7 resultados para IMMUNOPHENOTYPING

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Objective: To investigate the significance of cellular immune markers, as well as that of collagen and elastic components of the extracellular matrix, within granulomatous structures in biopsies of patients with pulmonary or extrapulmonary sarcoidosis. Methods: We carried out qualitative and quantitative evaluations of inflammatory cells, collagen fibers, and elastic fibers in granulomatous structures in surgical biopsies of 40 patients with pulmonary and extrapulmonary sarcoidosis using histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry, picrosirius red staining, and Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin staining. Results: The extrapulmonary tissue biopsies presented significantly higher densities of lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils than did the lung tissue biopsies. Pulmonary granulomas showed a significantly higher number of collagen fibers and a lower density of elastic fibers than did extrapulmonary granulomas. The amount of macrophages in the lung samples correlated with FVC (p < 0.05), whereas the amount of CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ lymphocytes correlated with the FEV1/FVC ratio and VC. There were inverse correlations between TLC and the CD1a+ cell count (p < 0.05), as well as between DLCO and collagen/elastic fiber density (r = -0.90; p = 0.04). Conclusions: Immunophenotyping and remodeling both showed differences between pulmonary and extrapulmonary sarcoidosis in terms of the characteristics of the biopsy samples. These differences correlated with the clinical and spirometric data obtained for the patients, suggesting that two different pathways are involved in the mechanism of antigen clearance, which was more effective in the lungs and lymph nodes.


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This paper chronicles a 2-year-old girl who presented with acute leukemia/lymphoma syndrome of the T cell immuno-phenotype. At this time, the cytogenetic analysis of her bone marrow cells showed a reciprocal translocation between the short arm of chromosome 12 and the long arm of chromosome 13, t(12;13)(p13;q14). The immunophenotyping of bone marrow blast cells by flow cytometry revealed a population of cells positive for CD56, CD117, CD45, partial CD33, partial HLA-DR, CD13, CD7, CD2 and CD5. Therefore, a diagnosis of acute leukemia with a mixed T cell/myeloid phenotype was made. The patient had a poor response to classic T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma therapy; thus, her treatment was changed to a myeloid leukemia protocol, which produced a good response. She underwent a successful cord blood transplantation from an unrelated HLA partially matched donor. The coexistence of these two phenotypes prompts questions about the existence of clonal instability, which might influence the choice of therapy. The rarity of the t(12;13)(p13;q14) and the coexistence of T cell/myeloid markers suggest a nonrandom association. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which a cell clone bearing a t(12;13)(p13;q14) translocation in a mixed T cell/myeloid lesion was detected. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objective: To describe clinical and laboratory characteristics in patients with tuberculosis-related or lymphoma-related lymphocytic pleural effusions, in order to identify the variables that might contribute to differentiating between these diseases. Methods: This was a retrospective study involving 159 adult HIV-negative patients with tuberculosis-related or lymphoma-related lymphocytic effusions (130 and 29 patients, respectively), treated between October of 2008 and March of 2010 at the Pleural Diseases Outpatient Clinic of the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clinicas Heart Institute, in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Results: Mean age and the mean duration of symptoms were lower in the tuberculosis group than in the lymphoma group. The levels of proteins, albumin, cholesterol, amylase, and adenosine deaminase (ADA) in pleural fluid, as well as the serum levels of proteins, albumin, and amylase, were higher in the tuberculosis group, whereas serum cholesterol and triglycerides were higher in the lymphoma group. Pleural fluid leukocyte and lymphocyte counts were higher in the tuberculosis group. Of the tuberculosis group patients, none showed malignant cells; however, 4 showed atypical lymphocytes. Among the lymphoma group patients, cytology for neoplastic cells was positive, suspicious, and negative in 51.8%, 24.1%, and 24.1%, respectively. Immunophenotyping of pleural fluid was conclusive in most of the lymphoma patients. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate clinical and laboratory similarities among the patients with tuberculosis or lymphoma. Although protein and ADA levels in pleural fluid tended to be higher in the tuberculosis group than in the lymphoma group, even these variables showed an overlap. However, none of the tuberculosis group patients had pleural fluid ADA levels below the 40-U/L cut-off point.


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Objective. The overall objective of this study was to assess the oral manifestations and their association with immunologic status and health history, of individuals with hypogammaglobulinemia. Study Design. A case-controlled study of 100 subjects with hypogammaglobulinemia and 93 control individuals was performed. All participants were examined for dental caries, periodontal disease, mucosal lesions/infections, and general oral health problems. Decayed, missing, filled teeth and community periodontal index were recorded. Complete blood count, serum immunoglobulins, and lymphocyte immunophenotyping were measured on the same day of the oral health assessment. Results. Individuals with hypogammaglobulinemia showed higher prevalence of enamel hypoplasia and complaints of dry mouth, and lower prevalence of dental caries and periodontal disease. Conclusions. The systemic conditions associated with hypogammaglobulinemia were not associated with enhanced susceptibility to caries, gingivitis, or periodontitis; however, individuals with hypogammaglobulinemia were more likely to report more episodes of recurrent aphthous ulcers compared with control individuals. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:e19-e24)


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Abstract Background The increase in life expectancy within the general population has resulted in an increasing number of elderly adults, including patients with Down syndrome (DS), with a current life expectancy of about 50 years. We evaluate the parameters of humoral and cellular immune response, the quantitative expression of the regulator of calcineurin1 gene (RCAN1) and the production of cytokines. The study group consisted of adults DS (n = 24) and a control group with intellectual disability without Down syndrome (ID) (n = 21) and living in a similar environmental background. It was evaluated serology, immunophenotyping, the quantitative gene expression of RCAN1 and the production of cytokines. Results In the DS group, the results showed an increase in NK cells, CD8, decreased CD19 (p < 0.05) and an increase spontaneous production of IFNgamma, TNFalpha and IL-10 (p < 0.05). There was not any difference in RCAN1 gene expression between the groups. Conclusions These data suggest a similar humoral response in the two groups. The immunophenotyping suggests sign of premature aging of the immune system and the cytokine production show a proinflammatory profile.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar o significado de marcadores de imunidade celular e de componentes elásticos/colágeno da matriz extracelular em estruturas granulomatosas em biópsias de pacientes com sarcoidose pulmonar ou extrapulmonar. MÉTODOS: Determinações qualitativas e quantitativas de células inflamatórias, de fibras de colágeno e de fibras elásticas em estruturas granulomatosas em biópsias cirúrgicas de 40 pacientes com sarcoidose pulmonar e extrapulmonar foram realizadas por histomorfometria, imuno-histoquímica, e técnicas de coloração com picrosirius e resorcina-fucsina de Weigert. RESULTADOS: A densidade de linfócitos, macrófagos e neutrófilos nas biópsias extrapulmonares foi significativamente maior do que nas biópsias pulmonares. Os granulomas pulmonares apresentaram uma quantidade significativamente maior de fibras de colágeno e menor densidade de fibras elásticas que os granulomas extrapulmonares. A quantidade de macrófagos nos granulomas pulmonares correlacionou-se com CVF (p < 0,05), ao passo que as quantidades de linfócitos CD3+, CD4+ e CD8+ correlacionaram-se com a relação VEF1/CVF e com CV. Houve correlações negativas entre CPT e contagem de células CD1a+ (p < 0,05) e entre DLCO e densidade de fibras colágenas/elásticas (r = -0,90; p = 0,04). CONCLUSÕES: A imunofenotipagem e o remodelamento apresentaram características diferentes nas biópsias dos pacientes com sarcoidose pulmonar e extrapulmonar. Essas diferenças correlacionaram-se com os dados clínicos e espirométricos dos pacientes, sugerindo que há duas vias envolvidas no mecanismo de depuração de antígenos, que foi mais eficaz nos pulmões e linfonodos.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O enxerto de gordura nos últimos anos voltou a ter destaque como aliado dos cirurgiões plásticos no preenchimento de partes moles, no rejuvenescimento facial volumétrico, nos refinamentos de reconstruções mamárias e por ser rica fonte de células-tronco de comportamento mesenquimal (células-tronco adipoderivadas). Considerando que essas células têm importante papel na angiogênese e na diferenciação adipogênica, com impacto direto na sobrevivência dos enxertos de gordura, determinar parâmetros que otimizem a sua obtenção é imperativo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar dois métodos de obtenção do tecido adiposo da região abdominal quanto ao número de células viáveis presentes na fração vásculo-estromal e analisar a expressão de marcadores de superfície. MÉTODO: Foram selecionadas 9 pacientes do sexo feminino submetidas a lipoaspiração. O tecido adiposo foi obtido da região abdominal infraumbilical. Da metade direita foram coletados 20 ml de gordura, empregando-se cânula acoplada a uma seringa, cujo êmbolo foi tracionado de 2 cc em 2 cc, gerando baixas pressões de aspiração (grupo manual). O mesmo processo foi repetido na metade esquerda, entretanto a cânula estava acoplada a um coletor intermediário estéril e esse a uma máquina de vácuo sob pressão negativa constante de 350 mmHg (grupo a vácuo). As amostras foram centrifugadas e a gordura da camada intermediária dos dois grupos foi submetida a contagem celular, estabelecimento de culturas e posterior imunofenotipagem. RESULTADOS: Este estudo demonstrou que, apesar de não haver diferença estatisticamente significativa, a obtenção da gordura da região abdominal empregando-se lipoaspirador com pressão negativa de 350 mmHg proporcionou maior número de células presentes na fração vásculo-estromal quando comparado à obtenção por meio de seringas de 10 ml, com baixas pressões de aspiração. CONCLUSÕES: O emprego de pressão negativa de 350 mmHg é seguro para a obtenção das células-tronco adipoderivadas e o rendimento celular entre os dois grupos não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa.