4 resultados para Grelling, Richard, 1853-1929.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The reproductive biology and population dynamics of the cirolanid isopod Excirolana armata (Dana, 1853) were analysed through monthly samples from December 2003 to November 2005 on Una beach, Sao Paulo state (24 degrees S), in Southeastern Brazil. Sampling was performed along three transects established from the base of foredunes to the waterline. On Una beach, E. armata showed continuous reproduction with higher abundances of ovigerous females in winter and spring (July-November) with a higher peak of juveniles in spring (November 2004). The fecundity ranged from 2 to 18 eggs/embryos per female, depending on the female length. The incubation period was estimated as 2 months. The life span of males and females was nearly 1 year. The short life span and the high energetic expenditure inherent to reproduction with maternal care, probably kept females from producing more than one brood in their lifetime. When comparing the population of E. armata on Una beach (24 degrees S) with populations in Southern Brazil (32 degrees S), Uruguay (34 degrees S) and Argentina (36 degrees S), it was verified that several biological population traits (length of the smallest juvenile, length of the largest individual, length of the smallest and largest ovigerous females, range of fecundity and life span) tended to increase at higher latitudes, whereas other traits (instantaneous rate of mortality and the curvature parameter of von Bertalanffy growth function) tended to decrease. However, comparing E. armata on Una beach (24 degrees S) with a population situated at a close latitude (25 degrees S), unexpected differences in relation to population structure and to growth demonstrated and reinforced the importance of density-dependent factors over life history traits of E. armata on dissipative beaches.


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The somatic and gonad productions of the cirolanid isopod Excirolana armata were analyzed by taking monthly samples from December 2003 to November 2005 on Una beach, So Paulo state (24A degrees S), southeastern Brazil. Sampling was performed along three fixed transects established from the base of the foredunes to the waterline. Weight-specific growth rate was used to estimate the E. armata somatic production for 2004 and 2005, separately. The gonad production was estimated based on the monthly reproductive potential (mean number of eggs/embryos per female x monthly abundance of ovigerous females with near-release broods) for 2004. The annual somatic production of E. armata population varied from 15.57 to 17.25 g AFDW m(-1) year(-1) and the somatic production/biomass ratio (P (s)/B) from 3.55 to 3.14 year(-1) for 2004 and 2005, respectively. The P (s)/B ratios were higher for males (4.02 and 3.19 year(-1) for 2004 and 2005) than for females (3.10 year(-1) for both years). The annual gonad production (P (g) = 1.07 g AFDW m(-1) year(-1)) contributed about 15 and 6% to the total production (P (s) + P (g)) of females and the population, respectively. The proportion of gonad to somatic production of females (P (g)/P (s)) increased with individual size (ca 90% in the 7.5 mm size class), and the annual weight-specific gonad production (P (g)/B ratio) was estimated to 0.24 year(-1). The high P (s)/B ratios estimated for E. armata derive from the fast growth of individuals and show the importance of this population to the energy flow on Una beach ecosystem. However, the low percentage of juveniles verified in this population and in other studies of populations of the genus Excirolana is discussed as an important source of underestimation of P (s)/B ratio.


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Despite implausible cosmopolitanism, the species Scorpiodinipora costulata (Canu & Bassler, 1929) has been attributed with reservations to small encrusting colonies with similar morphological features whose known distribution is scattered in tropical and subtropical seas: Pacific Ocean (Philippines), Indian Ocean (Oman), Red Sea, SE Mediterranean, SE Atlantic (Ghana) and SW Atlantic (Brazil). This material raised questions about its generic assignment. The genus Scorpiodinipora Balavoine, 1959 is redescribed with Schizoporella costulata Canu & Bassler, 1929, from the Philippines as the type species, as Balavoine misidentified the specimens to define the genus as Cellepora bernardii Audouin, 1826. Moreover, SEM examination of the cotypes of S. costulata showed that Canu & Bassler confused two genera among them. A lectotype and paralectorype were thus chosen from Canu & Bassler's syntypes corresponding with the present morphotype. Hippodiplosia ottomuelleriana var. parva Marcus, 1938, from Brazil, which presents the same morphotype, is provisionally considered as the junior synonym of S. costulata. Considering the broad allopatric distribution of this morphotype across the oceans and the low capacity of dispersal of species with short-lived larvae, it is likely that this material includes several sibling species. However, the role of man-mediated dispersal is not excluded, at least in regions with high shipping activity, such as that comprising the Suez Canal.


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The final instar larva of Mnesarete pudica is described and illustrated based on reared specimens collected in Brazil. This species can be distinguished from others by presenting: a) five palpal and three premental setae; b) no posterodorsal hooks on abdominal segments; c) lateral spines only in S9-10. M. pudica is compared to other South American calopterygids and biological notes are presented.