em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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Septins form a conserved family of filament forming GTP binding proteins found in a wide range of eukaryotic cells. They share a common structural architecture consisting of an N-terminal domain, a central GTP binding domain and a C-terminal domain, which is often predicted to adopt a coiled-coil conformation, at least in part. The crystal structure of the human SEPT2/SEPT6/SEPT7 heterocomplex has revealed the importance of the GTP binding domain in filament formation, but surprisingly no electron density was observed for the C-terminal domains and their function remains obscure. The dearth of structural information concerning the C-terminal region has motivated the present study in which the putative C-terminal domains of human SEPT2, SEPT6 and SEPT7 were expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity. The thermal stability and secondary structure content of the domains were studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy, and homo- and hetero-interactions were investigated by size exclusion chromatography, chemical cross-linking, analytical ultracentrifugation and surface plasmon resonance. Our results show that SEPT6-C and SEPT7-C are able to form both homo- and heterodimers with a high alpha-helical content in solution. The heterodimer is elongated and considerably more stable than the homodimers, with a K (D) of 15.8 nM. On the other hand, the homodimer SEPT2-C has a much lower affinity, with a K (D) of 4 mu M, and a moderate alpha-helical content. Our findings present the first direct experimental evidence toward better understanding the biophysical properties and coiled-coil pairings of such domains and their potential role in filament assembly and stability.


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The courtship behavior in calopterygid damselflies is well documented; however, the behavior of the large Neotropical genus Mnesarete is still unknown. Thus, here we present the first description of male-female interactions in Mnesarete pudica, a common damselfly in the Neotropical Savanna. The male-female interactions were composed of courtship displays, mounting, and chasing. The courtship behavior lasted 5.23 +/- 1.65 s and is very different from other calopterygids, consisting of hovering flights and the cross display made in front of females rather than on the oviposition site. The arrival and presence of females on a male territory are not sufficient to initiate sexual interactions; the male usually interacts with the female only after a patrolling flight. The females may present three distinct behaviors in response to male approach: (a) warding off signal (31.53%), (b) escape (28.83%), (c) and wing flipping (39.64%), which seems to stimulate male courtship. Females also may sit still, which induces males to react as if females were signaling they are willing to mate. In this paper, we also suggest that male courtship behavior is mediated by female signals.


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Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, the bacterium responsible for citrus canker, uses effector proteins secreted by a type III protein secretion system to colonize its hosts. Among the putative effector proteins identified for this bacterium, we focused on the analysis of the roles of AvrXacE1, AvrXacE2 and Xac3090 in pathogenicity and their interactions with host plant proteins. Bacterial deletion mutants in avrXacE1, avrXacE2 and xac3090 were constructed and evaluated in pathogenicity assays. The avrXacE1 and avrXacE2 mutants presented lesions with larger necrotic areas relative to the wild-type strain when infiltrated in citrus leaves. Yeast two-hybrid studies were used to identify several plant proteins likely to interact with AvrXacE1, AvrXacE2 and Xac3090. We also assessed the localization of these effector proteins fused to green fluorescent protein in the plant cell, and observed that they co-localized to the subcellular spaces in which the plant proteins with which they interacted were predicted to be confined. Our results suggest that, although AvrXacE1 localizes to the plant cell nucleus, where it interacts with transcription factors and DNA-binding proteins, AvrXacE2 appears to be involved in lesion-stimulating disease 1-mediated cell death, and Xac3090 is directed to the chloroplast where its function remains to be clarified.


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A common subject in bone tissue engineering is the need for porous scaffolds to support cell and tissue interactions aiming at repairing bone tissue. As poly(lactide-co-glycolide)calcium phosphate (PLGACaP) scaffolds can be manufactured with different pore sizes, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pore diameter on osteoblastic cell responses and bone tissue formation. Scaffolds were prepared with 85% porosity, with pore diameters in the ranges 470590, 590850 and 8501200 mu m. Rat bone marrow stem cells differentiated into osteoblasts were cultured on the scaffolds for up to 10 days to evaluate cell growth, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and the gene expression of the osteoblast markers RUNX2, OSX, COL, MSX2, ALP, OC and BSP by real-time PCR. Scaffolds were implanted in critical size rat calvarial defects for 2, 4, and 8 weeks for histomorphometric analysis. Cell growth and ALP activity were not affected by the pore size; however, there was an increase in the gene expression of osteoblastic markers with the increase in the pore sizes. At 2 weeks all scaffolds displayed a similar amount of bone and blood vessels formation. At 4 and 8 weeks much more bone formation and an increased number of blood vessels were observed in scaffolds with pores of 470590 mu m. These results show that PLGACaP is a promising biomaterial for bone engineering. However, ideally, combinations of larger (similar to 1000 mu m) and smaller (similar to 500 mu m) pores in a single scaffold would optimize cellular and tissue responses during bone healing. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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P2X receptors are expressed on ventrolateral medulla projecting paraventricular nucleus (PVN) neurons. Here, we investigate the role of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) in modulating sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) at the level of the PVN. We used an in situ arterially perfused rat preparation to determine the effect of P2 receptor activation and the putative interaction between purinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmitter systems within the PVN on lumbar SNA (LSNA). Unilateral microinjection of ATP into the PVN induced a dose-related increase in the LSNA (1 nmol: 38 ± 6 %, 2.5 nmol: 72 ± 7 %, 5 nmol: 96 ± 13 %). This increase was significantly attenuated by blockade of P2 receptors (pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-20,40-disulphonic acid, PPADS) and glutamate receptors (kynurenic acid, KYN) or a combination of both. The increase in LSNA elicited by L-glutamate microinjection into the PVN was not affected by a previous injection of PPADS. Selective blockade of non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione disodium salt, CNQX), but not N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDA) receptors (DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid, AP5), attenuated the ATP-induced sympathoexcitatory effects at the PVN level. Taken together, our data show that purinergic neurotransmission within the PVN is involved in the control of SNA via P2 receptor activation. Moreover, we show an interaction between P2 receptors and non-NMDA glutamate receptors in the PVN suggesting that these functional interactions might be important in the regulation of sympathetic outflow


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This work used the colloidal theory to describe forces and energy interactions of colloidal complexes in the water and those formed during filtration run in direct filtration. Many interactions of particle energy profiles between colloidal surfaces for three geometries are presented here in: spherical, plate and cylindrical; and four surface interactions arrangements: two cylinders, two spheres, two plates and a sphere and a plate. Two different situations were analyzed, before and after electrostatic destabilization by action of the alum sulfate as coagulant in water studies samples prepared with kaolin. In the case were used mathematical modeling by extended DLVO theory (from the names: Derjarguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek) or XDLVO, which include traditional approach of the electric double layer (EDL), surfaces attraction forces or London-van der Waals (LvdW), esteric forces and hydrophobic forces, additionally considering another forces in colloidal system, like molecular repulsion or Born Repulsion and Acid-Base (AB) chemical function forces from Lewis.


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Aims. We study galaxy pair samples selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR7) and we perform an analysis of minor and major mergers with the aim of investigating the dependence of galaxy properties on interactions. Methods. We build a galaxy pair catalog requiring r(p) < 25 kpc h(-1) and Delta V < 350 km s(-1) within redshift z < 0.1. By visual inspection of SDSS images we remove false identifications and we classify the interactions into three categories: pairs undergoing merging, M; pairs with evident tidal features, T; and non disturbed, N. We also divide the pair sample into minor and major interactions according to the luminosity ratio of the galaxy members. We study star formation activity through colors, the 4000 angstrom break, and star formation rates. Results. We find that similar to 10% of the pairs are classified as M. These systems show an excess of young stellar populations as inferred from the D-n(4000) spectral index, colors, and star formation rates of the member galaxies, an effect which we argue is directly related to the ongoing merging process. We find similar to 30% of the pairs exhibiting tidal features (T pairs) with member galaxies showing evidence of old stellar populations. This can be associated either to the disruptive effect of some tidal interactions, or to the longer time-scale of morphological disturbance with respect to the bursts of the tidal induced star formation. Regardless of the color distribution, we find a prominent blue peak in the strongest mergers, while pairs with tidal signs under a minor merger show a strong red peak. Therefore, our results show that galaxy interactions are important in driving the evolution of galaxy bimodality. By adding stellar masses and star formation rates of the two members of the pairs, we explore the global efficiency of star formation of the pairs as a whole. We find that, at a given total stellar mass, major mergers are significantly more efficient (a factor approximate to 2) in forming new stars, with respect to both minor mergers or a control sample of non-interacting galaxies. We conclude that the characteristics of the interactions and the ratio of luminosity galaxy pair members involved in a merger are important parameters in setting galaxy properties.


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Although the biopolymer poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate), P[3HB], presents physicochemical properties that make it an alternative material to conventional plastics, its biotechnological production is quite expensive. As carbon substrates contribute greatly to P[3HB] production cost, the utilization of a cheaper carbon substrate and less demanding micro-organisms should decrease its cost. In the present study a 23 factorial experimental design was applied, aiming to evaluate the effects of using hydrolysed corn starch (HCS) and soybean oil (SBO) as carbon substrates, and cheese whey (CW) supplementation in the mineral medium (MM) on the responses, cell dried weigh (DCW), percentage P[3HB] and mass P[3HB] by recombinant Escherichia coli strains JM101 and DH10B, containing the P[3HB] synthase genes from Cupriavidus necator (ex-Ralstonia eutropha). The analysis of effects indicated that the substrates and the supplement and their interactions had positive effect on CDW. Statistically generated equations showed that, at the highest concentrations of HCS, SO and CW, theoretically it should be possible to produce about 2 g L(1) DCW, accumulating 50% P[3HB], in both strains. To complement this study, the strain that presented the best results was cultivated in MM added to HCS, SBO and CW ( in best composition observed) and complex medium (CM) to compare the obtained P[3HB] in terms of physicochemical parameters. The obtained results showed that the P[3HB] production in MM (1.29 g L(-1)) was approximately 20% lower than in CM (1.63 g L(-1)); however, this difference can be compensated by the lower cost of the MM achieved by the use of cheap renewable carbon sources. Moreover, using differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry analyses, it was observed that the polymer produced in MM was the one which presented physicochemical properties (Tg and Tf) that were more similar to those found in the literature for P[3HB].


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The respiration of metal oxides by the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens requires the assembly of a small peptide (the GS pilin) into conductive filaments termed pili. We gained insights into the contribution of the GS pilin to the pilus conductivity by developing a homology model and performing molecular dynamics simulations of the pilin peptide in vacuo and in solution. The results were consistent with a predominantly helical peptide containing the conserved a-helix region required for pilin assembly but carrying a short carboxy-terminal random-coiled segment rather than the large globular head of other bacterial pilins. The electronic structure of the pain was also explored from first principles and revealed a biphasic charge distribution along the pilin and a low electronic HOMO-LUMO gap, even in a wet environment. The low electronic band gap was the result of strong electrostatic fields generated by the alignment of the peptide bond dipoles in the pilin's alpha-helix and by charges from ions in solution and amino acids in the protein. The electronic structure also revealed some level of orbital delocalization in regions of the pilin containing aromatic amino acids and in spatial regions of high resonance where the HOMO and LUMO states are, which could provide an optimal environment for the hopping of electrons under thermal fluctuations. Hence, the structural and electronic features of the pilin revealed in these studies support the notion of a pilin peptide environment optimized for electron conduction.


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The crab Ucides cordatus and the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle are endemic mangrove species and potential bio-accumulators of metals. This study quantified the accumulation of six metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn and Pb) in different organs (claw muscle, hepatopancreas and gills) of U. cordatus, as well as in different maturation stages of the leaves (buds, green mature, and pre-abscission senescent) of R. mangle. Samples were collected from mangrove areas in Cubatao, state of Sao Paulo, a heavily polluted region in Brazil. Data for metal contents in leaves were evaluated by one-way ANOVA; while for crabs a factorial ANOVA was used to investigate the effect of different tissues, animal size and the interactions between them. Means were compared by Tukey test at five percent, and the association between the metal concentrations in each crab organ, depending on the size, was evaluated by Pearson's linear correlation coefficient (r). Concentrations of Pb and Hg were undetectable for the different leaf stages and crab tissues, while Cd concentrations were undetectable in the leaf stages. In general, the highest accumulation of metals in R. mangle leaves occurred in pre-abscission senescent and green mature leaves, except for Cu, which was found in the highest concentrations in buds and green mature leaves. For the crab, Cd, Cu, Cr and Mn were present in concentrations above the detection limit, with the highest accumulation in the hepatopancreas, followed by the gills. Cu was accumulated mostly in the gills. Patterns of bioaccumulation between the crab and the mangrove tree differed for each metal, probably due to the specific requirements of each organism for essential metals. However, there was a close and direct relationship between metal accumulation in the mangrove trees and in the crabs feeding on them. Tissues of R. mangle leaves and U. cordatus proved effective for monitoring metals, acting as important bioindicators of mangrove areas contaminated by various metals. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Polymorphisms in the VDR gene were reported to be associated with variations in intrauterine and postnatal growth and with adult height, but also with other traits that are strongly correlated such as the BMI, insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion and hyperglycemia. Here, we assessed the impact of VDR polymorphisms on body height and its interactions with obesity- and glucose tolerance-related traits in obese children and adolescents. We studied 173 prepubertal (Tanner's stage 1) and 146 pubertal (Tanner's stages 2-5) obese children who were referred for a weight-loss program. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped: rs1544410 (BsmI), rs7975232 (ApaI) and rs731236 (TaqI). BsmI and TaqI genotypes were significantly associated with height in pubertal children, but the associations did not reach statistical significance in prepubertal children. In stepwise regression analyses, the lean body mass, insulin secretion, BsmI or TaqI genotypes and the father's and the mother's height were independently and positively associated with height in pubertal children. These covariables accounted for 46% of the trait variance. The height of homozygous carriers of the minor allele of BsmI was 0.65 z-scores (4 cm) higher than the height of homozygous carriers of the major allele (P=.0006). Haplotype analyses confirmed the associations of the minor alleles of BsmI and TaqI with increased height. In conclusion, VDR genotypes were significantly associated with height in pubertal obese children. The associations were independent from the effects of confounding traits, such as the body fat mass, insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this paper is to study the feasibility of using cellulose fibers obtained from an agricultural waste, hemp core (Cannabis Sativa L), through different new environmental friendly cooking processes for fiber-cement production. The physical and mechanical properties of the fiber reinforced concrete, which depend on the nature and morphology of the fibers, matrix properties and the interactions between them, must be kept between the limits required for its application. Therefore, the morphology of the fibers and how its use affects the flocculation, retention and drainage processes in the fiber-cement manufacture, and the mechanical and physical properties of the fiber-cement product have been studied. The use of pulp obtained by means of the hemp core cooking in ethanolamine at 60% concentration at 180 degrees C during 90 min resulted in the highest solids retention and the best mechanical properties among the studied hemp core pulps. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There has been tremendous progress in understanding neural stem cell (NSC) biology, with genetic and cell biological methods identifying sequential gene expression and molecular interactions guiding NSC specification into distinct neuronal and glial populations during development. Data has emerged on the possible exploitation of NSC-based strategies to repair adult diseased brain. However, despite increased information on lineage specific transcription factors, cell-cycle regulators and epigenetic factors involved in the fate and plasticity of NSCs, understanding of extracellular cues driving the behavior of embryonic and adult NSCs is still very limited. Knowledge of factors regulating brain development is crucial in understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms of brain dysfunction. Since injury-activated repair mechanisms in adult brain often recapitulate ontogenetic events, the identification of these players will also reveal novel regenerative strategies. Here, we highlight the purinergic system as a key emerging player in the endogenous control of NSCs. Purinergic signalling molecules (ATP, UTP and adenosine) act with growth factors in regulating the synchronized proliferation, migration, differentiation and death of NSCs during brain and spinal cord development. At early stages of development, transient and time-specific release of ATP is critical for initiating eye formation; once anatomical CNS structures are defined, purinergic molecules participate in calcium-dependent neuron-glia communication controlling NSC behaviour. When development is complete, some purinergic mechanisms are silenced, but can be re-activated in adult brain after injury, suggesting a role in regeneration and self-repair. Targeting the purinergic system to develop new strategies for neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases will be also discussed.


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Isoprene is emitted from many terrestrial plants at high rates, accounting for an estimated 1/3 of annual global volatile organic compound emissions from all anthropogenic and biogenic sources combined. Through rapid photooxidation reactions in the atmosphere, isoprene is converted to a variety of oxidized hydrocarbons, providing higher order reactants for the production of organic nitrates and tropospheric ozone, reducing the availability of oxidants for the breakdown of radiatively active trace gases such as methane, and potentially producing hygroscopic particles that act as effective cloud condensation nuclei. However, the functional basis for plant production of isoprene remains elusive. It has been hypothesized that in the cell isoprene mitigates oxidative damage during the stress-induced accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), but the products of isoprene-ROS reactions in plants have not been detected. Using pyruvate-2-13C leaf and branch feeding and individual branch and whole mesocosm flux studies, we present evidence that isoprene (i) is oxidized to methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein (iox) in leaves and that iox/i emission ratios increase with temperature, possibly due to an increase in ROS production under high temperature and light stress. In a primary rainforest in Amazonia, we inferred significant in plant isoprene oxidation (despite the strong masking effect of simultaneous atmospheric oxidation), from its influence on the vertical distribution of iox uptake fluxes, which were shifted to low isoprene emitting regions of the canopy. These observations suggest that carbon investment in isoprene production is larger than that inferred from emissions alone and that models of tropospheric chemistry and biotachemistryclimate interactions should incorporate isoprene oxidation within both the biosphere and the atmosphere with potential implications for better understanding both the oxidizing power of the troposphere and forest response to climate change.


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Disrupted circadian rhythms are associated with obesity and metabolic alterations, but little is known about the participation of peripheral circadian clock machinery in these processes. The aim of the present study was to analyze RNA expression of clock genes in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissues of male and female subjects in AM (morning) and PM (afternoon) periods, and its interactions with body mass index (BMI). Ninety-one subjects (41 +/- 11 yrs of age) presenting a wide range of BMI (21.4 to 48.6 kg/m(2)) were included. SAT and VAT biopsies were obtained from patients undergoing abdominal surgeries. Clock genes expressions were evaluated by qRT-PCR. The only clock gene that showed higher expression (p < .0001) in SAT in comparison to VAT was PER1 of female (372%) and male (326%) subjects. Different patterns of expression between the AM and PM periods were observed, in particular REV-ERBa, which was reduced (p < .05) at the PM period in SAT and VAT of both women and men (women: similar to 53% lower; men: similar to 78% lower), whereas CLOCK expression was not altered. Relationships between clock genes were different in SAT vs. VAT. BMI was negatively correlated with SATPER1 (r = -.549; p = .001) and SATPER2 (r = -.613; p = .0001) and positively with VATCLOCK (r = .541; p = .001) and VATBMAL1 (r = .468; p = .007) only in women. These data suggest that the circadian clock machinery of adipose tissue depots differs between female and male subjects, with a sex-specific effect observed for some genes. BMI correlated with clock genes, but at this moment it is not possible to establish the cause-effect relationship. (Author correspondence: mzanquetta@gmail.com)