12 resultados para GRANITIC-ROCKS
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
New geochronological and geochemical constraints on Precambrian sedimentary and volcanic successions exposed in the western part of the Central Domain of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil, indicate the presence of two distinct tectono-stratigraphic complexes: Riacho Gravata and Sao Caetano. Both complexes and associated orthogneisses are referred in the literature as the Cariris Velhos belt, having depositional, extrusive, or intrusive ages within the interval 985-913 Ma. The Riacho Gravata complex consists of bimodal (but mostly felsic) volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks, muscovite+/-graphite schists, quartzites, and marble with local occurrences of banded-iron-formation. The Sao Caetano complex mainly consists of metagreywackes, marbles, calc-silicate rocks, and rare meta-mafic rocks. Meta-mafic rocks from both complexes have geochemical signatures similar to those of continental flood basalts, with epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from -1.0 to -2.8. Felsic volcanic rocks from the Riacho Gravata complex show epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from -1.0 to -7.4 and geochemical signatures similar to A(2)-type granitoids. New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data from felsic volcanic rocks within the Riacho Gravata complex yielded ages of 1091 +/- 13 Ma and 996 +/- 13 Ma. In contrast, meta-graywackes from the Sao Caetano complex show a maximum deposition age of ca. 806 Ma in the northern part and ca. 862 Ma in the southern part of the outcrop area. The orthogneisses show epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from 1.0 to -4.2 with U/Pb TIMS and SHRIMP ages ranging from 960 to 926 Ma and geochemical signatures of A(2)-type granitoids. The data reported in this paper suggest at least two periods of extension within the Central Domain of the Borborema Province, the first starts ca. 1091 Ma with magmatism and deposition, creating the Riacho Gravata basin and continued intrusion of A-type granites to 920 Ma. A second rift event, which reactivated old faults, generated a basin with a maximum deposition age of ca. 806 Ma. Furthermore, the oldest granitoids cutting these metasedimentary rocks have crystallization ages of ca. 600 Ma. This suggests that the second rift event could be early Brasiliano in age. The resulting Sao Caetano basin received detritus from a variety of sources, although detritus from the Riacho Gravata complex dominated. Deposition ages of the Riacho Gravata and the Sao Caetano complexes are coeval with deposits in other basins of the Borborema Province (Riacho do Tigre in the Central Domain; Macurure and Maranco in the Sergipano Belt of the Southern domain). The Macaubas Group from SE Brazil and its counterparts in Africa, the Zadanian and Mayumbian Groups, in the western edge of the Congo Craton are also coeval. Closure of the Riacho Gravata and Sao Caetano basins occurred during the Brasiliano convergence (705-600 Ma). During the last stage of convergence, ca. 612 Ma, pull-apart basins were created and filled; final basin closure took place 605-592 Ma, after deposition ceased. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Este trabalho resume os dados de florística e fitossociologia de 11, das 14 parcelas de 1 ha, alocadas ao longo do gradiente altitudinal da Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brasil. As parcelas começam na cota 10 m (Floresta de Restinga da Praia da Fazenda, município de Ubatuba) e estão distribuídas até a cota 1100 m (Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana da Trilha do rio Itamambuca, município de São Luis do Paraitinga) abrangendo os Núcleos Picinguaba e Santa Virgínia do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar. Na Restinga o solo é Neossolo Quartzarênico francamente arenoso, enquanto que na encosta o solo é um Cambisolo Háplico Distrófico argilo-arenoso, sendo que todas as parcelas apresentaram solo ácido (pH 3 – 4) com alta diluição de nutrientes e alta saturação de alumínio. Na Restinga e no sopé da encosta o clima é Tropical/Subtropical Úmido (Af/Cfa), sem estação seca, com precipitação média anual superior a 2.200 mm e temperatura média anual de 22 °C. Subindo a encosta mantêm-se a média de precipitação, mas há um gradativo resfriamento, de forma que a 1.100 m o clima é Subtropical Úmido (Cfa/Cfb), sem estação seca, com temperatura média anual de 17 °C. Destaca-se ainda que, quase diariamente, a parte superior da encosta, geralmente acima de 400 m, é coberta por uma densa neblina. Nas 14 parcelas foram marcados, medidos e amostrados 21.733 indivíduos com DAP ≥ 4,8 cm, incluindo árvores, palmeiras e fetos arborescentes. O número médio de indivíduos amostrados nas 14 parcelas foi de 1.264 ind.ha–1 (± 218 EP de 95%). Dentro dos parâmetros considerados predominaram as árvores (71% FOD Montana a 90% na Restinga), seguidas de palmeiras (10% na Restinga a 25% na FOD Montana) e fetos arborescentes (0% na Restinga a 4% na FOD Montana). Neste aspecto destaca-se a FOD Terras Baixas Exploradas com apenas 1,8% de palmeiras e surpreendentes 10% de fetos arborescentes. O dossel é irregular, com altura variando de 7 a 9 m, raramente as árvores emergentes chegam a 18 m, e a irregularidade do dossel permite a entrada de luz suficiente para o desenvolvimento de centenas de espécies epífitas. Com exceção da FOD Montana, onde o número de mortos foi superior a 5% dos indivíduos amostrados, nas demais fitofisionomias este valor ficou abaixo de 2,5%. Nas 11 parcelas onde foi realizado o estudo florístico foram encontradas 562 espécies distribuídas em 195 gêneros e 68 famílias. Apenas sete espécies – Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae), Calyptranthes lucida Mart. ex DC. e Marlierea tomentosa Cambess (ambas Myrtaceae), Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz (Nyctaginaceae), Cupania oblongifolia Mart. (Sapindaceae) e as Urticaceae Cecropia glaziovii Snethl. e Coussapoa microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini – ocorreram da Floresta de Restinga à FOD Montana, enquanto outras 12 espécies só não ocorreram na Floresta de Restinga. As famílias com o maior número de espécies são Myrtaceae (133 spp), Fabaceae (47 spp), 125 Fitossociologia em parcelas permanentes de Mata Atlântica http://www.biotaneotropica.org.br/v12n1/pt/abstract?article+bn01812012012 http://www.biotaneotropica.org.br Biota Neotrop., vol. 12, no. 1 Introdução A Mata Atlântica sensu lato (Joly et al. 1999) é a segunda maior floresta tropical do continente americano (Tabarelli et al. 2005). A maior parte dos Sistemas de Classificação da vegetação brasileira reconhece que no Domínio Atlântico (sensu Ab’Saber 1977) esse bioma pode ser dividido em dois grandes grupos: a Floresta Ombrófila Densa, típica da região costeira e das escarpas serranas com alta pluviosidade (Mata Atlântica – MA – sensu stricto), e a Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, que ocorre no interior, onde a pluviosidade, além de menor, é sazonal. Na região costeira podem ocorrer também Manguezais (Schaeffer-Novelli 2000), ao longo da foz de rios de médio e grande porte, e as Restingas (Scarano 2009), crescendo sobre a planície costeira do quaternário. No topo das montanhas, geralmente acima de 1500 m, estão os Campos de Altitude (Ribeiro & Freitas 2010). Em 2002, a Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica em parceria com o INPE (Instituto..., 2002) realizaram um levantamento que indica que há apenas 7,6% da cobertura original da Mata Atlântica (s.l.). Mais recentemente Ribeiro et al. (2009) refinaram a estimativa incluindo fragmentos menores, que não haviam sido contabilizados, e concluíram que resta algo entre 11,4 e 16% da área original. Mesmo com esta fragmentação, o mosaico da Floresta Atlântica brasileira possui um dos maiores níveis de endemismos do mundo (Myers et al. 2000) e cerca da metade desses remanescentes de grande extensão estão protegidos na forma de Unidades de Conservação (Galindo & Câmara 2005). Entre os dois centros de endemismo reconhecidos para a MA (Fiaschi & Pirani 2009), o bloco das regiões sudeste/sul é o que conserva elementos da porção sul de Gondwana (Sanmartin & Ronquist 2004), tido como a formação florestal mais antiga do Brasil (Colombo & Joly 2010). Segundo Hirota (2003), parte dos remanescentes de MA está no estado de São Paulo, onde cerca de 80% de sua área era coberta por florestas (Victor 1977) genericamente enquadradas como Mata Atlântica “sensu lato” (Joly et al. 1999). Dados de Kronka et al. (2005) mostram que no estado restam apenas 12% de área de mata e menos do que 5% são efetivamente florestas nativas pouco antropizadas. Nos 500 anos de fragmentação e degradação das formações naturais, foram poupadas apenas as regiões serranas, principalmente a fachada da Serra do Mar, por serem impróprias para práticas agrícolas. Usando o sistema fisionômico-ecológico de classificação da vegetação brasileira adotado pelo IBGE (Veloso et al. 1991), a Floresta Ombrófila Densa, na área de domínio da Mata Atlântica, foi subdividida em quatro faciações ordenadas segundo a hierarquia topográfica, que refletem fisionomias de acordo com as variações das faixas altimétricas e latitudinais. No estado de São Paulo, na latitude entre 16 e 24 °S temos: 1) Floresta Ombrófila Densa das Terras Baixas - 5 a 50 m de altitude; 2) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana – no sopé da Serra do Mar, com cotas de altitude variando entre 50 e 500 m; 3) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana – recobrindo a encosta da Serra do Mar propriamente dita, em altitudes que variam de 500 a 1.200 m; 4) Floresta Ombrófila Densa Altimontana – ocorrendo no topo da Serra do Mar, acima dos limites estabelecidos para a formação montana, onde a vegetação praticamente deixa de ser arbórea, pois predominam os campos de altitude. Nas últimas três décadas muita informação vem sendo acumulada sobre a composição florística e a estrutura do estrato arbóreo dos remanescentes florestais do estado, conforme mostram as revisões de Oliveira-Filho & Fontes (2000) e Scudeller et al. (2001). Em florestas tropicais este tipo de informação, assim como dados sobre a riqueza de espécies, reflete não só fatores evolutivos e biogeográficos, como também o histórico de perturbação, natural ou antrópica, das respectivas áreas (Gentry 1992, Hubbell & Foster 1986). A síntese dessas informações tem permitido a definição de unidades fitogeográficas com diferentes padrões de riqueza de espécies e apontam para uma diferenciação, entre as florestas paulistas, no sentido leste/oeste (Salis et al. 1995, Torres et al. 1997, Santos et al. 1998). Segundo Bakker et al. (1996) um método adequado para acompanhar e avaliar as mudanças na composição das espécies e dinâmica da floresta ao longo do tempo é por meio de parcelas permanentes (em inglês Permanent Sample Plots –PSPs). Essa metodologia tem sido amplamente utilizada em estudos de longa duração em florestas tropicais, pois permite avaliar a composição e a estrutura florestal e monitorar sua mudança no tempo (Dallmeier 1992, Condit 1995, Sheil 1995, Malhi et al. 2002, Lewis et al. 2004). Permite avaliar também as consequências para a floresta de problemas como o aquecimento global e a poluição atmosférica (Bakker et al. 1996). No Brasil os projetos/programas que utilizam a metodologia de Parcelas Permanentes tiveram origem, praticamente, com o Projeto Rubiaceae (49) e Lauraceae (49) ao longo de todo gradiente da FOD e Monimiaceae (21) especificamente nas parcelas da FOD Montana. Em termos de número de indivíduos as famílias mais importantes foram Arecaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae, Lauraceae e na FOD Montana, Monimiaceae. Somente na parcela F, onde ocorreu exploração de madeira entre 1960 e 1985, a abundância de palmeiras foi substituída pelas Cyatheaceae. O gradiente estudado apresenta um pico da diversidade e riqueza nas altitudes intermediárias (300 a 400 m) ao longo da encosta (índice de Shannon-Weiner - H’ - variando de 3,96 a 4,48 nats.indivíduo–1). Diversas explicações para este resultado são apresentadas neste trabalho, incluindo o fato dessas altitudes estarem nos limites das expansões e retrações das diferentes fitofisionomias da FOD Atlântica durante as flutuações climáticas do Pleistoceno. Os dados aqui apresentados demonstram a extraordinária riqueza de espécies arbóreas da Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlântica dos Núcleos Picinguaba e Santa Virgínia do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, reforçando a importância de sua conservação ao longo de todo o gradiente altitudinal. A diversidade desta floresta justifica também o investimento de longo prazo, através de parcelas permanentes, para compreender sua dinâmica e funcionamento, bem como monitorar o impacto das mudanças climáticas nessa vegetação.
The Tamboril-Santa Quiteria Complex is an important Neoproterozoic granitic-migmatitic unit from the Ceara Central Domain that developed from ca. 650 to 610 Ma. In general the granitoids range in composition from diorite to granite with predominance (up to 85%) of granitic to monzogranitic composition with biotite as the main mafic AFM phase. Geochemical and Pb-207/Pb-206 evaporation zircon geochronology studies were applied in a group of these abundant monzogranitic rocks from the region of Novo Oriente in the southern portion of the Ceara Central Domain. In this area the granitoids are weakly peraluminous biotite granitoids and deformed biotite granitoids of high-K calc-alkaline and ferroan composition, which we interpreted as primary magmas (segregated diatexites) derived from the partial melting of crustal material. The close temporal relation of this magmatism with local eclogitic and regional high temperature metamorphism in Ceara Central Domain point out to an orogenic setting, arguably emplaced during the collisional stage. Subordinate coeval juvenile mantle incursions are also present. This crustally derived magmatism is the primary product of the continental thickening that resulted from the collision between the rocks represented by the Amazonian-West African craton (Sao Luiz cratonic fragment) to the northwest and the Paleoproterozoic-Archean basement of the Borborema Province to the southeast along the Transbrasiliano tectonic corridor. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating was performed on syntectonic, early post-collisional granitic and associated mafic rocks that are intrusive in the Brusque Metamorphic Complex and in the Florianopolis Batholith, major tectonic domains separated by the Neoproterozoic Major Gercino Shear Zone (MGSZ) in south Brazil. The inferred ages of magmatic crystallization are consistent with field relationships, and show that the syntectonic granites from both domains are similar, with ages around 630-620 Ma for high-K calc-alkaline metaluminous granites and ca. 610 Ma for slightly peraluminous granites. Although ca. 650 Ma inherited zircon components are identified in granites from both domains, important contrasts on the crustal architecture in each domain are revealed by the patterns of zircon inheritance, indicating different crustal sources for the granites in each domain. The granites from the southern domain (Floriandpolis Batholith) have essentially Neoproterozoic (650-700 Ma and 900-950 Ma) inheritance; with a single 2.0-2.2 Ga inherited age obtained in the peraluminous Mariscal Granite. In the northern Brusque Metamorphic Complex, the metaluminous Rio Pequeno Granite and associated mafic rocks have scarce inherited cores with ages around 1.65 Ga, whereas the slightly peraluminous Serra dos Macacos Granite has abundant Paleoproterozoic (1.8-2.2 Ga) and Archean (2.9-3.4 Ga) inherited zircons. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the MGSZ separates domains with distinct geologic evolution; however, the contemporaneity of 630-610 Ma granitic magmatism with similar structural and geochemical patterns on both sides of this major shear zone indicates that these domains were already part of a single continental mass at 630 Ma, reinforcing the post-collisional character of these granites. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Temporal, spatial and diel variation in the distribution and abundance of organisms is an inherent property of ecological systems. The present study describes these variations and the composition of decapod larvae from the surface waters of St Paul`s Rocks. The expeditions to the archipelago were carried out in April, August and November 2003, March 2004 and May 2005. Surface plankton samples were collected during the morning and dusk periods, inside the inlet and in increasing distances around the archipelago (similar to 150, 700 and 1500 m). The identification resulted in 51 taxa. Seven species, six genera and larvae of the families Pandalidae and Portunidae were identified for the first time in the area. The mean larval density varied from zero to 150.2 +/- 69.6 individuals 100 m(-3) in the waters surrounding the archipelago and from 1.7 +/- 3.0 to 12,827 +/- 15,073 individuals 100 m(-3) inside the inlet. Significant differences on larval density were verified between months and period of the day, but not among the three sites around the archipelago. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis indicated that the decapod larvae community was divided into benthic and pelagic assemblages. Indicator species analysis (ISA) showed that six Brachyura taxa were good indicators for the inlet, while three sergestids were the main species from the waters around the archipelago. These results suggest that St Paul`s Rocks can be divided into two habitats, based on larval composition, density and diversity values: the inlet and the waters surrounding the archipelago.
High-grade metasedimentary rocks can preserve geochemical signatures of their sedimentary protolith if significant melt extraction did not occur. Retrograde reaction textures provide the main evidence for trapped melt in the rock fabrics. Carvalhos Klippe rocks in Southern Brasilia Orogen, Brazil, present a typical high-pressure granulite assemblage with evidence of mica breakdown partial melting (Ky + Grt + Kfs +/- Bt +/- Rt). The metamorphic peak temperatures obtained by Zr-in-Rt and ternary feldspar geothermometers are between 850 degrees C and 900 degrees C. The GASP bane peak pressure obtained using grossular rich garnet core is 16 kbar. Retrograde reaction textures in which the garnet crystals are partially to totally replaced by Bt + Qtz +/- Fsp intergrowths are very common in the Carvalhos Klippe rocks. These reactions are interpreted as a result of interactions between residual phases and trapped melt during the retrograde path. In the present study the geochemical signatures of three groups of Carvalhos Klippe metasedimentary rocks are analysed. Despite the high metamorphic grade these three groups show well-defined geochemical features and their REE patterns are similar to average compositions of post-Archean sedimentary rocks (PAAS, NASC). The high-pressure granulite facies Grt-Bt-Pl gneisses with immature arenite (wacke, arkose or lithic-arenite) geochemical signatures present in the Carvalhos Klippe are compared to similar rocks in amphibolite facies from the same tectonic framework (Andrelandia Nappe System). The similar geochemical signatures between Grt-Bt-Pl gneisses metamorphosed in high-pressure granulite facies and Grt-Bt-Pl-Qtz schists from the Andrelandia and Liberdade Nappes, with minimal to absent melting conditions, are suggestive of low rates of melt extraction in these high-grade rocks. The rocks with pelitic compositions most likely had higher melt extraction and even under such circumstances nevertheless tend to show REE patterns similar to average compositions of post-Archean sedimentary rocks (PAAS, NASC). (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The north-western sector of the Gharyan volcanic field (northern Libya) consists of trachytic-phonolitic domes emplaced between similar to 41 and 38 Ma, and small-volume mafic alkaline volcanic centres (basanites, tephrites. alkali basalts. hawaiites and rare benmoreites) of Middle Miocene-Pliocene age (similar to 12-2 Ma). Two types of trachytes and phonolites have been recognized on the basis of petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry. Type-1 trachytes and phonolites display a smooth spoon-shaped REE pattern without negative Europium anomalies. Type-2 trachytes and phonolites show a remarkable Eu negative anomaly, higher concentration in HFSE (Nb-Ta-Zr-Hf), REE and Ti than Type-1 rocks. The origin of Type-1 trachytes and phonolites is compatible with removal of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, amphibole. magnetite and titanite starting from benmoreitic magmas. found in the same outcrops. Type-2 trachytes and phonolites could be the result of extensive fractional crystallization starting from mafic alkaline magma, without removal of titanite. In primitive mantle-normalized diagrams, the mafic rocks (Mg#= 62-68, Cr up to 514 ppm, Ni up to 425 ppm) show peaks at Nb and Ta and troughs at K. These characteristics, coupled with low Sr-87/Sr-86(i) (0.7033-0.7038) and positive epsilon(Nd) (from +4.2 to + 5.3) features typical of the mafic anorogenic magmas of the northern African plate and of HIMU-OIB-like magma in general. The origin of the mafic rocks is compatible from a derivation from low degree partial melting (3-9%) shallow mantle sources in the spinel/gamet facies. placed just below the rigid plate in the uppermost low-velocity zone. The origin of the igneous activity is considered linked to passive lithospheric thinning related to the development of continental rifts like those of Sicily Channel (e.g.. Pantelleria and Linosa) and Sardinia (e.g., Campidano Graben) in the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The early phase of post-collisional granitic magmatism in the Camboriu region, south Brazil, is represented by the porphyritic biotite +/- hornblende Rio Pequeno Granite (RPG; 630-620 Ma) and the younger (similar to 610 Ma), equigranular, biotite +/- muscovite Serra dos Macacos Granite (SMG). The two granite types share some geochemical characteristics, but the more felsic SMG constitutes a distinctive group not related to RPG by simple fractionation processes, as indicated by its lower FeOt, TiO2, K2O/Na2O and higher Zr Al2O3, Na2O, Ba and Sr when compared to RPG of similar SiO2 range. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes require different sources. The SMG derives from old crustal sources, possibly related to the Paleoproterozoic protoliths of the Camboriu Complex, as indicated by strongly negative epsilon Nd-t (-23 to -24) and unradiogenic Pb (e.g., Pb-206/Pb-204 = 16.0-16.3; Pb-207/Pb-204 = 15.3-15.4) and confirmed by previous LA-MC-ICPMS data showing dominant zircon inheritance of Archean to Paleoproterozoic age. In contrast, the RPG shows less negative epsilon Nd-t (-12 to -15) and a distinctive zircon inheritance pattern with no traces of post-1.6 Ga sources. This is indicative of younger sources whose significance in the regional context is still unclear; some contribution of mantle-derived magmas is indicated by coeval mafic dykes and may account for some of the geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the least differentiated varieties of the RPG. The transcurrent tectonics seems to have played an essential role in the generation of mantle-derived magmas despite their emplacement within a low-strain zone. It may have facilitated their interaction with crustal melts which seem to be to a large extent the products of reworking of Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses from the Camboriu Complex. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The removal of Pb2+ from aqueous solution by two Brazilian rocks that contain zeolites-amygdaloidal dacite (ZD) and sandstone (ZS)-was examined by batch experiments. ZD contains mordenite and ZS, stilbite. The effects of contact time, concentration of metal in solution and capacity of Na+ to recover the adsorbed metals were evaluated at room temperature (20A degrees C). The sorption equilibrium was reached in the 30 min of agitation time. Both materials removed 100% of Pb2+ from solutions at concentrations up to 50 mg/L, and at concentrations larger than 100 mg/L of Pb2+, the adsorption capacity of sandstone was more efficient than that of amygdaloidal dacite due to the larger quantities and the type of zeolites (stilbite) in the cement of this rock. All adsorbed Pb2+ was easily replaced by Na+ in both samples. The analysis of the adsorption models using nonlinear regression revealed that the Sips and the Freundlich isotherms provided the best fit for the ZS and ZD experimental data, respectively, indicating the heterogeneous adsorption surfaces of these zeolites.
Subduction zones are one of the most characteristic features of planet Earth. Convergent plate junctions exert enormous influence on the formation and recycling of continental crust, and they are also responsible for major mineral resources and earthquakes, which are of crucial importance for society. A subduction-related geologic unit containing high-pressure rocks occurs in the Barragan area (Valle del Cauca Department) on the western flank of the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. Blueschists and amphibolites, serpentinized meta-ultramafic rocks, graphite-chlorite-muscovite-quartz schists, protocataclasites, and graphite-chlorite-andalusite-andesine-garnet-muscovite +/- titanite schists are exposed in this region. In spite of the petrotectonic importance of blueschists, the high-pressure metamorphism of the Central Cordillera of Colombia has been rarely studied. New geochemical data indicate that protoliths of the blueschist- and amphibolite-facies rocks possessed normal mid-ocean ridge basalt bulk compositions. Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology for a metapelite rock associated with the blueschists shows a plateau age of similar to 120 million years. We suggest that high-P/T conditions were present from similar to 150 to 125 Ma, depending on the model of generation and exhumation considered.
Southern Madagascar is the core of a >1 million km(2) Gondwanan metasedimentary belt that forms much of the southern East African Orogen of eastern Africa, Madagascar, southern India and Sri Lanka. Here the Vohibory Series yielded U-Pb isotopic data from detrital zircon cores that indicate that it was deposited in the latest Tonian to late Cryogenian (between -900 and 640 Ma). The deposition of the Graphite and Androyen Series protoliths is poorly constrained to between the late Palaeoproterozoic and the Cambrian (similar to 1830-530 Ma). The Vohibory Series protoliths were sourced from very restricted-aged sources with a maximum age range between 910 and 760 Ma. The Androyen and Graphite Series protoliths were sourced from Palaeoproterozoic rocks ranging in age between 2300 and 1800 Ma. The best evidence of the timing of metamorphism in the Vohibory Series is a weighted mean Pb-206/U-238 age of 642 +/- 8 Ma from 3 analyses of zircon from sample M03-01. A considerably younger Pb-206/U-238 metamorphic age of 531 +/- 7 Ma is produced from 10 analyses of zircon from sample M03-28 in the Androyen Series. This similar to 110 Ma difference in age is correlated with the early East African Orogeny affecting the west of Madagascar along with its type area in East Africa, whereas the Cambrian Malagasy Orogeny affected the east of Madagascar and southern India during the final suturing of the Mozambique Ocean. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Dom Feliciano Belt, situated in southernmost Brazil and Uruguay, contains a large mass of granite-gneissic rocks (also known as Florianopolis/Pelotas Batholith) formed during the pre-, syn- and post-orogenic phases of the Brasiliano/Pan-African cycle. In the NE extreme of this granitic mass, pre-, syn- and post-tectonic granites associated with the Major Gercino Shear Zone (MGSZ) are exposed. The granitic manifestation along the MGSZ can be divided into pre-kinematic tonalitic gneisses, peraluminous high-K calcalkaline early kinematic shoshonitic, and metaluminous post-kinematic granites. U-Pb zircon data suggest an age of 649 +/- 10 Ma for the pre-tectonic gneisses, and a time span from 623 +/- 6 Ma to 588 +/- 3 Ma for the early to post-tectonic magmatism. Negative epsilon Hf (t) values ranging from -4.6 to -14.6 and Hf model ages ranging from 1.64 to 2.39 Ga for magmatic zircons coupled with whole rock Nd model ages ranging from 1.24 to 2.05 Ga and epsilon Nd (t) values ranging from -3.84 to -7.50, point to a crustal derivation for the granitic magmatism. The geochemical and isotope data support a continental magmatic arc generated from melting of dominant Paleoproterozoic crust, and a similar evolution for the granitic batholiths of the eastern Dom Feliciano Belt and western Kaoko Belt. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.