11 resultados para Genitalia, Female.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo


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The Castniidae, or butterfly moths, are characteristically colourful diurnal moths, distributed throughout the tropics except in Africa. The Neotropical representatives forage almost exclusively on monocotyledonous plants and many species are crop pests with more than 60% of the Neotropical castniids found or endemic in Brazil. Research studies that focus on taxonomy, systematics, and morphology of this group are scarce. In this study, Yagra Oiticica, a small genus restricted to south-eastern South America, is revised and the diagnostic morphological characters of male and female genitalia are illustrated. This research is part of long-term study on the Castniidae for future phylogenetic analysis.


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Mallodeta Butler and Erruca Walker, revalidated, are redescribed and revised. Mallodeta henceforth includes only its type-species, Glaucopis (Lycorea) clavata Walker, and Erruca is resurrected with seven species: E. deyrolii Walker (type-species), E. consors (Walker), new combination, E. erythrarchos (Walker), new combination, E. cardinalis (Hampson), new combination, E. hanga (Herrich-Schaffer), new combination, E. cruenta (Perty), new combination and E. sanguipuncta (Druce), new combination. Six new synonyms are established, four specific and two generic (junior synonyms in parentheses): Zygaena capistrata Fabricius (=Mallodeta cubana Gaede), Glaucopis (Lycorea) clavata Walker (=M. simplex Rothschild), Erruca deyrolii Walker (=Laemocharis aecyra Herrich-Schaffer and Glaucopis (Hyda) sortita Walker), and Erruca Walker (=Aristodaema Wallengren and Rezia Kirby). Lectotypes are designated to the following species: Erruca deyrolii Walker, Laemocharis deyrollei Herrich-Schaffer, Laemocharis hanga Herrich-Schaffer, Laemocharis aecyra Herrich-Schaffer, Laemocharis norma Herrich-Schaffer, Cosmosoma cardinalis Hampson and Mallodeta sanguipuncta Druce. Illustrations of adults and male and female genitalia of Mallodeta and Erruca are provided, as well as a key to the species of the latter.


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The courtship behavior in calopterygid damselflies is well documented; however, the behavior of the large Neotropical genus Mnesarete is still unknown. Thus, here we present the first description of male-female interactions in Mnesarete pudica, a common damselfly in the Neotropical Savanna. The male-female interactions were composed of courtship displays, mounting, and chasing. The courtship behavior lasted 5.23 +/- 1.65 s and is very different from other calopterygids, consisting of hovering flights and the cross display made in front of females rather than on the oviposition site. The arrival and presence of females on a male territory are not sufficient to initiate sexual interactions; the male usually interacts with the female only after a patrolling flight. The females may present three distinct behaviors in response to male approach: (a) warding off signal (31.53%), (b) escape (28.83%), (c) and wing flipping (39.64%), which seems to stimulate male courtship. Females also may sit still, which induces males to react as if females were signaling they are willing to mate. In this paper, we also suggest that male courtship behavior is mediated by female signals.


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The incidence of obesity is increasing rapidly all over the world and results in numerous health detriments, including disruptions in reproduction. However, the mechanisms by which excess body fat interferes with reproductive functions are still not fully understood. After weaning, female rats were treated with a cafeteria diet or a chow diet (control group). Biometric and metabolic parameters were evaluated in adulthood. Reproductive parameters, including estradiol, progesterone, LH and prolactin during the proestrus afternoon, sexual behavior, ovulation rates and histological analysis of ovaries were also evaluated. Cafeteria diet was able to induce obesity in female rats by increasing body and fat pad weight, which resulted in increased levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL and induced insulin resistance. The cafeteria diet also negatively affected female reproduction by reducing the number of oocytes and preantral follicles, as well as the thickness of the follicular layer. Obese females did not show preovulatory progesterone and LH surges, though plasma estradiol and prolactin showed preovulatory surges similar to control rats. Nevertheless, sexual receptiveness was not altered by cafeteria diet. Taken together, our results suggest that the cafeteria diet administered from weaning age was able to induce obesity and reduce the reproductive capability in adult female rats, indicating that this obesity model can be used to better understand the mechanisms underlying reproductive dysfunction in obese subjects. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate micronucleus (MN) frequency in polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) of female rats in persistent estrus (a model developed to mimic polycystic ovary syndrome) treated with selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs, tamoxifen, and raloxifene). Forty female Wistar-Hannover rats were divided into four groups of 10 animals each: Group I (normally cycling rats) and Group II (persistent estrus) both received only vehicle, while Group III (persistent estrus) was treated with tamoxifen (250 mu g/animal/day) and Group IV (persistent estrus) was treated with raloxifene (750 mu g/animal/day). Tamoxifen and raloxifene were given by oral gavage beginning on postnatal day 90 and continuing for 30 consecutive days. Peripheral blood samples were collected from tails 1 day following the last exposure. Blood smears were made on glass slides and stained with 10% Giemsa solution. ANOVA and a Tukey post-hoc test were used for data analysis. Mean percentages of MN were 1.82 +/- 0.13, 5.20 +/- 0.24, 3.32 +/- 0.13, and 3.04 +/- 0.12 in Groups I, II, III, and IV, respectively. The results indicate that tamoxifen and raloxifene similarly reduced the formation of MNPCE of female rats in persistent estrus (P < 0.0001 for Groups III and IV vs. Group II), using the dosages and time periods applied in the present study. The data suggest possibly antimutagenic effects of SERMs under high levels of estrogens. The findings also suggest that this is an interesting animal model for studying the genotoxicity of estrogens. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Several biological and clinical studies have suggested that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) prevents body fat accumulation and increases lean body mass. CLA is available as a concentrated dietary supplement and is purported to provide the aforementioned benefits for people who perform physical activity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a CLA-supplemented diet combined with physical activity on the body composition of Wistar rats. Two groups of Wistar rats of both sexes, between 45 and 60 days old, were fed a diet containing 5.5% soybean oil (control group) or a CLA-supplemented diet (0.5% CLA and 5.0% soybean oil) (test group). Half the rats in both groups were assigned to exercise by running on a treadmill. The biochemical and anatomical body compositions were analyzed. In both groups, CLA had no effect on the dietary consumption or the weight of the liver, heart, and lungs. However, it did influence the overall weight gain of exercised male rats and the chemical and anatomical body composition in exercised and sedentary rats of both sexes. The results confirm that a CLA-supplemented diet with and without physical activity reduced body fat accumulation in rats of both sexes. However, there is no evidence of an increase in the lean body mass of the exercised rats.


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The objectives of the present study were to determine if variance components of calving intervals varied with age at calving and if considering calving intervals as a longitudinal trait would be a useful approach for fertility analysis of Zebu dairy herds. With these purposes, calving records from females born from 1940 to 2006 in a Guzerat dairy subpopulation in Brazil were analyzed. The fixed effects of contemporary groups, formed by year and farm at birth or at calving, and the regressions of age at calving, equivalent inbreeding coefficient and day of the year on the studied traits were considered in the statistical models. In one approach, calving intervals (Cl) were analyzed as a single trait, by fitting a statistical model on which both animal and permanent environment effects were adjusted for the effect of age at calving by random regression. In a second approach, a four-trait analysis was conducted, including age at first calving (AFC) and three different female categories for the calving intervals: first calving females; young females (less than 80 months old, but not first calving); or mature females (80 months old or more). Finally, a two-trait analysis was performed, also including AFC and Cl, but calving intervals were regarded as a single trait in a repeatability model. Additionally, the ranking of sires was compared among approaches. Calving intervals decreased with age until females were about 80 months old, remaining nearly constant after that age. A quasi-linear increase of 11.5 days on the calving intervals was observed for each 10% increase in the female's equivalent inbreeding coefficient. The heritability of AFC was 0.37. For Cl. the genetic-phenotypic variance ratios ranged from 0.064 to 0.141, depending on the approach and on ages at calving. Differences among genetic variance components for calving intervals were observed along the animal's lifetime. Those differences confirmed the longitudinal aspect of that trait, indicating the importance of such consideration when accessing fertility of Zebu dairy females, especially in situations where the available information relies on their calving intervals. Spearman rank correlations among approaches ranged from 0.90 to 0.95, and changes observed in the ranking of sires suggested that the genetic progress of the population could be affected by the approach chosen for the analysis of calving intervals. (C) 2012 Elsevier ay. All rights reserved.


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AIM: To examine whether the ob/ob mouse model of obesity is accompanied by enteric nervous system abnormalities such as altered motility. METHODS: The study examined the distribution of the P2X(2) receptor (P2X(2)R) in myenteric neurons of female ob/ob mice. Specifically, we used immunohistochemistry to analyze the co-expression of the P2X(2)R with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and calretinin (CalR) in neurons of the small intestine myenteric plexus in ob/ob and control female mice. In these sections, we used scanning confocal microscopy to analyze the co-localization of these markers as well as the neuronal density (cm(2)) and area profile (mu m(2)) of P2X(2)R-positive neurons. In addition, enteric neurons were labeled using the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) diaphorase method and analyzed with light microscopy as an alternate means by which to analyze neuronal density and area. RESULTS: In the present study, we observed a 29.6% increase in the body weight of the ob/ob animals (OG) compared to the control group (CG). In addition, the average small intestine area was increased by approximately 29.6% in the OG compared to the CG. Immunoreactivity (IR) for the P2X(2)R, nNOS, ChAT and CaIR was detectable in the myenteric plexus, as well as in the smooth muscle, in both groups. This IR appeared to be mainly cytoplasmic and was also associated with the cell membrane of the myenteric plexus neurons, where it outlined the neuronal cell bodies and their processes. P2X(2)R-IR was observed to co-localize 100% with that for nNOS, ChAT and CaIR in neurons of both groups. In the ob/ob group, however, we observed that the neuronal density (neuron/cm(2)) of P2X(2)R-IR cells was increased by 62% compared to CG, while that of NOS-IR and ChAT-IR neurons was reduced by 49% and 57%, respectively, compared to control mice. The neuronal density of CaIR-IR neurons was not different between the groups. Morphometric studies further demonstrated that the cell body profile area (mu m(2)) of nNOS-IR, ChAT-IR and CaIR-IR neurons was increased by 34%, 20% and 55%, respectively, in the OG compared to controls. Staining for NADH diaphorase activity is widely used to detect alterations in the enteric nervous system; however, our qualitative examination of NADH-diaphorase positive neurons in the nnyenteric ganglia revealed an overall similarity between the two groups. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate increases in P2X(2)R expression and alterations in nNOS, ChAT and CaIR IR in ileal myenteric neurons of female ob/ob mice compared to wild-type controls. (c) 2012 Baishideng. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study is to analyze the formation of the Brazilian Olympic female athletes' identities and the construction of this social role both in the Olympic scene as in Brazilian social context. The results, when compared with previous researches and the theoretical approach allows to conclude that even after inclusion of the growing Brazilian women in several sports - including pointing out that this did not occur in the form of confrontation, just as in other countries - this does not represent a rethinking of the social roles of the female and male letting to the athletes maintain a separation between sports life and life as a woman.


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In response to herbivore attack, plants release herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) that represent important chemical cues for herbivore natural enemies. Additionally, HIPVs have been shown to mediate other ecological interactions with herbivores. Differently from natural enemies that are generally attracted to HIPVs, herbivores can be either attracted or repelled depending on several biological and ecological parameters. Our study aimed to assess the olfactory response of fall armyworm-mated female moths toward odors released by mechanically and herbivore-induced corn at different time intervals. Results showed that female moths strongly respond to corn volatiles, although fresh damaged corn odors (0-1 h) are not recognized by moths. Moreover, females preferred volatiles released by undamaged plant over herbivore-induced plants at 5-6 h. This preference for undamaged plants may reflect an adaptive strategy of moths to avoid competitors and natural enemies for their offspring. We discussed our results based on knowledge about corn volatile release pattern and raise possible explanations for fall armyworm moth behavior.


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The hosts for Antricola delacruzi ticks are insectivorous, cave-dwelling bats on which only larvae are found. The mouthparts of nymphal and adult A. delacruzi are compatible with scavenging feeding because the hypostome is small and toothless. How a single blood meal of a larva provides energy for several molts as well as for oviposition by females is not known. Adults of A. delacruzi possibly feed upon an unknown food source in bat guano, a substrate on which nymphal and adult stages are always found. Guano produced by insectivorous bats contains twice the amount of protein and 60 times the amount of iron as beef. In addition, bacteria and chitin-rich fungi proliferate on guano. Comparative data on the transcriptome of the salivary glands of A. delacruzi is nonexistent and would help to understand the physiological adaptations of salivary glands that accompany different sources of food as well as the steps taken by the Acari toward haematophagy, believed to have evolved from scavenging dead animals. Annotation of the transcriptome of salivary glands from female instars of A. delacruzi collected on guano categorized 5.7% of the clusters of expressed genes as putative secreted proteins. They included abundantly expressed TIL-domain-containing proteins (possible anti-microbials), an abundantly expressed protein similar to a serum amyloid found in the sialotranscriptomes of Ornithodoros spp., a savignygrin, a family of mucin/peritrophin/cuticle-like proteins, anti-microbials and an HIV envelope-like glycoprotein also found in soft ticks. When comparing the transcriptome of A. delacruzi with those of blood-feeding female soft and hard ticks some notable differences were observed; they consisted of the following transcripts over- or under-represented or absent in the sialotranscriptome of A. delacruzi that may reflect its source of food: ferritin, mucins with chitin-binding domains and TIL-domain-containing proteins versus lipocalins, basic tail proteins, metalloproteases, glycine-rich proteins and Kunitz protease inhibitors, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.