25 resultados para Endoscopia respiratória
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
INTRODUÇÃO: A granulomatose de Wegener (GW) é uma forma de vasculite sistêmica que envolve primariamente as vias aéreas superiores e inferiores e os rins. As manifestações mais frequentes nas vias aéreas são estenose subglótica e inflamações, estenoses da traqueia e dos brônquios. A visualização endoscópica das vias aéreas é a melhor ferramenta para avaliação, diagnóstico e manejo dessas alterações. OBJETIVOS: Descrever as alterações endoscópicas encontradas na mucosa das vias aéreas de um grupo de pacientes com GW submetido à broncoscopia no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP) e relatar as intervenções terapêuticas broncoscópicas utilizadas em alguns casos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 15 pacientes com diagnóstico de GW provenientes do Ambulatório de Vasculites da Disciplina de Pneumologia do HC-FMUSP, encaminhados para a realização de broncoscopia no serviço de Endoscopia Respiratória do HC-FMUSP no período de 2003 a 2007. RESULTADOS: Dos 15 pacientes avaliados, 11 eram mulheres (73,33%) com idade média de 34 ± 11,5 anos. Foram encontradas alterações das vias aéreas em 80% dos pacientes, e o achado endoscópico mais frequente foi estenose subglótica (n = 6). Realizou-se broncoscopia terapêutica em três pacientes com estenose subglótica e em outros três com estenose brônquica, todos apresentando bons resultados. CONCLUSÃO: A broncoscopia permite diagnóstico, acompanhamento e tratamento das lesões de vias aéreas na GW, constituindo-se um recurso terapêutico pouco invasivo em casos selecionados.
As malformações craniofaciais apresentam-se como alterações frequentes sendo as fissuras labiopalatinas mais comumente encontradas. Essa condição leva à ocorrência de infecções de vias aéreas superiores e broncopneumonias pois a comunicação entre a cavidade oral e nasal modifica toda depuração de vias aéreas. O Setor de Fisioterapia do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC/USP) atua em conjunto com a equipe multidisciplinar tanto no ambulatório quanto nas unidades de internação, onde realiza terapia respiratória para melhora do quadro clínico e condição cirúrgica desses pacientes. Diversas são as técnicas de fisioterapia respiratória utilizadas, sendo necessária uma modificação ou adaptação para melhor realização no paciente fissurado. Objetivo: Descrever e divulgar as rotinas de atendimento fisioterapêutico respiratório do Setor de Fisioterapia do HRAC/USP. Método: Baseado em um estudo descritivo da experiência clínica. Resultados: Realiza-se primeiramente uma anamnese, após verifica-se exames laboratoriais e de imagem seguindo para uma avaliação fisioterapêutica respiratória e assim são traçadas as condutas necessárias com o paciente. Na Unidade Ambulatorial foi observado que os pacientes ganham condição cirúrgica após realização de terapia respiratória pré operatória. Na Unidade de Internação a Fisioterapia auxilia na diminuição do tempo de hospitalização, orientando acompanhantes à continuidade do tratamento em casa. Conclusão: Acredita-se que o presente estudo possa contribuir para a divulgação da atuação do fisioterapeuta na assistência de pacientes com fissuras labiopalatinas.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a taxa de sucesso da broncoscopia flexível como primeira opção na remoção de corpos estranhos das vias aéreas em adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de todos os pacientes adultos (acima de 18 anos) com aspiração de corpo estranho submetidos a broncoscopia no Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, em São Paulo (SP). RESULTADOS: A amostra foi constituída por 40 pacientes adultos, com média de idade de 52 anos (variação: 18-88 anos). A mediana do tempo de permanência do corpo estranho na via aérea foi de 15 dias (variação: 12 h a 10 anos). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos primeiramente a broncoscopia flexível diagnóstica. A retirada do corpo estranho por meio de broncoscopia flexível foi bem-sucedida em 33 dos pacientes (82,5%). Em 1 paciente, um objeto metálico alojado na árvore brônquica distal requereu o uso de fluoroscopia. Seis pacientes (15%) foram submetidos a broncoscopia rígida devido a dispneia induzida por corpo estranho traqueal, em 2, e porque o corpo estranho era muito grande para as pinças flexíveis, em 4. A broncoscopia falhou em apenas 1 paciente, que portanto necessitou de broncotomia. CONCLUSÕES: Embora a broncoscopia rígida seja considerada o padrão ouro na remoção de corpos estranhos na via aérea, nossa experiência mostrou que a broncoscopia flexível pode ser utilizada segura e eficientemente no diagnóstico e tratamento de pacientes adultos estáveis.
Objective: To evaluate the association between Apgar scores of less than seven at five minutes (AS(5min) < 7) and antenatal factors and postnatal outcomes. Methods: A retrospective cohort and case-control study of 27,252 consecutive term newborns in a low risk obstetrical population between January 2003 and December 2010. Maternal and infant databases were reviewed from all cases with AS(5min) < 7 (n = 121; 0.4%) and 363 cases with AS(5min) >= 7 at 5 minutes who were randomly selected by a computer program. The main outcomes were neonatal death, newborn respiratory distress, need for orotracheal intubation and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy. Results: After multiple regression analysis, repeated late decelerations on cardiotocography (OR: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.4-4.1) and prolonged second stage of labor (OR: 3.3; 95% CI: 1.3-8.3) were associated with AS(5min) < 7, as well as neonatal respiratory distress (OR: 3.0; 95% CI: 1.3-6.9), orotracheal intubation (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.2-4.8), need for NICU (OR: 9.5; 95% CI: 6.7-16.8), and hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy (OR: 14.1; 95% CI: 3.6-54.7). No other antenatal factors were associated with AS(5min) < 7 (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Repeated late decelerations and prolonged second stage of labor in the low-risk population are predictors of AS(5min) < 7, a situation associated with increased risk of neonatal respiratory distress, need for mechanical ventilatory support and NICU, and hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy.
Background: The rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) is the most widely used index within intensive care units as a predictor of the outcome of weaning, but differences in measurement techniques have generated doubts about its predictive value. Objective: To investigate the influence of low levels of pressure support (PS) on the RSBI value of ill patients. Method: Prospective study including 30 patients on mechanical ventilation (MV) for 72 hours or more, ready for extubation. Prior to extubation, the RSBI was measured with the patient connected to the ventilator (Drager (TM) Evita XL) and receiving pressure support ventilation (PSV) and 5 cmH(2)O of positive end expiratory pressure or PEEP (RSBI_MIN) and then disconnected from the VM and connected to a Wright spirometer in which respiratory rate and exhaled tidal volume were recorded for 1 min (RSBI_ESP). Patients were divided into groups according to the outcome: successful extubation group (SG) and failed extubation group (FG). Results: Of the 30 patients, 11 (37%) failed the extubation process. In the within-group comparison (RSBI_MIN versus RSBI_ESP), the values for RSBI_MIN were lower in both groups: SG (34.79 +/- 4.67 and 60.95 +/- 24.64) and FG (38.64 +/- 12.31 and 80.09 +/- 20.71; p<0.05). In the between-group comparison, there was no difference in RSBI_MIN (34.79 +/- 14.67 and 38.64 +/- 12.31), however RSBI_ESP was higher in patients with extubation failure: SG (60.95 +/- 24.64) and FG (80.09 +/- 20.71; p<0.05). Conclusion: In critically ill patients on MV for more than 72h, low levels of PS overestimate the RSBI, and the index needs to be measured with the patient breathing spontaneously without the aid of pressure support.
Objectives: Cardiac surgery (CC) determines systemic and pulmonary changes that require special care. What motivated several studies conducted in healthy subjects to assess muscle strength were the awareness of the importance of respiratory muscle dysfunction in the development of respiratory failure. These studies used maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) values. This study examined the concordance between the values predicted by the equations proposed by Black & Hyatt and Neder, and the measured values in cardiac surgery (CS) patients. Methods: Data were collected from preoperative evaluation forms. The Lin coefficient and Bland-Altman plots were used for statistical concordance analysis. The multiple linear regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to produce new formulas. Results: There were weak correlations of 0.22 and 0.19 in the MIP analysis and of 0.10 and 0.32 in the MEP analysis, for the formulas of Black & Hyatt and Neder, respectively. The ANOVA for both MIP and MEP were significant (P <0.0001), and the following formulas were developed: MIP = 88.82 - (0.51 x age) + (19.86 x gender), and MEP = 91.36 -(030 x age) + (29.92 x gender). Conclusions: The Black and Hyatt and Neder formulas predict highly discrepant values of MIP and MEP and should not be used to identify muscle weakness in CS patients.
Background: Advances in information technology have been widely used in teaching health care professionals. The use of multimedia resources may be important for clinical learning and we are not aware of previous reports using such technology in respiratory physical therapy education. Objectives: Our approach was to evaluate a conventional bronchial hygiene techniques (BHTs) course with an interactive online environment, including multimedia resources. Methods: Previous developed audiovisual support material comprised: physiology, physiopathology and BHTs, accessible to students through the Internet in conjunction with BHTs classes. Two groups of students were compared and both attended regular classes: the on-line group (n=8) received access to online resources, while the control group (n=8) received conventional written material. Student's performance was evaluated before and after the course. Results: A preliminary test (score 0 to 10) was applied before the beginning of the course, showing that the initial knowledge of both groups was comparable [online, 6.75 (SD=0.88) vs. control, 6.125 (SD=1.35); p>0.05]. Two weeks after the end of the course, a second test showed that the online group performed significantly better than the control group [respectively, 7.75 (SD=1.28) vs. 5.93 (SD=0.72); p>0.05]. Conclusions: The use of a multimedia online resource had a positive impact on student's learning in respiratory therapy field in which instrumental and manual resources are often used and can be explored using this technology.
Avaliaram-se, durante 60 minutos, 10 bovinos após administração intravenosa de 0,1mg.kg-1 de xilazina ou 10μg.kg-1 de detomidina, quanto às frequências cardíaca e respiratória, movimentos ruminais, pressão arterial média, temperatura retal e respostas comportamentais como ataxia ou decúbito, ptose palpebral, estado de alerta ou sedação e redução da altura da cabeça em relação ao solo, além da presença de salivação, micção e concentração sanguínea de glicose. Observou-se que a xilazina, via intravenosa, em bovinos, ao mesmo tempo que promove sedação mais intensa e prolongada que a detomidina, induz a uma maior quantidade de efeitos indesejáveis, como salivação e decúbito, e redução das frequências cardíaca e respiratória, da pressão arterial média, da motilidade ruminal e da temperatura, sendo estas alterações mais prolongadas. Conclui-se que a detomidina pode ser utilizada com segurança em bovinos na dose de 10μg.kg-1, promovendo sedação e permanência do animal em posição quadrupedal.
FUNDAMENTO: pacientes com valvopatia mitral podem evoluir com congestão pulmonar, que aumenta o trabalho dos músculos respiratórios; essa sobrecarga pode alterar o padrão respiratório com predomínio do deslocamento torácico ou presença de movimentos paradoxais. OBJETIVO: a) estudar o padrão respiratório e movimento toracoabdominal (MTA) em pacientes com doença mitral b) estudar o efeito do posicionamento nos parâmetros respiratórios c) correlacionar hipertensão pulmonar com presença de incoordenação do MTA. MÉTODOS: o padrão respiratório e o MTA de pacientes com doença mitral foram avaliados por pletismografia respiratória por indutância, nas posições dorsal e sentada, durante dois minutos de respiração tranquila. Analisou-se volume corrente (Vc) e tempos respiratórios e as variáveis do MTA. RESULTADOS: de 65 pacientes incluídos, 10 foram retirados, 29 participaram do grupo estenose mitral e 26 do grupo insuficiência mitral. O Vc, a ventilação pulmonar e o fluxo inspiratório médio aumentaram significantemente na posição sentada, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O MTA manteve-se coordenado entre os grupos e as posições; no entanto, cinco pacientes na posição dorsal apresentaram incoordenação (três no grupo estenose mitral; dois no grupo insuficiência mitral) com correlação significante com valores de pressão de artéria pulmonar (r = 0,992, p = 0,007). CONCLUSÃO: o padrão respiratório e o MTA não apresentam diferenças entre pacientes com estenose ou insuficiência mitral. A posição sentada aumenta o Vc sem alterar os tempos respiratórios. A presença de incoordenação toracoabdominal na posição dorsal esteve associação à hipertensão pulmonar.
CONTEXT: About 9% of the Brazilian population has gallstones and the incidence increases significantly with aging. The choledocholithiasis is found around 15% of these patients, and a third to half of these cases presented as asymptomatic. Once the lithiasis in the common bile duct is characterized through intraoperative cholangiography, the laparoscopic surgical exploration can be done through the transcystic way or directly through choledochotomy. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results and outcomes of the laparoscopic treatment of common bile duct lithiasis. METHODS: Seventy consecutive patients were evaluated. They prospectively underwent the treatment of the lithiasis in the common bile duct and the exploration ways were compared according to the following parameters: criteria on their indication, success in the clearance, surgical complications. It was verified that about ½ of the choledocholithiasis carriers did not show any expression of predictive factors (clinical antecedents of jaundice and/or acute pancreatitis, compatible sonographic data and the pertaining lab tests). The laparoscopic exploration through the transcystic way is favored when there are no criteria for the practice of primary choledochotomy, which are: lithiasis in the proximal bile duct, large (over 8 mm) or numerous calculi (multiple calculosis). RESULTS: The transcystic way was employed in about 50% of the casuistic and the choledochotomy in about 30%. A high success rate (around 80%) was achieved in the clearance of the common bile duct stones through laparoscopic exploration. The transcystic way, performed without fluoroscopy or choledochoscopy, attained a low rate of success (around 45%), being 10% of those by transpapilar pushing of calculi less than 3 mm. The exploration through choledochotomy, either primary or secondary, if the latter was performed after the transcystic route failure, showed high success rate (around 95%). When the indication to choledochotomy was primary, the necessity for choledochoscopy through choledochotomy to help in the removal of the calculi was 55%. However, when choledochotomy was performed secondarily, in situations where the common bile duct diameter was larger than 6 mm, the use of choledochoscopy with the same purpose involved about 20% of the cases. There was no mortality in this series. CONCLUSION: The laparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct was related to a low rate of morbidity. Therefore, the use of laparoscopy for the treatment of the lithiasis in the common bile duct depends on the criteria for the choice of the best access, making it a safe procedure with very good results.
CONTEXT: Stroke is a frequent cause of dysphagia. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate in a tertiary care hospital the prevalence of swallowing dysfunction in stroke patients, to analyze factors associated with the dysfunction and to relate swallowing dysfunction to mortality 3 months after the stroke. METHODS: Clinical evaluation of deglutition was performed in 212 consecutive patients with a medical and radiologic diagnosis of stroke. The occurrence of death was determined 3 months after the stroke. RESULTS: It was observed that 63% of the patients had swallowing dysfunction. The variables gender and specific location of the lesion were not associated with the presence or absence of swallowing dysfunction. The patients with swallowing dysfunction had more frequently a previous stroke, had a stroke in the left hemisphere, motor and/or sensitivity alterations, difficulty in oral comprehension, alteration of oral expression, alteration of the level of consciousness, complications such as fever and pneumonia, high indexes on the Rankin scale, and low indexes on the Barthel scale. These patients had a higher mortality rate. CONCLUSIONS: Swallowing evaluation should be done in all patients with stroke, since swallowing dysfunction is associated with complications and an increased risk of death.
CONTEXT: Orthotopic liver transplantation is an excellent treatment approach for hepatocellular carcinoma in well-selected candidates. Nowadays some institutions tend to Expand the Milan Criteria including tumor with more than 5 cm and also associate with multiple tumors none larger than 3 cm in order to benefit more patients with the orthotopic liver transplantation. METHODS: The data collected were based on the online database PubMED. The key words applied on the search were "expanded Milan criteria" limited to the period from 2000 to 2009. We excluded 19 papers due to: irrelevance of the subject, lack of information and incompatibility of the language (English only). We compiled patient survival and tumor recurrence free rate from 1 to 5-years in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma submitted to orthotopic liver transplantation according to expanded the Milan criteria from different centers. RESULTS: Review compiled data from 23 articles. Fourteen different criteria were found and they are also described in detail, however the University of California - San Francisco was the most studied one among them. CONCLUSION: Expanded the Milan criteria is a useful attempt for widening the preexistent protocol for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in waiting-list for orthotopic liver transplantation. However there is no significant difference in patient survival rate and tumor recurrence free rate from those patients that followed the Milan criteria.
CONTEXT: Failure of a colorectal anastomosis represents a life-threatening complication of colorectal surgery. Splenic flexure mobilization may contribute to reduce the occurrence of anastomotic complications due to technical flaws. There are no published reports measuring the impact of splenic flexure mobilization on the length of mobilized colon viable to construct a safe colorectal anastomosis. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of two techniques for splenic flexure mobilization on colon lengthening during open left-sided colon surgery using a cadaver model. DESIGN: Anatomical dissections for left colectomy and colorectal anastomosis at the sacral promontory level were conducted in 20 fresh cadavers by the same team of four surgeons. The effect of partial and full splenic flexure mobilization on the extent of mobilized left colon segment was determined. SETTING: University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Tertiary medical institution and university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: A team of four surgeons operated on 20 fresh cadavers. RESULTS: The length of resected left colon enabling a tension-free colorectal anastomosis at the level of sacral promontory achieved without mobilizing the splenic flexure was 46.3 (35-81) cm. After partial mobilization of the splenic flexure, an additionally mobilized colon segment measuring 10.7 (2-30) cm was obtained. After full mobilization of the distal transverse colon, a mean 28.3 (10-65) cm segment was achieved. CONCLUSION: Splenic flexure mobilization techniques are associated to effective left colon lengthening for colorectal anastomosis. This result may contribute to decision-making during rectal surgery and low colorectal and coloanal anastomosis.