10 resultados para Human beings.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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What would be the ""terrible loneliness"" and what would be the ""wonderful agreement"" in the present paper? The ""terrible loneliness"" is the only reality that a person perceives and/or thinks during the now going on. For the person, an enormous quantity of occurrences is in the present moment absent. A very small quantity of occurrences is present. The person is the only being in having this. And, this is only during a little moment. The person never thinks about his loneliness in this moment. On the contrary, he thinks he is plenty of people and full of occurrences. But, if he were thinking about reality, he would live in a terrible loneliness. How does he escape himself from this loneliness? He thinks that the probable occurrences are real occurrences. He may be right in a plenty of times. Going through what I call opening hypotheses-basic hypotheses and non-basic but important hypotheses-and going through what I call simply hypotheses he is able to sanction a wonderful agreement of human beings about the known parts of the Universe. However, they are hypotheses, not absolute realities.


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Na sociedade contemporânea o ser humano se vê inserido – ou invadido – em ambientes cada vez mais configurados por complexos recursos tecnológicos. É o ciberespaço, onde as imagens inundam o cotidiano e se traduzem em valor, o corpo adquire novo status imaterial e as noções de lugar e tempo se transformam e quase se anulam. O cinema pensa e produz também uma desterritorialização da imagem em movimento desde os seus primeiros tempos de imagem-máquina. Este trabalho reflete sobre as transformações da ordem social que implicam a emergência de uma “iconomia” a partir dos espaços simbólicos, tomando três momentos críticos na história do cinema como índices de uma convergência entre material e imaterial que se consolida a partir da emergência do ciberespaço. O quase-método metapórico é mobilizado como ferramenta de reconstrução metodológica desses ícones da história do cinema relacionados à desconstrução do Homo faber. O “outro lado” do ciberespaço, abrindo continuamente novos espaços-tempos de criação de valor, identifica-se a uma iconomia em que as projeções narrativas tornam-se fontes paradigmáticas de valor e de “mais gozar”.


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Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae causes a variety of diseases in many animal species, including human beings. Most human infections caused by this pathogen are related to occupational exposure, and swine are considered to be the most important reservoir of E. rhusiopathiae. The white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) is an ungulate that has some genetic relationship to swine, and since the demand for T. pecari meat has recently increased in Brazil and nothing is known about the relationship of this peccary with the occupational zoonotic agent, E. rhusiopathiae, an investigation on the matter was conducted. Tonsils from 21 T. pecari slaughtered in southern Brazil were examined, and one animal was positive for E. rhusiopathiae isolation. Five colonies of this positive specimen had their species identity confirmed by PCR, and were characterized by serotyping, broth microdilution susceptibility test, and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). All colonies belonged to serotype 2b, and presented identical susceptibility profiles. Nevertheless, the five colonies showed three different PFGE profiles, demonstrating the occurrence of infection by different E. rhusiopathiae genotypes. This is the first report of E. rhusiopathiae infection in T. pecari as well as the first description of animals carrying different E. rhusiopathiae genotypes.


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During 2008D2010, ticks were collected from road-killed wild animals within the Serra dos Orgaos National Park area in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In total, 193 tick specimens were collected, including Amblyomma dubitatum Neumann and Amblyomma cajennense (F.) from four Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (L.), Amblyomma calcaratum Neumann and A. cajennense from four Tamandua tetradactyla (L.), Amblyomma aureolatum (Pallas) and A. cajennense from five Cerdocyon thous L., Amblyomma longirostre (Koch) from one Sphiggurus villosus (Cuvier), Amblyomma varium Koch from three Bradypus variegatus Schinz, and A. cajennense from one Buteogallus meridionalis (Latham). Molecular analyses based on polymerase chain reaction targeting two rickettsial genes (gltA and ompA) on tick DNA extracts showed that 70.6% (12/17) of the A. dubitatum adult ticks, and all Amblyomma sp. nymphal pools collected from capybaras were shown to contain rickettsial DNA, which after DNA sequencing, revealed to be 100% identical to the recently identified Rickettsia sp. strain Pampulha from A. dubitatum ticks collected in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Phylogenetic analysis with concatenated sequences (gltA-ompA) showed that our sequence from A. dubitatum ticks, referred to Rickettsia sp. strain Serra dos Orgaos, segregated under 99% bootstrap support in a same cluster with Old World rickettsiae, namely R. tamurae, R. monacensis, and Rickettsia sp. strain 774e. Because A. dubitatum is known to bite humans, the potential role of Rickettsia sp. strain Serra dos Orgaos as human pathogen must be taken into account, because both R. tamurae and R. monacencis have been reported infecting human beings.


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In 1970, searching for the interspecies transmission of influenza viruses led to the first study on influenza viruses in domestic animals. Birds and mammals, including human beings, are their natural hosts; however, other animals may also play a role in the virus epidemiology. The objective was to investigate the incidence of influenza viruses in adult dogs raised in rural (9, 19.56%) and urban (37, 80.43%) areas in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dog serum samples were examined for antibodies to influenza viruses by the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test using the corresponding antigens from the circulating viruses in Brazil. Dogs from rural areas presented antibodies to influenza A H3N2, and influenza A H7N7 and H3N8. In rural areas, dog sera displayed mean titers as 94.37, 227.88, 168.14, 189.62 HIU/25 mu L for subtypes H1N1, H3N2, H7N7, H3N8, respectively. About 84% and 92% of dogs from urban areas exhibited antibodies to human influenza A H1N1 and H3N2, respectively, with statistical difference at p < 0.05 between the mean titers of antibodies to H1N1 and H3N2. About 92% and 100% were positive for H7N7 and H3N8, respectively. In dogs from urban areas, the mean titers of antibodies against influenza A H1N1, H3N2, H7N7 and H3N8, were 213.96, 179.42, 231.76, 231.35 HIU/25 mu L respectively. The difference among them was not statistically significant at p > 0.05. In conclusion, these dogs were positive for both human and equine influenza viruses. The present study suggests the first evidence that influenza viruses circulate among dogs in Brazil.


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Shared attention is a type of communication very important among human beings. It is sometimes reserved for the more complex form of communication being constituted by a sequence of four steps: mutual gaze, gaze following, imperative pointing and declarative pointing. Some approaches have been proposed in Human-Robot Interaction area to solve part of shared attention process, that is, the most of works proposed try to solve the first two steps. Models based on temporal difference, neural networks, probabilistic and reinforcement learning are methods used in several works. In this article, we are presenting a robotic architecture that provides a robot or agent, the capacity of learning mutual gaze, gaze following and declarative pointing using a robotic head interacting with a caregiver. Three learning methods have been incorporated to this architecture and a comparison of their performance has been done to find the most adequate to be used in real experiment. The learning capabilities of this architecture have been analyzed by observing the robot interacting with the human in a controlled environment. The experimental results show that the robotic head is able to produce appropriate behavior and to learn from sociable interaction.


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Os indicadores sociais se tornaram imprescindíveis no elenco de variáveis dos estudos epidemiológicos a partir da constatação de que a determinação dos agravos à saúde é complexa e multidimensional. Nessa perspectiva, a desigualdade social vem ocupando destaque como um fator explicativo das condições de saúde das populações. O objetivo é discutir as diferentes concepções que norteiam a seleção dos indicadores utilizados nos estudos epidemiológicos e abordar os efeitos psicossociais nos seres humanos acarretados pela desigualdade social. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura acerca dos estudos epidemiológicos que utilizaram os indicadores de desigualdade social e capital social para uma melhor compreensão dos problemas de saúde, bem como uma investigação no campo da sociologia e da psicologia social. De acordo com a pesquisa pode-se constatar que há controvérsias sobre o efeito da desigualdade social na saúde humana pelo fato desses indicadores serem baseados, majoritariamente, pela renda e capacidade de consumo dos indivíduos. Da mesma forma, os indicadores de capital social em nível cognitivo e estrutural são muito limitados para compreender o dinamismo das relações sociais. Nesse sentido, são necessários mais estudos para a construção de indicadores sociais que contemplem a complexidade das sociedades modernas.


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Although the theory of evolution is more than 150 years old, a substantial proportion of the world population does not mention it when explaining the origin of human beings. The usual alternative conception is offered by creationism, one of the main obstacles to full acceptance of evolution in many countries. National polls have demonstrated that schooling and religiosity are negatively correlated, with scientists being one of the least religious professionals. Herein we analyzed both (1) the profile of 1st semester undergraduate students and (2), thesis and dissertations, concerning religious and evolutionary thoughts from Biology and Veterinary Schools at the largest university of South America. We have shown that students of Biology are biased towards evolution before they enter university and also that the presence of an evolutionary-thinking academic atmosphere influences the deism/religiosity beliefs of postgraduate students.


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A presente pesquisa verificou se a legislação surgida após a Segunda Guerra Mundial foi apta a inibir o comportamento maleficente de médicos no auxílio em especializar, dissimular e acobertar a tortura. Foi demonstrado o envolvimento médico com experimentos em seres humanos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e corroborou-se que a maleficência médica ainda é usada nos dias de hoje na sociedade contemporânea, permitindo aos profissionais de saúde, desde o período da Guerra Fria, o envolvimento com a tortura e a consequente violação dos princípios da Bioética, especialmente, na conjuntura atualíssima da guerra norte-americana contra o terrorismo. Ao final foram propostas soluções, tendo em vista as noções de Bioética, as normas de Direito Internacional e os Direitos Humanos


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O Mycobacterium bovis incluído no complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis pode infectar várias espécies de animais domésticos e silvestres. Embora acometa principalmente animais da espécie bovina também pode infectar outros mamíferos e inclusive os seres humanos, nos quais determina um quadro clínico indistinguível do causado pelo M. tuberculosis. Em diversos países desenvolvidos, devido à aplicação de rigorosas medidas de controle e consequente redução da prevalência da tuberculose bovina, bem como de infecções em outras espécies de animais pelo M. bovis houve em decréscimo dos níveis de ocorrência desta patologia e o tema passou a ser considerado de menor importância. No entanto, nos países em desenvolvimento, a infecção por M. bovis ainda representa um importante risco para a saúde pública, pois tem sido observada nos animais domésticos, silvestres e em seres humanos. O presente trabalho analisa a importância da infecção pelo Mycobacterium bovis em termos de saúde pública.