11 resultados para Formal Plant Breeding
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
The purpose of this article is to show how quantitative genetics has contributed to the huge genetic progress obtained in plant breeding in Brazil in the last forty years. The information obtained through quantitative genetics has given Brazilian breeders the possibility of responding to innumerable questions in their work in a much more informative way, such as the use or not of hybrid cultivars, which segregating population to use, which breeding method to employ, alternatives for improving the efficiency of selection programs, and how to handle the data of progeny and/or cultivars evaluations to identify the most stable ones and thus improve recommendations.
The success of agribusiness in Brazil in recent decades is unquestionable. Although the country has always had favorable conditions for agriculture (land, water and climate), this success has only come about recently, due to scientific research, which has resulted in considerable increases in yield and in improvement of product quality, as well as making the occupation of new agricultural frontiers possible. A decisive factor for development of agriculture in the country was the creation of EMBRAPA in 1973, which, in a few years, led to considerable demand for researchers with training in graduate programs. Among them are plant breeders, who came to exercise their activity throughout the country and in all ecosystems. The training of plant breeders was only possible because, as from the middle of the 1960s, the country began a wide-ranging education program, with the creation of several graduate programs in genetics and plant breeding.
The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and marker-assisted selection with a view to breeding programs have aroused great interest, including for cashew improvement. This study identified QTL for yield-related traits: nut weight, male and hermaphrodite flowers. The traits were evaluated in 71 F-1 genotypes of the cross CCP 1001 x CP 96. The methods of interval mapping and multiple QTL mapping were applied to identify QTL. Eleven QTL were detected: three for nut weight, four for male flowers and four for hermaphrodite flowers. The QTL accounted for 3.79 to 12.98 % of the total phenotypic variance and had phenotypic effects of -31.81 to 34.25 %. The potential for marker-assisted selection of the QTL hf-2f and hf-3m is great and the phenotypic effects and percentage of phenotypic variation higher than of the others.
The objective of this study was to compare the BLUP selection method with different selection strategies in F-2:4 and assess the efficiency of this method on the early choice of the best common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) lines. Fifty-one F-2:4 progenies were produced from a cross between the CVIII8511 x RP-26 lines. A randomized block design was used with 20 replications and one-plant field plots. Character data on plant architecture and grain yield were obtained and then the sum of the standardized variables was estimated for simultaneous selection of both traits. Analysis was carried out by mixed models (BLUP) and the least squares method to compare different selection strategies, like mass selection, stratified mass selection and between and within progeny selection. The progenies selected by BLUP were assessed in advanced generations, always selecting the greatest and smallest sum of the standardized variables. Analyses by the least squares method and BLUP procedure ranked the progenies in the same way. The coincidence of the individuals identified by BLUP and between and within progeny selection was high and of the greatest magnitude when BLUP was compared with mass selection. Although BLUP is the best estimator of genotypic value, its efficiency in the response to long term selection is not different from any of the other methods, because it is also unable to predict the future effect of the progenies x environments interaction. It was inferred that selection success will always depend on the most accurate possible progeny assessment and using alternatives to reduce the progenies x environments interaction effect.
Resistance of progenies of cacao to Ceratocystis wilt Seedlings from open-pollinated progenies of 20 clones of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) were inoculated with the fungus Ceratocystis cacaofunesta, the causal agent of Ceratocystis wilt, and their response was assessed based on the percentage of dead plants. Open pollinated progeny of clones TSH1188 and VB1151 were used as standards for resistance, while CCN51 and SJ02 for susceptibility. Contrasts between these benchmarks and the progenies studied were estimated and evaluated by Dunnett's t test (alpha = 0.05). The progenies showed different responses to C. cacaofunesta, and it was possible to classify them into three groups: resistant (FCB01, CSG70, BOBA01, VB902, TSH1188, VB1151, PS1319 and MAC01), moderately susceptible (HW25, PM02, FA13, PH15, M05 and BJ11) and susceptible (CCN51, FB206, PH16, SJ02, CCN10 and FSU77).
The purpose of this study was to investigate inbreeding depression (DE) in castor bean. From a population derived from the Guarani cultivar, 60 mother plants were sampled. Three types of progenies were obtained from each one: from self-pollination (AU), from crosses (CR) and from open pollination (PL). Grain yield of the progenies was evaluated in two locations. There was a strong interaction of progenies x locations, which led to obtaining estimates within each location. Broad variation was observed in inbreeding depression, with mean values of 6.7% and 13.4%, comparing AU progenies with PL progenies. It was observed that the population has high potential for selecting promising inbred lines. The frequency of mother plants generating progenies with simultaneous high general combination capacity and low inbreeding depression was low. Recurrent selection will increase the occurrence of parent plants associating these two properties, which is necessary for obtaining superior synthetic varieties.
Eficiência agrícola (EA) é utilizada como indicador do nível de desenvolvimento agrícola regional, expressando, por meio da relação entre as produtividades real e atingível, o nível tecnológico empregado nas culturas. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a EA das culturas da soja, do milho e do trigo para o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1980 e 2008, identificando os principais fatores que as condicionaram. A EA foi obtida pela relação entre a produtividade atingível (PA) e a real (PR). A PR foi obtida junto ao banco de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). A PA foi obtida pela estimativa da produtividade potencial (PPf), pelo método de Zona Agroecológica da FAO, deflacionada pelo déficit hídrico em cada uma das fases da cultura. Verificou-se que as EAs médias para as culturas do milho, da soja e do trigo para o RS foram iguais a 54, 61 e 43%, respectivamente. Nas localidades de Santa Rosa, São Borja e Veranópolis, a EA para a soja foi, ao contrário das demais localidades, negativa. Os principais fatores que contribuíram para o aumento da EA, na maioria das localidades, foram: mudanças no uso e fertilidade do solo; uso de mecanização agrícola; preços pagos pelas commodities; investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento; adoção do zoneamento de risco climático; e melhoramento genético.
Generation means was used to study the mode of inheritance of resistance to anthracnose stalk rot in tropical maize. Each population was comprised of six generations in two trials under a randomized block design. Inoculations were performed using a suspension of 105 conidia mL(-1) applied into the stalk. Internal lesion length was directly measured by opening the stalk thirty days after inoculation. Results indicated contrasting modes of inheritance. In one population, dominant gene effects predominated. Besides, additive x dominant and additive x additive interactions were also found. Intermediate values of heritability indicated a complex resistance inheritance probably conditioned by several genes of small effects. An additive-dominant genetic model sufficed to explain the variation in the second population, where additive gene effects predominated. Few genes of major effects control disease resistance in this cross. Heterosis widely differed between populations, which can be attributed to the genetic background of the parental resistant lines.
Correlações de Pearson e canônica entre componentes da matéria seca da forragem e sementes de azevém
O melhoramento genético de plantas forrageiras é fundamental para a intensificação da pecuária. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a correlação simples de Pearson entre os componentes produtivos da matéria seca da forragem e de sementes para genótipos de azevém. Cinco genótipos de azevém, cultivados em cinco datas de semeadura, com diferentes números de cortes (variando de um a quatro), foram usados no delineamento blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições em Santa Maria, RS. Pastagens de azevém com uma menor produtividade total de matéria seca, mas composta por uma quantidade maior de folhas e menor de colmo, com maior teor proteico e menor teor de fibra em detergente neutro determinam maior rendimento de sementes, comprimento de espigas e peso de mil sementes, e menor número de espigas. A associação entre componentes do rendimento da matéria seca e do rendimento de semente é critério de fundamental importância na seleção de genótipos para o azevém, pois o rendimento de sementes correlaciona-se positivamente com a produção de matéria seca de folhas, teor de proteína bruta, comprimento de espiga e peso de mil sementes.
A cebola é uma cultura de expressiva importância socioeconômica para o Brasil. Marcantes contribuições para o desenvolvimento da cultura têm sido feitas utilizando-se germoplasma de cebola adaptado às regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a diversidade genética existente em uma coleção de germoplasma potencialmente útil ao desenvolvimento de cultivares para essas regiões. Para isso, a variabilidade genética de um grupo de 21 acessos foi analisada via marcadores RAPD. Esses acessos ('Red Creole', 'Roxa IPA-3', 'Valenciana 14', 'Beta Cristal', 'Diamante', 'Composto IPA-6', 'Aurora', 'Bojuda Rio Grande', 'Alfa Tropical', 'Pêra IPA-4', 'Primavera', 'Belém IPA-9', 'Crioula Alto Vale', 'Conquista', 'Pira-Ouro', 'Vale-Ouro IPA-11', 'Franciscana IPA-10', 'Serrana', 'CNPH 6400', 'Petroline' e 'Baia Periforme') têm sido empregados como germoplasma e/ou foram desenvolvidos pelos programas de melhoramento genético de cebola conduzidos no Brasil. Dos 520 iniciadores ('primers') utilizados na triagem inicial, somente 38 confirmaram polimorfismos entre os 21 acessos. Esses 38 'primers' produziram 624 amplicons, dos quais 522 (83,7%) foram monomórficos e 102 (16,3%) polimórficos. Com base nos padrões revelados, seis grupos foram formados de acordo com a similaridade média global entre os acessos (= 0,72). Somente um desses seis grupos englobou mais de um acesso. O grupo principal (formado por 16 acessos) incluiu, predominantemente, as cultivares que apresentam no seu pedigree a contribuição de 'Baia Periforme' ('Diamante', 'Composto IPA-6', 'Aurora', 'Bojuda Rio Grande', 'Conquista', 'Pira-Ouro', 'Serrana', 'Vale-Ouro IPA-11', 'Baia Periforme', 'Primavera', 'Franciscana IPA-10', 'Belém IPA-9', 'Crioula Alto Vale', 'Petroline', 'Pêra IPA-4' e 'Alfa Tropical'). As cultivares 'Red Creole', 'Roxa IPA-3', 'Beta Cristal', 'CNPH 6400' e 'Valenciana 14' formaram agrupamentos isolados e distintos do grupo 'Baia Periforme', revelando, dessa forma, divergência genética entre essas cinco populações e o grupo principal. Verificou-se que os materiais estudados possuem base genética relativamente estreita, apresentando, em sua grande maioria origem na população 'Baia Periforme'. Existem, no entanto, alguns materiais divergentes, cuja diversidade pode ser explorada em programas de melhoramento.
The general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA), and heterosis were studied in a complete diallel cross among fresh market tomato breeding lines with reciprocal excluded. Fifteen genotypes (five parents and ten hybrids) were tested using a randomized complete block design, with three replications, and the experiments were conducted in Itatiba, São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2005/06. The yield components evaluated were fruit yield per plant (FP), fruit number per plant (FN), average fruit weight (FW); cluster number per plant (CN); fruit number per cluster (FC), fruit wall thickness (FT) and number of locules per fruit (NL). Fruit quality components evaluated were total soluble solids (SS); total titratable acidity (TA); SS/TA ratio, fruit length (FL); fruit width (WI); length to width ratio (FL/WI). The data for each trait was first subjected to analysis of variance. Griffing's method 2, model 1 was employed to estimate the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities. Parental and hybrid data for each trait were used to estimate of mid-parent heterosis. For plant fruit yield, IAC-2 was the best parental line with the highest GCA followed by IAC-4 and IAC-1 lines. The hybrids IAC-1 x IAC-2, IAC-1 x IAC-4 and IAC-2 x IAC-4 showed the highest effects of SCA. High heterotic responses were found for fruit yield and plant fruit number with values up to 49.72% and 47.19%, respectively. The best hybrids for fruit yield and plant fruit number were IAC-1 x IAC-2, IAC-1 x IAC-4 and IAC-2 x IAC-5, for fruit yield and plant fruit number, the main yield components.