5 resultados para Harland, Marion, 1830-1922.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The deep-water molluscs collected during the expedition MD55 off SE Brazil have been gradually studied in some previous papers. The present one is focused on samples belonging to caenogastropod taxa Xenophoridae Troschel, 1852, Cypraeoidea Rafinesque, 1815, mitriforms and Terebridae Morch, 1852. Regarding the Xenophoridae, Onustus aquitanus n. sp. is a new species, collected off the littoral of Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 430-637 m depth (continental slope). The main characters of the species include the small size (c. 20 mm), the proportionally wide shell, the white colour, the short peripheral flange, the oblique riblets weakly developed and a brown multispiral protoconch. This appears to be the smallest living species of the family, resembling in this aspect fossil species. In respect to the Cypraeoidea, the following results were obtained: family Cypraeidae Rafinesque, 1815: Erosaria acicularis (Gmelin, 1791) and Luria cinerea (Gmelin, 1791) had the deepest record, respectively 607-620 m and 295-940 m, although the samples were all dead, eroded shells. Family Lamellariidae d'Orbigny, 1841: a total of three lots were collected, provisionally identified as Lamellaria spp. as the samples consist of only vestigial shells; possibly each lot represents a different species. Family Pediculariidae Gray, 1853: a sample of Pedicularia tibia Simone, 2005 was found, expanding the range c. 1000 km southwards, from Ceara to Espirito Santo. Family Ovulidae Fleming, 1822: Pseudosimnia lacrima n. sp., collected off Espirito Santo, 607-620 m depth, is described here and is mainly characterised by its strong biconic outline, small size (c. 7 mm), and a thick peripheral callus. Family Triviidae Troschel, 1863: Cleotrivia antillarum (Schilder, 1922) is recorded for the first time as deep as 620 m, and its distribution expanded from Rio Grande do Norte to Espirito Santo; Dolichupis akangus n. sp. with rounded outline and c. 15 transverse ribs; D. pingius n. sp. with the outer lip expanded posteriorly and c. 10 ribs. In respect to the mitriform neogastropods, the following species are emphasised: family Costellariidae MacDonald, 1860: Vexillum sp., 607-620 m depth; Turricostellaria amphissa n. sp., 295 m depth; T. jukyry n. sp.; T. apyrahi n. sp., both 790-1575 m depth; T. ovir n. sp., 1200 m depth; Nodicostellaria crassa (Simone, 1995), 240-600 m depth, with extension northwards of the range up to Espirito Santo; Austromitra decresca n. sp., 60-105 m depth. Family Mitridae Swainson, 1829: Subcancilla joapyra n. sp., 295 m depth; S. cf. straminea (Adams, 1853), 607-620 m depth. Family Volutomitridae Gray, 1854: Microvoluta corona n. sp., 1500-1575 m depth. Family Mitromorphidae Casey, 1904: Mitromorpha sama n. sp., 607-940 m depth; M. mirim n. sp., 60105 m depth. Regarding the conoidean Terebridae, this paper is a complement of a previous study. It deals with a new species Terebra assu Simone n. sp., from the Abrolhos Bank, 295 m depth, characterised by its narrow outline, yellowish colour, weak sculpture on the last whorls, and a proportionally broad, paucispiral protoconch. A second finding of Terebra alagoensis Lima, Tenorio & Barros, 2007 expands the geographic range from Alagoas to north Espirito Santo. A discussion on the systematics of the "complex Terebra doellojuradoi" in South American coast is also provided, highlighting the improbability of synonymy between T. leptapsis Simone, 1999 and T doellojuradoi Carcelles, 1953. Differences in size, sculpture, spire angulation, aperture, and mainly in protoconch, indicate specific separations. The presently studied terebrids belong to the "complex Terebra doellojuradoi", which encompasses closely related, deep-water, small species, possessing a relatively high degree of endemicity.


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The Diptera collection of the Natural History Museum Berlin holds one of the most important collections of Neriidae. In this paper, the type specimens (holotypes, lectotypes, paratypes, paralectotypes, syntypes) of this historical collection are listed. 28 species-group taxa are dealt with. A lectotype designation is made for the species Brachantichir purpusianus Enderlein, 1922 in order to fix the identity of the name. Holotypes are recognized by monotypy of the species Chaetomeristes bullatus Enderlein, 1922; Chaetomeristes peruanus Enderlein, 1922; Derocephalus angusticollis Enderlein, 1922; Glyphidops limbatus Enderlein, 1922; Longina abdominalis Wiedemann, 1830; Loxozus clavicornis Enderlein, 1922; Oncopsia mexicana Enderlein, 1922; Paranerius fibulatus Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus dahli Enderlein, 1922; Telostylus latibrachium Enderlein, 1922; and Telostylinus luridus Enderlein, 1922. Syntypes are labelled and listed for Brachantichir robusta Enderlein, 1922; Nerius terebratus Enderlein, 1922; Odontoloxozus punctulatus Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus apicalis Enderlein, 1922; Telostylinus obscuratus Enderlein, 1922; and Telostylinus ornatipennis Enderlein, 1922. The account concludes with geographic and taxonomic summaries; an appendix listing the abbreviations, localities, and collectors cited in the text; and a bibliography. ((c) 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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O objetivo deste artigo é analisar diferentes recepções da jovem República, sobretudo em seus primeiros anos. Afinal, a tradição se inscrevia em meio à modernidade, e o novo se confundia com o velho. E é junto a esse caldo de paradoxos e conflitos que se desenha a Semana de Arte Moderna - um sopro de vanguarda, de cosmopolitismo e certo otimismo, nesse contexto - mas também outras experiências sociais de caráter mais político reivindicativo. Nesse sentido, ouso expor um pouco da experiência de Lima Barreto. Não para dela fazer um exemplo que ilumina toda uma época, ou muito menos "para estragar a festa" do ano de 2012. Ao contrário, ela representa um "outro caso", outra face da mesma modernidade. Quem sabe ela sirva como testemunho do ambiente que assolou parte da intelectualidade brasileira de inícios do século, cada vez mais descrente dos destinos dessa nação, e, nesse caso, muito impactados pelos discursos raciais deterministas, os quais, após a abolição da escravidão, criavam um novo tipo de "desigualdade", dessa feita pautada na biologia.