have been updated by means of the most recent surveys in Brazil and in the neighbour countries. The complete Bouguer and Helmert gravity anomalies have been derived through the Canadian package SHGEO. The short wavelength component was estimated via FFT. The geopotential model EGM2008 was used as a reference field restricted to degree and order 150. The model was validated over 844 GPS observations on Bench Marks of the spirit leveling network. The height anomalies plus a topography dependent correction term derived from EGM2008 (degree 2190 and order 2159), GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R2 (degree and order 240), GOCO02S (degree and order 250), EIGEN 51C (degree and order 359) and EIGEN 6C (degree and order 1420), geoidal height derived from MAPGEO2004 (old official geoid model in Brazil) have also been compared to the GPS points on Bench Marks.


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The objectives of the present study were to characterize and define homogenous production environments of composite beef cattle in Brazil in terms of climatic and geographic variables using multivariate exploratory techniques and to use them to assess the presence of G x E for birth weight (BW) and weaning weight (WW). Data from animals born between 1995 and 2008 on 36 farms located in 27 municipalities of the Brazilian states were used. Fifteen years of climate observations (mean minimum and maximum annual temperature and mean annual rainfall) and geographic (latitude, longitude and altitude) data were obtained for each municipality where the farms were located for characterization of the production environments. Hierarchical and nonhierarchical cluster analysis was used to group farms located in regions with similar environmental variables into clusters. Six clusters of farms were formed. The effect of sire-cluster interaction was tested by single-trait analysis using deviance information criterion (DIC). Genetic parameters were estimated by multi-trait analysis considering the same trait to be different in each cluster. According to the values of DIC, the inclusion of sire-cluster effect did not improve the fit of the genetic evaluation model for BW and WW. Estimates of genetic correlations among clusters ranged from -0.02 to 0.92. The low genetic correlation among the most studied regions permits us to suggest that a separate genetic evaluation for some regions should be undertaken. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A armazenagem de água no solo é muito variável no tempo e no espaço devido à influência de vários fatores ambientais e topográficos. Objetivou-se neste estudo: quantificar a armazenagem de água no solo; avaliar sua estabilidade temporal e sua variabilidade espacial em um local próximo e outro distante do sistema radicular numa sucessão feijão/aveia-preta; e constatar sua variabilidade espacial em função do relevo. Em área experimental de 1.500 m², situada em Piracicaba-SP (latitude de 22° 42' 30" S, longitude de 47° 38' 00" W e 546 m de altitude), estabeleceram-se 60 pontos de amostragem, distanciados entre si de 5 m, numa grade de 10 por 6 pontos (50 x 30 m). Os valores da armazenagem de água no solo apresentaram comportamento-padrão para o solo estudado, com valores maiores em profundidade do que na camada mais superficial. Houve maior estabilidade temporal da armazenagem de água no solo durante o período chuvoso, porém na fase de secagem do solo a estabilidade temporal também foi constatada, mas com valores de coeficiente de correlação mais elevados na camada de 0,0-0,80 m, mostrando que essa estabilidade foi claramente devida à posição topográfica desses pontos, os quais estão localizados na porção mais baixa do relevo. Assim, o ponto 52 foi escolhido como representativo da média na fase de recarga de água no solo em ambas as camadas estudadas, e o ponto 46, na camada superior durante a fase de secagem do solo. A dependência espacial da variabilidade da armazenagem de água no solo foi detectada em ambas as camadas de solo, porém com maior alcance na camada de 0,0-0,40 m, quando houve ocorrência de precipitação. Quando as chuvas cessaram, o alcance foi maior na camada de 0,0-0,80 m. Durante o período chuvoso, o padrão de variabilidade espacial foi muito semelhante em ambas as camadas de solo, com armazenagens maiores na faixa de maior inclinação e depressões do terreno.


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In this communication we report results from the application to the study of the rotation of the Moon of the creeping tide theory just proposed (Ferraz-Mello, Cel. Mech. Dyn. Astron., submitted. ArXiv astro-ph 1204.3957). The choice of the Moon for the first application of this new theory is motivated by the fact that the Moon is one of the best observed celestial bodies and the comparison of the theoretical predictions of the theory with observations i may validate the theory or point out the need of further improvements. Particularly, the tidal perturbations of the rotation of the Moon - the physical libration of the Moon - have been detected in the Lunar Laser Ranging measurements (Williams et al. JGR 106, 27933, 2001). The major difficulty in this application comes from the fact that tidal torques in a planet-satellite system are very sensitive to the distance between the two-bodies, which is strongly affected by Solar perturbations. In the case of the Moon, the main solar perturbations - the Evection and the Variation - are more important than most of the Keplerian oscillations, being smaller only than the first Keplerian harmonic (equation of the centre). Besides, two of the three components of the Moon's libration in longitude whose tidal contributions were determined by LLR are related to these perturbations. The results may allow us to determine the main parameter of a possible Moon's creeping tide. The preliminary results point to a relaxation factor (gamma) 2 to 4 times smaller than the one predicted from the often cited values of thr Moon's quality factor Q (between 30 and 40), and points to larger Q values.