em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
NOTES ON THE FREUDIAN CONCEPTION OF ANXIETY This article belongs to the field of history and epistemology of psychoanalysis, specifically to research on the conceptual genealogy pertaining to the construction of Freudian metapsychology of anguish. It aims to present the main arguments that allow us to discuss that theories contained in Freud's work on anxiety are not exclusive and may be considered, as a whole, a single explanatory model that would encompass the various stages of production on anxiety This paper intends to examine the barriers that can be seized in the Freudian formulations, under what is conceived, since Freud, as a "second theory of anxiety".
The process of metapsychologic concepts development in Freud`s works is not linear; on the contrary, it oscillates, with comings and goings, temporary abandonments, ambiguities, contradictions. Within key metapsychology concepts, the concept of superego is certainly complex and troublesome, for not only it holds many definitions but its scope is also wide. From clinic to metapsychology, going across the theory of culture, the superego plays a role in all aspects of psychoanalytic investigation, misunderstandings appearing quite frequently, therefore, among those who comment it. In addition to it, Freud himself was no faithful historian of his own concepts. The present paper proposes to undo a few ambiguities in what concerns the evolution process of ego conception, beginning from a fundamental metapsychologic problem, which is the remake of the notion of ego. We support that changes in the ego theory were crucial to the elaboration of conceptual basis of super-ego in its legislative function. We will see that the super-ego begins its story as a discreet tenant to the ego to become tyrannical and usurper, threatening the ego integrity.
Se a clássica definição do supereu como resultado do complexo de Édipo, apresentado em "O ego e o id" (Freud, 1923/1989), tem uma longa história, o que poderia ser dito sobre a definição segundo a qual o supereu é o herdeiro do isso e sub-rogado das pulsões de morte? Como harmonizar as duas teorias que definem o supereu como o herdeiro do complexo de Édipo e herdeiro do isso? Por meio de uma análise cuidadosa de três passagens de "O eu e o isso" (Freud, 1923/1989), argumenta-se que o conceito de agressão é capital para caracterizar o vínculo entre o supereu e as pulsões de morte. As pulsões de morte não apenas determinam o caráter imperativo do supereu, a sua tendência para atacar o eu, mas são igualmente responsáveis pelas variantes deste ataque - pressão, crítica, punição e destruição. Além disso, a ampliação da teoria da identificação, sua associação com o processo de desfusão pulsional e a hipótese do caráter originário dos investimentos de objeto no isso permitem a Freud unir, no supereu, um aspecto legislativo, decorrente de sua herança edipiana ao aspecto pulsional mortífero.