56 resultados para Leme, Sebastião

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The study of biological invasions can be roughly divided into three parts: detection, monitoring, mitigation. Here, our objectives were to describe the marine fauna of the area of the port of São Sebastião (on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, in the São Sebastião Channel, SSC) to detect introduced species. Descriptions of the faunal community of the SSC with respect to native and allochthonous (invasive or potentially so) diversity are lacking for all invertebrate groups. Sampling was carried out by specialists within each taxonomic group, in December 2009, following the protocol of the Rapid Assessment Survey (RAS) in three areas with artificial structures as substrates. A total of 142 species were identified (61 native, 15 introduced, 62 cryptogenic, 4 not classified), of which 17 were Polychaeta (12, 1, 1, 3), 24 Ascidiacea (3, 6, 15, 0), 36 Bryozoa (17, 0, 18, 1), 27 Cmdana (2, 1, 24, 0), 20 Crustacea (11, 4, 5, 0), 2 Entoprocta (native), 16 Mollusca (13, 3, 0, 0). Twelve species are new occurrences for the SSC. Among the introduced taxa, two are new for coastal Brazil. Estimates of introduced taxa are conservative as the results of molecular studies suggest that some species previously considered cryptogenic are indeed introduced. We emphasize that the large number of cryptogenic species illustrates the need for a long-term monitoring program, especially in areas most susceptible to bioinvasion. We conclude that rapid assessment studies, even in relatively well-known regions, can be very useful for the detection of introduced species and we recommend that they be carried out on a larger scale in all ports with heavy ship traffic.


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Phyllopodopsyllus iuanamai sp. nov. and Phyllopodopsyllus pseudokunzi sp. nov. are described from specimens collected in the Channel of São Sebastião (State of São Paulo, Brazil). The nauplii of P. iuanamai, P. pseudokunzi, P. aegypticus Nicholls, 1944 are described, additional information is given on nauplii and morphology of the adult P. setouchiensis Kitazima, 1981, and on the nauplius of Laophontella horrida (Por, 1964). These represent first records of P. aegypticus and L. horrida in Brazilian waters.


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Avaliação dos Níveis de Metais, Arsênio e Fósforo em Sedimentos Superficiais Marinhos do Arquipélago dos Alcatrazes (São Sebastião – SP) e das Ilhas das Cabras e Palmas (Ubatuba – SP) Natasha TraveniskHoffa*, Rubens César Lopes Figueiraa, Denis M. S. Abessab aInstituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, Praça do Oceanográfico - 191, São Paulo - SP, Brasil bUniversidade Estadual Paulista – Campus Experimental Litoral Paulista, Praça Infante Dom Henrique - s/nº, São Vicente – SP, Brasil *e-mail da autora: tashahoff@gmail.com A obtenção dos valores naturais de metais traço nos sedimentos é uma importante informação para estabelecer valores-guias ou orientadores, que vêm sido utilizados por diversas agências ambientais pelo mundo para definir níveis de contaminação e toxicidade. Este trabalho avaliou os níveis de Al, As, Cr, Cu, P, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb e Zn nas imediações da Estação Ecológica (ESEC) Tupinambás - no Arquipélago de Alcatrazes (São Sebastião – SP) e nos arredores das Ilhas das Cabras e Palmas (Ubatuba – SP). Atualmente, a ESEC encontra-se teoricamente livre de influência antrópica, mas vem passando pelo processo de recategorização para tornar-se Parque Nacional Marinho (PARNAM). A inexistência de dados pretéritos específicos para a região torna este trabalho de relevância ambiental. Foram analisadas as concentrações dos elementos químicos aplicando-se os métodos de digestão ácida parcial e total do sedimento, além de parâmetros sedimentológicos (granulometria, teores de matéria orgânica - MO - e carbonato). Resultados mostraram predominância da fração arenosa nos sedimentos (48,7 - 96,6%). Os teores de carbonato estiveram maiores em Alcatrazes (3,2 - 76,6%) que nos ilhotes (2,2 - 68,1%), tendo o inverso sido observado com os teores de MO, tendo a primeira região apresentado valores entre 0,5 e 12,6%, e a segunda, entre 8,7 e 26,8%. Os níveis de metais mais elevados associados às maiores proporções da fração lamosa nas regiões em estudo. As e P apresentaram comportamento diferenciado, sem correlacionar-se com os demais, indicando uma possível contaminação da região. Ao final, estas concentrações, consideradas naturais, poderão ser utilizadas como dados de controle em futuros estudos ambientais e auxiliar na gestão do futuro PARNAM dos Alcatrazes.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento ecológico rápido da ictiofauna demersal, com ocorrência de pelágicos, e do ictioplâncton na região do Arquipélago dos Alcatrazes, São Sebastião (SP - Brasil), na Estação Ecológica Tupinambás. Foram realizadas 15 estações oceanográficas entre os dias 26 e 29 de setembro de 2011, a bordo do N/Pq. Soloncy Moura, do ICMBio. As amostras de ictiofauna foram coletadas com rede de arrasto de fundo com portas e para a coleta de ictioplâncton utilizou-se arrasto oblíquo com rede bongô. Os elasmobrânquios capturados foram pesados e medidos a bordo, sendo devolvidos vivos ao local de captura. Com relação à ictiofauna, foram registradas a ocorrência de 68 espécies, pertencentes a 32 famílias de actinopterígios e cinco de elasmobrânquios. Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus, Pagrus pagrus, Prionotus punctatus, Porichthys porosissimus, Dactilopterus volitans, Stephanolepis hispidus e Cyclichthys spinosus representaram 81 % dos organismos coletados. Dentre as espécies capturadas, 42 % são de ocorrência comum, tanto ao litoral central (Santos) como às plataformas interna e média do estado de São Paulo. 25 % das espécies já haviam sido registradas em um levantamento, realizado em 1989. Observou-se a ocorrência de Rhinobatos sp., cujos exemplares não foram identificados por se tratar de juvenis de pequeno porte. Em relação ao ictioplâncton, foram identificadas seis famílias de actinopterígios. Sciaenidae e Engraulidae representaram 74 % de um total de 41 larvas. Também foram encontrados 203 ovos, sendo 64 % concentrados principalmente nas estações mais costeiras ou próximas das ilhas, localizadas entre o continente e a Ilha de São Sebastião e a de Alcatrazes. Foram também encontradas paralarvas de Loliginidae e Argonautidae. Este trabalho representou um levantamento rápido, no qual já se observa a importância da região, devido à alta diversidade de espécies e abundância de larvas, além da ocorrência de espécies ameaçadas de extinção.


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The photo-induced toxicity of anthracene was investigated as the mortality in Antarctic shallow water amphipod, Gondogeneia antarctica, at different concentrations of anthracene and different periods of exposure to natural sunlight and artificial UVA and UVB radiations. When exposed to natural sunlight, animals contaminated in the dark and placed in clean water or in anthracene solutions showed different degrees of mortality, dose-time dependent. Effects were even more evident when these animals were exposed to artificial UVA or UVB radiations. Depuration seemed to be a slow process. The effects of UV radiation and anthracene alone and the effects of the interactions of these two stressors implied that solar radiation is an important parameter that deserves consideration in the environmental assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Antarctic coastal waters. G. antarctica proved to be a good bioindicator for the phototoxicity of anthracene in Antarctic shallow waters.


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Coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) concentrates are used in the treatment of patients with Hemophilia A. Human FVIII was purified directly from plasma using anion exchange chromatography followed by gel filtration. Three Q-Sepharose resins were tested, resulting in 40% recovery of FVIII activity using Q-Sepharose XL resin, about 80% using Q-Sepharose Fast Flow and 70% using the Q-Sepharose Big Beads. The vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors co-eluted with FVIII from the anion exchange columns. In the second step of purification, when Sepharose 6FF was used, 70% of FVIII activity was recovered free from vitamin K-dependent factors.


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O artigo discute trânsitos de imagens do real para reconfigurações artísticas, incluindo ainda questões sobre comunicação. A partir da obra do artista plástico Vik Muniz são trabalhadas as relações entre fotografia, o real e a arte. A origem indicial é ponto de partida para refletir sobre as diferentes camadas de construção, re-produção, re-apresentação e observação. Será feita uma comparação com as fotos de Sebastião Salgado. Autores como Josep M. Català, John Berger, Margarita Ledo, Paulo Herkenhoff e Susan Sontag fornecem a fundamentação teórica.


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The rise of new multinationals in countries like Brazil provides an opportunity to revisit and carefully construct theories of how firms internationalize, a topic on which extant theory is weak. Brazilian firms are "infant multinationals", unlike developed country firms that are "mature multinationals". They are also internationalizing in a very different global context, and can do so on the basis of different competitive advantages than multinationals that came before. Therefore, this study aims at creating subsidies for theory building about early-stage internationalization. Emerging country firms have Production competences as main competitive asset to internationalize, what reflects their competitive positioning in home markets and their entry strategy in international markets. In the case of early-entrants - Western multinationals in the 1950s and Japanese in the 1980s - the Production competence played a key role for successful internationalization. Thus, the focus of the study is the role that the Production competence plays in the internationalization of late-entrants, the emerging country multinationals. The research design considers not only the position of the headquarters but also the initiatives of the subsidiaries and the dynamic interplay between both. The paper allows a better understanding of internationalization processes and the role of Production, when firms start building their own international networks. It brings relevant insights about the paths that are being followed by emerging country multinationals, the difficulties they find, the solutions they develop. These are important inputs not only for new theory building but also for managerial practice. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Twenty-eight diabetics presenting with acute Charcot foot were immobilized and the temperature difference between limbs measured at each month. All patients had monthly follow-up visits for a year and the relapse rate was zero. We found that skin temperature is a good parameter to ensure safe immobilization withdrawal. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of lipid and selenium sources in diets for finishing Nellore steers on the fatty acid composition and selenium concentration of the longissimus muscle. Fifty Nellore steers (body weight = 458 +/- 39 kg) were assigned to one of six dietary treatments: 1) diet containing sunflower seed and inorganic selenium; 2) sunflower seed and organic selenium; 3) whole cottonseed and inorganic selenium; 4) whole cottonseed and organic selenium; 5) soybeans and inorganic selenium; and 6) soybeans and organic selenium. Diets were formulated with the same amount of nitrogen and calories and supplied once daily to steers in collective pens, with three animals per pen, for 120 d. At the end of the trial, steers were slaughtered and samples of the longissimus muscle were collected for fatty acid and selenium analysis. Effect of selenium sources was detected for selenium concentration in the longissimus muscle. Organic selenium had higher concentrations in the meat compared with inorganic selenium. The total saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids did not differ between the sources of lipids and selenium. For selenium sources, no differences were observed between the concentrations of polyunsaturated fat. Also, no differences in C18:2 cis-9 trans-11 concentrations were noted; however, steers fed sunflower seed presented greater proportions of this fatty acid in the meat. The results indicated that the use of sunflower seed, cottonseed or soybeans and organic or inorganic selenium in feedlot diets to Nellore cattle does not alter the great part of the fatty acid profile of the longissimus muscle. However, the inclusion of sunflower seed in the diet increases the meat CLA cis-9, trans-11, which is desirable and beneficial for the health of consumers.


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Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to compare time-motion indicators during judo matches performed by athletes from different age groups. The following age groups were analysed: Pre-Juvenile (13-14 years, n=522), Juvenile (15-16 years, n 353); Junior (19 years, n = 349) and Senior (>20 years, n = 587). The time-motion indicators included: Total Combat Time, Standing Combat Time, Displacement Without Contact, Gripping Time, Groundwork Combat Time and Pause Time. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) one-way and the Tukey test, as well as the Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney (for non-parametric data), were conducted, using P < 0.05 as significance level. The results showed that all analysed groups obtained a median of 7 (first quantile - 3, third quantile - 12) sequences of combat/pause cycles. In total time of combat, the result was: for Total Combat Time, Standing Combat Time and Gripping Time: Pre-Juvenile and Senior were significantly longer than Juvenile and Junior. Considering Displacement Without Contact, Junior was significantly longer than all other age groups. For Groundwork Combat Time, Senior was significantly longer than all other age groups and Pre-Juvenile was longer than Junior. These results can be used to improve the physiological performance in intermittent practices, as well as technicaltactical training during judo sessions.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the fatty acid composition of the longissimus dorsi muscle in carcasses of 3/4 Bos taurus taurus 1/4 Bos taurus indicus steers fed different sources of fatty acids. Thirty-six steers aged 14 months, with a mean live weight of 320 kg, were fed the following diets for 96 days:1) control diet, containing no supplemental fat source; 2) CaSFA, diet containing 50 g calcium salts of fatty acids per kg total dry matter; 3) CS diet, containing 210 g cottonseed per kg total dry matter. The fatty acid composition of the longissimus dorsi muscle was determined by gas chromatography. No difference in slaughter weight, carcass weight, backfat thickness, or longissimus dorsi muscle area was observed between animals receiving the diets CaSFA and CS. Animals consuming the two fat-supplemented diets presented higher concentrations of oleic (C18:1), palmitic (C16:0) and stearic (C18:0) acids, corresponding to an average 80.76% of total fatty acids, and higher concentrations of vaccenic acid (C18:1 t11) in the muscle when compared with the control group. Supplementation of the diet of feedlot crossbred steers with CaSFA or cottonseed did not promote significant alterations in the lipid composition of the longissimus dorsi muscle.


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This paper estimates the impact of the use of structured methods on the quality of education for students in primary public school in Brazil. Structured methods encompass a range of pedagogical and managerial instruments applied in the educational system. In recent years, several municipalities in the state of Sao Paulo have contracted out private educational providers to implement these structured methods in their schooling systems. Their pedagogical proposal involves structuring of curriculum content, development of teacher and student textbooks, and the training and supervision of teachers anti instructors. Using a difference-in-differences estimation strategy, we find that the 4th- and 8th-grade students in the municipalities with structured methods performed better in Portuguese and mathematics than did students in municipalities not exposed to these methods. We find no differences in passing rates. A robustness test supports the assumption that there is no unobserved municipal characteristics associated with proficiency changes over time that may affect the results. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.