11 resultados para Hilbert, Espaço de

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Vortex-induced motion (VIM) is a highly nonlinear dynamic phenomenon. Usual spectral analysis methods, using the Fourier transform, rely on the hypotheses of linear and stationary dynamics. A method to treat nonstationary signals that emerge from nonlinear systems is denoted Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) method. The development of an analysis methodology to study the VIM of a monocolumn production, storage, and offloading system using HHT is presented. The purposes of the present methodology are to improve the statistics analysis of VIM. The results showed to be comparable to results obtained from a traditional analysis (mean of the 10% highest peaks) particularly for the motions in the transverse direction, although the difference between the results from the traditional analysis for the motions in the in-line direction showed a difference of around 25%. The results from the HHT analysis are more reliable than the traditional ones, owing to the larger number of points to calculate the statistics characteristics. These results may be used to design risers and mooring lines, as well as to obtain VIM parameters to calibrate numerical predictions. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4003493]


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In this paper, a definition of the Hilbert transform operating on Colombeau's temperated generalized functions is given. Similar results to some theorems that hold in the classical theory, or in certain subspaces of Schwartz distributions, have been obtained in this framework.


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We study isoparametric submanifolds of rank at least two in a separable Hilbert space, which are known to be homogeneous by the main result in [E. Heintze and X. Liu, Ann. of Math. (2), 149 (1999), 149-181], and with such a submanifold M and a point x in M we associate a canonical homogeneous structure I" (x) (a certain bilinear map defined on a subspace of T (x) M x T (x) M). We prove that I" (x) , together with the second fundamental form alpha (x) , encodes all the information about M, and we deduce from this the rigidity result that M is completely determined by alpha (x) and (Delta alpha) (x) , thereby making such submanifolds accessible to classification. As an essential step, we show that the one-parameter groups of isometries constructed in [E. Heintze and X. Liu, Ann. of Math. (2), 149 (1999), 149-181] to prove their homogeneity induce smooth and hence everywhere defined Killing fields, implying the continuity of I" (this result also seems to close a gap in [U. Christ, J. Differential Geom., 62 (2002), 1-15]). Here an important tool is the introduction of affine root systems of isoparametric submanifolds.


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We analyze reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of positive definite kernels on a topological space X being either first countable or locally compact. The results include versions of Mercer's theorem and theorems on the embedding of these spaces into spaces of continuous and square integrable functions.


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This article reflects on the use of information in the production of spatialities and is part of an ongoing research about Project Experiences in Contemporary Housing that analyzes the projects of the Dutch office MVRDV. The text presented here focuses on the mapping of information as design process, a methodology used by the office that positions its production between research and project investigation. Then, it presents the Silodam project, a case study to illustrate aspects of the analysis intended by the research.


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O Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Tecnologia da Informação nos Processos de Trabalho em Enfermagem (GEPETE) visa produzir e socializar o conhecimento na área de tecnologia da informação e comunicação na saúde e enfermagem, articular a integração com grupos de pesquisas desta área e propiciar a participação de alunos. O estudo realizado pelos tutores teve como objetivo relatar a construção do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) e a experiência dos tutores como mediadores de um grupo de pesquisa na plataforma Moodle. Para tanto, foi construído um AVA, realizada a mediação pedagógica sob a temática tutoria e o diagnóstico inicial em relação às dificuldades na utilização da tecnologia na interatividade e na comunicação, o que permitiu a proposição da continuidade da utilização da plataforma como um recurso para apoiar as atividades de pesquisa, oferecer aos líderes pesquisadores mecanismos para socialização dos projetos e possibilidades de orientação à distância.


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Este artigo trata do segmento populacional urbano identificado como morador de rua, que é também pessoa com deficiência. É um contingente que pode ser considerado duplamente excluído: pela pobreza e pela deficiência, cujas consequências sociais marcam e comprometem profundamente a vida dessas pessoas. Esse contexto adverso acarreta questões que merecem aprofundamento, assim como ganhar visibilidade. A relevância do tema inspirou um arranjo de investigação que procurou conhecer, compreender e refletir sobre demandas por meio de histórias individuais entrelaçadas na história social.


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This article reflects on the use of information in the production of spatialities and is part of an ongoing research about Project Experiences in Contemporary Housing that analyzes the projects of the Dutch office MVRDV. The text presented here focuses on the mapping of information as design process, a methodology used by the office that positions its production between research and project investigation. Then, it presents the Silodam project, a case study to illustrate aspects of the analysis intended by the research.


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We study the action of a weighted Fourier–Laplace transform on the functions in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) associated with a positive definite kernel on the sphere. After defining a notion of smoothness implied by the transform, we show that smoothness of the kernel implies the same smoothness for the generating elements (spherical harmonics) in the Mercer expansion of the kernel. We prove a reproducing property for the weighted Fourier–Laplace transform of the functions in the RKHS and embed the RKHS into spaces of smooth functions. Some relevant properties of the embedding are considered, including compactness and boundedness. The approach taken in the paper includes two important notions of differentiability characterized by weighted Fourier–Laplace transforms: fractional derivatives and Laplace–Beltrami derivatives.


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A Biblioteca Digital de Cartografia Histórica da Universidade de São Paulo disponibiliza uma série de versões em alta resolução de mapas impressos entre os séculos XV e XIX, acompanhados de referências biográficas, cartobibliográficas, editoriais e históricas. Concebida para rastrear dados de outros sites similares, ela se constitui também em uma útil ferramenta de pesquisa