23 resultados para IGF-I and cell migration

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Background: The most frequent and malignant brain cancer is glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). In gliomas, tumor progression and poor prognosis are associated with the tumorigenic ability of the cells. U87MG cells (wild-type p53) are known to be tumorigenic in nude mice, but T98G cells (mutant p53) are not tumorigenic. We investigated the proteomic profiling of these two cell lines in order to gain new insights into the mechanisms that may be involved in tumorigenesis. Results: We found 24 differentially expressed proteins between T98G and U87MG cells. Gene Ontology supports the notion that over-representation of differentially expressed proteins is involved in glycolysis, cell migration and stress oxidative response. Among those associated with the glycolysis pathway, TPIS and LDHB are up-regulated in U87MG cells. Measurement of glucose consumption and lactate production suggests that glycolysis is more effective in U87MG cells. On the other hand, G6PD expression was 3-fold higher in T98G cells and this may indicate a shift to the pentose-phosphate pathway. Moreover, GRP78 expression was also three-fold higher in T98G than in U87MG cells. Under thapsigargin treatment both cell lines showed increased GRP78 expression and the effect of this agent was inversely correlated to cell migration. Quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry of GRP78 in patient samples indicated a higher level of expression of GRP78 in grade IV tumors compared to grade I and non-neoplastic tissues, respectively. Conclusions: Taken together, these results suggest an important role of proteins involved in key functions such as glycolysis and cell migration that may explain the difference in tumorigenic ability between these two glioma cell lines and that may be extrapolated to the differential aggressiveness of glioma tumors.


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Abstract Background Adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) components has been implicated in the proliferative and invasive properties of tumor cells. We investigated the ability of C6 glioma cells to attach to ECM components in vitro and described the regulatory role of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on their adhesion to the substrate, proliferation and migration. Results ECM proteins (type IV collagen, laminin and fibronectin) stimulate rat C6 glioma cell line adhesion in vitro, in a dose-dependent manner. The higher adhesion values were achieved with type IV collagen. Exogenous heparin or chondroitin sulfate impaired, in a dose-dependent manner the attachment of C6 glioma cell line to laminin and fibronectin, but not to type IV collagen. Dextran sulfate did not affect C6 adhesion to any ECM protein analyzed, indicating a specific role of GAGs in mediating glioma adhesion to laminin and fibronectin. GAGs and dextran sulfate did not induce C6 glioma detachment from any tested substrate suggesting specific effect in the initial step of cell adhesion. Furthermore, heparin and chondroitin sulfate impaired C6 cells proliferation on fibronectin, but not on type IV collagen or laminin. In contrast, both GAGs stimulate the glioma migration on laminin without effect on type IV collagen or fibronectin. Conclusion The results suggest that GAGs and proteoglycans regulate glioma cell adhesion to ECM proteins in specific manner leading to cell proliferation or cell migration, according to the ECM composition, thus modulating tumor cell properties.


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Hypoxia is one of many factors involved in the regulation of the IGF system. However, no information is available regarding the regulation of the IGF system by acute hypoxia in humans. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of acute hypoxia on the IGF system of children. Design: Twenty-seven previously health children (14 boys and 13 girls) aged 15 days to 9.5 years were studied in two different situations: during a hypoxemic state (HS) due to acute respiratory distress and after full recovery to a normoxemic state (NS). In these two situations oxygen saturation was assessed with a pulse-oximeter and blood samples were collected for serum IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-1, IGFBP-3, ALS and insulin determination by ELISA; fluoroimmunometric assay determination for GH and also for IGF1R gene expression analysis in peripheral lymphocytes by quantitative real-time PCR. Data were paired and analyzed by the Wilcoxon non-parametric test. Results: Oxygen saturation was significantly lower during HS than in NS (P<0.0001). IGF-I and IGF-II levels were lower during HS than in NS (P<0.0001 and P=0.0004. respectively). IGFBP-3 levels were also lower in HS than in NS (P=0.0002) while ALS and basal GH levels were higher during HS (P=0.0015 and P=0.014, respectively). Moreover, IGFBP-1 levels were higher during HS than in NS (P=0.004). No difference was found regarding insulin levels. The expression of IGF1R mRNA as 2(-Delta Delta CT) was higher during HS than in NS (P=0.03). Conclusion: The above results confirm a role of hypoxia in the regulation of the IGF system also in humans. This effect could be direct on the liver and/or mediated by GH and it is not restricted to the hepatocytes but involves other cell lines. During acute hypoxia a combination of alterations usually associated with reduced IGF action was observed. The higher expression of IGF1R mRNA may reflect an up-regulation of the transcriptional process. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Breast cancer metastasis is a leading cause of death by malignancy in women worldwide. Efforts are being made to further characterize the rate-limiting steps of cancer metastasis, i.e. extravasation of circulating tumor cells and colonization of secondary organs. In this study, we investigated whether angiotensin II, a major vasoactive peptide both produced locally and released in the bloodstream, may trigger activating signals that contribute to cancer cell extravasation and metastasis. We used an experimental in vivo model of cancer metastasis in which bioluminescent breast tumor cells (D3H2LN) were injected intra-cardiacally into nude mice in order to recapitulate the late and essential steps of metastatic dissemination. Real-time intravital imaging studies revealed that angiotensin II accelerates the formation of metastatic foci at secondary sites. Pre-treatment of cancer cells with the peptide increases the number of mice with metastases, as well as the number and size of metastases per mouse. In vitro, angiotensin II contributes to each sequential step of cancer metastasis by promoting cancer cell adhesion to endothelial cells, trans-endothelial migration and tumor cell migration across extracellular matrix. At the molecular level, a total of 102 genes differentially expressed following angiotensin II pretreatment were identified by comparative DNA microarray. Angiotensin II regulates two groups of connected genes related to its precursor angiotensinogen. Among those, up-regulated MMP2/MMP9 and ICAM1 stand at the crossroad of a network of genes involved in cell adhesion, migration and invasion. Our data suggest that targeting angiotensin II production or action may represent a valuable therapeutic option to prevent metastatic progression of invasive breast tumors.


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Recently, a nongenomic cytotoxic component of the chemotherapeutic agent tamoxifen (TAM) has been identified that predominantly triggers mitochondrial events. The present study delineates the intracellular fate of TAM and studies its interaction with a spectrum of cell homeostasis modulators primarily relevant to mitochondria. The subcellular localization of TAM was assessed by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The effect of the modulators on TAM cytotoxicity was assessed by standard MTT assays. Our findings show that in estrogen receptor positive MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cells and DU145 human prostate cancer cells, TAM largely accumulates in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, but not lysosomes. Our results further demonstrate that in MCF7, but not in DU145 cells, mitochondrial electron transport chain complex I and III inhibitors exacerbate TAM toxicity with an order of potency of myxothiazol = stigmatellin > rotenone > antimycin A, suggesting a cell-specific cytotoxic interplay between mitochondrial complex I and III function and TAM action.


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Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell (VSMC) migration into vessel neointima is a therapeutic target for atherosclerosis and postinjury restenosis. Nox1 NADPH oxidase-derived oxidants synergize with growth factors to support VSMC migration. We previously described the interaction between NADPH oxidases and the endoplasmic reticulum redox chaperone protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) in many cell types. However, physiological implications, as well as mechanisms of such association, are yet unclear. We show here that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) promoted subcellular redistribution of PDI concomitant to Nox1-dependent reactive oxygen species production and that siRNA-mediated PDI silencing inhibited such reactive oxygen species production, while nearly totally suppressing the increase in Nox1 expression, with no change in Nox4. Furthermore, PDI silencing inhibited PDGF-induced VSMC migration assessed by distinct methods, whereas PDI overexpression increased spontaneous basal VSMC migration. To address possible mechanisms of PDI effects, we searched for PDI interactome by systems biology analysis of physical protein-protein interaction networks, which indicated convergence with small GTPases and their regulator RhoGDI. PDI silencing decreased PDGF-induced Rac1 and RhoA activities, without changing their expression. PDI co-immunoprecipitated with RhoGDI at base line, whereas such association was decreased after PDGF. Also, PDI co-immunoprecipitated with Rac1 and RhoA in a PDGF-independent way and displayed detectable spots of perinuclear co-localization with Rac1 and RhoGDI. Moreover, PDI silencing promoted strong cytoskeletal changes: disorganization of stress fibers, decreased number of focal adhesions, and reduced number of RhoGDI-containing vesicular recycling adhesion structures. Overall, these data suggest that PDI is required to support Nox1/redox and GTPase-dependent VSMC migration.


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Testosterone has been implicated in vascular remodeling associated with hypertension. Molecular mechanisms underlying this are elusive, but oxidative stress may be important. We hypothesized that testosterone stimulates generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), with enhanced effects in cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). The mechanisms (genomic and nongenomic) whereby testosterone induces ROS generation and the role of c-Src, a regulator of redox-sensitive migration, were determined. VSMCs from male Wistar-Kyoto rats and SHRs were stimulated with testosterone (10(-7) mol/L, 0-120 minutes). Testosterone increased ROS generation, assessed by dihydroethidium fluorescence and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (30 minutes [SHR] and 60 minutes [both strains]). Flutamide (androgen receptor antagonist) and actinomycin D (gene transcription inhibitor) diminished ROS production (60 minutes). Testosterone increased Nox1 and Nox4 mRNA levels and p47phox protein expression, determined by real-time PCR and immunoblotting, respectively. Flutamide, actinomycin D, and cycloheximide (protein synthesis inhibitor) diminished testosterone effects on p47phox. c-Src phosphorylation was observed at 30 minutes (SHR) and 120 minutes (Wistar-Kyoto rat). Testosterone-induced ROS generation was repressed by 3-(4-chlorophenyl) 1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-day]pyrimidin-4-amine (c-Src inhibitor) in SHRs and reduced by apocynin (antioxidant/NADPH oxidase inhibitor) in both strains. Testosterone stimulated VSMCs migration, assessed by the wound healing technique, with greater effects in SHRs. Flutamide, apocynin, and 3-(4-chlorophenyl) 1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-day] pyrimidin-4-amine blocked testosterone-induced VSMCs migration in both strains. Our study demonstrates that testosterone induces VSMCs migration via NADPH oxidase-derived ROS and c-Src-dependent pathways by genomic and nongenomic mechanisms, which are differentially regulated in VSMCs from Wistar-Kyoto rats and SHRs. (Hypertension. 2012; 59: 1263-1271.). Online Data Supplement


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The advanced glycation end products, namely AGEs, contribute to long-termed complications of diabetes mellitus, including macroangiopathy, where smooth muscle cells (SMC) proliferation stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) isoforms and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) plays an important role. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of an AGE-modified extracellular matrix protein on IGF-I induced SMC proliferation and on the IGF-I-IGF binding protein 4 (IGFBP-4) axis under basal conditions and after stimulation with PDGF-BB. IGF-I resulted in significantly higher thymidine incorporation in SMC seeded on AGE-modified fibronectin (AGE-FN) in comparison to cells seeded on fibronectin (FN). This augmented proliferation could not be accounted for by increased expression of IGF-IR, by decreased secretion of IGFBP-4, a binding protein that inhibits IGF-I mitogenic effects or by increased IGF-IR autophosphorylation. PDGF-BB did not modulate IGF-IR and IGFBP-4 mRNA expression in any of the substrata, however, this growth factor elicited opposite effects on the IGFBP-4 content in the conditioned media, increasing it in cells plated on FN and diminishing it in cells plated on AGE-FN. These findings suggest that one mechanism by which AGE-modified proteins is involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes-associated atherosclerosis might be by increasing SMC susceptibility to IGF-I mitogenic effects.


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The vitamin E derivative (+)alpha-tocopheryl succinate (alpha-TOS) exerts pro-apoptotic effects in a wide range of tumors and is well tolerated by normal tissues. Previous studies point to a mitochondrial involvement in the action mechanism; however, the early steps have not been fully elucidated. In a model of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) derived from hCG-PML-RAR alpha transgenic mice, we demonstrated that alpha-TOS is as effective as arsenic trioxide or all-trans retinoic acid, the current gold standards of therapy. We also demonstrated that alpha-TOS induces an early dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential in APL cells and studies with isolated mitochondria revealed that this action may result from the inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I. Moreover, alpha-TOS promoted accumulation of reactive oxygen species hours before mitochondrial cytochrome c release and caspases activation. Therefore, an in vivo antileukemic action and a novel mitochondrial target were revealed for alpha-TOS, as well as mitochondrial respiratory complex I was highlighted as potential target for anticancer therapy. Leukemia (2012) 26, 451-460; doi:10.1038/leu.2011.216; published online 26 August 2011


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The aim of this study is to show histological and immunofluorescence analysis of renal parenchyma of agoutis affected by gentamicin-induced renal disease after the infusion of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) stained with Hoechst (R). Nine agouti's males were divided into three groups: Test group (TG): renal disease by gentamicin induced (n = 3), cell therapy group (CTG): renal disease by gentamicin induced and BMMC infusion (n = 3), and control group (CG): nonrenal disease and BMMC infusion (n = 3). TG and CTG were submitted to the protocol of renal disease induction using weekly application of gentamicin sulfate for 4 months. CG and CTG received a 1 X 108 BMMC stained with Hoechst and were euthanized for kidney examination 21 days after BMMC injection and samples were collected for histology and immunofluorescence analysis. Histological analysis demonstrated typical interstitial lesions in kidney similarly to human disease, as tubular necrosis, glomerular destruction, atrophy tubular, fibrotic areas, and collagen deposition. We conclude that histological analysis suggest a positive application of agouti's as a model for a gentamicin inducing of kidney disease, beyond the immunofluorescence analysis suggest a significant migration of BMMC to sites of renal injury in CTG. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The presence of tumor-initiating cells (CD44(+)/CD24(-)) in solid tumors has been reported as a possible cause of cancer metastasis and treatment failure. Nevertheless, little is know about the presence of CD44(+)/CD24(-) cells within the primary tumor and metastasis. The proportion of CD44(+)/CD24(-) cells was analyzed in 40 samples and in 10 lymph node metastases using flow cytometry phenotyping. Anti-human CD326 (EpCam; FITC), antihuman CD227 (MUC-1; FITC), anti-human CD44 (APC), and anti-human CD24 (PE), anti-ABCG2 (PE), and anti-CXCR4 (PeCy7) were used for phenotype analysis. The mean patient age was 60.5 years (range, 33-87 years); mean primary tumor size (pT) was 1.8 cm (0.5-3.5 cm). The Wilcoxon or Kruskal-Wallis test was used for univariate analyses. Logistic regression was used for multivariate analysis. The median percentage of CD44(+)/CD24(-) cells within primary invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC) was 2.7% (range, 0.2-71.2). In lymph node metastases, we observed a mean of 6.1% (range, 0.07-53.7). The percentage of CD44(+)/CD24(-) cells in IDCs was not associated with age, pT, tumor grade and HER2. We observed a significantly enrichment of CD44(+)/CD24(-) and ABCG2(+) cells in ESA(+) cell population in patients with positive lymph nodes (P = 0.02 and P = 0.04, respectively). Our data suggest that metastatic dissemination is associated with an increase in tumorinitiating cells in stage I and II breast cancer.


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Abstract Background Lung cancer often exhibits molecular changes, such as the overexpression of the ErbB1 gene. ErbB1 encodes epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a tyrosine kinase receptor, involved mainly in cell proliferation and survival. EGFR overexpression has been associated with more aggressive disease, poor prognosis, low survival rate and low response to therapy. ErbB1 amplification and mutation are associated with tumor development and are implicated in ineffective treatment. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the ErbB1 copy number affects EGFR expression, cell proliferation or cell migration by comparing two different cell lines. Methods The copies of ErbB1 gene was evaluated by FISH. Immunofluorescence and Western blotting were performed to determine location and expression of proteins mentioned in the present study. Proliferation was studied by flow cytometry and cell migration by wound healing assay and time lapse. Results We investigated the activation and function of EGFR in the A549 and HK2 lung cancer cell lines, which contain 3 and 6 copies of ErbB1, respectively. The expression of EGFR was lower in the HK2 cell line. EGFR was activated after stimulation with EGF in both cell lines, but this activation did not promote differences in cellular proliferation when compared to control cells. Inhibiting EGFR with AG1478 did not modify cellular proliferation, confirming previous data. However, we observed morphological alterations, changes in microfilament organization and increased cell migration upon EGF stimulation. However, these effects did not seem to be consequence of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Conclusion EGFR expression did not appear to be associated to the ErbB1 gene copy number, and neither of these aspects appeared to affect cell proliferation. However, EGFR activation by EGF resulted in cell migration stimulation in both cell lines.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze major histocompatibility complex expression in the muscle fibers of juvenile and adult dermatomyositis. METHOD: In total, 28 untreated adult dermatomyositis patients, 28 juvenile dermatomyositis patients (Bohan and Peter's criteria) and a control group consisting of four dystrophic and five Pompe's disease patients were analyzed. Routine histological and immunohistochemical (major histocompatibility complex I and II, StreptoABComplex/HRP, Dakopatts) analyses were performed on serial frozen muscle sections. Inflammatory cells, fiber damage, perifascicular atrophy and increased connective tissue were analyzed relative to the expression of major histocompatibility complexes I and II, which were assessed as negatively or positively stained fibers in 10 fields (200X). RESULTS: The mean ages at disease onset were 42.0 +/- 15.9 and 7.3 +/- 3.4 years in adult and juvenile dermatomyositis, respectively, and the symptom durations before muscle biopsy were similar in both groups. No significant differences were observed regarding gender, ethnicity and frequency of organ involvement, except for higher creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase levels in adult dermatomyositis (p<0.050). Moreover, a significantly higher frequency of major histocompatibility complex I (96.4% vs. 50.0%, p<0.001) compared with major histocompatibility complex II expression (14.3% vs. 53.6%, p = 0.004) was observed in juvenile dermatomyositis. Fiber damage (p = 0.006) and increased connective tissue (p<0.001) were significantly higher in adult dermatomyositis compared with the presence of perifascicular atrophy (p<0.001). The results of the histochemical and histological data did not correlate with the demographic data or with the clinical and laboratory features. CONCLUSION: The overexpression of major histocompatibility complex I was an important finding for the diagnosis of both groups, particularly for juvenile dermatomyositis, whereas there was lower levels of expression of major histocompatibility complex II than major histocompatibility complex I. This finding was particularly apparent in juvenile dermatomyositis.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate lyophilized bovine colostrum as an alternative source of passive immunity and insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I) for goat kids, considering newborns consuming non-maternal colostrum. Twenty-nine male newborns received 5% of body weight of lyophilized bovine (LBC) or goat colostrum (GC), both with 55 mg/mL of IgG, at 0, 7 and 14 h of life. Blood samples were collected at 0, 7, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h of life to determine serum IgG, total protein (TP), IGF-I and apparent efficiency of IgG absorption at 7, 14, 18 and 24 h (AEA(7hr), AEA(14hr), AEA(18hr), AEA(total), respectively). In LBC, the values of serum IgG at 14, 18,24 and 48 h (13.1, 13.4, 14.1 and 14.6 mg/mL, respectively) were higher than the values at 0 and 7 h (0.04 and 6.9 mg/mL, respectively). In GC, the serum IgG at 18 h (9.3 mg/mL) was higher than the value at 7 h (5.5 mg/mL). AEA(7hr) and AEA(14hr) in LBC were the same (19.2 and 18.5%, respectively, P>0.05) and the values of AEA(18hr) and AEA(total), 9.3 and 9.5%, respectively, were equal and smaller than AEA(7hr), and AEA(14hr). In GC, AEA(7hr), 20.8%, was higher than AEA(14hr), 16.1% (P<0.05) and AEA(18hr), and AEA(total), 9.2 and 8.0%, respectively, were equal and smaller than AEA(7hr) and AEA(14hr). The serum TP and IGF-I were not affected by colostrum feeding. Considering the variables study in the present work, lyophilized bovine colostrum constitutes a promising alternative substitute to goat colostrum in newborn goat kids, since the supply of immunoglobulins and IGF-I was suitable for the kids. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: This study evaluated the 56-month clinical performance of Class I and II resin composite restorations. Filtek P60 was compared with Filtek Z250, which are both indicated for posterior restorations but differ in terms of handling characteristics. The null hypothesis tested was that there is no difference in the clinical performance of the two resin composites in posterior teeth. Material and Methods: Thirty-three patients were treated by the same operator, who prepared 48 Class I and 42 Class II cavities, which were restored with Single Bond/Filtek Z250 or Single Bond/Filtek P60 restorative systems. Restorations were evaluated by two independent examiners at baseline and after 56 months, using the modified USPHS criteria. Data were analyzed statistically using Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests (alpha=0.05). Results: After 56 months, 25 patients (31 Class I and 36 Class II) were analyzed. A 3% failure rate occurred due to secondary caries and excessive loss of anatomic form for P60. For both restorative systems, there were no significant differences in secondary caries and postoperative sensitivity. However, significant changes were observed with respect to anatomic form, marginal discoloration, and marginal adaptation. Significant decreases in surface texture were observed exclusively for the Z250 restorations. Conclusions: Both restorative systems can be used for posterior restorations and can be expected to perform well in the oral environment.