10 resultados para Leptospirose

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Silva F.J., Conceicao W. L. F., Fagliari J.J., Girio R.J.S., Dias R. A., Borba M. R. & Mathias L. A. 2012. [Prevalence and risk factors of bovine leptospirosis in the State of Maranhao, Brazil.] Prevalencia e fatores de risco de leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhao. Pesquisa Veterineria Brasileira 32(4): 303-312. Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria Preventiva e Reproducao Animal, Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Via de Acesso Professor Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Zona Rural, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brazil. E-mail: fjsepi@gmail.com Prevalence and risk factors of bovine leptospirosis in the State of Maranhao were investigated. Based on production parameters that vary across different production systems, management practices, the purpose of exploitation, the average size of herds and market systems, the state was divided in four sampling circuits. The study aimed to investigate the epidemiological features of bovine leptospirosis in the State of Maranhao, in order to determine the prevalence of the infection in cattle and herds, to determine the occurrence of serovars of Leptospira spp., to identify risk factors associated with leptospirosis in cattle and to differentiate the livestock circuits itself regarding the prevalence of leptospirosis. The survey was conducted in 136 herds in the circuit I, in which 841 >= 24 months old females were analyzed; 238 in the circuit II and 2,582 females were analyzed; 122 in the circuit III and 869 females were analyzed; 77 in the circuit IV and 540 females were analyzed; a total of 573 herds and 4,832 females were analyzed. The presence of antibodies against Leptospira spp. was verified by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Of the 4,832 cows examined, 1,904 (35.94%, CI 95% = 33.01% -38.98%) were positive. Of the 573 herds, 380 (64.81%, CI 95% = 61.10% -68.35%) were positive. Serovars Hardjo and Wolffi were the most frequent in the state. The circuit III showed the lowest prevalence of leptospirosis in all comparisons. The variables presence of horses (p = 0.000), presence of capybaras (p = 0.034) and herds with up to 32 adult females (p = 0.002) were identified as risk factors for leptospirosis.


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Foi realizada uma análise espacial da ocorrência de leptospirose humana e canina na Supervisão de Vigilância em Saúde do Butantã, situada no município de São Paulo, no ano de 2007, associada a variáveis ambientais de risco, tais como: focos de enchente e áreas de desratização. Foram encontrados aglomerados espaciais de pontos de alagamentos em 12 setores censitários e de casos de leptospirose humana em quatro setores censitários, sem correlação entre ambos. Não foram encontrados agrupamentos de casos em cães, possivelmente devido à subnotificação. As proporções casos humanos de leptospirose : população humana dentro e fora da área de desratização foram 7:199.600 e 9:257.980, respectivamente. Conclui-se que medidas de controle de roedores como a desratização foram responsáveis pela minimização dos efeitos dos fatores de risco para a transmissão de leptospirose para humanos.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a prevalência de propriedades de caprinos leiteiros positivas e de animais soropositivos para leptospirose no semiárido paraibano. A amostragem foi delineada para a determinação da prevalência de propriedades positivas (focos) e de animais soropositivos para a infecção por Leptospira spp. No total, foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 975 animais procedentes de 110 propriedades leiteiras localizadas no Munícipio de Monteiro, microrregião do Cariri Ocidental, Estado da Paraíba. Para o diagnóstico da infecção por Leptospira spp., foi utilizado o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), utilizando como antígenos 24 sorovares. Uma propriedade foi considerada foco quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. As prevalências de propriedades positivas e de animais soropositivos foram de 43,6% (IC 95% = 34,2-53,4%) e de 8,7% (IC 95% = 5,7-12,9%), respectivamente. Nos animais, os sorovares mais frequentes foram Autumnalis (1,74%; IC 95% = 0,97-3,09%), Sentot (1,71%; IC 95% = 0,82-3,52%) e Whitcomb (1,39%; IC 95% = 0,65-2,93%), e nas propriedades, os sorovares Autumnalis (10,9%; IC 95% = 5,8-18,3%), Whitcomb (8,2%; IC 95% = 3,8-15,0%) e Sentot e Patoc (7,3%; IC 95% = 3,2-13,8%) foram os mais frequentes. Sugere-se que a infecção está distribuída em caprinos da região, e que há necessidade de implantação de medidas de controle e prevenção, com o intuito de reduzir a ocorrência da infecção e, consequentemente, diminuir perdas econômicas ocasionadas e bloquear a possível transmissão do agente aos seres humanos.


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Foram investigados a prevalência e os fatores de risco da leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhão. O Estado foi dividido em quatro circuitos amostrais com base em parâmetros de produção distintos que variam conforme os diferentes sistemas de produção, as práticas de manejo, a finalidade de exploração, o tamanho médio dos rebanhos e os sistemas de comercialização. Objetivou-se estudar as características epidemiológicas da leptospirose bovina no Estado do Maranhão, de modo a determinar a prevalência em bovinos e em rebanhos, detectar as sorovariedades de Leptospira spp. presentes, identificar os fatores de risco eventualmente associados à leptospirose em bovinos e diferenciar os circuitos pecuários entre si no que se refere à prevalência de leptospirose. A pesquisa foi realizada em 136 propriedades rurais pertencentes ao circuito I, no qual 841 fêmeas bovinas com idade igual ou superior a 24 meses foram analisadas; 238 do circuito II, com 2.582 fêmeas analisadas; 122 do circuito III, com 869 fêmeas analisadas; e 77 do circuito IV, com 540 fêmeas analisadas; no total, 573 propriedades e 4.832 fêmeas foram estudadas. A presença de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. foi verificada pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM). Das 4.832 fêmeas bovinas analisadas, 1.904 (35,94%; IC 95% = 33,01% - 38,98%) foram reagentes. Das 573 propriedades analisadas, 380 (64,81%; IC 95% = 61,10% - 68,35%) foram consideradas positivas. As sorovariedades Hardjo e Wolffi foram as mais frequentes em todo o Estado. O circuito III foi o que apresentou menor prevalência de leptospirose em todas as comparações. As variáveis identificadas como fatores de risco de leptospirose foram: presença de equinos (p = 0,000), presença de capivaras (p = 0,034) e rebanhos bovinos com 32 ou mais fêmeas adultas (p = 0,002).


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Higino S.S.S., Alves C.J., Santos C.S.A.B., Vasconcellos S.A., Silva M.L.C.R., Brasil A.W.L., Pimenta C.L.R.M. & Azevedo S.S. 2012. [Prevalence of leptospirosis in dairy goats in the semiarid region of Paraiba state.] Prevalencia de leptospirose em caprinos leiteiros do semiarido paraibano. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(3):199-203. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Centro de Saude e Tecnologia Rural, Unidade Academica de Medicina Veterinaria, Av. Universitaria s/n, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: sergio.azevedo@pq.cnpq.br This study aimed to determine the prevalence of positive dairy goat herds and seropositive animals for leptospirosis in the semiarid region of Paraiba state, Brazil. Sampling was designed to determine the prevalence of positive herds (foci) and seropositive animals for leptospirosis. A total of 975 serum samples were collected from goats of 110 dairy herds in the Monteiro municipality, Western Cariri microregion of Paraiba. For the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was carried out using 24 Leptospira spp. serovars as antigens. A herd was considered positive when existed at least one seropositive animal. The prevalence of positive herds and seropositive animals were 43.6% (95% CI = 34.2-53.4%) and 8.7% (95% CI = 58.7-12.9%) respectively. The most frequent serovars in goats were Autumnalis (1.74%; 95% CI = 0.97-3.09%), Sentot (1.71%; 95% CI = 0.82-3.52%) and Whitcomb (1.39%; 95% CI = 0.65-2.93%), and by herd, serovars Autumnalis (10.9%; 95% CI = 5.8-18.3%), Whitcomb (8.2%; 95% CI = 3.8-15.0%) and Sentot and Patoc (7.3%; 95% CI = 3.2-13.8%) were the most frequent. It is suggested that leptospirosis is spread in goats in the region, and that there is need to implement control and preventive measures in order to reduce infection and economic losses, and to avoid possible transmission of infection to humans.


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Alves C. J., Alcino J. F., Farias A. E. M., Higino S. S. S., Santos F. A., Azevedo S. S., Costa D. F. & Santos C. S. A. B. 2012. [Epidemiological characterization and risk factors associated with leptospirosis in the brazilian semiarid.] Caracterizacao epidemiologica e fatores de risco associados a leptospirose em ovinos deslanados do semiarido brasileiro. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(6): 523-528. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Centro de Sa de e Tecnologia Rural, Unidade Academica de Medicina Veterinaria, Av. Universitaria s/n(o), Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: clebertja@uol.com.br The aim of this investigation was to determine the herd-level and animal-level prevalence of leptospirosis in sheep from the semiarid of Paraiba State, Northeast Brazil, as well as to identify risk factors. Blood samples were collected from 1,275 sheep from 117 flocks in 19 counties in the Sertao mesoregion, Paraiba. For the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) using 24 Leptospira spp. serovars as antigens was carried out. Of the 117 flocks studied 33 (28.20%) presented at least one seropositive sheep, and of the 1,275 animals 69 (5.41%) were seropositive with titers ranging from 100 to 3,200. Reactant serovars were Autumnalis (49.30%), Andamana (27.53%), Sentot (17.39%), Whitcomb (4.34%) and Australis (1.44%). Herd size > 48 sheep (odds ratio = 2.26; 95% CI = 1.33-5.07; p = 0.021) and participation in animal exhibits (odds ratio = 9.05; 95% CI = 0.96-85.71; p = 0.055) were identified as risk factors. The need was suggested for studies on the isolation of the agent, characterization of its pathogenicity and its economic impact on sheep flocks of the region, and sanitary control in sheep agglomerations was recommended.


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Sarmento A.M.C., Azevedo S.S., Morais Z.M., Souza G.O., Oliveira F.C.S., Goncales A.P., Miraglia F. & Vasconcellos S.A. 2012. [Use of Leptospira spp. strains isolated in Brazil in the microscopic agglutination test applied to diagnosis of leptospirosis in cattle herds in eight brazilian states.] Emprego de estirpes Leptospira spp. isoladas no Brasil na microtecnica de soroaglutinacao microscopica aplicada ao diagnostico da leptospirose em rebanhos bovinos de oito estados brasileiros. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(7);601-606. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria Preventiva e Saude Animal, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: savasco@usp.br The aim of this study was to investigate the adequacy of the use of autochthonous strains of leptospires isolated in Brazil, added to antigen collection of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) applied to the diagnosis of bovine leptospirosis. By means of non-probability sampling, 109 farms and 9,820 cattle, females at reproductive age were chosen from 85 municipalities in the states of Goias, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Sao Paulo. Among the 9,820 examined animals, 5,806 (59.12%) were reactants at MAT for at least one serovar using the 23 reference serovars. Employing the collection of reference serovars and the ten autochthonous strains, 6,400 (65.24%) reactants and significant difference (p=0.001) was found. The most probable serovars identified by the collection of reference antigens were Hardjo (43.03%), Shermani (20%), Wolfi (9.96%), Grippothyphosa (5.42%) and Pomona (4.28%). With the collection amplified with the ten strains isolated in Brazil, the most probable serovars were Hardjo (31%), Guaricura-M4/84 (22.50%), Shermani (15.43%), Wolffi (4.76%), Grippothyphosa (3.71%) and Autumnalis (3.24%). The serovar Guaricura, strain M4/84, isolated from bovines and buffaloes in the State of Sao Paulo, was ranked as one of the three most probable serovars in the states of Goias, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo. The addition of autochthonous strains to the MAT antigen collection provided the confirmation of the diagnosis of leptospirosis in 594 cattle (6%) which have been classified as non-reactants by the reference collection (p=0.001).


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Abstract Background: Leptospirosis is a re-emerging zoonosis with protean clinical manifestations. Recently, the importance of pulmonary hemorrhage as a lethal complication of this disease has been recognized. In the present study, five human necropsies of leptospirosis (Weil‘s syndrome) with extensive pulmonary manifestations were analysed, and the antibodies expressed in blood vessels and cells involved in ion and water transport were used, seeking to better understand the pathophysiology of the lung injury associated with this disease. Principal Findings: Prominent vascular damage was present in the lung microcirculation, with decreased CD34 and preserved aquaporin 1 expression. At the periphery and even inside the extensive areas of edema and intraalveolar hemorrhage, enlarged, apparently hypertrophic type I pneumocytes (PI) were detected and interpreted as a non-specific attempt of clearence of the intraalveolar fluid, in which ionic transport, particularly of sodium, plays a predominant role, as suggested by the apparently increased ENaC and aquaporin 5 expression. Connexin 43 was present in most pneumocytes, and in the cytoplasm of the more preserved endothelial cells. The number of type II pneumocytes (PII) was slightly decreased when compared to normal lungs and those of patients with septicemia from other causes, a fact that may contribute to the progressively low PI count, resulting in deficient restoration after damage to the alveolar epithelial integrity and, consequently, a poor outcome of the pulmonary edema and hemorrhage. Conclusions: Pathogenesis of lung injury in human leptospirosis was discussed, and the possibility of primary noninflammatory vascular damage was considered, so far of undefinite etiopathogenesis, as the initial pathological manifestation of the disease.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de isolamento em cultura pura de Histophilus somni em secreção vaginal de uma fêmea ovina da raça Texel, em propriedade localizada no estado de São Paulo, a qual apresentou histórico de endometrite e infertilidade. No exame clínico específico do aparelho genital, foi observada na vagina secreção de coloração esbranquiçada, com aspecto mucoso e odor fétido. Os exames sorológicos para Brucella ovis, Leptospirose e Neospora caninum resultaram negativos, enquanto o exame para Toxoplasma gondii foi positivo.


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The elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), an abundant bacterial protein involved in protein synthesis, has been shown to display moonlighting activities. Known to perform more than one function at different times or in different places, it is found in several subcellular locations in a single organism, and may serve as a virulence factor in a range of important human pathogens. Here we demonstrate that Leptospira EF-Tu is surface-exposed and performs additional roles as a cell-surface receptor for host plasma proteins. It binds plasminogen in a dose-dependent manner, and lysine residues are critical for this interaction. Bound plasminogen is converted to active plasmin, which, in turn, is able to cleave the natural substrates C3b and fibrinogen. Leptospira EF-Tu also acquires the complement regulator Factor H (FH). FH bound to immobilized EF-Tu displays cofactor activity, mediating C3b degradation by Factor I (FI). In this manner, EF-Tu may contribute to leptospiral tissue invasion and complement inactivation. To our knowledge, this is the first description of a leptospiral protein exhibiting moonlighting activities